fr: update translist.
[enc.git] / fr / kitchen / color-wdiff
1 #!/bin/bash
3 # color-wdiff visualizes the differences between 2 versions of the same page.
4 # This script was extracted from GNUN's GNUmakefile (function "mark-outdated")
5 # and adapted. GNUN ( is under GPLv3.
7 # Howto:
8 # - The script is in [...]/enc/fr/kitchen.
9 # - cd to that directory and run:
10 # ./color-wdiff FILE1 FILE2
11 # (FILE1 and FILE2 are the paths to the files to be compared.)
12 # - The diff file is created in the directory where FILE1 resides.
13 #
14 # For example, compare old and new versions of index.t.html:
15 # ./color-diff index.t.html index-new.t.html
17 # Note: the diff is much easier to use if the HTML is not indented.
18 # Reformatting is done by the function "page_reformat", which leaves the
19 # original page intact.
22 file=$1
23 file1=$2
24 diff_file=${file%.html}-diff.html
26 page_reformat () {
27 #reformats the original pages of
29 cp $1 $1.tmp
31 # Remove javascript, which shouldn't be reformatted.
32 sed -i '/jquery-1.11.0.min.js/,$d' $1.tmp
34 # Remove leading and trailing spaces/tabs.
35 sed -i 's,\t, ,g' $1.tmp
36 sed -i 's,^ *,,' $1.tmp
37 sed -i 's, *$,,' $1.tmp
39 # Remove LF after </a>.
40 sed -i '/<\/a>$/ {N; s,<\/a>\n\([^<]\),<\/a>\1,}' $1.tmp
42 # One string per paragraph, header or list item.
43 for tag in li p strong a h3; do
44 sed -i "/<$tag[^>]*>$/ {N; s,\\n, ,}" $1.tmp
45 done
46 for tag in a strong; do
47 sed -i "/<\\/$tag>$/ {N; s,\\n, ,}" $1.tmp
48 done
49 # This command may need to be repeated. Adjust the number of repeats. This
50 # could be done by looping back to a sed marker, but a while loop seems
51 # quicker.
52 i=0
53 while (( i < 2 )); do
54 sed -i '/[^<>]$/ {N; s,\([^<>]\)\n,\1 ,}' $1.tmp
55 let i=i+1
56 done
58 sed -i '/ \/>$/ {N; s,\( \/>\)\n,\1 ,}' $1.tmp
59 sed -i '/ <a[^>]*>$/ {N; s,\(<a[^>]*>\)\n\([^<]\),\1 \2,}' $1.tmp
61 # Make sure there is only one paragraph per string. This command may need to
62 # be repeated. Adjust the number of repeats.
63 i=0
64 while (( i < 2 )); do
65 sed -i 's,</p>\(.\+\)$,</p>\n\1,' $1.tmp
66 let i=i+1
67 done
69 # Single out the tags which include p (will also work for pre).
70 sed -i 's,\(.\)<p,\1\n<p,' $1.tmp
72 # Single-out input meta and link.
73 for tag in input meta link link; do
74 sed -i "s,> <$tag,>\n<$tag," $1.tmp
75 done
76 # Remove leading and trailing spaces, double spaces and blank lines.
77 sed -i 's,^ *,,' $1.tmp
78 sed -i 's, *$,,' $1.tmp
79 sed -i 's, , ,g' $1.tmp
80 sed -i '/^$/d' $1.tmp
82 # Fuse comment with </p>.
83 sed -i '/<\/p>$/ {N;s,\n\(<!-- [^~]\),\1,}' $1.tmp
85 # Separate truncated "~~~" comment from fused tag.
86 sed -i 's,~~~[ ]\?[-]\?[-]\?[ ]\?<,~~~\n<,' $1.tmp
88 # Fuse header, section and footer with the corresponding div.
89 for tag in header section footer; do
90 sed -i "/^<$tag/ {N; s,\\(<$tag[^>]*>\\)\\n<div>,\\1<div>,}" $1.tmp
91 sed -i "/^<\\/div>$/ {N; s,<\\/div>\\n\\(<\\/$tag>\\),</div>\\1,}" $1.tmp
92 done
94 # Add LF before main sections and commented-out parts.
95 sed -i 's,<!-- ~~,\n<!-- ~~,' $1.tmp
96 sed -i '/COMMENTED OUT/ s,^,\n,' $1.tmp
98 # Make the text more readable.
99 for tag in p h1 h2 h3 h4 dl title form; do
100 sed -i "s,<$tag,\\n&," $1.tmp
101 done
102 for tag in p dl ul h1 h2 h3 h4 title head footer form script; do
103 sed -i "/<\\/$tag>/s,$,\\n," $1.tmp
104 done
105 sed -i '/<\/dd>/ {N; s,</dd>\n<dt,</dd>\n\n<dt,}' $1.tmp
106 sed -i '/<\/dt>/ {N; s,</dt>\n<dd,</dt>\n\n<dd,}' $1.tmp
107 sed -i 's,</p></span>$,</p>\n</span>,' $1.tmp
109 sed -i 's, alt=,\nalt=,g' $1.tmp
110 sed -i 's, | , |\n,g' $1.tmp
112 # Remove extra LFs, if any.
113 sed -i ':a /^$/ {N; s,\n$,,; ba}' $1.tmp
114 sed -i ':a /^\n*$/ {$d; N; ba}' $1.tmp
116 # Wrap the text.
117 fmt -s -w 95 $1.tmp > $1.r
118 }
121 page_reformat ${file}
122 # Replace chevrons with HTML entities; the files are treated as simple text.
123 sed "s/</\&lt;/g;s/>/\&gt;/g" ${file}.r > ${file}.tmp
124 page_reformat ${file1}
125 sed "s/</\&lt;/g;s/>/\&gt;/g" ${file1}.r > ${file1}.tmp
127 # Add an HTML header to the wdiff output, with style for visualizing the
128 # insertions and deletions, and write the title of the page.
129 cat > ${diff_file} << EOF
130 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
131 "">
132 <!-- Generated by GNUN -->
133 <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
134 <head>
135 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
136 <title>${diff_file##*\/}</title>
137 <style type="text/css">
138 span.removed { background-color: #f22; color: #000; }
139 span.inserted { background-color: #2f2; color: #000; }
140 </style></head>
141 <body><pre>
142 EOF
144 # Run wdiff with options to add the proper markup at the beginning and end of
145 # deletions and insertions.
146 wdiff --start-delete '<span class="removed"><del><strong>' \
147 --end-delete '</strong></del></span>' \
148 --start-insert '<span class="inserted"><ins><em>' \
149 --end-insert '</em></ins></span>' \
150 ${file}.tmp ${file1}.tmp >> $diff_file
152 # Add the closing tags.
153 echo '</pre></body></html>' >> $diff_file
155 # Clean up.
156 rm -f ${file}.tmp ${file1}.tmp ${file}.r ${file1}.r