updated weblabels for member forum
[weblabels.fsf.org.git] / forum.members.fsf.org / CURRENT / files / client.en.yml
1 en:
2 js:
3 number:
4 format:
5 # symbol used to separate the integer part from the fractional part of a number
6 separator: "."
7 # symbol for the thousands separator used in digit grouping
8 delimiter: ","
9 human:
10 storage_units:
11 format: "%n %u"
12 units:
13 byte:
14 one: Byte
15 other: Bytes
16 gb: GB
17 kb: KB
18 mb: MB
19 tb: TB
20 short:
21 thousands: "%{number}k"
22 millions: "%{number}M"
23 dates:
24 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
25 time: "HH:mm"
26 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
27 time_with_zone: "HH:mm (z)"
28 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
29 time_short_day: "ddd, HH:mm"
30 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
31 timeline_date: "MMM YYYY"
32 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
33 long_no_year: "D MMM, HH:mm"
34 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
35 long_no_year_no_time: "D MMM"
36 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
37 full_no_year_no_time: "Do MMMM"
38 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
39 long_with_year: "D MMM YYYY HH:mm"
40 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
41 long_with_year_no_time: "D MMM YYYY"
42 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
43 full_with_year_no_time: "D MMMM YYYY"
44 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
45 long_date_with_year: "D MMM 'YY LT"
46 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
47 long_date_without_year: "D MMM LT"
48 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
49 long_date_with_year_without_time: "D MMM 'YY"
50 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
51 long_date_without_year_with_linebreak: "D MMM <br/>LT"
52 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
53 long_date_with_year_with_linebreak: "D MMM 'YY <br/>LT"
55 wrap_ago: "%{date} ago"
57 tiny:
58 half_a_minute: "< 1m"
59 less_than_x_seconds:
60 one: "< %{count}s"
61 other: "< %{count}s"
62 x_seconds:
63 one: "%{count}s"
64 other: "%{count}s"
65 less_than_x_minutes:
66 one: "< %{count}m"
67 other: "< %{count}m"
68 x_minutes:
69 one: "%{count}m"
70 other: "%{count}m"
71 about_x_hours:
72 one: "%{count}h"
73 other: "%{count}h"
74 x_days:
75 one: "%{count}d"
76 other: "%{count}d"
77 x_months:
78 one: "%{count}mon"
79 other: "%{count}mon"
80 about_x_years:
81 one: "%{count}y"
82 other: "%{count}y"
83 over_x_years:
84 one: "> %{count}y"
85 other: "> %{count}y"
86 almost_x_years:
87 one: "%{count}y"
88 other: "%{count}y"
89 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
90 date_month: "D MMM"
91 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
92 date_year: "MMM 'YY"
93 medium:
94 x_minutes:
95 one: "%{count} min"
96 other: "%{count} mins"
97 x_hours:
98 one: "%{count} hour"
99 other: "%{count} hours"
100 x_days:
101 one: "%{count} day"
102 other: "%{count} days"
103 # Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
104 date_year: "D MMM 'YY"
105 medium_with_ago:
106 x_minutes:
107 one: "%{count} min ago"
108 other: "%{count} mins ago"
109 x_hours:
110 one: "%{count} hour ago"
111 other: "%{count} hours ago"
112 x_days:
113 one: "%{count} day ago"
114 other: "%{count} days ago"
115 x_months:
116 one: "%{count} month ago"
117 other: "%{count} months ago"
118 x_years:
119 one: "%{count} year ago"
120 other: "%{count} years ago"
121 later:
122 x_days:
123 one: "%{count} day later"
124 other: "%{count} days later"
125 x_months:
126 one: "%{count} month later"
127 other: "%{count} months later"
128 x_years:
129 one: "%{count} year later"
130 other: "%{count} years later"
131 previous_month: "Previous Month"
132 next_month: "Next Month"
133 placeholder: date
134 share:
135 topic_html: 'Topic: <span class="topic-title">%{topicTitle}</span>'
136 post: "post #%{postNumber}"
137 close: "close"
138 twitter: "Share on Twitter"
139 facebook: "Share on Facebook"
140 email: "Send via email"
141 url: "Copy and share URL"
143 action_codes:
144 public_topic: "made this topic public %{when}"
145 private_topic: "made this topic a personal message %{when}"
146 split_topic: "split this topic %{when}"
147 invited_user: "invited %{who} %{when}"
148 invited_group: "invited %{who} %{when}"
149 user_left: "%{who} removed themselves from this message %{when}"
150 removed_user: "removed %{who} %{when}"
151 removed_group: "removed %{who} %{when}"
152 autobumped: "automatically bumped %{when}"
153 autoclosed:
154 enabled: "closed %{when}"
155 disabled: "opened %{when}"
156 closed:
157 enabled: "closed %{when}"
158 disabled: "opened %{when}"
159 archived:
160 enabled: "archived %{when}"
161 disabled: "unarchived %{when}"
162 pinned:
163 enabled: "pinned %{when}"
164 disabled: "unpinned %{when}"
165 pinned_globally:
166 enabled: "pinned globally %{when}"
167 disabled: "unpinned %{when}"
168 visible:
169 enabled: "listed %{when}"
170 disabled: "unlisted %{when}"
171 banner:
172 enabled: "made this a banner %{when}. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user."
173 disabled: "removed this banner %{when}. It will no longer appear at the top of every page."
174 forwarded: "forwarded the above email"
176 topic_admin_menu: "topic actions"
178 wizard_required: "Welcome to your new Discourse! Let’s get started with <a href='%{url}' data-auto-route='true'>the setup wizard</a> ✨"
179 emails_are_disabled: "All outgoing email has been globally disabled by an administrator. No email notifications of any kind will be sent."
181 bootstrap_mode_enabled:
182 one: "To make launching your new site easier, you are in bootstrap mode. All new users will be granted trust level 1 and have daily email summary emails enabled. This will be automatically turned off when %{count} user has joined."
183 other: "To make launching your new site easier, you are in bootstrap mode. All new users will be granted trust level 1 and have daily email summary emails enabled. This will be automatically turned off when %{count} users have joined."
184 bootstrap_mode_disabled: "Bootstrap mode will be disabled within 24 hours."
186 themes:
187 default_description: "Default"
188 broken_theme_alert: "Your site may not work because theme / component %{theme} has errors. Disable it at %{path}."
190 s3:
191 regions:
192 ap_northeast_1: "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
193 ap_northeast_2: "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
194 ap_south_1: "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)"
195 ap_southeast_1: "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
196 ap_southeast_2: "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
197 ca_central_1: "Canada (Central)"
198 cn_north_1: "China (Beijing)"
199 cn_northwest_1: "China (Ningxia)"
200 eu_central_1: "EU (Frankfurt)"
201 eu_north_1: "EU (Stockholm)"
202 eu_west_1: "EU (Ireland)"
203 eu_west_2: "EU (London)"
204 eu_west_3: "EU (Paris)"
205 sa_east_1: "South America (São Paulo)"
206 us_east_1: "US East (N. Virginia)"
207 us_east_2: "US East (Ohio)"
208 us_gov_east_1: "AWS GovCloud (US-East)"
209 us_gov_west_1: "AWS GovCloud (US-West)"
210 us_west_1: "US West (N. California)"
211 us_west_2: "US West (Oregon)"
213 edit: "edit the title and category of this topic"
214 expand: "Expand"
215 not_implemented: "That feature hasn't been implemented yet, sorry!"
216 no_value: "No"
217 yes_value: "Yes"
218 submit: "Submit"
219 generic_error: "Sorry, an error has occurred."
220 generic_error_with_reason: "An error occurred: %{error}"
221 go_ahead: "Go ahead"
222 sign_up: "Sign Up"
223 log_in: "Log In"
224 age: "Age"
225 joined: "Joined"
226 admin_title: "Admin"
227 show_more: "show more"
228 show_help: "options"
229 links: "Links"
230 links_lowercase:
231 one: "link"
232 other: "links"
233 faq: "FAQ"
234 guidelines: "Guidelines"
235 privacy_policy: "Privacy Policy"
236 privacy: "Privacy"
237 tos: "Terms of Service"
238 rules: "Rules"
239 conduct: "Code of Conduct"
240 mobile_view: "Mobile View"
241 desktop_view: "Desktop View"
242 you: "You"
243 or: "or"
244 now: "just now"
245 read_more: "read more"
246 more: "More"
247 less: "Less"
248 never: "never"
249 every_30_minutes: "every 30 minutes"
250 every_hour: "every hour"
251 daily: "daily"
252 weekly: "weekly"
253 every_month: "every month"
254 every_six_months: "every six months"
255 max_of_count: "max of %{count}"
256 alternation: "or"
257 character_count:
258 one: "%{count} character"
259 other: "%{count} characters"
261 related_messages:
262 title: "Related Messages"
263 see_all: 'See <a href="%{path}">all messages</a> from @%{username}...'
265 suggested_topics:
266 title: "Suggested Topics"
267 pm_title: "Suggested Messages"
269 about:
270 simple_title: "About"
271 title: "About %{title}"
272 stats: "Site Statistics"
273 our_admins: "Our Admins"
274 our_moderators: "Our Moderators"
275 moderators: "Moderators"
276 stat:
277 all_time: "All Time"
278 last_7_days: "Last 7"
279 last_30_days: "Last 30"
280 like_count: "Likes"
281 topic_count: "Topics"
282 post_count: "Posts"
283 user_count: "Users"
284 active_user_count: "Active Users"
285 contact: "Contact Us"
286 contact_info: "In the event of a critical issue or urgent matter affecting this site, please contact us at %{contact_info}."
288 bookmarked:
289 title: "Bookmark"
290 clear_bookmarks: "Clear Bookmarks"
291 help:
292 bookmark: "Click to bookmark the first post on this topic"
293 unbookmark: "Click to remove all bookmarks in this topic"
294 unbookmark_with_reminder: "Click to remove all bookmarks and reminders in this topic. You have a reminder set %{reminder_at} for this topic."
297 created: "You've bookmarked this post. %{name}"
298 not_bookmarked: "bookmark this post"
299 created_with_reminder: "You've bookmarked this post with a reminder %{date}. %{name}"
300 remove: "Remove Bookmark"
301 delete: "Delete Bookmark"
302 confirm_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete this bookmark? The reminder will also be deleted."
303 confirm_clear: "Are you sure you want to clear all your bookmarks from this topic?"
304 save: "Save"
305 no_timezone: 'You have not set a timezone yet. You will not be able to set reminders. Set one up <a href="%{basePath}/my/preferences/profile">in your profile</a>.'
306 invalid_custom_datetime: "The date and time you provided is invalid, please try again."
307 list_permission_denied: "You do not have permission to view this user's bookmarks."
308 no_user_bookmarks: "You have no bookmarked posts; bookmarks allow you to quickly refer to specific posts."
309 auto_delete_preference:
310 label: "Automatically delete"
311 never: "Never"
312 when_reminder_sent: "Once the reminder is sent"
313 on_owner_reply: "After I reply to this topic"
314 search_placeholder: "Search bookmarks by name, topic title, or post content"
315 search: "Search"
316 reminders:
317 later_today: "Later today"
318 next_business_day: "Next business day"
319 tomorrow: "Tomorrow"
320 next_week: "Next week"
321 post_local_date: "Date in post"
322 later_this_week: "Later this week"
323 start_of_next_business_week: "Monday"
324 start_of_next_business_week_alt: "Next Monday"
325 next_month: "Next month"
326 custom: "Custom date and time"
327 last_custom: "Last"
328 none: "No reminder needed"
329 today_with_time: "today at %{time}"
330 tomorrow_with_time: "tomorrow at %{time}"
331 at_time: "at %{date_time}"
332 existing_reminder: "You have a reminder set for this bookmark which will be sent %{at_date_time}"
334 copy_codeblock:
335 copied: "copied!"
337 drafts:
338 resume: "Resume"
339 remove: "Remove"
340 remove_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this draft?"
341 new_topic: "New topic draft"
342 new_private_message: "New private message draft"
343 topic_reply: "Draft reply"
344 abandon:
345 confirm: "You already opened another draft in this topic. Are you sure you want to abandon it?"
346 yes_value: "Yes, abandon"
347 no_value: "No, keep"
349 topic_count_latest:
350 one: "See %{count} new or updated topic"
351 other: "See %{count} new or updated topics"
353 topic_count_unread:
354 one: "See %{count} unread topic"
355 other: "See %{count} unread topics"
357 topic_count_new:
358 one: "See %{count} new topic"
359 other: "See %{count} new topics"
361 preview: "preview"
362 cancel: "cancel"
364 deleting: "Deleting..."
366 save: "Save Changes"
367 saving: "Saving..."
368 saved: "Saved!"
370 upload: "Upload"
371 uploading: "Uploading..."
372 uploading_filename: "Uploading: %{filename}..."
373 clipboard: "clipboard"
374 uploaded: "Uploaded!"
376 pasting: "Pasting..."
378 enable: "Enable"
379 disable: "Disable"
380 continue: "Continue"
381 undo: "Undo"
382 revert: "Revert"
383 failed: "Failed"
385 switch_to_anon: "Enter Anonymous Mode"
386 switch_from_anon: "Exit Anonymous Mode"
388 banner:
389 close: "Dismiss this banner."
390 edit: "Edit this banner >>"
392 pwa:
393 install_banner: "Do you want to <a href>install %{title} on this device?</a>"
395 choose_topic:
396 none_found: "No topics found."
397 title:
398 search: "Search for a Topic"
399 placeholder: "type the topic title, url or id here"
401 choose_message:
402 none_found: "No messages found."
403 title:
404 search: "Search for a Message"
405 placeholder: "type the message title, url or id here"
407 review:
408 order_by: "Order by"
409 in_reply_to: "in reply to"
410 explain:
411 why: "explain why this item ended up in the queue"
412 title: "Reviewable Scoring"
413 formula: "Formula"
414 subtotal: "Subtotal"
415 total: "Total"
416 min_score_visibility: "Minimum Score for Visibility"
417 score_to_hide: "Score to Hide Post"
418 take_action_bonus:
419 name: "took action"
420 title: "When a staff member chooses to take action the flag is given a bonus."
421 user_accuracy_bonus:
422 name: "user accuracy"
423 title: "Users whose flags have been historically agreed with are given a bonus."
424 trust_level_bonus:
425 name: "trust level"
426 title: "Reviewable items created by higher trust level users have a higher score."
427 type_bonus:
428 name: "type bonus"
429 title: "Certain reviewable types can be assigned a bonus by staff to make them a higher priority."
430 claim_help:
431 optional: "You can claim this item to prevent others from reviewing it."
432 required: "You must claim items before you can review them."
433 claimed_by_you: "You've claimed this item and can review it."
434 claimed_by_other: "This item can only be reviewed by <b>%{username}</b>."
435 claim:
436 title: "claim this topic"
437 unclaim:
438 help: "remove this claim"
439 awaiting_approval: "Awaiting Approval"
440 delete: "Delete"
441 settings:
442 saved: "Saved"
443 save_changes: "Save Changes"
444 title: "Settings"
445 priorities:
446 title: "Reviewable Priorities"
448 moderation_history: "Moderation History"
449 view_all: "View All"
450 grouped_by_topic: "Grouped by Topic"
451 none: "There are no items to review."
452 view_pending: "view pending"
453 topic_has_pending:
454 one: "This topic has <b>%{count}</b> post pending approval"
455 other: "This topic has <b>%{count}</b> posts pending approval"
456 title: "Review"
457 topic: "Topic:"
458 filtered_topic: "You have filtered to reviewable content in a single topic."
459 filtered_user: "User"
460 filtered_reviewed_by: "Reviewed By"
461 show_all_topics: "show all topics"
462 deleted_post: "(post deleted)"
463 deleted_user: "(user deleted)"
464 user:
465 bio: "Bio"
466 website: "Website"
467 username: "Username"
468 email: "Email"
469 name: "Name"
470 fields: "Fields"
472 user_percentage:
473 summary:
474 one: "%{agreed}, %{disagreed}, %{ignored} (of last flag)"
475 other: "%{agreed}, %{disagreed}, %{ignored} (of last %{count} flags)"
476 agreed:
477 one: "%{count}% agree"
478 other: "%{count}% agree"
479 disagreed:
480 one: "%{count}% disagree"
481 other: "%{count}% disagree"
482 ignored:
483 one: "%{count}% ignore"
484 other: "%{count}% ignore"
485 topics:
486 topic: "Topic"
487 reviewable_count: "Count"
488 reported_by: "Reported by"
489 deleted: "[Topic Deleted]"
490 original: "(original topic)"
491 details: "details"
492 unique_users:
493 one: "%{count} user"
494 other: "%{count} users"
495 replies:
496 one: "%{count} reply"
497 other: "%{count} replies"
498 edit: "Edit"
499 save: "Save"
500 cancel: "Cancel"
501 new_topic: "Approving this item will create a new topic"
503 filters:
504 all_categories: "(all categories)"
505 type:
506 title: "Type"
507 all: "(all types)"
508 minimum_score: "Minimum Score:"
509 refresh: "Refresh"
510 status: "Status"
511 category: "Category"
512 orders:
513 score: "Score"
514 score_asc: "Score (reverse)"
515 created_at: "Created At"
516 created_at_asc: "Created At (reverse)"
518 priority:
519 title: "Minimum Priority"
520 low: "(any)"
521 medium: "Medium"
522 high: "High"
524 conversation:
525 view_full: "view full conversation"
526 scores:
527 about: "This score is calculated based on the trust level of the reporter, the accuracy of their previous flags, and the priority of the item being reported."
528 score: "Score"
529 date: "Date"
530 type: "Type"
531 status: "Status"
532 submitted_by: "Submitted By"
533 reviewed_by: "Reviewed By"
535 statuses:
536 pending:
537 title: "Pending"
538 approved:
539 title: "Approved"
540 rejected:
541 title: "Rejected"
542 ignored:
543 title: "Ignored"
544 deleted:
545 title: "Deleted"
546 reviewed:
547 title: "(all reviewed)"
548 all:
549 title: "(everything)"
551 types:
552 reviewable_flagged_post:
553 title: "Flagged Post"
554 flagged_by: "Flagged By"
555 reviewable_queued_topic:
556 title: "Queued Topic"
557 reviewable_queued_post:
558 title: "Queued Post"
559 reviewable_user:
560 title: "User"
561 approval:
562 title: "Post Needs Approval"
563 description: "We've received your new post but it needs to be approved by a moderator before it will appear. Please be patient."
564 pending_posts:
565 one: "You have <strong>%{count}</strong> post pending."
566 other: "You have <strong>%{count}</strong> posts pending."
567 ok: "OK"
568 example_username: "username"
570 user_action:
571 user_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> posted <a href='%{topicUrl}'>the topic</a>"
572 you_posted_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>You</a> posted <a href='%{topicUrl}'>the topic</a>"
573 user_replied_to_post: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> replied to <a href='%{postUrl}'>%{post_number}</a>"
574 you_replied_to_post: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>You</a> replied to <a href='%{postUrl}'>%{post_number}</a>"
575 user_replied_to_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a> replied to <a href='%{topicUrl}'>the topic</a>"
576 you_replied_to_topic: "<a href='%{userUrl}'>You</a> replied to <a href='%{topicUrl}'>the topic</a>"
578 user_mentioned_user: "<a href='%{user1Url}'>%{user}</a> mentioned <a href='%{user2Url}'>%{another_user}</a>"
579 user_mentioned_you: "<a href='%{user1Url}'>%{user}</a> mentioned <a href='%{user2Url}'>you</a>"
580 you_mentioned_user: "<a href='%{user1Url}'>You</a> mentioned <a href='%{user2Url}'>%{another_user}</a>"
582 posted_by_user: "Posted by <a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a>"
583 posted_by_you: "Posted by <a href='%{userUrl}'>you</a>"
584 sent_by_user: "Sent by <a href='%{userUrl}'>%{user}</a>"
585 sent_by_you: "Sent by <a href='%{userUrl}'>you</a>"
587 directory:
588 username: "Username"
589 filter_name: "filter by username"
590 title: "Users"
591 likes_given: "Given"
592 likes_received: "Received"
593 topics_entered: "Viewed"
594 topics_entered_long: "Topics Viewed"
595 time_read: "Time Read"
596 topic_count: "Topics"
597 topic_count_long: "Topics Created"
598 post_count: "Replies"
599 post_count_long: "Replies Posted"
600 no_results: "No results were found."
601 days_visited: "Visits"
602 days_visited_long: "Days Visited"
603 posts_read: "Read"
604 posts_read_long: "Posts Read"
605 last_updated: "Last Updated:"
606 total_rows:
607 one: "%{count} user"
608 other: "%{count} users"
610 group_histories:
611 actions:
612 change_group_setting: "Change group setting"
613 add_user_to_group: "Add user"
614 remove_user_from_group: "Remove user"
615 make_user_group_owner: "Make owner"
616 remove_user_as_group_owner: "Revoke owner"
618 groups:
619 member_added: "Added"
620 member_requested: "Requested at"
621 add_members:
622 title: "Add members to %{group_name}"
623 description: "You can also paste in a comma separated list."
624 usernames: "Enter usernames or email addresses"
625 input_placeholder: "Usernames or emails"
626 notify_users: "Notify users"
627 requests:
628 title: "Requests"
629 reason: "Reason"
630 accept: "Accept"
631 accepted: "accepted"
632 deny: "Deny"
633 denied: "denied"
634 undone: "request undone"
635 handle: "handle membership request"
636 manage:
637 title: "Manage"
638 name: "Name"
639 full_name: "Full Name"
640 add_members: "Add Members"
641 delete_member_confirm: "Remove '%{username}' from the '%{group}' group?"
642 profile:
643 title: Profile
644 interaction:
645 title: Interaction
646 posting: Posting
647 notification: Notification
648 email:
649 title: "Email"
650 status: "Synchronized %{old_emails} / %{total_emails} emails via IMAP."
651 credentials:
652 title: "Credentials"
653 smtp_server: "SMTP Server"
654 smtp_port: "SMTP Port"
655 smtp_ssl: "Use SSL for SMTP"
656 imap_server: "IMAP Server"
657 imap_port: "IMAP Port"
658 imap_ssl: "Use SSL for IMAP"
659 username: "Username"
660 password: "Password"
661 mailboxes:
662 synchronized: "Synchronized Mailbox"
663 none_found: "No mailboxes were found in this email account."
664 disabled: "disabled"
665 membership:
666 title: Membership
667 access: Access
668 categories:
669 title: Categories
670 long_title: "Category default notifications"
671 description: "When users are added to this group, their category notification settings will be set to these defaults. Afterwards, they can change them."
672 watched_categories_instructions: "Automatically watch all topics in these categories. Group members will be notified of all new posts and topics, and a count of new posts will also appear next to the topic."
673 tracked_categories_instructions: "Automatically track all topics in these categories. A count of new posts will appear next to the topic."
674 watching_first_post_categories_instructions: "Users will be notified of the first post in each new topic in these categories."
675 regular_categories_instructions: "If these categories are muted, they will be unmuted for group members. Users will be notified if they are mentioned or someone replies to them."
676 muted_categories_instructions: "Users will not be notified of anything about new topics in these categories, and they will not appear on the categories or latest topics pages."
677 tags:
678 title: Tags
679 long_title: "Tags default notifications"
680 description: "When users are added to this group, their tag notification settings will be set to these defaults. Afterwards, they can change them."
681 watched_tags_instructions: "Automatically watch all topics with these tags. Group members will be notified of all new posts and topics, and a count of new posts will also appear next to the topic."
682 tracked_tags_instructions: "Automatically track all topics with these tags. A count of new posts will appear next to the topic."
683 watching_first_post_tags_instructions: "Users will be notified of the first post in each new topic with these tags."
684 regular_tags_instructions: "If these tags are muted, they will be unmuted for group members. Users will be notified if they are mentioned or someone replies to them."
685 muted_tags_instructions: "Users will not be notified of anything about new topics with these tags, and they will not appear in latest."
686 logs:
687 title: "Logs"
688 when: "When"
689 action: "Action"
690 acting_user: "Acting user"
691 target_user: "Target user"
692 subject: "Subject"
693 details: "Details"
694 from: "From"
695 to: "To"
696 permissions:
697 title: "Permissions"
698 none: "There are no categories associated with this group."
699 description: "Members of this group can access these categories"
700 public_admission: "Allow users to join the group freely (Requires publicly visible group)"
701 public_exit: "Allow users to leave the group freely"
702 empty:
703 posts: "There are no posts by members of this group."
704 members: "There are no members in this group."
705 requests: "There are no membership requests for this group."
706 mentions: "There are no mentions of this group."
707 messages: "There are no messages for this group."
708 topics: "There are no topics by members of this group."
709 logs: "There are no logs for this group."
710 add: "Add"
711 join: "Join"
712 leave: "Leave"
713 request: "Request"
714 message: "Message"
715 confirm_leave: "Are you sure you want to leave this group?"
716 allow_membership_requests: "Allow users to send membership requests to group owners (Requires publicly visible group)"
717 membership_request_template: "Custom template to display to users when sending a membership request"
718 membership_request:
719 submit: "Submit Request"
720 title: "Request to join @%{group_name}"
721 reason: "Let the group owners know why you belong in this group"
722 membership: "Membership"
723 name: "Name"
724 group_name: "Group name"
725 user_count: "Users"
726 bio: "About Group"
727 selector_placeholder: "enter username"
728 owner: "owner"
729 index:
730 title: "Groups"
731 all: "All Groups"
732 empty: "There are no visible groups."
733 filter: "Filter by group type"
734 owner_groups: "Groups I own"
735 close_groups: "Closed Groups"
736 automatic_groups: "Automatic Groups"
737 automatic: "Automatic"
738 closed: "Closed"
739 public: "Public"
740 private: "Private"
741 public_groups: "Public Groups"
742 automatic_group: Automatic Group
743 close_group: Close Group
744 my_groups: "My Groups"
745 group_type: "Group type"
746 is_group_user: "Member"
747 is_group_owner: "Owner"
748 title:
749 one: "Group"
750 other: "Groups"
751 activity: "Activity"
752 members:
753 title: "Members"
754 filter_placeholder_admin: "username or email"
755 filter_placeholder: "username"
756 remove_member: "Remove Member"
757 remove_member_description: "Remove <b>%{username}</b> from this group"
758 make_owner: "Make Owner"
759 make_owner_description: "Make <b>%{username}</b> an owner of this group"
760 remove_owner: "Remove as Owner"
761 remove_owner_description: "Remove <b>%{username}</b> as an owner of this group"
762 owner: "Owner"
763 forbidden: "You're not allowed to view the members."
764 topics: "Topics"
765 posts: "Posts"
766 mentions: "Mentions"
767 messages: "Messages"
768 notification_level: "Default notification level for group messages"
769 alias_levels:
770 mentionable: "Who can @mention this group?"
771 messageable: "Who can message this group?"
772 nobody: "Nobody"
773 only_admins: "Only admins"
774 mods_and_admins: "Only moderators and Admins"
775 members_mods_and_admins: "Only group members, moderators and admins"
776 owners_mods_and_admins: "Only group owners, moderators and admins"
777 everyone: "Everyone"
778 notifications:
779 watching:
780 title: "Watching"
781 description: "You will be notified of every new post in every message, and a count of new replies will be shown."
782 watching_first_post:
783 title: "Watching First Post"
784 description: "You will be notified of new messages in this group but not replies to the messages."
785 tracking:
786 title: "Tracking"
787 description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you, and a count of new replies will be shown."
788 regular:
789 title: "Normal"
790 description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
791 muted:
792 title: "Muted"
793 description: "You will not be notified of anything about messages in this group."
794 flair_url: "Avatar Flair Image"
795 flair_upload_description: "Use square images no smaller than 20px by 20px."
796 flair_bg_color: "Avatar Flair Background Color"
797 flair_bg_color_placeholder: "(Optional) Hex color value"
798 flair_color: "Avatar Flair Color"
799 flair_color_placeholder: "(Optional) Hex color value"
800 flair_preview_icon: "Preview Icon"
801 flair_preview_image: "Preview Image"
802 flair_type:
803 icon: "Select an icon"
804 image: "Upload an image"
806 user_action_groups:
807 "1": "Likes"
808 "2": "Likes"
809 "3": "Bookmarks"
810 "4": "Topics"
811 "5": "Replies"
812 "6": "Responses"
813 "7": "Mentions"
814 "9": "Quotes"
815 "11": "Edits"
816 "12": "Sent Items"
817 "13": "Inbox"
818 "14": "Pending"
819 "15": "Drafts"
821 categories:
822 all: "all categories"
823 all_subcategories: "all"
824 no_subcategory: "none"
825 category: "Category"
826 category_list: "Display category list"
827 reorder:
828 title: "Reorder Categories"
829 title_long: "Reorganize the category list"
830 save: "Save Order"
831 apply_all: "Apply"
832 position: "Position"
833 posts: "Posts"
834 topics: "Topics"
835 latest: "Latest"
836 latest_by: "latest by"
837 toggle_ordering: "toggle ordering control"
838 subcategories: "Subcategories"
839 muted: "Muted categories"
840 topic_sentence:
841 one: "%{count} topic"
842 other: "%{count} topics"
843 topic_stat_sentence_week:
844 one: "%{count} new topic in the past week."
845 other: "%{count} new topics in the past week."
846 topic_stat_sentence_month:
847 one: "%{count} new topic in the past month."
848 other: "%{count} new topics in the past month."
849 n_more: "Categories (%{count} more)..."
851 ip_lookup:
852 title: IP Address Lookup
853 hostname: Hostname
854 location: Location
855 location_not_found: (unknown)
856 organisation: Organization
857 phone: Phone
858 other_accounts: "Other accounts with this IP address:"
859 delete_other_accounts: "Delete %{count}"
860 username: "username"
861 trust_level: "TL"
862 read_time: "read time"
863 topics_entered: "topics entered"
864 post_count: "# posts"
865 confirm_delete_other_accounts: "Are you sure you want to delete these accounts?"
866 powered_by: "using <a href='https://maxmind.com'>MaxMindDB</a>"
867 copied: "copied"
869 user_fields:
870 none: "(select an option)"
871 required: 'Please enter a value for "%{name}"'
873 user:
874 said: "%{username}:"
875 profile: "Profile"
876 mute: "Mute"
877 edit: "Edit Preferences"
878 download_archive:
879 button_text: "Download All"
880 confirm: "Are you sure you want to download your posts?"
881 success: "Download initiated, you will be notified via message when the process is complete."
882 rate_limit_error: "Posts can be downloaded once per day, please try again tomorrow."
883 new_private_message: "New Message"
884 private_message: "Message"
885 private_messages: "Messages"
886 user_notifications:
887 filters:
888 filter_by: "Filter By"
889 all: "All"
890 read: "Read"
891 unread: "Unread"
892 ignore_duration_title: "Ignore User"
893 ignore_duration_username: "Username"
894 ignore_duration_when: "Duration:"
895 ignore_duration_save: "Ignore"
896 ignore_duration_note: "Please note that all ignores are automatically removed after the ignore duration expires."
897 ignore_duration_time_frame_required: "Please select a time frame"
898 ignore_no_users: "You have no ignored users."
899 ignore_option: "Ignored"
900 ignore_option_title: "You will not receive notifications related to this user and all of their topics and replies will be hidden."
901 add_ignored_user: "Add..."
902 mute_option: "Muted"
903 mute_option_title: "You will not receive any notifications related to this user."
904 normal_option: "Normal"
905 normal_option_title: "You will be notified if this user replies to you, quotes you, or mentions you."
906 activity_stream: "Activity"
907 preferences: "Preferences"
908 feature_topic_on_profile:
909 open_search: "Select a New Topic"
910 title: "Select a Topic"
911 search_label: "Search for Topic by title"
912 save: "Save"
913 clear:
914 title: "Clear"
915 warning: "Are you sure you want to clear your featured topic?"
916 use_current_timezone: "Use Current Timezone"
917 profile_hidden: "This user's public profile is hidden."
918 expand_profile: "Expand"
919 collapse_profile: "Collapse"
920 bookmarks: "Bookmarks"
921 bio: "About me"
922 timezone: "Timezone"
923 invited_by: "Invited By"
924 trust_level: "Trust Level"
925 notifications: "Notifications"
926 statistics: "Stats"
927 desktop_notifications:
928 label: "Live Notifications"
929 not_supported: "Notifications are not supported on this browser. Sorry."
930 perm_default: "Turn On Notifications"
931 perm_denied_btn: "Permission Denied"
932 perm_denied_expl: "You denied permission for notifications. Allow notifications via your browser settings."
933 disable: "Disable Notifications"
934 enable: "Enable Notifications"
935 each_browser_note: 'Note: You have to change this setting on every browser you use. All notifications will be disabled when in "do not disturb", regardless of this setting.'
936 consent_prompt: "Do you want live notifications when people reply to your posts?"
937 dismiss: "Dismiss"
938 dismiss_notifications: "Dismiss All"
939 dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Mark all unread notifications as read"
940 first_notification: "Your first notification! Select it to begin."
941 dynamic_favicon: "Show counts on browser icon"
942 skip_new_user_tips:
943 description: "Skip new user onboarding tips and badges"
944 not_first_time: "Not your first time?"
945 skip_link: "Skip these tips"
946 theme_default_on_all_devices: "Make this the default theme on all my devices"
947 color_scheme_default_on_all_devices: "Set default color scheme(s) on all my devices"
948 color_scheme: "Color Scheme"
949 color_schemes:
950 default_description: "Theme default"
951 disable_dark_scheme: "Same as regular"
952 dark_instructions: "You can preview the dark mode color scheme by toggling your device's dark mode."
953 undo: "Reset"
954 regular: "Regular"
955 dark: "Dark mode"
956 default_dark_scheme: "(site default)"
957 dark_mode: "Dark Mode"
958 dark_mode_enable: "Enable automatic dark mode color scheme"
959 text_size_default_on_all_devices: "Make this the default text size on all my devices"
960 allow_private_messages: "Allow other users to send me personal messages"
961 external_links_in_new_tab: "Open all external links in a new tab"
962 enable_quoting: "Enable quote reply for highlighted text"
963 enable_defer: "Enable defer to mark topics unread"
964 change: "change"
965 featured_topic: "Featured Topic"
966 moderator: "%{user} is a moderator"
967 admin: "%{user} is an admin"
968 moderator_tooltip: "This user is a moderator"
969 admin_tooltip: "This user is an admin"
970 silenced_tooltip: "This user is silenced"
971 suspended_notice: "This user is suspended until %{date}."
972 suspended_permanently: "This user is suspended."
973 suspended_reason: "Reason: "
974 github_profile: "GitHub"
975 email_activity_summary: "Activity Summary"
976 mailing_list_mode:
977 label: "Mailing list mode"
978 enabled: "Enable mailing list mode"
979 instructions: |
980 This setting overrides the activity summary.<br />
981 Muted topics and categories are not included in these emails.
982 individual: "Send an email for every new post"
983 individual_no_echo: "Send an email for every new post except my own"
984 many_per_day: "Send me an email for every new post (about %{dailyEmailEstimate} per day)"
985 few_per_day: "Send me an email for every new post (about 2 per day)"
986 warning: "Mailing list mode enabled. Email notification settings are overridden."
987 tag_settings: "Tags"
988 watched_tags: "Watched"
989 watched_tags_instructions: "You will automatically watch all topics with these tags. You will be notified of all new posts and topics, and a count of new posts will also appear next to the topic."
990 tracked_tags: "Tracked"
991 tracked_tags_instructions: "You will automatically track all topics with these tags. A count of new posts will appear next to the topic."
992 muted_tags: "Muted"
993 muted_tags_instructions: "You will not be notified of anything about new topics with these tags, and they will not appear in latest."
994 watched_categories: "Watched"
995 watched_categories_instructions: "You will automatically watch all topics in these categories. You will be notified of all new posts and topics, and a count of new posts will also appear next to the topic."
996 tracked_categories: "Tracked"
997 tracked_categories_instructions: "You will automatically track all topics in these categories. A count of new posts will appear next to the topic."
998 watched_first_post_categories: "Watching First Post"
999 watched_first_post_categories_instructions: "You will be notified of the first post in each new topic in these categories."
1000 watched_first_post_tags: "Watching First Post"
1001 watched_first_post_tags_instructions: "You will be notified of the first post in each new topic with these tags."
1003 muted_categories: "Muted"
1004 muted_categories_instructions: "You will not be notified of anything about new topics in these categories, and they will not appear on the categories or latest pages."
1005 muted_categories_instructions_dont_hide: "You will not be notified of anything about new topics in these categories."
1006 regular_categories: "Regular"
1007 regular_categories_instructions: "You will see these categories in the “Latest” and “Top” topic lists."
1008 no_category_access: "As a moderator you have limited category access, save is disabled."
1009 delete_account: "Delete My Account"
1010 delete_account_confirm: "Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This action cannot be undone!"
1011 deleted_yourself: "Your account has been deleted successfully."
1012 delete_yourself_not_allowed: "Please contact a staff member if you wish your account to be deleted."
1013 unread_message_count: "Messages"
1014 admin_delete: "Delete"
1015 users: "Users"
1016 muted_users: "Muted"
1017 muted_users_instructions: "Suppress all notifications and PMs from these users."
1018 allowed_pm_users: "Allowed"
1019 allowed_pm_users_instructions: "Only allow PMs from these users."
1020 allow_private_messages_from_specific_users: "Only allow specific users to send me personal messages"
1021 ignored_users: "Ignored"
1022 ignored_users_instructions: "Suppress all posts, notifications, and PMs from these users."
1023 tracked_topics_link: "Show"
1024 automatically_unpin_topics: "Automatically unpin topics when I reach the bottom."
1025 apps: "Apps"
1026 revoke_access: "Revoke Access"
1027 undo_revoke_access: "Undo Revoke Access"
1028 api_approved: "Approved:"
1029 api_last_used_at: "Last used at:"
1030 theme: "Theme"
1031 save_to_change_theme: 'Theme will be updated after you click "%{save_text}"'
1032 home: "Default Home Page"
1033 staged: "Staged"
1035 staff_counters:
1036 flags_given: "helpful flags"
1037 flagged_posts: "flagged posts"
1038 deleted_posts: "deleted posts"
1039 suspensions: "suspensions"
1040 warnings_received: "warnings"
1041 rejected_posts: "rejected posts"
1043 messages:
1044 all: "All"
1045 inbox: "Inbox"
1046 sent: "Sent"
1047 archive: "Archive"
1048 groups: "My Groups"
1049 bulk_select: "Select messages"
1050 move_to_inbox: "Move to Inbox"
1051 move_to_archive: "Archive"
1052 failed_to_move: "Failed to move selected messages (perhaps your network is down)"
1053 select_all: "Select All"
1054 tags: "Tags"
1056 preferences_nav:
1057 account: "Account"
1058 profile: "Profile"
1059 emails: "Emails"
1060 notifications: "Notifications"
1061 categories: "Categories"
1062 users: "Users"
1063 tags: "Tags"
1064 interface: "Interface"
1065 apps: "Apps"
1067 change_password:
1068 success: "(email sent)"
1069 in_progress: "(sending email)"
1070 error: "(error)"
1071 emoji: "lock emoji"
1072 action: "Send Password Reset Email"
1073 set_password: "Set Password"
1074 choose_new: "Choose a new password"
1075 choose: "Choose a password"
1077 second_factor_backup:
1078 title: "Two-Factor Backup Codes"
1079 regenerate: "Regenerate"
1080 disable: "Disable"
1081 enable: "Enable"
1082 enable_long: "Enable backup codes"
1083 manage:
1084 one: "Manage backup codes. You have <strong>%{count}</strong> backup code remaining."
1085 other: "Manage backup codes. You have <strong>%{count}</strong> backup codes remaining."
1086 copy_to_clipboard: "Copy to Clipboard"
1087 copy_to_clipboard_error: "Error copying data to Clipboard"
1088 copied_to_clipboard: "Copied to Clipboard"
1089 download_backup_codes: "Download backup codes"
1090 remaining_codes:
1091 one: "You have <strong>%{count}</strong> backup code remaining."
1092 other: "You have <strong>%{count}</strong> backup codes remaining."
1093 use: "Use a backup code"
1094 enable_prerequisites: "You must enable a primary two-factor method before generating backup codes."
1095 codes:
1096 title: "Backup Codes Generated"
1097 description: "Each of these backup codes can only be used once. Keep them somewhere safe but accessible."
1099 second_factor:
1100 title: "Two-Factor Authentication"
1101 enable: "Manage Two-Factor Authentication"
1102 disable_all: "Disable All"
1103 forgot_password: "Forgot password?"
1104 confirm_password_description: "Please confirm your password to continue"
1105 name: "Name"
1106 label: "Code"
1107 rate_limit: "Please wait before trying another authentication code."
1108 enable_description: |
1109 Scan this QR code in a supported app (<a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=authenticator+apps+for+android" target="_blank">Android</a> – <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=authenticator+apps+for+ios" target="_blank">iOS</a>) and enter your authentication code.
1110 disable_description: "Please enter the authentication code from your app"
1111 show_key_description: "Enter manually"
1112 short_description: |
1113 Protect your account with one-time use security codes.
1114 extended_description: |
1115 Two-factor authentication adds extra security to your account by requiring a one-time token in addition to your password. Tokens can be generated on <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=authenticator+apps+for+android" target='_blank'>Android</a> and <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=authenticator+apps+for+ios">iOS</a> devices.
1116 oauth_enabled_warning: "Please note that social logins will be disabled once two-factor authentication has been enabled on your account."
1117 use: "Use Authenticator app"
1118 enforced_notice: "You are required to enable two-factor authentication before accessing this site."
1119 disable: "Disable"
1120 disable_confirm: "Are you sure you want to disable all two-factor methods?"
1121 save: "Save"
1122 edit: "Edit"
1123 edit_title: "Edit Authenticator"
1124 edit_description: "Authenticator Name"
1125 enable_security_key_description: |
1126 When you have your <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=hardware+security+key" target="_blank">hardware security key</a> prepared, press the Register button below.
1127 totp:
1128 title: "Token-Based Authenticators"
1129 add: "Add Authenticator"
1130 default_name: "My Authenticator"
1131 name_and_code_required_error: "You must provide a name and the code from your authenticator app."
1132 security_key:
1133 register: "Register"
1134 title: "Security Keys"
1135 add: "Add Security Key"
1136 default_name: "Main Security Key"
1137 not_allowed_error: "The security key registration process either timed out or was cancelled."
1138 already_added_error: "You have already registered this security key. You don’t have to register it again."
1139 edit: "Edit Security Key"
1140 save: "Save"
1141 edit_description: "Security Key Name"
1142 name_required_error: "You must provide a name for your security key."
1144 change_about:
1145 title: "Change About Me"
1146 error: "There was an error changing this value."
1148 change_username:
1149 title: "Change Username"
1150 confirm: "Are you absolutely sure you want to change your username?"
1151 taken: "Sorry, that username is taken."
1152 invalid: "That username is invalid. It must only include numbers and letters"
1154 add_email:
1155 title: "Add Email"
1156 add: "add"
1158 change_email:
1159 title: "Change Email"
1160 taken: "Sorry, that email is not available."
1161 error: "There was an error changing your email. Perhaps that address is already in use?"
1162 success: "We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions."
1163 success_via_admin: "We've sent an email to that address. The user will need to follow the confirmation instructions in the email."
1164 success_staff: "We've sent an email to your current address. Please follow the confirmation instructions."
1166 change_avatar:
1167 title: "Change your profile picture"
1168 gravatar: "<a href='//%{gravatarBaseUrl}%{gravatarLoginUrl}' target='_blank'>%{gravatarName}</a>, based on"
1169 gravatar_title: "Change your avatar on %{gravatarName}'s website"
1170 gravatar_failed: "We could not find a %{gravatarName} with that email address."
1171 refresh_gravatar_title: "Refresh your %{gravatarName}"
1172 letter_based: "System assigned profile picture"
1173 uploaded_avatar: "Custom picture"
1174 uploaded_avatar_empty: "Add a custom picture"
1175 upload_title: "Upload your picture"
1176 image_is_not_a_square: "Warning: we've cropped your image; width and height were not equal."
1178 change_profile_background:
1179 title: "Profile Header"
1180 instructions: "Profile headers will be centered and have a default width of 1110px."
1182 change_card_background:
1183 title: "User Card Background"
1184 instructions: "Background images will be centered and have a default width of 590px."
1186 change_featured_topic:
1187 title: "Featured Topic"
1188 instructions: "A link to this topic will be on your user card, and profile."
1190 email:
1191 title: "Email"
1192 primary: "Primary Email"
1193 secondary: "Secondary Emails"
1194 primary_label: "primary"
1195 unconfirmed_label: "unconfirmed"
1196 resend_label: "resend confirmation email"
1197 resending_label: "sending..."
1198 resent_label: "email sent"
1199 update_email: "Change Email"
1200 set_primary: "Set Primary Email"
1201 destroy: "Remove Email"
1202 add_email: "Add Alternate Email"
1203 sso_override_instructions: "Email can be updated from SSO provider."
1204 no_secondary: "No secondary emails"
1205 instructions: "Never shown to the public."
1206 admin_note: "Note: An admin user changing another non-admin user's email indicates the user has lost access to their original email account, so a reset password email will be sent to their new address. The user's email will not change until they complete the reset password process."
1207 ok: "We will email you to confirm"
1208 required: "Please enter an email address"
1209 invalid: "Please enter a valid email address"
1210 authenticated: "Your email has been authenticated by %{provider}"
1211 frequency_immediately: "We'll email you immediately if you haven't read the thing we're emailing you about."
1212 frequency:
1213 one: "We'll only email you if we haven't seen you in the last minute."
1214 other: "We'll only email you if we haven't seen you in the last %{count} minutes."
1216 associated_accounts:
1217 title: "Associated Accounts"
1218 connect: "Connect"
1219 revoke: "Revoke"
1220 cancel: "Cancel"
1221 not_connected: "(not connected)"
1222 confirm_modal_title: "Connect %{provider} Account"
1223 confirm_description:
1224 account_specific: "Your %{provider} account '%{account_description}' will be used for authentication."
1225 generic: "Your %{provider} account will be used for authentication."
1227 name:
1228 title: "Name"
1229 instructions: "your full name (optional)"
1230 instructions_required: "Your full name"
1231 required: "Please enter a name"
1232 too_short: "Your name is too short"
1233 ok: "Your name looks good"
1234 username:
1235 title: "Username"
1236 instructions: "unique, no spaces, short"
1237 short_instructions: "People can mention you as @%{username}"
1238 available: "Your username is available"
1239 not_available: "Not available. Try %{suggestion}?"
1240 not_available_no_suggestion: "Not available"
1241 too_short: "Your username is too short"
1242 too_long: "Your username is too long"
1243 checking: "Checking username availability..."
1244 prefilled: "Email matches this registered username"
1245 required: "Please enter a username"
1247 locale:
1248 title: "Interface language"
1249 instructions: "User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page."
1250 default: "(default)"
1251 any: "any"
1253 password_confirmation:
1254 title: "Password Again"
1256 invite_code:
1257 title: "Invite Code"
1258 instructions: "Account registration requires an invite code"
1260 auth_tokens:
1261 title: "Recently Used Devices"
1262 details: "Details"
1263 log_out_all: "Log out all"
1264 not_you: "Not you?"
1265 show_all: "Show all (%{count})"
1266 show_few: "Show fewer"
1267 was_this_you: "Was this you?"
1268 was_this_you_description: "If it wasn’t you, we recommend you change your password and log out everywhere."
1269 browser_and_device: "%{browser} on %{device}"
1270 secure_account: "Secure my Account"
1271 latest_post: "You last posted…"
1272 device_location: '<span class="auth-token-device">%{device}</span> &ndash; <span title="IP: %{ip}">%{location}</span>'
1273 browser_active: '%{browser} | <span class="active">active now</span>'
1274 browser_last_seen: "%{browser} | %{date}"
1276 last_posted: "Last Post"
1277 last_emailed: "Last Emailed"
1278 last_seen: "Seen"
1279 created: "Joined"
1280 log_out: "Log Out"
1281 location: "Location"
1283 website: "Web Site"
1284 email_settings: "Email"
1285 hide_profile_and_presence: "Hide my public profile and presence features"
1286 enable_physical_keyboard: "Enable physical keyboard support on iPad"
1288 text_size:
1289 title: "Text Size"
1290 smallest: "Smallest"
1291 smaller: "Smaller"
1292 normal: "Normal"
1293 larger: "Larger"
1294 largest: "Largest"
1296 title_count_mode:
1297 title: "Background page title displays count of:"
1298 notifications: "New notifications"
1299 contextual: "New page content"
1301 like_notification_frequency:
1302 title: "Notify when liked"
1303 always: "Always"
1304 first_time_and_daily: "First time a post is liked and daily"
1305 first_time: "First time a post is liked"
1306 never: "Never"
1307 email_previous_replies:
1308 title: "Include previous replies at the bottom of emails"
1309 unless_emailed: "unless previously sent"
1310 always: "always"
1311 never: "never"
1312 email_digests:
1313 title: "When I don’t visit here, send me an email summary of popular topics and replies"
1314 every_30_minutes: "every 30 minutes"
1315 every_hour: "hourly"
1316 daily: "daily"
1317 weekly: "weekly"
1318 every_month: "every month"
1319 every_six_months: "every six months"
1320 email_level:
1321 title: "Send me an email when someone quotes me, replies to my post, mentions my @username, or invites me to a topic"
1322 always: "always"
1323 only_when_away: "only when away"
1324 never: "never"
1325 email_messages_level: "Send me an email when someone messages me"
1326 include_tl0_in_digests: "Include content from new users in summary emails"
1327 email_in_reply_to: "Include an excerpt of replied to post in emails"
1329 other_settings: "Other"
1330 categories_settings: "Categories"
1332 new_topic_duration:
1333 label: "Consider topics new when"
1334 not_viewed: "I haven't viewed them yet"
1335 last_here: "created since I was here last"
1336 after_1_day: "created in the last day"
1337 after_2_days: "created in the last 2 days"
1338 after_1_week: "created in the last week"
1339 after_2_weeks: "created in the last 2 weeks"
1341 auto_track_topics: "Automatically track topics I enter"
1342 auto_track_options:
1343 never: "never"
1344 immediately: "immediately"
1345 after_30_seconds: "after 30 seconds"
1346 after_1_minute: "after 1 minute"
1347 after_2_minutes: "after 2 minutes"
1348 after_3_minutes: "after 3 minutes"
1349 after_4_minutes: "after 4 minutes"
1350 after_5_minutes: "after 5 minutes"
1351 after_10_minutes: "after 10 minutes"
1353 notification_level_when_replying: "When I post in a topic, set that topic to"
1355 invited:
1356 search: "type to search invites..."
1357 title: "Invites"
1358 user: "Invited User"
1359 sent: "Last Sent"
1360 none: "No invites to display."
1361 truncated:
1362 one: "Showing the first invite."
1363 other: "Showing the first %{count} invites."
1364 redeemed: "Redeemed Invites"
1365 redeemed_tab: "Redeemed"
1366 redeemed_tab_with_count: "Redeemed (%{count})"
1367 redeemed_at: "Redeemed"
1368 pending: "Pending Invites"
1369 pending_tab: "Pending"
1370 pending_tab_with_count: "Pending (%{count})"
1371 topics_entered: "Topics Viewed"
1372 posts_read_count: "Posts Read"
1373 expired: "This invite has expired."
1374 rescind: "Remove"
1375 rescinded: "Invite removed"
1376 rescind_all: "Remove Expired Invites"
1377 rescinded_all: "All Expired Invites removed!"
1378 rescind_all_confirm: "Are you sure you want to remove all expired invites?"
1379 reinvite: "Resend Invite"
1380 reinvite_all: "Resend all Invites"
1381 reinvite_all_confirm: "Are you sure you want to resend all invites?"
1382 reinvited: "Invite re-sent"
1383 reinvited_all: "All Invites re-sent!"
1384 time_read: "Read Time"
1385 days_visited: "Days Visited"
1386 account_age_days: "Account age in days"
1387 source: "Invited Via"
1388 links_tab: "Links"
1389 links_tab_with_count: "Links (%{count})"
1390 link_url: "Link"
1391 link_created_at: "Created"
1392 link_redemption_stats: "Redemptions"
1393 link_groups: Groups
1394 link_expires_at: Expires
1395 create: "Invite"
1396 copy_link: "Show Link"
1397 generate_link: "Create Invite Link"
1398 link_generated: "Here's your invite link!"
1399 valid_for: "Invite link is only valid for this email address: %{email}"
1400 single_user: "Invite by email"
1401 multiple_user: "Invite by link"
1402 invite_link:
1403 title: "Invite Link"
1404 success: "Invite link generated successfully!"
1405 error: "There was an error generating Invite link"
1406 max_redemptions_allowed_label: "How many people are allowed to register using this link?"
1407 expires_at: "When will this invite link expire?"
1408 bulk_invite:
1409 none: "No invitations to display on this page."
1410 text: "Bulk Invite"
1411 success: "File uploaded successfully, you will be notified via message when the process is complete."
1412 error: "Sorry, file should be CSV format."
1413 confirmation_message: "You’re about to email invites to everyone in the uploaded file."
1415 password:
1416 title: "Password"
1417 too_short: "Your password is too short."
1418 common: "That password is too common."
1419 same_as_username: "Your password is the same as your username."
1420 same_as_email: "Your password is the same as your email."
1421 ok: "Your password looks good."
1422 instructions: "at least %{count} characters"
1423 required: "Please enter a password"
1425 summary:
1426 title: "Summary"
1427 stats: "Stats"
1428 time_read: "read time"
1429 recent_time_read: "recent read time"
1430 topic_count:
1431 one: "topic created"
1432 other: "topics created"
1433 post_count:
1434 one: "post created"
1435 other: "posts created"
1436 likes_given:
1437 one: "given"
1438 other: "given"
1439 likes_received:
1440 one: "received"
1441 other: "received"
1442 days_visited:
1443 one: "day visited"
1444 other: "days visited"
1445 topics_entered:
1446 one: "topic viewed"
1447 other: "topics viewed"
1448 posts_read:
1449 one: "post read"
1450 other: "posts read"
1451 bookmark_count:
1452 one: "bookmark"
1453 other: "bookmarks"
1454 top_replies: "Top Replies"
1455 no_replies: "No replies yet."
1456 more_replies: "More Replies"
1457 top_topics: "Top Topics"
1458 no_topics: "No topics yet."
1459 more_topics: "More Topics"
1460 top_badges: "Top Badges"
1461 no_badges: "No badges yet."
1462 more_badges: "More Badges"
1463 top_links: "Top Links"
1464 no_links: "No links yet."
1465 most_liked_by: "Most Liked By"
1466 most_liked_users: "Most Liked"
1467 most_replied_to_users: "Most Replied To"
1468 no_likes: "No likes yet."
1469 top_categories: "Top Categories"
1470 topics: "Topics"
1471 replies: "Replies"
1473 ip_address:
1474 title: "Last IP Address"
1475 registration_ip_address:
1476 title: "Registration IP Address"
1477 avatar:
1478 title: "Profile Picture"
1479 header_title: "profile, messages, bookmarks and preferences"
1480 title:
1481 title: "Title"
1482 none: "(none)"
1483 primary_group:
1484 title: "Primary Group"
1485 none: "(none)"
1487 filters:
1488 all: "All"
1490 stream:
1491 posted_by: "Posted by"
1492 sent_by: "Sent by"
1493 private_message: "message"
1494 the_topic: "the topic"
1496 loading: "Loading..."
1497 errors:
1498 prev_page: "while trying to load"
1499 reasons:
1500 network: "Network Error"
1501 server: "Server Error"
1502 forbidden: "Access Denied"
1503 unknown: "Error"
1504 not_found: "Page Not Found"
1505 desc:
1506 network: "Please check your connection."
1507 network_fixed: "Looks like it's back."
1508 server: "Error code: %{status}"
1509 forbidden: "You're not allowed to view that."
1510 not_found: "Oops, the application tried to load a URL that doesn't exist."
1511 unknown: "Something went wrong."
1512 buttons:
1513 back: "Go Back"
1514 again: "Try Again"
1515 fixed: "Load Page"
1516 modal:
1517 close: "close"
1518 dismiss_error: "Dismiss error"
1519 close: "Close"
1520 assets_changed_confirm: "This site was just updated. Refresh now for the latest version?"
1521 logout: "You were logged out."
1522 refresh: "Refresh"
1523 home: "Home"
1524 read_only_mode:
1525 enabled: "This site is in read only mode. Please continue to browse, but replying, likes, and other actions are disabled for now."
1526 login_disabled: "Login is disabled while the site is in read only mode."
1527 logout_disabled: "Logout is disabled while the site is in read only mode."
1528 too_few_topics_and_posts_notice_MF: >-
1529 Let's <a href="https://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/">start the discussion!</a>
1530 There {currentTopics, plural, one {is <strong>#</strong> topic} other {are <strong>#</strong> topics}} and
1531 {currentPosts, plural, one {<strong>#</strong> post} other {<strong>#</strong> posts}}. Visitors need more to
1532 read and reply to – we recommend at least {requiredTopics, plural, one {<strong>#</strong> topic} other {<strong>#</strong> topics}}
1533 and {requiredPosts, plural, one {<strong>#</strong> post} other {<strong>#</strong> posts}}. Only staff can see this message.
1534 too_few_topics_notice_MF: >-
1535 Let's <a href="https://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/">start the discussion!</a>
1536 There {currentTopics, plural, one {is <strong>#</strong> topic} other {are <strong>#</strong> topics}}. Visitors need more to
1537 read and reply to – we recommend at least {requiredTopics, plural, one {<strong>#</strong> topic} other {<strong>#</strong> topics}}.
1538 Only staff can see this message.
1539 too_few_posts_notice_MF: >-
1540 Let's <a href="https://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/">start the discussion!</a>
1541 There {currentPosts, plural, one {is <strong>#</strong> post} other {are <strong>#</strong> posts}}. Visitors need more to
1542 read and reply to – we recommend at least {requiredPosts, plural, one {<strong>#</strong> post} other {<strong>#</strong> posts}}.
1543 Only staff can see this message.
1544 logs_error_rate_notice:
1545 # keys ending with _MF use message format, see https://meta.discourse.org/t/message-format-support-for-localization/7035 for details
1546 reached_hour_MF: "<b>{relativeAge}</b> – <a href='{url}' target='_blank'>{rate, plural, one {# error/hour} other {# errors/hour}}</a> reached site setting limit of {limit, plural, one {# error/hour} other {# errors/hour}}."
1547 # keys ending with _MF use message format, see https://meta.discourse.org/t/message-format-support-for-localization/7035 for details
1548 reached_minute_MF: "<b>{relativeAge}</b> – <a href='{url}' target='_blank'>{rate, plural, one {# error/minute} other {# errors/minute}}</a> reached site setting limit of {limit, plural, one {# error/minute} other {# errors/minute}}."
1549 # keys ending with _MF use message format, see https://meta.discourse.org/t/message-format-support-for-localization/7035 for details
1550 exceeded_hour_MF: "<b>{relativeAge}</b> – <a href='{url}' target='_blank'>{rate, plural, one {# error/hour} other {# errors/hour}}</a> exceeded site setting limit of {limit, plural, one {# error/hour} other {# errors/hour}}."
1551 # keys ending with _MF use message format, see https://meta.discourse.org/t/message-format-support-for-localization/7035 for details
1552 exceeded_minute_MF: "<b>{relativeAge}</b> – <a href='{url}' target='_blank'>{rate, plural, one {# error/minute} other {# errors/minute}}</a> exceeded site setting limit of {limit, plural, one {# error/minute} other {# errors/minute}}."
1554 learn_more: "learn more..."
1556 all_time: "total"
1557 all_time_desc: "total topics created"
1558 year: "year"
1559 year_desc: "topics created in the last 365 days"
1560 month: "month"
1561 month_desc: "topics created in the last 30 days"
1562 week: "week"
1563 week_desc: "topics created in the last 7 days"
1564 day: "day"
1566 first_post: First post
1567 mute: Mute
1568 unmute: Unmute
1569 last_post: Posted
1570 local_time: "Local Time"
1571 time_read: Read
1572 time_read_recently: "%{time_read} recently"
1573 time_read_tooltip: "%{time_read} total time read"
1574 time_read_recently_tooltip: "%{time_read} total time read (%{recent_time_read} in the last 60 days)"
1575 last_reply_lowercase: last reply
1576 replies_lowercase:
1577 one: reply
1578 other: replies
1580 signup_cta:
1581 sign_up: "Sign Up"
1582 hide_session: "Remind me tomorrow"
1583 hide_forever: "no thanks"
1584 hidden_for_session: "OK, I'll ask you tomorrow. You can always use 'Log In' to create an account, too."
1585 intro: "Hello! Looks like you’re enjoying the discussion, but you haven’t signed up for an account yet."
1586 value_prop: "When you create an account, we remember exactly what you’ve read, so you always come right back where you left off. You also get notifications, here and via email, whenever someone replies to you. And you can like posts to share the love. :heartpulse:"
1588 summary:
1589 enabled_description: "You're viewing a summary of this topic: the most interesting posts as determined by the community."
1590 description: "There are <b>%{replyCount}</b> replies."
1591 description_time: "There are <b>%{replyCount}</b> replies with an estimated read time of <b>%{readingTime} minutes</b>."
1592 enable: "Summarize This Topic"
1593 disable: "Show All Posts"
1595 deleted_filter:
1596 enabled_description: "This topic contains deleted posts, which have been hidden."
1597 disabled_description: "Deleted posts in the topic are shown."
1598 enable: "Hide Deleted Posts"
1599 disable: "Show Deleted Posts"
1601 private_message_info:
1602 title: "Message"
1603 invite: "Invite Others..."
1604 edit: "Add or Remove..."
1605 remove: "Remove..."
1606 add: "Add..."
1607 leave_message: "Do you really want to leave this message?"
1608 remove_allowed_user: "Do you really want to remove %{name} from this message?"
1609 remove_allowed_group: "Do you really want to remove %{name} from this message?"
1611 email: "Email"
1612 username: "Username"
1613 last_seen: "Seen"
1614 created: "Created"
1615 created_lowercase: "created"
1616 trust_level: "Trust Level"
1617 search_hint: "username, email or IP address"
1619 create_account:
1620 disclaimer: "By registering, you agree to the <a href='%{privacy_link}' target='blank'>privacy policy</a> and <a href='%{tos_link}' target='blank'>terms of service</a>."
1621 title: "Create New Account"
1622 failed: "Something went wrong, perhaps this email is already registered, try the forgot password link"
1624 forgot_password:
1625 title: "Password Reset"
1626 action: "I forgot my password"
1627 invite: "Enter your username or email address, and we'll send you a password reset email."
1628 reset: "Reset Password"
1629 complete_username: "If an account matches the username <b>%{username}</b>, you should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly."
1630 complete_email: "If an account matches <b>%{email}</b>, you should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly."
1631 complete_username_found: "We found an account that matches the username <b>%{username}</b>. You should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly."
1632 complete_email_found: "We found an account that matches <b>%{email}</b>. You should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly."
1634 complete_username_not_found: "No account matches the username <b>%{username}</b>"
1635 complete_email_not_found: "No account matches <b>%{email}</b>"
1636 help: "Email not arriving? Be sure to check your spam folder first.<p>Not sure which email address you used? Enter an email address and we’ll let you know if it exists here.</p><p>If you no longer have access to the email address on your account, please contact <a href='%{basePath}/about'>our helpful staff.</a></p>"
1637 button_ok: "OK"
1638 button_help: "Help"
1640 email_login:
1641 link_label: "Email me a login link"
1642 button_label: "with email"
1643 emoji: "lock emoji"
1644 complete_username: "If an account matches the username <b>%{username}</b>, you should receive an email with a login link shortly."
1645 complete_email: "If an account matches <b>%{email}</b>, you should receive an email with a login link shortly."
1646 complete_username_found: "We found an account that matches the username <b>%{username}</b>, you should receive an email with a login link shortly."
1647 complete_email_found: "We found an account that matches <b>%{email}</b>, you should receive an email with a login link shortly."
1648 complete_username_not_found: "No account matches the username <b>%{username}</b>"
1649 complete_email_not_found: "No account matches <b>%{email}</b>"
1650 confirm_title: Continue to %{site_name}
1651 logging_in_as: Logging in as %{email}
1652 confirm_button: Finish Login
1654 login:
1655 title: "Log In"
1656 username: "User"
1657 password: "Password"
1658 second_factor_title: "Two-Factor Authentication"
1659 second_factor_description: "Please enter the authentication code from your app:"
1660 second_factor_backup: "Log in using a backup code"
1661 second_factor_backup_title: "Two-Factor Backup"
1662 second_factor_backup_description: "Please enter one of your backup codes:"
1663 second_factor: "Log in using Authenticator app"
1664 security_key_description: "When you have your physical security key prepared press the Authenticate with Security Key button below."
1665 security_key_alternative: "Try another way"
1666 security_key_authenticate: "Authenticate with Security Key"
1667 security_key_not_allowed_error: "The security key authentication process either timed out or was cancelled."
1668 security_key_no_matching_credential_error: "No matching credentials could be found in the provided security key."
1669 security_key_support_missing_error: "Your current device or browser does not support the use of security keys. Please use a different method."
1670 email_placeholder: "email or username"
1671 caps_lock_warning: "Caps Lock is on"
1672 error: "Unknown error"
1673 cookies_error: "Your browser seems to have cookies disabled. You might not be able to log in without enabling them first."
1674 rate_limit: "Please wait before trying to log in again."
1675 blank_username: "Please enter your email or username."
1676 blank_username_or_password: "Please enter your email or username, and password."
1677 reset_password: "Reset Password"
1678 logging_in: "Signing In..."
1679 or: "Or"
1680 authenticating: "Authenticating..."
1681 awaiting_activation: "Your account is awaiting activation, use the forgot password link to issue another activation email."
1682 awaiting_approval: "Your account has not been approved by a staff member yet. You will be sent an email when it is approved."
1683 requires_invite: "Sorry, access to this forum is by invite only."
1684 not_activated: "You can't log in yet. We previously sent an activation email to you at <b>%{sentTo}</b>. Please follow the instructions in that email to activate your account."
1685 not_allowed_from_ip_address: "You can't log in from that IP address."
1686 admin_not_allowed_from_ip_address: "You can't log in as admin from that IP address."
1687 resend_activation_email: "Click here to send the activation email again."
1688 omniauth_disallow_totp: "Your account has two-factor authentication enabled. Please log in with your password."
1690 resend_title: "Resend Activation Email"
1691 change_email: "Change Email Address"
1692 provide_new_email: "Provide a new address and we'll resend your confirmation email."
1693 submit_new_email: "Update Email Address"
1695 sent_activation_email_again: "We sent another activation email to you at <b>%{currentEmail}</b>. It might take a few minutes for it to arrive; be sure to check your spam folder."
1696 sent_activation_email_again_generic: "We sent another activation email. It might take a few minutes for it to arrive; be sure to check your spam folder."
1697 to_continue: "Please Log In"
1698 preferences: "You need to be logged in to change your user preferences."
1699 not_approved: "Your account hasn't been approved yet. You will be notified by email when you are ready to log in."
1700 google_oauth2:
1701 name: "Google"
1702 title: "with Google"
1703 twitter:
1704 name: "Twitter"
1705 title: "with Twitter"
1706 instagram:
1707 name: "Instagram"
1708 title: "with Instagram"
1709 facebook:
1710 name: "Facebook"
1711 title: "with Facebook"
1712 github:
1713 name: "GitHub"
1714 title: "with GitHub"
1715 discord:
1716 name: "Discord"
1717 title: "with Discord"
1718 second_factor_toggle:
1719 totp: "Use an authenticator app instead"
1720 backup_code: "Use a backup code instead"
1721 invites:
1722 accept_title: "Invitation"
1723 emoji: "envelope emoji"
1724 welcome_to: "Welcome to %{site_name}!"
1725 invited_by: "You were invited by:"
1726 social_login_available: "You'll also be able to sign in with any social login using that email."
1727 your_email: "Your account email address is <b>%{email}</b>."
1728 accept_invite: "Accept Invitation"
1729 success: "Your account has been created and you're now logged in."
1730 name_label: "Name"
1731 password_label: "Password"
1732 optional_description: "(optional)"
1734 password_reset:
1735 continue: "Continue to %{site_name}"
1737 emoji_set:
1738 apple_international: "Apple/International"
1739 google: "Google"
1740 twitter: "Twitter"
1741 emoji_one: "JoyPixels (formerly EmojiOne)"
1742 win10: "Win10"
1743 google_classic: "Google Classic"
1744 facebook_messenger: "Facebook Messenger"
1746 category_page_style:
1747 categories_only: "Categories Only"
1748 categories_with_featured_topics: "Categories with Featured Topics"
1749 categories_and_latest_topics: "Categories and Latest Topics"
1750 categories_and_top_topics: "Categories and Top Topics"
1751 categories_boxes: "Boxes with Subcategories"
1752 categories_boxes_with_topics: "Boxes with Featured Topics"
1754 shortcut_modifier_key:
1755 shift: "Shift"
1756 ctrl: "Ctrl"
1757 alt: "Alt"
1758 enter: "Enter"
1760 conditional_loading_section:
1761 loading: Loading...
1763 category_row:
1764 topic_count:
1765 one: "%{count} topic in this category"
1766 other: "%{count} topics in this category"
1767 plus_subcategories_title:
1768 one: "%{name} and one subcategory"
1769 other: "%{name} and %{count} subcategories"
1770 plus_subcategories:
1771 one: "+ %{count} subcategory"
1772 other: "+ %{count} subcategories"
1774 select_kit:
1775 default_header_text: Select...
1776 no_content: No matches found
1777 filter_placeholder: Search...
1778 filter_placeholder_with_any: Search or create...
1779 create: "Create: '%{content}'"
1780 max_content_reached:
1781 one: "You can only select %{count} item."
1782 other: "You can only select %{count} items."
1783 min_content_not_reached:
1784 one: "Select at least %{count} item."
1785 other: "Select at least %{count} items."
1786 invalid_selection_length:
1787 one: "Selection must be at least %{count} character."
1788 other: "Selection must be at least %{count} characters."
1789 components:
1790 categories_admin_dropdown:
1791 title: "Manage categories"
1793 date_time_picker:
1794 from: From
1795 to: To
1796 errors:
1797 to_before_from: "To date must be later than from date."
1799 emoji_picker:
1800 filter_placeholder: Search for emoji
1801 smileys_&_emotion: Smileys and Emotion
1802 people_&_body: People and Body
1803 animals_&_nature: Animals and Nature
1804 food_&_drink: Food and Drink
1805 travel_&_places: Travel and Places
1806 activities: Activities
1807 objects: Objects
1808 symbols: Symbols
1809 flags: Flags
1810 recent: Recently used
1811 default_tone: No skin tone
1812 light_tone: Light skin tone
1813 medium_light_tone: Medium light skin tone
1814 medium_tone: Medium skin tone
1815 medium_dark_tone: Medium dark skin tone
1816 dark_tone: Dark skin tone
1817 default: Custom emojis
1819 shared_drafts:
1820 title: "Shared Drafts"
1821 notice: "This topic is only visible to those who can see the <b>%{category}</b> category."
1822 destination_category: "Destination Category"
1823 publish: "Publish Shared Draft"
1824 confirm_publish: "Are you sure you want to publish this draft?"
1825 publishing: "Publishing Topic..."
1827 composer:
1828 emoji: "Emoji :)"
1829 more_emoji: "more..."
1830 options: "Options"
1831 whisper: "whisper"
1832 unlist: "unlisted"
1834 add_warning: "This is an official warning."
1835 toggle_whisper: "Toggle Whisper"
1836 toggle_unlisted: "Toggle Unlisted"
1837 posting_not_on_topic: "Which topic do you want to reply to?"
1838 saved_local_draft_tip: "saved locally"
1839 similar_topics: "Your topic is similar to..."
1840 drafts_offline: "drafts offline"
1841 edit_conflict: "edit conflict"
1843 group_mentioned_limit:
1844 one: "<b>Warning!</b> You mentioned <a href='%{group_link}'>%{group}</a>, however this group has more members than the administrator configured mention limit of %{count} user. Nobody will be notified."
1845 other: "<b>Warning!</b> You mentioned <a href='%{group_link}'>%{group}</a>, however this group has more members than the administrator configured mention limit of %{count} users. Nobody will be notified."
1846 group_mentioned:
1847 one: "By mentioning %{group}, you are about to notify <a href='%{group_link}'>%{count} person</a> – are you sure?"
1848 other: "By mentioning %{group}, you are about to notify <a href='%{group_link}'>%{count} people</a> – are you sure?"
1849 cannot_see_mention:
1850 category: "You mentioned %{username} but they won't be notified because they do not have access to this category. You will need to add them to a group that has access to this category."
1851 private: "You mentioned %{username} but they won't be notified because they are unable to see this personal message. You will need to invite them to this PM."
1852 duplicate_link: "It looks like your link to <b>%{domain}</b> was already posted in the topic by <b>@%{username}</b> in <a href='%{post_url}'>a reply on %{ago}</a> – are you sure you want to post it again?"
1853 reference_topic_title: "RE: %{title}"
1855 error:
1856 title_missing: "Title is required"
1857 title_too_short: "Title must be at least %{min} characters"
1858 title_too_long: "Title can't be more than %{max} characters"
1859 post_missing: "Post can’t be empty"
1860 post_length: "Post must be at least %{min} characters"
1861 try_like: "Have you tried the %{heart} button?"
1862 category_missing: "You must choose a category"
1863 tags_missing:
1864 one: "You must choose at least %{count} tag"
1865 other: "You must choose at least %{count} tags"
1866 topic_template_not_modified: "Please add details and specifics to your topic by editing the topic template."
1868 save_edit: "Save Edit"
1869 overwrite_edit: "Overwrite Edit"
1870 reply_original: "Reply on Original Topic"
1871 reply_here: "Reply Here"
1872 reply: "Reply"
1873 cancel: "Cancel"
1874 create_topic: "Create Topic"
1875 create_pm: "Message"
1876 create_whisper: "Whisper"
1877 create_shared_draft: "Create Shared Draft"
1878 edit_shared_draft: "Edit Shared Draft"
1879 title: "Or press Ctrl+Enter"
1881 users_placeholder: "Add a user"
1882 title_placeholder: "What is this discussion about in one brief sentence?"
1883 title_or_link_placeholder: "Type title, or paste a link here"
1884 edit_reason_placeholder: "why are you editing?"
1885 topic_featured_link_placeholder: "Enter link shown with title."
1886 remove_featured_link: "Remove link from topic."
1887 reply_placeholder: "Type here. Use Markdown, BBCode, or HTML to format. Drag or paste images."
1888 reply_placeholder_no_images: "Type here. Use Markdown, BBCode, or HTML to format."
1889 reply_placeholder_choose_category: "Select a category before typing here."
1890 view_new_post: "View your new post."
1891 saving: "Saving"
1892 saved: "Saved!"
1893 saved_draft: "Post draft in progress. Tap to resume."
1894 uploading: "Uploading..."
1895 show_preview: "show preview &raquo;"
1896 hide_preview: "&laquo; hide preview"
1898 quote_post_title: "Quote whole post"
1899 bold_label: "B"
1900 bold_title: "Strong"
1901 bold_text: "strong text"
1902 italic_label: "I"
1903 italic_title: "Emphasis"
1904 italic_text: "emphasized text"
1905 link_title: "Hyperlink"
1906 link_description: "enter link description here"
1907 link_dialog_title: "Insert Hyperlink"
1908 link_optional_text: "optional title"
1909 link_url_placeholder: "Paste a URL or type to search topics"
1910 blockquote_title: "Blockquote"
1911 blockquote_text: "Blockquote"
1912 code_title: "Preformatted text"
1913 code_text: "indent preformatted text by 4 spaces"
1914 paste_code_text: "type or paste code here"
1915 upload_title: "Upload"
1916 upload_description: "enter upload description here"
1917 olist_title: "Numbered List"
1918 ulist_title: "Bulleted List"
1919 list_item: "List item"
1920 toggle_direction: "Toggle Direction"
1921 help: "Markdown Editing Help"
1922 collapse: "minimize the composer panel"
1923 open: "open the composer panel"
1924 abandon: "close composer and discard draft"
1925 enter_fullscreen: "enter fullscreen composer"
1926 exit_fullscreen: "exit fullscreen composer"
1927 show_toolbar: "show composer toolbar"
1928 hide_toolbar: "hide composer toolbar"
1929 modal_ok: "OK"
1930 modal_cancel: "Cancel"
1931 cant_send_pm: "Sorry, you can't send a message to %{username}."
1932 yourself_confirm:
1933 title: "Did you forget to add recipients?"
1934 body: "Right now this message is only being sent to yourself!"
1935 slow_mode:
1936 error: "This topic is in slow mode. In order to promote thoughtful, considered discussion you may only post once every %{duration}."
1938 admin_options_title: "Optional staff settings for this topic"
1940 composer_actions:
1941 reply: Reply
1942 draft: Draft
1943 edit: Edit
1944 reply_to_post:
1945 label: Reply to a post by %{postUsername}
1946 desc: Reply to a specific post
1947 reply_as_new_topic:
1948 label: Reply as linked topic
1949 desc: Create a new topic linked to this topic
1950 confirm: You have a new topic draft saved, which will be overwritten if you create a linked topic.
1951 reply_as_new_group_message:
1952 label: Reply as new group message
1953 desc: Create a new private message with the same recipients
1954 reply_as_private_message:
1955 label: New message
1956 desc: Create a new personal message
1957 reply_to_topic:
1958 label: Reply to topic
1959 desc: Reply to the topic, not any specific post
1960 toggle_whisper:
1961 label: Toggle whisper
1962 desc: Whispers are only visible to staff members
1963 create_topic:
1964 label: "New Topic"
1965 shared_draft:
1966 label: "Shared Draft"
1967 desc: "Draft a topic that will only be visible to allowed users"
1968 toggle_topic_bump:
1969 label: "Toggle topic bump"
1970 desc: "Reply without changing latest reply date"
1972 reload: "Reload"
1973 ignore: "Ignore"
1975 notifications:
1976 tooltip:
1977 regular:
1978 one: "%{count} unseen notification"
1979 other: "%{count} unseen notifications"
1980 message:
1981 one: "%{count} unread message"
1982 other: "%{count} unread messages"
1983 high_priority:
1984 one: "%{count} unread high priority notification"
1985 other: "%{count} unread high priority notifications"
1986 title: "notifications of @name mentions, replies to your posts and topics, messages, etc"
1987 none: "Unable to load notifications at this time."
1988 empty: "No notifications found."
1989 post_approved: "Your post was approved"
1990 reviewable_items: "items requiring review"
1991 mentioned: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
1992 group_mentioned: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
1993 quoted: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
1994 bookmark_reminder: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
1995 replied: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
1996 posted: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
1997 edited: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
1998 liked: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
1999 liked_2: "<span class='double-user'>%{username}, %{username2}</span> %{description}"
2000 liked_many:
2001 one: "<span class='multi-user'>%{username}, %{username2} and %{count} other</span> %{description}"
2002 other: "<span class='multi-user'>%{username}, %{username2} and %{count} others</span> %{description}"
2003 liked_consolidated_description:
2004 one: "liked %{count} of your posts"
2005 other: "liked %{count} of your posts"
2006 liked_consolidated: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
2007 private_message: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
2008 invited_to_private_message: "<p><span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
2009 invited_to_topic: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
2010 invitee_accepted: "<span>%{username}</span> accepted your invitation"
2011 moved_post: "<span>%{username}</span> moved %{description}"
2012 linked: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
2013 granted_badge: "Earned '%{description}'"
2014 topic_reminder: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
2015 watching_first_post: "<span>New Topic</span> %{description}"
2016 membership_request_accepted: "Membership accepted in '%{group_name}'"
2017 membership_request_consolidated:
2018 one: "%{count} open membership request for '%{group_name}'"
2019 other: "%{count} open membership requests for '%{group_name}'"
2020 reaction: "<span>%{username}</span> %{description}"
2021 reaction_2: "<span>%{username}, %{username2}</span> %{description}"
2022 votes_released: "%{description} - completed"
2024 group_message_summary:
2025 one: "%{count} message in your %{group_name} inbox"
2026 other: "%{count} messages in your %{group_name} inbox"
2028 popup:
2029 mentioned: '%{username} mentioned you in "%{topic}" - %{site_title}'
2030 group_mentioned: '%{username} mentioned you in "%{topic}" - %{site_title}'
2031 quoted: '%{username} quoted you in "%{topic}" - %{site_title}'
2032 replied: '%{username} replied to you in "%{topic}" - %{site_title}'
2033 posted: '%{username} posted in "%{topic}" - %{site_title}'
2034 private_message: '%{username} sent you a personal message in "%{topic}" - %{site_title}'
2035 linked: '%{username} linked to your post from "%{topic}" - %{site_title}'
2036 watching_first_post: '%{username} created a new topic "%{topic}" - %{site_title}'
2037 confirm_title: "Notifications enabled - %{site_title}"
2038 confirm_body: "Success! Notifications have been enabled."
2039 custom: "Notification from %{username} on %{site_title}"
2041 titles:
2042 mentioned: "mentioned"
2043 replied: "new reply"
2044 quoted: "quoted"
2045 edited: "edited"
2046 liked: "new like"
2047 private_message: "new private message"
2048 invited_to_private_message: "invited to private message"
2049 invitee_accepted: "invite accepted"
2050 posted: "new post"
2051 moved_post: "post moved"
2052 linked: "linked"
2053 bookmark_reminder: "bookmark reminder"
2054 bookmark_reminder_with_name: "bookmark reminder - %{name}"
2055 granted_badge: "badge granted"
2056 invited_to_topic: "invited to topic"
2057 group_mentioned: "group mentioned"
2058 group_message_summary: "new group messages"
2059 watching_first_post: "new topic"
2060 topic_reminder: "topic reminder"
2061 liked_consolidated: "new likes"
2062 post_approved: "post approved"
2063 membership_request_consolidated: "new membership requests"
2064 reaction: "new reaction"
2065 votes_released: "Vote was released"
2067 upload_selector:
2068 title: "Add an image"
2069 title_with_attachments: "Add an image or a file"
2070 from_my_computer: "From my device"
2071 from_the_web: "From the web"
2072 remote_tip: "link to image"
2073 remote_tip_with_attachments: "link to image or file %{authorized_extensions}"
2074 local_tip: "select images from your device"
2075 local_tip_with_attachments: "select images or files from your device %{authorized_extensions}"
2076 hint: "(you can also drag & drop into the editor to upload them)"
2077 hint_for_supported_browsers: "you can also drag and drop or paste images into the editor"
2078 uploading: "Uploading"
2079 select_file: "Select File"
2080 default_image_alt_text: image
2082 search:
2083 sort_by: "Sort by"
2084 relevance: "Relevance"
2085 latest_post: "Latest Post"
2086 latest_topic: "Latest Topic"
2087 most_viewed: "Most Viewed"
2088 most_liked: "Most Liked"
2089 select_all: "Select All"
2090 clear_all: "Clear All"
2091 too_short: "Your search term is too short."
2092 result_count:
2093 one: "<span>%{count} result for</span><span class='term'>%{term}</span>"
2094 other: "<span>%{count}%{plus} results for</span><span class='term'>%{term}</span>"
2095 title: "search topics, posts, users, or categories"
2096 full_page_title: "search topics or posts"
2097 no_results: "No results found."
2098 no_more_results: "No more results found."
2099 post_format: "#%{post_number} by %{username}"
2100 results_page: "Search results for '%{term}'"
2101 more_results: "There are more results. Please narrow your search criteria."
2102 cant_find: "Can’t find what you’re looking for?"
2103 start_new_topic: "Perhaps start a new topic?"
2104 or_search_google: "Or try searching with Google instead:"
2105 search_google: "Try searching with Google instead:"
2106 search_google_button: "Google"
2108 context:
2109 user: "Search posts by @%{username}"
2110 category: "Search the #%{category} category"
2111 tag: "Search the #%{tag} tag"
2112 topic: "Search this topic"
2113 private_messages: "Search messages"
2115 advanced:
2116 title: Advanced Search
2117 posted_by:
2118 label: Posted by
2119 in_category:
2120 label: Categorized
2121 in_group:
2122 label: In Group
2123 with_badge:
2124 label: With Badge
2125 with_tags:
2126 label: Tagged
2127 filters:
2128 label: Only return topics/posts...
2129 title: Matching in title only
2130 likes: I liked
2131 posted: I posted in
2132 created: I created
2133 watching: I'm watching
2134 tracking: I'm tracking
2135 private: In my messages
2136 bookmarks: I bookmarked
2137 first: are the very first post
2138 pinned: are pinned
2139 seen: I read
2140 unseen: I've not read
2141 wiki: are wiki
2142 images: include image(s)
2143 all_tags: All the above tags
2144 statuses:
2145 label: Where topics
2146 open: are open
2147 closed: are closed
2148 public: are public
2149 archived: are archived
2150 noreplies: have zero replies
2151 single_user: contain a single user
2152 post:
2153 count:
2154 label: Posts
2155 min:
2156 placeholder: minimum
2157 max:
2158 placeholder: maximum
2159 time:
2160 label: Posted
2161 before: before
2162 after: after
2164 label: Views
2165 min_views:
2166 placeholder: minimum
2167 max_views:
2168 placeholder: maximum
2170 hamburger_menu: "go to another topic list or category"
2171 new_item: "new"
2172 go_back: "go back"
2173 not_logged_in_user: "user page with summary of current activity and preferences"
2174 current_user: "go to your user page"
2175 view_all: "view all"
2177 topics:
2178 new_messages_marker: "last visit"
2179 bulk:
2180 select_all: "Select All"
2181 clear_all: "Clear All"
2182 unlist_topics: "Unlist Topics"
2183 relist_topics: "Relist Topics"
2184 reset_read: "Reset Read"
2185 delete: "Delete Topics"
2186 dismiss: "Dismiss"
2187 dismiss_read: "Dismiss all unread"
2188 dismiss_button: "Dismiss…"
2189 dismiss_tooltip: "Dismiss just new posts or stop tracking topics"
2190 also_dismiss_topics: "Stop tracking these topics so they never show up as unread for me again"
2191 dismiss_new: "Dismiss New"
2192 toggle: "toggle bulk selection of topics"
2193 actions: "Bulk Actions"
2194 change_category: "Set Category"
2195 close_topics: "Close Topics"
2196 archive_topics: "Archive Topics"
2197 notification_level: "Notifications"
2198 choose_new_category: "Choose the new category for the topics:"
2199 selected:
2200 one: "You have selected <b>%{count}</b> topic."
2201 other: "You have selected <b>%{count}</b> topics."
2202 change_tags: "Replace Tags"
2203 append_tags: "Append Tags"
2204 choose_new_tags: "Choose new tags for these topics:"
2205 choose_append_tags: "Choose new tags to append for these topics:"
2206 changed_tags: "The tags of those topics were changed."
2207 remove_tags: "Remove Tags"
2208 progress:
2209 one: "Progress: <strong>%{count}</strong> topic"
2210 other: "Progress: <strong>%{count}</strong> topics"
2212 none:
2213 unread: "You have no unread topics."
2214 new: "You have no new topics."
2215 read: "You haven't read any topics yet."
2216 posted: "You haven't posted in any topics yet."
2217 ready_to_create: "Ready to "
2218 latest: "You're all caught up!"
2219 bookmarks: "You have no bookmarked topics yet."
2220 category: "There are no %{category} topics."
2221 top: "There are no top topics."
2222 educate:
2223 new: '<p>Your new topics will appear here. By default, topics are considered new and will show a <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;"></span> indicator if they were created in the last 2 days.</p><p>Visit your <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferences</a> to change this.</p>'
2224 unread: '<p>Your unread topics appear here.</p><p>By default, topics are considered unread and will show unread counts <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> if you:</p><ul><li>Created the topic</li><li>Replied to the topic</li><li>Read the topic for more than 4 minutes</li></ul><p>Or if you have explicitly set the topic to Tracked or Watched via the notification control at the bottom of each topic.</p><p>Visit your <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferences</a> to change this.</p>'
2225 bottom:
2226 latest: "There are no more latest topics."
2227 posted: "There are no more posted topics."
2228 read: "There are no more read topics."
2229 new: "There are no more new topics."
2230 unread: "There are no more unread topics."
2231 category: "There are no more %{category} topics."
2232 tag: "There are no more %{tag} topics."
2233 top: "There are no more top topics."
2234 bookmarks: "There are no more bookmarked topics."
2236 topic:
2237 filter_to:
2238 one: "%{count} post in topic"
2239 other: "%{count} posts in topic"
2240 create: "New Topic"
2241 create_long: "Create a new Topic"
2242 open_draft: "Open Draft"
2243 private_message: "Start a message"
2244 archive_message:
2245 help: "Move message to your archive"
2246 title: "Archive"
2247 move_to_inbox:
2248 title: "Move to Inbox"
2249 help: "Move message back to Inbox"
2250 edit_message:
2251 help: "Edit first post of the message"
2252 title: "Edit"
2253 defer:
2254 help: "Mark as unread"
2255 title: "Defer"
2256 feature_on_profile:
2257 help: "Add a link to this topic on your user card and profile"
2258 title: "Feature On Profile"
2259 remove_from_profile:
2260 warning: "Your profile already has a featured topic. If you continue, this topic will replace the existing topic."
2261 help: "Remove the link to this topic on your user profile"
2262 title: "Remove From Profile"
2264 list: "Topics"
2265 new: "new topic"
2266 unread: "unread"
2267 new_topics:
2268 one: "%{count} new topic"
2269 other: "%{count} new topics"
2270 unread_topics:
2271 one: "%{count} unread topic"
2272 other: "%{count} unread topics"
2273 title: "Topic"
2274 invalid_access:
2275 title: "Topic is private"
2276 description: "Sorry, you don't have access to that topic!"
2277 login_required: "You need to log in to see that topic."
2278 server_error:
2279 title: "Topic failed to load"
2280 description: "Sorry, we couldn't load that topic, possibly due to a connection problem. Please try again. If the problem persists, let us know."
2281 not_found:
2282 title: "Topic not found"
2283 description: "Sorry, we couldn't find that topic. Perhaps it was removed by a moderator?"
2284 total_unread_posts:
2285 one: "you have %{count} unread post in this topic"
2286 other: "you have %{count} unread posts in this topic"
2287 unread_posts:
2288 one: "you have %{count} unread old post in this topic"
2289 other: "you have %{count} unread old posts in this topic"
2290 new_posts:
2291 one: "there is %{count} new post in this topic since you last read it"
2292 other: "there are %{count} new posts in this topic since you last read it"
2294 one: "there is %{count} like in this topic"
2295 other: "there are %{count} likes in this topic"
2296 back_to_list: "Back to Topic List"
2297 options: "Topic Options"
2298 show_links: "show links within this topic"
2299 toggle_information: "toggle topic details"
2300 read_more_in_category: "Want to read more? Browse other topics in %{catLink} or %{latestLink}."
2301 read_more: "Want to read more? %{catLink} or %{latestLink}."
2302 unread_indicator: "No member has read the last post of this topic yet."
2304 # keys ending with _MF use message format, see https://meta.discourse.org/t/message-format-support-for-localization/7035 for details
2305 read_more_MF: "There {
2306 UNREAD, plural,
2307 =0 {}
2308 one {
2309 is <a href='{basePath}/unread'># unread</a>
2310 } other {
2311 are <a href='{basePath}/unread'># unread</a>
2312 }
2313 } {
2314 NEW, plural,
2315 =0 {}
2316 one { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {is } other{}} <a href='{basePath}/new'># new</a> topic}
2317 other { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {are } other{}} <a href='{basePath}/new'># new</a> topics}
2318 } remaining, or {CATEGORY, select, true {browse other topics in {catLink}} false {{latestLink}} other {}}"
2320 bumped_at_title_MF: "{FIRST_POST}: {CREATED_AT}\n{LAST_POST}: {BUMPED_AT}"
2322 browse_all_categories: Browse all categories
2323 browse_all_tags: Browse all tags
2325 view_latest_topics: view latest topics
2326 suggest_create_topic: start a new conversation?
2327 jump_reply_up: jump to earlier reply
2328 jump_reply_down: jump to later reply
2329 deleted: "The topic has been deleted"
2331 slow_mode_update:
2332 title: "Slow Mode"
2333 select: "Users may only post in this topic once every:"
2334 description: "To promote thoughtful discussion in fast moving or contentious discussions, users must wait before posting again in this topic."
2335 save: "Enable"
2336 enabled_until: "(Optional) Enabled until:"
2337 remove: "Disable"
2338 hours: "Hours:"
2339 minutes: "Minutes:"
2340 seconds: "Seconds:"
2341 durations:
2342 15_minutes: "15 Minutes"
2343 1_hour: "1 Hour"
2344 4_hours: "4 Hours"
2345 1_day: "1 Day"
2346 1_week: "1 Week"
2347 custom: "Custom Duration"
2348 slow_mode_notice:
2349 duration: "You need to wait %{duration} between posts in this topic"
2350 topic_status_update:
2351 title: "Topic Timer"
2352 save: "Set Timer"
2353 num_of_hours: "Number of hours:"
2354 num_of_days: "Number of days:"
2355 remove: "Remove Timer"
2356 publish_to: "Publish To:"
2357 when: "When:"
2358 time_frame_required: Please select a time frame
2359 auto_update_input:
2360 none: "Select a timeframe"
2361 now: "Now"
2362 later_today: "Later today"
2363 tomorrow: "Tomorrow"
2364 later_this_week: "Later this week"
2365 this_weekend: "This weekend"
2366 next_week: "Next week"
2367 two_weeks: "Two Weeks"
2368 next_month: "Next month"
2369 two_months: "Two Months"
2370 three_months: "Three Months"
2371 four_months: "Four Months"
2372 six_months: "Six Months"
2373 one_year: "One Year"
2374 forever: "Forever"
2375 pick_date_and_time: "Pick date and time"
2376 set_based_on_last_post: "Close based on last post"
2377 publish_to_category:
2378 title: "Schedule Publishing"
2379 temp_open:
2380 title: "Open Temporarily"
2381 auto_reopen:
2382 title: "Auto-open Topic"
2383 temp_close:
2384 title: "Close Temporarily"
2385 auto_close:
2386 title: "Auto-Close Topic"
2387 label: "Auto-close topic hours:"
2388 error: "Please enter a valid value."
2389 based_on_last_post: "Don't close until the last post in the topic is at least this old."
2390 auto_delete:
2391 title: "Auto-Delete Topic"
2392 auto_bump:
2393 title: "Auto-Bump Topic"
2394 reminder:
2395 title: "Remind Me"
2396 auto_delete_replies:
2397 title: "Auto-Delete Replies"
2399 status_update_notice:
2400 auto_open: "This topic will automatically open %{timeLeft}."
2401 auto_close: "This topic will automatically close %{timeLeft}."
2402 auto_publish_to_category: "This topic will be published to <a href=%{categoryUrl}>#%{categoryName}</a> %{timeLeft}."
2403 auto_close_based_on_last_post: "This topic will close %{duration} after the last reply."
2404 auto_delete: "This topic will be automatically deleted %{timeLeft}."
2405 auto_bump: "This topic will be automatically bumped %{timeLeft}."
2406 auto_reminder: "You will be reminded about this topic %{timeLeft}."
2407 auto_delete_replies: "Replies on this topic are automatically deleted after %{duration}."
2408 auto_close_title: "Auto-Close Settings"
2409 auto_close_immediate:
2410 one: "The last post in the topic is already %{count} hour old, so the topic will be closed immediately."
2411 other: "The last post in the topic is already %{count} hours old, so the topic will be closed immediately."
2413 timeline:
2414 back: "Back"
2415 back_description: "Go back to your last unread post"
2416 replies_short: "%{current} / %{total}"
2418 progress:
2419 title: topic progress
2420 go_top: "top"
2421 go_bottom: "bottom"
2422 go: "go"
2423 jump_bottom: "jump to last post"
2424 jump_prompt: "jump to..."
2425 jump_prompt_of: "of %{count} posts"
2426 jump_prompt_long: "Jump to..."
2427 jump_bottom_with_number: "jump to post %{post_number}"
2428 jump_prompt_to_date: "to date"
2429 jump_prompt_or: "or"
2430 total: total posts
2431 current: current post
2433 notifications:
2434 title: change how often you get notified about this topic
2435 reasons:
2436 mailing_list_mode: "You have mailing list mode enabled, so you will be notified of replies to this topic via email."
2437 "3_10": "You will receive notifications because you are watching a tag on this topic."
2438 "3_6": "You will receive notifications because you are watching this category."
2439 "3_5": "You will receive notifications because you started watching this topic automatically."
2440 "3_2": "You will receive notifications because you are watching this topic."
2441 "3_1": "You will receive notifications because you created this topic."
2442 "3": "You will receive notifications because you are watching this topic."
2443 "2_8": "You will see a count of new replies because you are tracking this category."
2444 "2_4": "You will see a count of new replies because you posted a reply to this topic."
2445 "2_2": "You will see a count of new replies because you are tracking this topic."
2446 "2": 'You will see a count of new replies because you <a href="%{basePath}/u/%{username}/preferences/notifications">read this topic</a>.'
2447 "1_2": "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
2448 "1": "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
2449 "0_7": "You are ignoring all notifications in this category."
2450 "0_2": "You are ignoring all notifications on this topic."
2451 "0": "You are ignoring all notifications on this topic."
2452 watching_pm:
2453 title: "Watching"
2454 description: "You will be notified of every new reply in this message, and a count of new replies will be shown."
2455 watching:
2456 title: "Watching"
2457 description: "You will be notified of every new reply in this topic, and a count of new replies will be shown."
2458 tracking_pm:
2459 title: "Tracking"
2460 description: "A count of new replies will be shown for this message. You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
2461 tracking:
2462 title: "Tracking"
2463 description: "A count of new replies will be shown for this topic. You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
2464 regular:
2465 title: "Normal"
2466 description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
2467 regular_pm:
2468 title: "Normal"
2469 description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
2470 muted_pm:
2471 title: "Muted"
2472 description: "You will never be notified of anything about this message."
2473 muted:
2474 title: "Muted"
2475 description: "You will never be notified of anything about this topic, and it will not appear in latest."
2477 actions:
2478 title: "Actions"
2479 recover: "Un-Delete Topic"
2480 delete: "Delete Topic"
2481 open: "Open Topic"
2482 close: "Close Topic"
2483 multi_select: "Select Posts…"
2484 slow_mode: "Set Slow Mode"
2485 timed_update: "Set Topic Timer..."
2486 pin: "Pin Topic…"
2487 unpin: "Un-Pin Topic…"
2488 unarchive: "Unarchive Topic"
2489 archive: "Archive Topic"
2490 invisible: "Make Unlisted"
2491 visible: "Make Listed"
2492 reset_read: "Reset Read Data"
2493 make_public: "Make Public Topic"
2494 make_private: "Make Personal Message"
2495 reset_bump_date: "Reset Bump Date"
2497 feature:
2498 pin: "Pin Topic"
2499 unpin: "Un-Pin Topic"
2500 pin_globally: "Pin Topic Globally"
2501 make_banner: "Banner Topic"
2502 remove_banner: "Remove Banner Topic"
2504 reply:
2505 title: "Reply"
2506 help: "begin composing a reply to this topic"
2508 clear_pin:
2509 title: "Clear pin"
2510 help: "Clear the pinned status of this topic so it no longer appears at the top of your topic list"
2512 share:
2513 title: "Share"
2514 extended_title: "Share a link"
2515 help: "share a link to this topic"
2517 print:
2518 title: "Print"
2519 help: "Open a printer friendly version of this topic"
2521 flag_topic:
2522 title: "Flag"
2523 help: "privately flag this topic for attention or send a private notification about it"
2524 success_message: "You successfully flagged this topic."
2525 make_public:
2526 title: "Convert to Public Topic"
2527 choose_category: "Please choose a category for the public topic:"
2529 feature_topic:
2530 title: "Feature this topic"
2531 pin: "Make this topic appear at the top of the %{categoryLink} category until"
2532 unpin: "Remove this topic from the top of the %{categoryLink} category."
2533 unpin_until: "Remove this topic from the top of the %{categoryLink} category or wait until <strong>%{until}</strong>."
2534 pin_note: "Users can unpin the topic individually for themselves."
2535 pin_validation: "A date is required to pin this topic."
2536 not_pinned: "There are no topics pinned in %{categoryLink}."
2537 already_pinned:
2538 one: "Topics currently pinned in %{categoryLink}: <strong class='badge badge-notification unread'>%{count}</strong>"
2539 other: "Topics currently pinned in %{categoryLink}: <strong class='badge badge-notification unread'>%{count}</strong>"
2540 pin_globally: "Make this topic appear at the top of all topic lists until"
2541 confirm_pin_globally:
2542 one: "You already have %{count} globally pinned topic. Too many pinned topics may be a burden for new and anonymous users. Are you sure you want to pin another topic globally?"
2543 other: "You already have %{count} globally pinned topics. Too many pinned topics may be a burden for new and anonymous users. Are you sure you want to pin another topic globally?"
2544 unpin_globally: "Remove this topic from the top of all topic lists."
2545 unpin_globally_until: "Remove this topic from the top of all topic lists or wait until <strong>%{until}</strong>."
2546 global_pin_note: "Users can unpin the topic individually for themselves."
2547 not_pinned_globally: "There are no topics pinned globally."
2548 already_pinned_globally:
2549 one: "Topics currently pinned globally: <strong class='badge badge-notification unread'>%{count}</strong>"
2550 other: "Topics currently pinned globally: <strong class='badge badge-notification unread'>%{count}</strong>"
2551 make_banner: "Make this topic into a banner that appears at the top of all pages."
2552 remove_banner: "Remove the banner that appears at the top of all pages."
2553 banner_note: "Users can dismiss the banner by closing it. Only one topic can be bannered at any given time."
2554 no_banner_exists: "There is no banner topic."
2555 banner_exists: "There <strong class='badge badge-notification unread'>is</strong> currently a banner topic."
2557 inviting: "Inviting..."
2558 automatically_add_to_groups: "This invite also includes access to these groups:"
2560 invite_private:
2561 title: "Invite to Message"
2562 email_or_username: "Invitee's Email or Username"
2563 email_or_username_placeholder: "email address or username"
2564 action: "Invite"
2565 success: "We've invited that user to participate in this message."
2566 success_group: "We've invited that group to participate in this message."
2567 error: "Sorry, there was an error inviting that user."
2568 not_allowed: "Sorry, that user can't be invited."
2569 group_name: "group name"
2571 controls: "Topic Controls"
2573 invite_reply:
2574 title: "Invite"
2575 username_placeholder: "username"
2576 action: "Send Invite"
2577 help: "invite others to this topic via email or notifications"
2578 to_forum: "We'll send a brief email allowing your friend to immediately join by clicking a link, no login required."
2579 sso_enabled: "Enter the username of the person you'd like to invite to this topic."
2580 to_topic_blank: "Enter the username or email address of the person you'd like to invite to this topic."
2581 to_topic_email: "You've entered an email address. We'll email an invitation that allows your friend to immediately reply to this topic."
2582 to_topic_username: "You've entered a username. We'll send a notification with a link inviting them to this topic."
2583 to_username: "Enter the username of the person you'd like to invite. We'll send a notification with a link inviting them to this topic."
2585 email_placeholder: "name@example.com"
2586 success_email: "We mailed out an invitation to <b>%{emailOrUsername}</b>. We'll notify you when the invitation is redeemed. Check the invitations tab on your user page to keep track of your invites."
2587 success_username: "We've invited that user to participate in this topic."
2588 error: "Sorry, we couldn't invite that person. Perhaps they have already been invited? (Invites are rate limited)"
2589 success_existing_email: "A user with email <b>%{emailOrUsername}</b> already exists. We've invited that user to participate in this topic."
2591 login_reply: "Log In to Reply"
2593 filters:
2594 n_posts:
2595 one: "%{count} post"
2596 other: "%{count} posts"
2597 cancel: "Remove filter"
2599 move_to:
2600 title: "Move to"
2601 action: "move to"
2602 error: "There was an error moving posts."
2604 split_topic:
2605 title: "Move to New Topic"
2606 action: "move to new topic"
2607 topic_name: "New Topic Title"
2608 radio_label: "New Topic"
2609 error: "There was an error moving posts to the new topic."
2610 instructions:
2611 one: "You are about to create a new topic and populate it with the post you've selected."
2612 other: "You are about to create a new topic and populate it with the <b>%{count}</b> posts you've selected."
2614 merge_topic:
2615 title: "Move to Existing Topic"
2616 action: "move to existing topic"
2617 error: "There was an error moving posts into that topic."
2618 radio_label: "Existing Topic"
2619 instructions:
2620 one: "Please choose the topic you'd like to move that post to."
2621 other: "Please choose the topic you'd like to move those <b>%{count}</b> posts to."
2623 move_to_new_message:
2624 title: "Move to New Message"
2625 action: "move to new message"
2626 message_title: "New Message Title"
2627 radio_label: "New Message"
2628 participants: "Participants"
2629 instructions:
2630 one: "You are about to create a new message and populate it with the post you've selected."
2631 other: "You are about to create a new message and populate it with the <b>%{count}</b> posts you've selected."
2633 move_to_existing_message:
2634 title: "Move to Existing Message"
2635 action: "move to existing message"
2636 radio_label: "Existing Message"
2637 participants: "Participants"
2638 instructions:
2639 one: "Please choose the message you'd like to move that post to."
2640 other: "Please choose the message you'd like to move those <b>%{count}</b> posts to."
2642 merge_posts:
2643 title: "Merge Selected Posts"
2644 action: "merge selected posts"
2645 error: "There was an error merging the selected posts."
2647 publish_page:
2648 title: "Page Publishing"
2649 publish: "Publish"
2650 description: "When a topic is published as a page, its URL can be shared and it will displayed with custom styling."
2651 slug: "Slug"
2652 public: "Public"
2653 public_description: "People can see the page even if the associated topic is private."
2654 publish_url: "Your page has been published at:"
2655 topic_published: "Your topic has been published at:"
2656 preview_url: "Your page will be published at:"
2657 invalid_slug: "Sorry, you can't publish this page."
2658 unpublish: "Unpublish"
2659 unpublished: "Your page has been unpublished and is no longer accessible."
2660 publishing_settings: "Publishing Settings"
2662 change_owner:
2663 title: "Change Owner"
2664 action: "change ownership"
2665 error: "There was an error changing the ownership of the posts."
2666 placeholder: "username of new owner"
2667 instructions:
2668 one: "Please choose a new owner for the post by <b>@%{old_user}</b>"
2669 other: "Please choose a new owner for the %{count} posts by <b>@%{old_user}</b>"
2670 instructions_without_old_user:
2671 one: "Please choose a new owner for the post"
2672 other: "Please choose a new owner for the %{count} posts"
2674 change_timestamp:
2675 title: "Change Timestamp..."
2676 action: "change timestamp"
2677 invalid_timestamp: "Timestamp cannot be in the future."
2678 error: "There was an error changing the timestamp of the topic."
2679 instructions: "Please select the new timestamp of the topic. Posts in the topic will be updated to have the same time difference."
2681 multi_select:
2682 select: "select"
2683 selected: "selected (%{count})"
2684 select_post:
2685 label: "select"
2686 title: "Add post to selection"
2687 selected_post:
2688 label: "selected"
2689 title: "Click to remove post from selection"
2690 select_replies:
2691 label: "select +replies"
2692 title: "Add post and all its replies to selection"
2693 select_below:
2694 label: "select +below"
2695 title: "Add post and all after it to selection"
2696 delete: delete selected
2697 cancel: cancel selecting
2698 select_all: select all
2699 deselect_all: deselect all
2700 description:
2701 one: You have selected <b>%{count}</b> post.
2702 other: "You have selected <b>%{count}</b> posts."
2704 deleted_by_author:
2705 one: "(topic withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in %{count} hour unless flagged)"
2706 other: "(topic withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in %{count} hours unless flagged)"
2708 post:
2709 quote_reply: "Quote"
2710 quote_share: "Share"
2711 edit_reason: "Reason: "
2712 post_number: "post %{number}"
2713 ignored: "Ignored content"
2714 wiki_last_edited_on: "wiki last edited on"
2715 last_edited_on: "post last edited on"
2716 reply_as_new_topic: "Reply as linked Topic"
2717 reply_as_new_private_message: "Reply as new message to the same recipients"
2718 continue_discussion: "Continuing the discussion from %{postLink}:"
2719 follow_quote: "go to the quoted post"
2720 show_full: "Show Full Post"
2721 show_hidden: "View ignored content."
2722 deleted_by_author:
2723 one: "(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in %{count} hour unless flagged)"
2724 other: "(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in %{count} hours unless flagged)"
2725 collapse: "collapse"
2726 expand_collapse: "expand/collapse"
2727 locked: "a staff member has locked this post from being edited"
2728 gap:
2729 one: "view %{count} hidden reply"
2730 other: "view %{count} hidden replies"
2732 notice:
2733 new_user: "This is the first time %{user} has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!"
2734 returning_user: "It’s been a while since we’ve seen %{user} — their last post was %{time}."
2736 unread: "Post is unread"
2737 has_replies:
2738 one: "%{count} Reply"
2739 other: "%{count} Replies"
2740 has_replies_count: "%{count}"
2742 unknown_user: "(unknown/deleted user)"
2743 has_likes_title:
2744 one: "%{count} person liked this post"
2745 other: "%{count} people liked this post"
2747 has_likes_title_only_you: "you liked this post"
2748 has_likes_title_you:
2749 one: "you and %{count} other person liked this post"
2750 other: "you and %{count} other people liked this post"
2752 filtered_replies_hint:
2753 one: "View this post and its reply"
2754 other: "View this post and its %{count} replies"
2755 filtered_replies_viewing:
2756 one: "Viewing %{count} reply to"
2757 other: "Viewing %{count} replies to"
2759 in_reply_to: "Load parent post"
2761 errors:
2762 create: "Sorry, there was an error creating your post. Please try again."
2763 edit: "Sorry, there was an error editing your post. Please try again."
2764 upload: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
2765 file_too_large: "Sorry, that file is too big (maximum size is %{max_size_kb}kb). Why not upload your large file to a cloud sharing service, then paste the link?"
2766 too_many_uploads: "Sorry, you can only upload one file at a time."
2767 too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files:
2768 one: "Sorry, you can only upload %{count} file at a time."
2769 other: "Sorry, you can only upload %{count} files at a time."
2770 upload_not_authorized: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: %{authorized_extensions})."
2771 image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Sorry, new users can not upload images."
2772 attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Sorry, new users can not upload attachments."
2773 attachment_download_requires_login: "Sorry, you need to be logged in to download attachments."
2775 abandon_edit:
2776 confirm: "Are you sure you want to discard your changes?"
2777 no_value: "No, keep"
2778 no_save_draft: "No, save draft"
2779 yes_value: "Yes, discard edit"
2781 abandon:
2782 title: "Abandon Draft"
2783 confirm: "Are you sure you want to abandon your post?"
2784 no_value: "No, keep"
2785 no_save_draft: "No, save draft"
2786 yes_value: "Yes, abandon"
2788 via_email: "this post arrived via email"
2789 via_auto_generated_email: "this post arrived via an auto generated email"
2790 whisper: "this post is a private whisper for moderators"
2792 wiki:
2793 about: "this post is a wiki"
2795 archetypes:
2796 save: "Save Options"
2798 few_likes_left: "Thanks for sharing the love! You only have a few likes left for today."
2800 controls:
2801 reply: "begin composing a reply to this post"
2802 like: "like this post"
2803 has_liked: "you've liked this post"
2804 read_indicator: "members who read this post"
2805 undo_like: "undo like"
2806 edit: "edit this post"
2807 edit_action: "Edit"
2808 edit_anonymous: "Sorry, but you need to be logged in to edit this post."
2809 flag: "privately flag this post for attention or send a private notification about it"
2810 delete: "delete this post"
2811 undelete: "undelete this post"
2812 share: "share a link to this post"
2813 more: "More"
2814 delete_replies:
2815 confirm: "Do you also want to delete the replies to this post?"
2816 direct_replies:
2817 one: "Yes, and %{count} direct reply"
2818 other: "Yes, and %{count} direct replies"
2819 all_replies:
2820 one: "Yes, and %{count} reply"
2821 other: "Yes, and all %{count} replies"
2822 just_the_post: "No, just this post"
2823 admin: "post admin actions"
2824 wiki: "Make Wiki"
2825 unwiki: "Remove Wiki"
2826 convert_to_moderator: "Add Staff Color"
2827 revert_to_regular: "Remove Staff Color"
2828 rebake: "Rebuild HTML"
2829 publish_page: "Page Publishing"
2830 unhide: "Unhide"
2831 change_owner: "Change Ownership"
2832 grant_badge: "Grant Badge"
2833 lock_post: "Lock Post"
2834 lock_post_description: "prevent the poster from editing this post"
2835 unlock_post: "Unlock Post"
2836 unlock_post_description: "allow the poster to edit this post"
2837 delete_topic_disallowed_modal: "You don't have permission to delete this topic. If you really want it to be deleted, submit a flag for moderator attention together with reasoning."
2838 delete_topic_disallowed: "you don't have permission to delete this topic"
2839 delete_topic_confirm_modal: "This topic currently has over %{minViews} views and may be a popular search destination. Are you sure you want to delete this topic entirely, instead of editing it to improve it?"
2840 delete_topic_confirm_modal_yes: "Yes, delete this topic"
2841 delete_topic_confirm_modal_no: "No, keep this topic"
2842 delete_topic_error: "An error occurred while deleting this topic"
2843 delete_topic: "delete topic"
2844 add_post_notice: "Add Staff Notice"
2845 change_post_notice: "Change Staff Notice"
2846 delete_post_notice: "Delete Staff Notice"
2847 remove_timer: "remove timer"
2849 actions:
2850 people:
2851 like:
2852 one: "liked this"
2853 other: "liked this"
2854 read:
2855 one: "read this"
2856 other: "read this"
2857 like_capped:
2858 one: "and %{count} other liked this"
2859 other: "and %{count} others liked this"
2860 read_capped:
2861 one: "and %{count} other read this"
2862 other: "and %{count} others read this"
2863 by_you:
2864 off_topic: "You flagged this as off-topic"
2865 spam: "You flagged this as spam"
2866 inappropriate: "You flagged this as inappropriate"
2867 notify_moderators: "You flagged this for moderation"
2868 notify_user: "You sent a message to this user"
2870 delete:
2871 confirm:
2872 one: "Are you sure you want to delete that post?"
2873 other: "Are you sure you want to delete those %{count} posts?"
2875 merge:
2876 confirm:
2877 one: "Are you sure you want to merge those posts?"
2878 other: "Are you sure you want to merge those %{count} posts?"
2880 revisions:
2881 controls:
2882 first: "First revision"
2883 previous: "Previous revision"
2884 next: "Next revision"
2885 last: "Last revision"
2886 hide: "Hide revision"
2887 show: "Show revision"
2888 revert: "Revert to revision %{revision}"
2889 edit_wiki: "Edit Wiki"
2890 edit_post: "Edit Post"
2891 comparing_previous_to_current_out_of_total: "<strong>%{previous}</strong> %{icon} <strong>%{current}</strong> / %{total}"
2892 displays:
2893 inline:
2894 title: "Show the rendered output with additions and removals inline"
2895 button: "HTML"
2896 side_by_side:
2897 title: "Show the rendered output diffs side-by-side"
2898 button: "HTML"
2899 side_by_side_markdown:
2900 title: "Show the raw source diffs side-by-side"
2901 button: "Raw"
2903 raw_email:
2904 displays:
2905 raw:
2906 title: "Show the raw email"
2907 button: "Raw"
2908 text_part:
2909 title: "Show the text part of the email"
2910 button: "Text"
2911 html_part:
2912 title: "Show the html part of the email"
2913 button: "HTML"
2916 create: "Create bookmark"
2917 edit: "Edit bookmark"
2918 created: "Created"
2919 updated: "Updated"
2920 name: "Name"
2921 name_placeholder: "What is this bookmark for?"
2922 set_reminder: "Remind me"
2923 actions:
2924 delete_bookmark:
2925 name: "Delete bookmark"
2926 description: "Removes the bookmark from your profile and stops all reminders for the bookmark"
2927 edit_bookmark:
2928 name: "Edit bookmark"
2929 description: "Edit the bookmark name or change the reminder date and time"
2931 filtered_replies:
2932 viewing_posts_by: "Viewing %{post_count} posts by"
2933 viewing_subset: "Some replies are collapsed"
2934 viewing_summary: "Viewing a summary of this topic"
2935 post_number: "%{username}, post #%{post_number}"
2936 show_all: "Show all"
2938 category:
2939 can: "can&hellip; "
2940 none: "(no category)"
2941 all: "All categories"
2942 choose: "category&hellip;"
2943 edit: "Edit"
2944 edit_dialog_title: "Edit: %{categoryName}"
2945 view: "View Topics in Category"
2946 back: "Back to category"
2947 general: "General"
2948 settings: "Settings"
2949 topic_template: "Topic Template"
2950 tags: "Tags"
2951 tags_allowed_tags: "Restrict these tags to this category:"
2952 tags_allowed_tag_groups: "Restrict these tag groups to this category:"
2953 tags_placeholder: "(Optional) list of allowed tags"
2954 tags_tab_description: "Tags and tag groups specified above will only be available in this category and other categories that also specify them. They won't be available for use in other categories."
2955 tag_groups_placeholder: "(Optional) list of allowed tag groups"
2956 manage_tag_groups_link: "Manage tag groups"
2957 allow_global_tags_label: "Also allow other tags"
2958 tag_group_selector_placeholder: "(Optional) Tag group"
2959 required_tag_group_description: "Require new topics to have tags from a tag group:"
2960 min_tags_from_required_group_label: "Num Tags:"
2961 required_tag_group_label: "Tag group:"
2962 topic_featured_link_allowed: "Allow featured links in this category"
2963 delete: "Delete Category"
2964 create: "New Category"
2965 create_long: "Create a new category"
2966 save: "Save Category"
2967 slug: "Category Slug"
2968 slug_placeholder: "(Optional) dashed-words for url"
2969 creation_error: There has been an error during the creation of the category.
2970 save_error: There was an error saving the category.
2971 name: "Category Name"
2972 description: "Description"
2973 topic: "category topic"
2974 logo: "Category Logo Image"
2975 background_image: "Category Background Image"
2976 badge_colors: "Badge colors"
2977 background_color: "Background color"
2978 foreground_color: "Foreground color"
2979 name_placeholder: "One or two words maximum"
2980 color_placeholder: "Any web color"
2981 delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this category?"
2982 delete_error: "There was an error deleting the category."
2983 list: "List Categories"
2984 no_description: "Please add a description for this category."
2985 change_in_category_topic: "Edit Description"
2986 already_used: "This color has been used by another category"
2987 security: "Security"
2988 security_add_group: "Add a group"
2989 permissions:
2990 group: "Group"
2991 see: "See"
2992 reply: "Reply"
2993 create: "Create"
2994 no_groups_selected: "No groups have been granted access; this category will only be visible to staff."
2995 everyone_has_access: 'This category is public, everyone can see, reply and create posts. To restrict permissions, remove one or more of the permissions granted to the "everyone" group.'
2996 toggle_reply: "Toggle Reply permission"
2997 toggle_full: "Toggle Create permission"
2998 inherited: 'This permission is inherited from "everyone"'
2999 special_warning: "Warning: This category is a pre-seeded category and the security settings cannot be edited. If you do not wish to use this category, delete it instead of repurposing it."
3000 uncategorized_security_warning: "This category is special. It is intended as holding area for topics that have no category; it cannot have security settings."
3001 uncategorized_general_warning: 'This category is special. It is used as the default category for new topics that do not have a category selected. If you want to prevent this behavior and force category selection, <a href="%{settingLink}">please disable the setting here</a>. If you want to change the name or description, go to <a href="%{customizeLink}">Customize / Text Content</a>.'
3002 pending_permission_change_alert: "You haven't added %{group} to this category; click this button to add them."
3003 images: "Images"
3004 email_in: "Custom incoming email address:"
3005 email_in_allow_strangers: "Accept emails from anonymous users with no accounts"
3006 email_in_disabled: "Posting new topics via email is disabled in the Site Settings. To enable posting new topics via email, "
3007 email_in_disabled_click: 'enable the "email in" setting.'
3008 mailinglist_mirror: "Category mirrors a mailing list"
3009 show_subcategory_list: "Show subcategory list above topics in this category."
3010 read_only_banner: "Banner text when a user cannot create a topic in this category:"
3011 num_featured_topics: "Number of topics shown on the categories page:"
3012 subcategory_num_featured_topics: "Number of featured topics on parent category's page:"
3013 all_topics_wiki: "Make new topics wikis by default"
3014 subcategory_list_style: "Subcategory List Style:"
3015 sort_order: "Topic List Sort By:"
3016 default_view: "Default Topic List:"
3017 default_top_period: "Default Top Period:"
3018 default_list_filter: "Default List Filter:"
3019 allow_badges_label: "Allow badges to be awarded in this category"
3020 edit_permissions: "Edit Permissions"
3021 reviewable_by_group: "In addition to staff, content in this category can be also be reviewed by:"
3022 review_group_name: "group name"
3023 require_topic_approval: "Require moderator approval of all new topics"
3024 require_reply_approval: "Require moderator approval of all new replies"
3025 this_year: "this year"
3026 position: "Position on the categories page:"
3027 default_position: "Default Position"
3028 position_disabled: "Categories will be displayed in order of activity. To control the order of categories in lists, "
3029 position_disabled_click: 'enable the "fixed category positions" setting.'
3030 minimum_required_tags: "Minimum number of tags required in a topic:"
3031 parent: "Parent Category"
3032 num_auto_bump_daily: "Number of open topics to automatically bump daily:"
3033 navigate_to_first_post_after_read: "Navigate to first post after topics are read"
3034 notifications:
3035 watching:
3036 title: "Watching"
3037 description: "You will automatically watch all topics in these categories. You will be notified of every new post in every topic, and a count of new replies will be shown."
3038 watching_first_post:
3039 title: "Watching First Post"
3040 description: "You will be notified of new topics in this category but not replies to the topics."
3041 tracking:
3042 title: "Tracking"
3043 description: "You will automatically track all topics in these categories. You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you, and a count of new replies will be shown."
3044 regular:
3045 title: "Normal"
3046 description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
3047 muted:
3048 title: "Muted"
3049 description: "You will never be notified of anything about new topics in these categories, and they will not appear in latest."
3050 search_priority:
3051 label: "Search Priority"
3052 options:
3053 normal: "Normal"
3054 ignore: "Ignore"
3055 very_low: "Very Low"
3056 low: "Low"
3057 high: "High"
3058 very_high: "Very High"
3059 sort_options:
3060 default: "default"
3061 likes: "Likes"
3062 op_likes: "Original Post Likes"
3063 views: "Views"
3064 posts: "Posts"
3065 activity: "Activity"
3066 posters: "Posters"
3067 category: "Category"
3068 created: "Created"
3069 sort_ascending: "Ascending"
3070 sort_descending: "Descending"
3071 subcategory_list_styles:
3072 rows: "Rows"
3073 rows_with_featured_topics: "Rows with featured topics"
3074 boxes: "Boxes"
3075 boxes_with_featured_topics: "Boxes with featured topics"
3076 settings_sections:
3077 general: "General"
3078 moderation: "Moderation"
3079 appearance: "Appearance"
3080 email: "Email"
3081 list_filters:
3082 all: "all topics"
3083 none: "no subcategories"
3085 flagging:
3086 title: "Thanks for helping to keep our community civil!"
3087 action: "Flag Post"
3088 take_action: "Take Action..."
3089 take_action_options:
3090 default:
3091 title: "Take Action"
3092 details: "Reach the flag threshold immediately, rather than waiting for more community flags"
3093 suspend:
3094 title: "Suspend User"
3095 details: "Reach the flag threshold, and suspend the user"
3096 silence:
3097 title: "Silence User"
3098 details: "Reach the flag threshold, and silence the user"
3099 notify_action: "Message"
3100 official_warning: "Official Warning"
3101 delete_spammer: "Delete Spammer"
3103 # keys ending with _MF use message format, see https://meta.discourse.org/t/message-format-support-for-localization/7035 for details
3104 delete_confirm_MF: "You are about to delete {POSTS, plural, one {<b>#</b> post} other {<b>#</b> posts}} and {TOPICS, plural, one {<b>#</b> topic} other {<b>#</b> topics}} from this user, remove their account, block signups from their IP address <b>{ip_address}</b>, and add their email address <b>{email}</b> to a permanent block list. Are you sure this user is really a spammer?"
3105 yes_delete_spammer: "Yes, Delete Spammer"
3106 ip_address_missing: "(N/A)"
3107 hidden_email_address: "(hidden)"
3108 submit_tooltip: "Submit the private flag"
3109 take_action_tooltip: "Reach the flag threshold immediately, rather than waiting for more community flags"
3110 cant: "Sorry, you can't flag this post at this time."
3111 notify_staff: "Notify staff privately"
3112 formatted_name:
3113 off_topic: "It's Off-Topic"
3114 inappropriate: "It's Inappropriate"
3115 spam: "It's Spam"
3116 custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Be specific, be constructive, and always be kind."
3117 custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Let us know specifically what you are concerned about, and provide relevant links and examples where possible."
3118 custom_message:
3119 at_least:
3120 one: "enter at least %{count} character"
3121 other: "enter at least %{count} characters"
3122 more:
3123 one: "%{count} to go..."
3124 other: "%{count} to go..."
3125 left:
3126 one: "%{count} remaining"
3127 other: "%{count} remaining"
3129 flagging_topic:
3130 title: "Thanks for helping to keep our community civil!"
3131 action: "Flag Topic"
3132 notify_action: "Message"
3134 topic_map:
3135 title: "Topic Summary"
3136 participants_title: "Frequent Posters"
3137 links_title: "Popular Links"
3138 links_shown: "show more links..."
3139 clicks:
3140 one: "%{count} click"
3141 other: "%{count} clicks"
3142 post_links:
3143 about: "expand more links for this post"
3144 title:
3145 one: "%{count} more"
3146 other: "%{count} more"
3148 topic_statuses:
3149 warning:
3150 help: "This is an official warning."
3151 bookmarked:
3152 help: "You bookmarked this topic"
3153 locked:
3154 help: "This topic is closed; it no longer accepts new replies"
3155 archived:
3156 help: "This topic is archived; it is frozen and cannot be changed"
3157 locked_and_archived:
3158 help: "This topic is closed and archived; it no longer accepts new replies and cannot be changed"
3159 unpinned:
3160 title: "Unpinned"
3161 help: "This topic is unpinned for you; it will display in regular order"
3162 pinned_globally:
3163 title: "Pinned Globally"
3164 help: "This topic is pinned globally; it will display at the top of latest and its category"
3165 pinned:
3166 title: "Pinned"
3167 help: "This topic is pinned for you; it will display at the top of its category"
3168 unlisted:
3169 help: "This topic is unlisted; it will not be displayed in topic lists, and can only be accessed via a direct link"
3170 personal_message:
3171 title: "This topic is a personal message"
3172 help: "This topic is a personal message"
3173 posts: "Posts"
3175 # keys ending with _MF use message format, see https://meta.discourse.org/t/message-format-support-for-localization/7035 for details
3176 posts_likes_MF: |
3177 This topic has {count, plural, one {# reply} other {# replies}} {ratio, select,
3178 low {with a high like to post ratio}
3179 med {with a very high like to post ratio}
3180 high {with an extremely high like to post ratio}
3181 other {}}
3182 original_post: "Original Post"
3183 views: "Views"
3184 views_lowercase:
3185 one: "view"
3186 other: "views"
3187 replies: "Replies"
3188 views_long:
3189 one: "this topic has been viewed %{count} time"
3190 other: "this topic has been viewed %{number} times"
3191 activity: "Activity"
3192 likes: "Likes"
3193 likes_lowercase:
3194 one: "like"
3195 other: "likes"
3196 users: "Users"
3197 users_lowercase:
3198 one: "user"
3199 other: "users"
3200 category_title: "Category"
3201 history: "History"
3202 changed_by: "by %{author}"
3204 raw_email:
3205 title: "Incoming Email"
3206 not_available: "Not available!"
3208 categories_list: "Categories List"
3210 filters:
3211 with_topics: "%{filter} topics"
3212 with_category: "%{filter} %{category} topics"
3213 latest:
3214 title: "Latest"
3215 title_with_count:
3216 one: "Latest (%{count})"
3217 other: "Latest (%{count})"
3218 help: "topics with recent posts"
3219 read:
3220 title: "Read"
3221 help: "topics you've read, in the order that you last read them"
3222 categories:
3223 title: "Categories"
3224 title_in: "Category - %{categoryName}"
3225 help: "all topics grouped by category"
3226 unread:
3227 title: "Unread"
3228 title_with_count:
3229 one: "Unread (%{count})"
3230 other: "Unread (%{count})"
3231 help: "topics you are currently watching or tracking with unread posts"
3232 lower_title_with_count:
3233 one: "%{count} unread"
3234 other: "%{count} unread"
3235 new:
3236 lower_title_with_count:
3237 one: "%{count} new"
3238 other: "%{count} new"
3239 lower_title: "new"
3240 title: "New"
3241 title_with_count:
3242 one: "New (%{count})"
3243 other: "New (%{count})"
3244 help: "topics created in the last few days"
3245 posted:
3246 title: "My Posts"
3247 help: "topics you have posted in"
3249 title: "Bookmarks"
3250 help: "topics you have bookmarked"
3251 category:
3252 title: "%{categoryName}"
3253 title_with_count:
3254 one: "%{categoryName} (%{count})"
3255 other: "%{categoryName} (%{count})"
3256 help: "latest topics in the %{categoryName} category"
3257 top:
3258 title: "Top"
3259 help: "the most active topics in the last year, month, week or day"
3260 all:
3261 title: "All Time"
3262 yearly:
3263 title: "Yearly"
3264 quarterly:
3265 title: "Quarterly"
3266 monthly:
3267 title: "Monthly"
3268 weekly:
3269 title: "Weekly"
3270 daily:
3271 title: "Daily"
3272 all_time: "All Time"
3273 this_year: "Year"
3274 this_quarter: "Quarter"
3275 this_month: "Month"
3276 this_week: "Week"
3277 today: "Today"
3278 other_periods: "see top:"
3280 browser_update: 'Unfortunately, <a href="https://www.discourse.org/faq/#browser">your browser is too old to work on this site</a>. Please <a href="https://browsehappy.com">upgrade your browser</a> to view rich content, log in and reply.'
3282 permission_types:
3283 full: "Create / Reply / See"
3284 create_post: "Reply / See"
3285 readonly: "See"
3287 lightbox:
3288 download: "download"
3289 previous: "Previous (Left arrow key)"
3290 next: "Next (Right arrow key)"
3291 counter: "%curr% of %total%"
3292 close: "Close (Esc)"
3293 content_load_error: '<a href="%url%">The content</a> could not be loaded.'
3294 image_load_error: '<a href="%url%">The image</a> could not be loaded.'
3296 keyboard_shortcuts_help:
3297 shortcut_key_delimiter_comma: ", "
3298 shortcut_key_delimiter_plus: "+"
3299 shortcut_delimiter_or: "%{shortcut1} or %{shortcut2}"
3300 shortcut_delimiter_slash: "%{shortcut1}/%{shortcut2}"
3301 shortcut_delimiter_space: "%{shortcut1} %{shortcut2}"
3302 title: "Keyboard Shortcuts"
3303 jump_to:
3304 title: "Jump To"
3305 home: "%{shortcut} Home"
3306 latest: "%{shortcut} Latest"
3307 new: "%{shortcut} New"
3308 unread: "%{shortcut} Unread"
3309 categories: "%{shortcut} Categories"
3310 top: "%{shortcut} Top"
3311 bookmarks: "%{shortcut} Bookmarks"
3312 profile: "%{shortcut} Profile"
3313 messages: "%{shortcut} Messages"
3314 drafts: "%{shortcut} Drafts"
3315 next: "%{shortcut} Next Topic"
3316 previous: "%{shortcut} Previous Topic"
3317 navigation:
3318 title: "Navigation"
3319 jump: "%{shortcut} Go to post #"
3320 back: "%{shortcut} Back"
3321 up_down: "%{shortcut} Move selection &uarr; &darr;"
3322 open: "%{shortcut} Open selected topic"
3323 next_prev: "%{shortcut} Next/previous section"
3324 go_to_unread_post: "%{shortcut} Go to the first unread post"
3325 application:
3326 title: "Application"
3327 create: "%{shortcut} Create a new topic"
3328 notifications: "%{shortcut} Open notifications"
3329 hamburger_menu: "%{shortcut} Open hamburger menu"
3330 user_profile_menu: "%{shortcut} Open user menu"
3331 show_incoming_updated_topics: "%{shortcut} Show updated topics"
3332 search: "%{shortcut} Search"
3333 help: "%{shortcut} Open keyboard help"
3334 dismiss_new_posts: "%{shortcut} Dismiss New/Posts"
3335 dismiss_topics: "%{shortcut} Dismiss Topics"
3336 log_out: "%{shortcut} Log Out"
3337 composing:
3338 title: "Composing"
3339 return: "%{shortcut} Return to composer"
3340 fullscreen: "%{shortcut} Fullscreen composer"
3342 title: "Bookmarking"
3343 enter: "%{shortcut} Save and close"
3344 later_today: "%{shortcut} Later today"
3345 later_this_week: "%{shortcut} Later this week"
3346 tomorrow: "%{shortcut} Tomorrow"
3347 next_week: "%{shortcut} Next week"
3348 next_month: "%{shortcut} Next month"
3349 next_business_week: "%{shortcut} Start of next week"
3350 next_business_day: "%{shortcut} Next business day"
3351 custom: "%{shortcut} Custom date and time"
3352 none: "%{shortcut} No reminder"
3353 delete: "%{shortcut} Delete bookmark"
3354 actions:
3355 title: "Actions"
3356 bookmark_topic: "%{shortcut} Toggle bookmark topic"
3357 pin_unpin_topic: "%{shortcut} Pin/Unpin topic"
3358 share_topic: "%{shortcut} Share topic"
3359 share_post: "%{shortcut} Share post"
3360 reply_as_new_topic: "%{shortcut} Reply as linked topic"
3361 reply_topic: "%{shortcut} Reply to topic"
3362 reply_post: "%{shortcut} Reply to post"
3363 quote_post: "%{shortcut} Quote post"
3364 like: "%{shortcut} Like post"
3365 flag: "%{shortcut} Flag post"
3366 bookmark: "%{shortcut} Bookmark post"
3367 edit: "%{shortcut} Edit post"
3368 delete: "%{shortcut} Delete post"
3369 mark_muted: "%{shortcut} Mute topic"
3370 mark_regular: "%{shortcut} Regular (default) topic"
3371 mark_tracking: "%{shortcut} Track topic"
3372 mark_watching: "%{shortcut} Watch topic"
3373 print: "%{shortcut} Print topic"
3374 defer: "%{shortcut} Defer topic"
3375 topic_admin_actions: "%{shortcut} Open topic admin actions"
3376 search_menu:
3377 title: "Search Menu"
3378 prev_next: "%{shortcut} Move selection up and down"
3379 insert_url: "%{shortcut} Insert selection into open composer"
3381 badges:
3382 earned_n_times:
3383 one: "Earned this badge %{count} time"
3384 other: "Earned this badge %{count} times"
3385 granted_on: "Granted %{date}"
3386 others_count: "Others with this badge (%{count})"
3387 title: Badges
3388 allow_title: "You can use this badge as a title"
3389 multiple_grant: "You can earn this multiple times"
3390 badge_count:
3391 one: "%{count} Badge"
3392 other: "%{count} Badges"
3393 more_badges:
3394 one: "+%{count} More"
3395 other: "+%{count} More"
3396 granted:
3397 one: "%{count} granted"
3398 other: "%{count} granted"
3399 select_badge_for_title: Select a badge to use as your title
3400 none: "(none)"
3401 successfully_granted: "Successfully granted %{badge} to %{username}"
3402 badge_grouping:
3403 getting_started:
3404 name: Getting Started
3405 community:
3406 name: Community
3407 trust_level:
3408 name: Trust Level
3409 other:
3410 name: Other
3411 posting:
3412 name: Posting
3414 tagging:
3415 all_tags: "All Tags"
3416 other_tags: "Other Tags"
3417 selector_all_tags: "all tags"
3418 selector_no_tags: "no tags"
3419 changed: "tags changed:"
3420 tags: "Tags"
3421 choose_for_topic: "optional tags"
3422 info: "Info"
3423 default_info: "This tag isn't restricted to any categories, and has no synonyms."
3424 category_restricted: "This tag is restricted to categories you don't have permission to access."
3425 synonyms: "Synonyms"
3426 synonyms_description: "When the following tags are used, they will be replaced with <b>%{base_tag_name}</b>."
3427 tag_groups_info:
3428 one: 'This tag belongs to the group "%{tag_groups}".'
3429 other: "This tag belongs to these groups: %{tag_groups}."
3430 category_restrictions:
3431 one: "It can only be used in this category:"
3432 other: "It can only be used in these categories:"
3433 edit_synonyms: "Manage Synonyms"
3434 add_synonyms_label: "Add synonyms:"
3435 add_synonyms: "Add"
3436 add_synonyms_explanation:
3437 one: "Any place that currently uses this tag will be changed to use <b>%{tag_name}</b> instead. Are you sure you want to make this change?"
3438 other: "Any place that currently uses these tags will be changed to use <b>%{tag_name}</b> instead. Are you sure you want to make this change?"
3439 add_synonyms_failed: "The following tags couldn't be added as synonyms: <b>%{tag_names}</b>. Ensure they don't have synonyms and aren't synonyms of another tag."
3440 remove_synonym: "Remove Synonym"
3441 delete_synonym_confirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete the synonym "%{tag_name}"?'
3442 delete_tag: "Delete Tag"
3443 delete_confirm:
3444 one: "Are you sure you want to delete this tag and remove it from %{count} topic it is assigned to?"
3445 other: "Are you sure you want to delete this tag and remove it from %{count} topics it is assigned to?"
3446 delete_confirm_no_topics: "Are you sure you want to delete this tag?"
3447 delete_confirm_synonyms:
3448 one: "Its synonym will also be deleted."
3449 other: "Its %{count} synonyms will also be deleted."
3450 rename_tag: "Rename Tag"
3451 rename_instructions: "Choose a new name for the tag:"
3452 sort_by: "Sort by:"
3453 sort_by_count: "count"
3454 sort_by_name: "name"
3455 manage_groups: "Manage Tag Groups"
3456 manage_groups_description: "Define groups to organize tags"
3457 upload: "Upload Tags"
3458 upload_description: "Upload a csv file to create tags in bulk"
3459 upload_instructions: "One per line, optionally with a tag group in the format 'tag_name,tag_group'."
3460 upload_successful: "Tags uploaded successfully"
3461 delete_unused_confirmation:
3462 one: "%{count} tag will be deleted: %{tags}"
3463 other: "%{count} tags will be deleted: %{tags}"
3464 delete_unused_confirmation_more_tags:
3465 one: "%{tags} and %{count} more"
3466 other: "%{tags} and %{count} more"
3467 delete_no_unused_tags: "There are no unused tags."
3468 delete_unused: "Delete Unused Tags"
3469 delete_unused_description: "Delete all tags which are not attached to any topics or personal messages"
3470 cancel_delete_unused: "Cancel"
3471 filters:
3472 without_category: "%{filter} %{tag} topics"
3473 with_category: "%{filter} %{tag} topics in %{category}"
3474 untagged_without_category: "%{filter} untagged topics"
3475 untagged_with_category: "%{filter} untagged topics in %{category}"
3477 notifications:
3478 watching:
3479 title: "Watching"
3480 description: "You will automatically watch all topics with this tag. You will be notified of all new posts and topics, plus the count of unread and new posts will also appear next to the topic."
3481 watching_first_post:
3482 title: "Watching First Post"
3483 description: "You will be notified of new topics in this tag but not replies to the topics."
3484 tracking:
3485 title: "Tracking"
3486 description: "You will automatically track all topics with this tag. A count of unread and new posts will appear next to the topic."
3487 regular:
3488 title: "Regular"
3489 description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to your post."
3490 muted:
3491 title: "Muted"
3492 description: "You will not be notified of anything about new topics with this tag, and they will not appear on your unread tab."
3494 groups:
3495 title: "Tag Groups"
3496 about: "Add tags to groups to manage them more easily."
3497 new: "New Group"
3498 tags_label: "Tags in this group:"
3499 parent_tag_label: "Parent tag:"
3500 parent_tag_description: "Tags from this group can't be used unless the parent tag is present."
3501 one_per_topic_label: "Limit one tag per topic from this group"
3502 new_name: "New Tag Group"
3503 name_placeholder: "Tag Group Name"
3504 save: "Save"
3505 delete: "Delete"
3506 confirm_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete this tag group?"
3507 everyone_can_use: "Tags can be used by everyone"
3508 usable_only_by_groups: "Tags are visible to everyone, but only the following groups can use them"
3509 visible_only_to_groups: "Tags are visible only to the following groups"
3511 topics:
3512 none:
3513 unread: "You have no unread topics."
3514 new: "You have no new topics."
3515 read: "You haven't read any topics yet."
3516 posted: "You haven't posted in any topics yet."
3517 latest: "There are no latest topics."
3518 bookmarks: "You have no bookmarked topics yet."
3519 top: "There are no top topics."
3521 invite:
3522 custom_message: "Make your invite a little bit more personal by writing a <a href>custom message</a>."
3523 custom_message_placeholder: "Enter your custom message"
3524 approval_not_required: "User will be auto-approved as soon as they accept this invite."
3525 custom_message_template_forum: "Hey, you should join this forum!"
3526 custom_message_template_topic: "Hey, I thought you might enjoy this topic!"
3528 forced_anonymous: "Due to extreme load, this is temporarily being shown to everyone as a logged out user would see it."
3530 footer_nav:
3531 back: "Back"
3532 forward: "Forward"
3533 share: "Share"
3534 dismiss: "Dismiss"
3536 safe_mode:
3537 enabled: "Safe mode is enabled, to exit safe mode close this browser window"
3539 image_removed: "(image removed)"
3541 do_not_disturb:
3542 title: "Do not disturb for..."
3543 save: "Save"
3544 label: "Do not disturb"
3545 remaining: "%{remaining} remaining"
3546 options:
3547 half_hour: "30 minutes"
3548 one_hour: "1 hour"
3549 two_hours: "2 hours"
3550 tomorrow: "Until tomorrow"
3551 custom: "Custom"
3553 # This section is exported to the javascript for i18n in the admin section
3554 admin_js:
3555 type_to_filter: "type to filter..."
3557 admin:
3558 title: "Discourse Admin"
3559 moderator: "Moderator"
3561 tags:
3562 remove_muted_tags_from_latest:
3563 always: "always"
3564 only_muted: "when used alone or with other muted tags"
3565 never: "never"
3567 reports:
3568 title: "List of available reports"
3570 dashboard:
3571 title: "Dashboard"
3572 last_updated: "Dashboard updated:"
3573 discourse_last_updated: "Discourse updated:"
3574 version: "Version"
3575 up_to_date: "You're up to date!"
3576 critical_available: "A critical update is available."
3577 updates_available: "Updates are available."
3578 please_upgrade: "Please upgrade!"
3579 no_check_performed: "A check for updates has not been performed. Ensure sidekiq is running."
3580 stale_data: "A check for updates has not been performed lately. Ensure sidekiq is running."
3581 version_check_pending: "Looks like you upgraded recently. Fantastic!"
3582 installed_version: "Installed"
3583 latest_version: "Latest"
3584 problems_found: "Some advice based on your current site settings"
3585 last_checked: "Last checked"
3586 refresh_problems: "Refresh"
3587 no_problems: "No problems were found."
3588 moderators: "Moderators:"
3589 admins: "Admins:"
3590 silenced: "Silenced:"
3591 suspended: "Suspended:"
3592 private_messages_short: "Msgs"
3593 private_messages_title: "Messages"
3594 mobile_title: "Mobile"
3595 space_used: "%{usedSize} used"
3596 space_used_and_free: "%{usedSize} (%{freeSize} free)"
3597 uploads: "Uploads"
3598 backups: "Backups"
3599 backup_count:
3600 one: "%{count} backup on %{location}"
3601 other: "%{count} backups on %{location}"
3602 lastest_backup: "Latest: %{date}"
3603 traffic_short: "Traffic"
3604 traffic: "Application web requests"
3605 page_views: "Pageviews"
3606 page_views_short: "Pageviews"
3607 show_traffic_report: "Show Detailed Traffic Report"
3608 community_health: Community health
3609 moderators_activity: Moderators activity
3610 whats_new_in_discourse: What’s new in Discourse?
3611 activity_metrics: Activity Metrics
3612 all_reports: "All reports"
3613 general_tab: "General"
3614 moderation_tab: "Moderation"
3615 security_tab: "Security"
3616 reports_tab: "Reports"
3617 report_filter_any: "any"
3618 disabled: Disabled
3619 timeout_error: Sorry, query is taking too long, please pick a shorter interval
3620 exception_error: Sorry, an error occurred while executing the query
3621 too_many_requests: You’ve performed this action too many times. Please wait before trying again.
3622 not_found_error: Sorry, this report doesn’t exist
3623 filter_reports: Filter reports
3625 reports:
3626 trend_title: "%{percent} change. Currently %{current}, was %{prev} in previous period."
3627 today: "Today"
3628 yesterday: "Yesterday"
3629 last_7_days: "Last 7"
3630 last_30_days: "Last 30"
3631 all_time: "All Time"
3632 7_days_ago: "7 Days Ago"
3633 30_days_ago: "30 Days Ago"
3634 all: "All"
3635 view_table: "table"
3636 view_graph: "graph"
3637 refresh_report: "Refresh Report"
3638 daily: Daily
3639 monthly: Monthly
3640 weekly: Weekly
3641 dates: "Dates (UTC)"
3642 groups: "All groups"
3643 disabled: "This report is disabled"
3644 totals_for_sample: "Totals for sample"
3645 average_for_sample: "Average for sample"
3646 total: "All time total"
3647 no_data: "No data to display."
3648 trending_search:
3649 more: '<a href="%{basePath}/admin/logs/search_logs">Search logs</a>'
3650 disabled: 'Trending search report is disabled. Enable <a href="%{basePath}/admin/site_settings/category/all_results?filter=log%20search%20queries">log search queries</a> to collect data.'
3651 filters:
3652 file_extension:
3653 label: File extension
3654 group:
3655 label: Group
3656 category:
3657 label: Category
3658 include_subcategories:
3659 label: "Include Subcategories"
3661 commits:
3662 latest_changes: "Latest changes: please update often!"
3663 by: "by"
3665 groups:
3666 new:
3667 title: "New Group"
3668 create: "Create"
3669 name:
3670 too_short: "Group name is too short"
3671 too_long: "Group name is too long"
3672 checking: "Checking group name availability..."
3673 available: "Group name is available"
3674 not_available: "Group name is not available"
3675 blank: "Group name cannot be blank"
3676 bulk_add:
3677 title: "Bulk Add to Group"
3678 complete_users_not_added: "These users were not added (make sure they have an account):"
3679 paste: "Paste a list of usernames or emails, one per line:"
3680 add_members:
3681 as_owner: "Set user(s) as owner(s) of this group"
3682 manage:
3683 interaction:
3684 email: Email
3685 incoming_email: "Custom incoming email address"
3686 incoming_email_placeholder: "enter email address"
3687 visibility: Visibility
3688 visibility_levels:
3689 title: "Who can see this group?"
3690 public: "Everyone"
3691 logged_on_users: "Logged on users"
3692 members: "Group owners, members and moderators"
3693 staff: "Group owners and moderators"
3694 owners: "Group owners"
3695 description: "Admins can see all groups."
3696 members_visibility_levels:
3697 title: "Who can see this group's members?"
3698 description: "Admins can see members of all groups."
3699 publish_read_state: "On group messages publish group read state"
3701 membership:
3702 automatic: Automatic
3703 trust_levels_title: "Trust level automatically granted to members when they're added:"
3704 effects: Effects
3705 trust_levels_none: "None"
3706 automatic_membership_email_domains: "Users who register with an email domain that exactly matches one in this list will be automatically added to this group:"
3707 automatic_membership_user_count: "%{count} users have the new email domains and will be added to the group."
3708 primary_group: "Automatically set as primary group"
3709 name_placeholder: "Group name, no spaces, same as username rule"
3710 primary: "Primary Group"
3711 no_primary: "(no primary group)"
3712 title: "Groups"
3713 edit: "Edit Groups"
3714 refresh: "Refresh"
3715 about: "Edit your group membership and names here"
3716 group_members: "Group members"
3717 delete: "Delete"
3718 delete_confirm: "Delete this group?"
3719 delete_failed: "Unable to delete group. If this is an automatic group, it cannot be destroyed."
3720 delete_owner_confirm: "Remove owner privilege for '%{username}'?"
3721 add: "Add"
3722 custom: "Custom"
3723 automatic: "Automatic"
3724 default_title: "Default title"
3725 default_title_description: "will be applied to all users in the group"
3726 group_owners: Owners
3727 add_owners: Add owners
3728 none_selected: "Select a group to get started"
3729 no_custom_groups: "Create a new custom group"
3731 api:
3732 generate_master: "Generate Master API Key"
3733 none: "There are no active API keys right now."
3734 user: "User"
3735 title: "API"
3736 key: "Key"
3737 created: Created
3738 updated: Updated
3739 last_used: Last Used
3740 never_used: (never)
3741 generate: "Generate"
3742 undo_revoke: "Undo Revoke"
3743 revoke: "Revoke"
3744 all_users: "All Users"
3745 active_keys: "Active API Keys"
3746 manage_keys: Manage Keys
3747 show_details: Details
3748 description: Description
3749 no_description: (no description)
3750 all_api_keys: All API Keys
3751 user_mode: User Level
3752 impersonate_all_users: Impersonate any user
3753 single_user: "Single User"
3754 user_placeholder: Enter username
3755 description_placeholder: What will this key be used for?
3756 save: Save
3757 new_key: New API Key
3758 revoked: Revoked
3759 delete: Permanently Delete
3760 not_shown_again: This key will not be displayed again. Make sure you take a copy before continuing.
3761 continue: Continue
3762 use_global_key: Global Key (allows all actions)
3763 scopes:
3764 description: |
3765 When using scopes, you can restrict an API key to a specific set of endpoints.
3766 You can also define which parameters will be allowed. Use commas to separate multiple values.
3767 title: Scopes
3768 resource: Resource
3769 action: Action
3770 allowed_parameters: Allowed Parameters
3771 optional_allowed_parameters: Allowed Parameters (optional)
3772 any_parameter: (any parameter)
3773 allowed_urls: Allowed URLs
3774 descriptions:
3775 topics:
3776 read: Read a topic or a specific post in it. RSS is also supported.
3777 write: Create a new topic or post to an existing one.
3778 read_lists: Read topic lists like top, new, latest, etc. RSS is also supported.
3779 wordpress: Necessary for the WordPress wp-discourse plugin to work.
3780 users:
3781 bookmarks: List user bookmarks. It returns bookmark reminders when using the ICS format.
3782 sync_sso: Synchronize a user using SSO.
3783 show: Obtain information about an user.
3784 check_emails: List user emails.
3785 update: Update user profile information.
3786 log_out: Log out all sessions for a user.
3787 anonymize: Anonymize user accounts.
3788 delete: Delete user accounts.
3789 email:
3790 receive_emails: Combine this scope with the mail-receiver to process incoming emails.
3792 web_hooks:
3793 title: "Webhooks"
3794 none: "There are no webhooks right now."
3795 instruction: "Webhooks allows Discourse to notify external services when certain event happens in your site. When the webhook is triggered, a POST request will send to URLs provided."
3796 detailed_instruction: "A POST request will be sent to provided URL when chosen event happens."
3797 new: "New Webhook"
3798 create: "Create"
3799 save: "Save"
3800 destroy: "Delete"
3801 description: "Description"
3802 controls: "Controls"
3803 go_back: "Back to list"
3804 payload_url: "Payload URL"
3805 payload_url_placeholder: "https://example.com/postreceive"
3806 warn_local_payload_url: "It seems you are trying to set up the webhook to a local url. Event delivered to a local address may cause side-effect or unexpected behaviours. Continue?"
3807 secret_invalid: "Secret must not have any blank characters."
3808 secret_too_short: "Secret should be at least 12 characters."
3809 secret_placeholder: "An optional string, used for generating signature"
3810 event_type_missing: "You need to set up at least one event type."
3811 content_type: "Content Type"
3812 secret: "Secret"
3813 event_chooser: "Which events should trigger this webhook?"
3814 wildcard_event: "Send me everything."
3815 individual_event: "Select individual events."
3816 verify_certificate: "Check TLS certificate of payload url"
3817 active: "Active"
3818 active_notice: "We will deliver event details when it happens."
3819 categories_filter_instructions: "Relevant webhooks will only be triggered if the event is related with specified categories. Leave blank to trigger webhooks for all categories."
3820 categories_filter: "Triggered Categories"
3821 tags_filter_instructions: "Relevant webhooks will only be triggered if the event is related with specified tags. Leave blank to trigger webhooks for all tags."
3822 tags_filter: "Triggered Tags"
3823 groups_filter_instructions: "Relevant webhooks will only be triggered if the event is related with specified groups. Leave blank to trigger webhooks for all groups."
3824 groups_filter: "Triggered Groups"
3825 delete_confirm: "Delete this webhook?"
3826 topic_event:
3827 name: "Topic Event"
3828 details: "When there is a new topic, revised, changed or deleted."
3829 post_event:
3830 name: "Post Event"
3831 details: "When there is a new reply, edit, deleted or recovered."
3832 user_event:
3833 name: "User Event"
3834 details: "When a user logs in, logs out, is created, approved or updated."
3835 group_event:
3836 name: "Group Event"
3837 details: "When a group is created, updated or destroyed."
3838 category_event:
3839 name: "Category Event"
3840 details: "When a category is created, updated or destroyed."
3841 tag_event:
3842 name: "Tag Event"
3843 details: "When a tag is created, updated or destroyed."
3844 reviewable_event:
3845 name: "Reviewable Event"
3846 details: "When a new item is ready for review and when its status is updated."
3847 notification_event:
3848 name: "Notification Event"
3849 details: "When a user receives a notification in their feed."
3850 user_badge_event:
3851 name: "Badge Grant Event"
3852 details: "When a user receives a badge."
3853 delivery_status:
3854 title: "Delivery Status"
3855 inactive: "Inactive"
3856 failed: "Failed"
3857 successful: "Successful"
3858 disabled: "Disabled"
3859 events:
3860 none: "There are no related events."
3861 redeliver: "Redeliver"
3862 incoming:
3863 one: "There is a new event."
3864 other: "There are %{count} new events."
3865 completed_in:
3866 one: "Completed in %{count} second."
3867 other: "Completed in %{count} seconds."
3868 request: "Request"
3869 response: "Response"
3870 redeliver_confirm: "Are you sure you want to redeliver the same payload?"
3871 headers: "Headers"
3872 payload: "Payload"
3873 body: "Body"
3874 go_list: "Go to list"
3875 go_details: "Edit webhook"
3876 go_events: "Go to events"
3877 ping: "Ping"
3878 status: "Status Code"
3879 event_id: "ID"
3880 timestamp: "Created"
3881 completion: "Completion Time"
3882 actions: "Actions"
3883 plugins:
3884 title: "Plugins"
3885 installed: "Installed Plugins"
3886 name: "Name"
3887 none_installed: "You don't have any plugins installed."
3888 version: "Version"
3889 enabled: "Enabled?"
3890 is_enabled: "Y"
3891 not_enabled: "N"
3892 change_settings: "Change Settings"
3893 change_settings_short: "Settings"
3894 howto: "How do I install plugins?"
3895 official: "Official Plugin"
3897 backups:
3898 title: "Backups"
3899 menu:
3900 backups: "Backups"
3901 logs: "Logs"
3902 none: "No backup available."
3903 read_only:
3904 enable:
3905 title: "Enable read-only mode"
3906 label: "Enable read-only"
3907 confirm: "Are you sure you want to enable read-only mode?"
3908 disable:
3909 title: "Disable read-only mode"
3910 label: "Disable read-only"
3911 logs:
3912 none: "No logs yet..."
3913 columns:
3914 filename: "Filename"
3915 size: "Size"
3916 upload:
3917 label: "Upload"
3918 title: "Upload a backup to this instance"
3919 uploading: "Uploading..."
3920 uploading_progress: "Uploading... %{progress}%"
3921 success: "'%{filename}' has successfully been uploaded. The file is now being processed and will take up to a minute to show up in the list."
3922 error: "There has been an error while uploading '%{filename}': %{message}"
3923 operations:
3924 is_running: "An operation is currently running..."
3925 failed: "The %{operation} failed. Please check the logs."
3926 cancel:
3927 label: "Cancel"
3928 title: "Cancel the current operation"
3929 confirm: "Are you sure you want to cancel the current operation?"
3930 backup:
3931 label: "Backup"
3932 title: "Create a backup"
3933 confirm: "Do you want to start a new backup?"
3934 without_uploads: "Yes (do not include uploads)"
3935 download:
3936 label: "Download"
3937 title: "Send email with download link"
3938 alert: "A link to download this backup has been emailed to you."
3939 destroy:
3940 title: "Remove the backup"
3941 confirm: "Are you sure you want to destroy this backup?"
3942 restore:
3943 is_disabled: "Restore is disabled in the site settings."
3944 label: "Restore"
3945 title: "Restore the backup"
3946 confirm: "Are you sure you want to restore this backup?"
3947 rollback:
3948 label: "Rollback"
3949 title: "Rollback the database to previous working state"
3950 confirm: "Are you sure you want to rollback the database to the previous working state?"
3951 location:
3952 local: "Local Storage"
3953 s3: "S3"
3954 backup_storage_error: "Failed to access backup storage: %{error_message}"
3956 export_csv:
3957 success: "Export initiated, you will be notified via message when the process is complete."
3958 failed: "Export failed. Please check the logs."
3959 button_text: "Export"
3960 button_title:
3961 user: "Export full user list in CSV format."
3962 staff_action: "Export full staff action log in CSV format."
3963 screened_email: "Export full screened email list in CSV format."
3964 screened_ip: "Export full screened IP list in CSV format."
3965 screened_url: "Export full screened URL list in CSV format."
3966 export_json:
3967 button_text: "Export"
3969 invite:
3970 button_text: "Send Invites"
3971 button_title: "Send Invites"
3973 customize:
3974 title: "Customize"
3975 long_title: "Site Customizations"
3976 preview: "preview"
3977 explain_preview: "See the site with this theme enabled"
3978 save: "Save"
3979 new: "New"
3980 new_style: "New Style"
3981 install: "Install"
3982 delete: "Delete"
3983 delete_confirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete "%{theme_name}"?'
3984 color: "Color"
3985 opacity: "Opacity"
3986 copy: "Copy"
3987 copy_to_clipboard: "Copy to Clipboard"
3988 copied_to_clipboard: "Copied to Clipboard"
3989 copy_to_clipboard_error: "Error copying data to Clipboard"
3990 theme_owner: "Not editable, owned by:"
3991 email_templates:
3992 title: "Email"
3993 subject: "Subject"
3994 multiple_subjects: "This email template has multiple subjects."
3995 body: "Body"
3996 revert: "Revert Changes"
3997 revert_confirm: "Are you sure you want to revert your changes?"
3999 theme:
4000 theme: "Theme"
4001 component: "Component"
4002 components: "Components"
4003 theme_name: "Theme name"
4004 component_name: "Component name"
4005 themes_intro: "Select an existing theme or install a new one to get started"
4006 themes_intro_emoji: "woman artist emoji"
4007 beginners_guide_title: "Beginner’s guide to using Discourse Themes"
4008 developers_guide_title: "Developer’s guide to Discourse Themes"
4009 browse_themes: "Browse community themes"
4010 customize_desc: "Customize:"
4011 title: "Themes"
4012 create: "Create"
4013 create_type: "Type"
4014 create_name: "Name"
4015 long_title: "Amend colors, CSS and HTML contents of your site"
4016 edit: "Edit"
4017 edit_confirm: "This is a remote theme, if you edit CSS/HTML your changes will be erased next time you update the theme."
4018 update_confirm: "These local changes will be erased by the update. Are you sure you want to continue?"
4019 update_confirm_yes: "Yes, continue with the update"
4020 common: "Common"
4021 desktop: "Desktop"
4022 mobile: "Mobile"
4023 settings: "Settings"
4024 translations: "Translations"
4025 extra_scss: "Extra SCSS"
4026 extra_files: "Extra files"
4027 extra_files_upload: "Export theme to view these files."
4028 extra_files_remote: "Export theme or check the git repository to view these files."
4029 preview: "Preview"
4030 show_advanced: "Show advanced fields"
4031 hide_advanced: "Hide advanced fields"
4032 hide_unused_fields: "Hide unused fields"
4033 is_default: "Theme is enabled by default"
4034 user_selectable: "Theme can be selected by users"
4035 color_scheme_user_selectable: "Color scheme can be selected by users"
4036 auto_update: "Auto update when Discourse is updated"
4037 color_scheme: "Color Palette"
4038 default_light_scheme: "Light (default)"
4039 color_scheme_select: "Select colors to be used by theme"
4040 custom_sections: "Custom sections:"
4041 theme_components: "Theme Components"
4042 add_all_themes: "Add all themes"
4043 convert: "Convert"
4044 convert_component_alert: "Are you sure you want to convert this component to theme? It will be removed as a component from %{relatives}."
4045 convert_component_tooltip: "Convert this component to theme"
4046 convert_theme_alert: "Are you sure you want to convert this theme to component? It will be removed as a parent from %{relatives}."
4047 convert_theme_tooltip: "Convert this theme to component"
4048 inactive_themes: "Inactive themes:"
4049 inactive_components: "Unused components:"
4050 broken_theme_tooltip: "This theme has errors in its CSS, HTML or YAML"
4051 disabled_component_tooltip: "This component has been disabled"
4052 default_theme_tooltip: "This theme is the site's default theme"
4053 updates_available_tooltip: "Updates are available for this theme"
4054 and_x_more: "and %{count} more."
4055 collapse: Collapse
4056 uploads: "Uploads"
4057 no_uploads: "You can upload assets associated with your theme such as fonts and images"
4058 add_upload: "Add Upload"
4059 upload_file_tip: "Choose an asset to upload (png, woff2, etc...)"
4060 variable_name: "SCSS var name:"
4061 variable_name_invalid: "Invalid variable name. Only alphanumeric allowed. Must start with a letter. Must be unique."
4062 variable_name_error:
4063 invalid_syntax: "Invalid variable name. Only alphanumeric allowed. Must start with a letter."
4064 no_overwrite: "Invalid variable name. Must not overwrite an existing variable."
4065 must_be_unique: "Invalid variable name. Must be unique."
4066 upload: "Upload"
4067 select_component: "Select a component..."
4068 unsaved_changes_alert: "You haven't saved your changes yet, do you want to discard them and move on?"
4069 unsaved_parent_themes: "You haven't assigned the component to themes, do you want to move on?"
4070 discard: "Discard"
4071 stay: "Stay"
4072 css_html: "Custom CSS/HTML"
4073 edit_css_html: "Edit CSS/HTML"
4074 edit_css_html_help: "You have not edited any CSS or HTML"
4075 delete_upload_confirm: "Delete this upload? (Theme CSS may stop working!)"
4076 component_on_themes: "Include component on these themes"
4077 included_components: "Included components"
4078 add_all: "Add all"
4079 import_web_tip: "Repository containing theme"
4080 import_web_advanced: "Advanced..."
4081 import_file_tip: ".tar.gz, .zip, or .dcstyle.json file containing theme"
4082 is_private: "Theme is in a private git repository"
4083 remote_branch: "Branch name (optional)"
4084 public_key: "Grant the following public key access to the repo:"
4085 install: "Install"
4086 installed: "Installed"
4087 install_popular: "Popular"
4088 install_upload: "From your device"
4089 install_git_repo: "From a git repository"
4090 install_create: "Create new"
4091 duplicate_remote_theme: "The theme component “%{name}” is already installed, are you sure you want to install another copy?"
4092 about_theme: "About"
4093 license: "License"
4094 version: "Version:"
4095 authors: "Authored by:"
4096 creator: "Created by:"
4097 source_url: "Source"
4098 enable: "Enable"
4099 disable: "Disable"
4100 disabled: "This component has been disabled."
4101 disabled_by: "This component has been disabled by"
4102 required_version:
4103 error: "This theme has been automatically disabled because it is not compatible with this version of Discourse."
4104 minimum: "Requires Discourse version %{version} or above."
4105 maximum: "Requires Discourse version %{version} or below."
4106 component_of: "Component of:"
4107 update_to_latest: "Update to Latest"
4108 check_for_updates: "Check for Updates"
4109 updating: "Updating..."
4110 up_to_date: "Theme is up-to-date, last checked:"
4111 has_overwritten_history: "Current theme version no longer exists because the Git history has been overwritten by a force push."
4112 add: "Add"
4113 theme_settings: "Theme Settings"
4114 no_settings: "This theme has no settings."
4115 theme_translations: "Theme Translations"
4116 empty: "No items"
4117 commits_behind:
4118 one: "Theme is %{count} commit behind!"
4119 other: "Theme is %{count} commits behind!"
4120 compare_commits: "(See new commits)"
4121 repo_unreachable: "Couldn't contact the Git repository of this theme. Error message:"
4122 imported_from_archive: "This theme was imported from a .zip file"
4123 scss:
4124 text: "CSS"
4125 title: "Enter custom CSS, we accept all valid CSS and SCSS styles"
4126 header:
4127 text: "Header"
4128 title: "Enter HTML to display above site header"
4129 after_header:
4130 text: "After Header"
4131 title: "Enter HTML to display on all pages after header"
4132 footer:
4133 text: "Footer"
4134 title: "Enter HTML to display on page footer"
4135 embedded_scss:
4136 text: "Embedded CSS"
4137 title: "Enter custom CSS to deliver with embedded version of comments"
4138 color_definitions:
4139 text: "Color Definitions"
4140 title: "Enter custom color definitions (advanced users only)"
4141 placeholder: |2-
4143 Use this stylesheet to add custom colors to the list of CSS custom properties.
4145 Example:
4147 :root {
4148 --mytheme-tertiary-or-quaternary: #{dark-light-choose($tertiary, $quaternary)};
4149 }
4151 Prefixing the property names is highly recommended to avoid conflicts with plugins and/or core.
4152 head_tag:
4153 text: "</head>"
4154 title: "HTML that will be inserted before the </head> tag"
4155 body_tag:
4156 text: "</body>"
4157 title: "HTML that will be inserted before the </body> tag"
4158 yaml:
4159 text: "YAML"
4160 title: "Define theme settings in YAML format"
4161 colors:
4162 select_base:
4163 title: "Select base color palette"
4164 description: "Base palette:"
4165 title: "Colors"
4166 edit: "Edit Color Palettes"
4167 long_title: "Color Palettes"
4168 about: "Modify the colors used by your themes. Create a new color palette to start."
4169 new_name: "New Color Palette"
4170 copy_name_prefix: "Copy of"
4171 delete_confirm: "Delete this color palette?"
4172 undo: "undo"
4173 undo_title: "Undo your changes to this color since the last time it was saved."
4174 revert: "revert"
4175 revert_title: "Reset this color to Discourse's default color palette."
4176 primary:
4177 name: "primary"
4178 description: "Most text, icons, and borders."
4179 primary-medium:
4180 name: "primary-medium"
4181 description: ""
4182 primary-low-mid:
4183 name: "primary-low-mid"
4184 description: ""
4185 secondary:
4186 name: "secondary"
4187 description: "The main background color, and text color of some buttons."
4188 tertiary:
4189 name: "tertiary"
4190 description: "Links, some buttons, notifications, and accent color."
4191 quaternary:
4192 name: "quaternary"
4193 description: "Navigation links."
4194 header_background:
4195 name: "header background"
4196 description: "Background color of the site's header."
4197 header_primary:
4198 name: "header primary"
4199 description: "Text and icons in the site's header."
4200 highlight:
4201 name: "highlight"
4202 description: "The background color of highlighted elements on the page, such as posts and topics."
4203 highlight-high:
4204 name: "highlight-high"
4205 description: ""
4206 highlight-medium:
4207 name: "highlight-medium"
4208 description: ""
4209 highlight-low:
4210 name: "highlight-low"
4211 description: ""
4212 danger:
4213 name: "danger"
4214 description: "Highlight color for actions like deleting posts and topics."
4215 success:
4216 name: "success"
4217 description: "Used to indicate an action was successful."
4218 love:
4219 name: "love"
4220 description: "The like button's color."
4221 robots:
4222 title: "Override your site's robots.txt file:"
4223 warning: "This will permanently override any related site settings."
4224 overridden: Your site's default robots.txt file is overridden.
4225 email_style:
4226 title: "Email Style"
4227 heading: "Customize Email Style"
4228 html: "HTML Template"
4229 css: "CSS"
4230 reset: "Reset to default"
4231 reset_confirm: "Are you sure you want to reset to the default %{fieldName} and lose all your changes?"
4232 save_error_with_reason: "Your changes were not saved. %{error}"
4233 instructions: "Customize the template in which all html emails are rendered, and style using CSS."
4235 email:
4236 title: "Emails"
4237 settings: "Settings"
4238 templates: "Templates"
4239 preview_digest: "Preview Summary"
4240 advanced_test:
4241 title: "Advanced Test"
4242 desc: "See how Discourse processes received emails. To be able to correctly process the email, please paste below the whole original email message."
4243 email: "Original message"
4244 run: "Run Test"
4245 text: "Selected Text Body"
4246 elided: "Elided Text"
4247 sending_test: "Sending test Email..."
4248 error: "<b>ERROR</b> - %{server_error}"
4249 test_error: "There was a problem sending the test email. Please double-check your mail settings, verify that your host is not blocking mail connections, and try again."
4250 sent: "Sent"
4251 skipped: "Skipped"
4252 bounced: "Bounced"
4253 received: "Received"
4254 rejected: "Rejected"
4255 sent_at: "Sent At"
4256 time: "Time"
4257 user: "User"
4258 email_type: "Email Type"
4259 to_address: "To Address"
4260 test_email_address: "email address to test"
4261 send_test: "Send Test Email"
4262 sent_test: "sent!"
4263 delivery_method: "Delivery Method"
4264 preview_digest_desc: "Preview the content of the summary emails sent to inactive users."
4265 refresh: "Refresh"
4266 send_digest_label: "Send this result to:"
4267 send_digest: "Send"
4268 sending_email: "Sending email..."
4269 format: "Format"
4270 html: "html"
4271 text: "text"
4272 html_preview: "Email Content Preview"
4273 last_seen_user: "Last Seen User:"
4274 no_result: "No results found for summary."
4275 reply_key: "Reply Key"
4276 skipped_reason: "Skip Reason"
4277 incoming_emails:
4278 from_address: "From"
4279 to_addresses: "To"
4280 cc_addresses: "Cc"
4281 subject: "Subject"
4282 error: "Error"
4283 none: "No incoming emails found."
4284 modal:
4285 title: "Incoming Email Details"
4286 error: "Error"
4287 headers: "Headers"
4288 subject: "Subject"
4289 body: "Body"
4290 rejection_message: "Rejection Mail"
4291 filters:
4292 from_placeholder: "from@example.com"
4293 to_placeholder: "to@example.com"
4294 cc_placeholder: "cc@example.com"
4295 subject_placeholder: "Subject..."
4296 error_placeholder: "Error"
4297 logs:
4298 none: "No logs found."
4299 filters:
4300 title: "Filter"
4301 user_placeholder: "username"
4302 address_placeholder: "name@example.com"
4303 type_placeholder: "digest, signup..."
4304 reply_key_placeholder: "reply key"
4306 moderation_history:
4307 performed_by: "Performed By"
4308 no_results: "There is no moderation history available."
4309 actions:
4310 delete_user: "User Deleted"
4311 suspend_user: "User Suspended"
4312 silence_user: "User Silenced"
4313 delete_post: "Post Deleted"
4314 delete_topic: "Topic Deleted"
4315 post_approved: "Post Approved"
4317 logs:
4318 title: "Logs"
4319 action: "Action"
4320 created_at: "Created"
4321 last_match_at: "Last Matched"
4322 match_count: "Matches"
4323 ip_address: "IP"
4324 topic_id: "Topic ID"
4325 post_id: "Post ID"
4326 category_id: "Category ID"
4327 delete: "Delete"
4328 edit: "Edit"
4329 save: "Save"
4330 screened_actions:
4331 block: "block"
4332 do_nothing: "do nothing"
4333 staff_actions:
4334 all: "all"
4335 filter: "Filter:"
4336 title: "Staff Actions"
4337 clear_filters: "Show Everything"
4338 staff_user: "User"
4339 target_user: "Target User"
4340 subject: "Subject"
4341 when: "When"
4342 context: "Context"
4343 details: "Details"
4344 previous_value: "Previous"
4345 new_value: "New"
4346 diff: "Diff"
4347 show: "Show"
4348 modal_title: "Details"
4349 no_previous: "There is no previous value."
4350 deleted: "No new value. The record was deleted."
4351 actions:
4352 delete_user: "delete user"
4353 change_trust_level: "change trust level"
4354 change_username: "change username"
4355 change_site_setting: "change site setting"
4356 change_theme: "change theme"
4357 delete_theme: "delete theme"
4358 change_site_text: "change site text"
4359 suspend_user: "suspend user"
4360 unsuspend_user: "unsuspend user"
4361 removed_suspend_user: "suspend user (removed)"
4362 removed_unsuspend_user: "unsuspend user (removed)"
4363 grant_badge: "grant badge"
4364 revoke_badge: "revoke badge"
4365 check_email: "check email"
4366 delete_topic: "delete topic"
4367 recover_topic: "un-delete topic"
4368 delete_post: "delete post"
4369 impersonate: "impersonate"
4370 anonymize_user: "anonymize user"
4371 roll_up: "roll up IP blocks"
4372 change_category_settings: "change category settings"
4373 delete_category: "delete category"
4374 create_category: "create category"
4375 silence_user: "silence user"
4376 unsilence_user: "unsilence user"
4377 removed_silence_user: "silence user (removed)"
4378 removed_unsilence_user: "unsilence user (removed)"
4379 grant_admin: "grant admin"
4380 revoke_admin: "revoke admin"
4381 grant_moderation: "grant moderation"
4382 revoke_moderation: "revoke moderation"
4383 backup_create: "create backup"
4384 deleted_tag: "deleted tag"
4385 deleted_unused_tags: "deleted unused tags"
4386 renamed_tag: "renamed tag"
4387 revoke_email: "revoke email"
4388 lock_trust_level: "lock trust level"
4389 unlock_trust_level: "unlock trust level"
4390 activate_user: "activate user"
4391 deactivate_user: "deactivate user"
4392 change_readonly_mode: "change readonly mode"
4393 backup_download: "download backup"
4394 backup_destroy: "destroy backup"
4395 reviewed_post: "reviewed post"
4396 custom_staff: "plugin custom action"
4397 post_locked: "post locked"
4398 post_edit: "post edit"
4399 post_unlocked: "post unlocked"
4400 check_personal_message: "check personal message"
4401 disabled_second_factor: "disable Two-Factor Authentication"
4402 topic_published: "topic published"
4403 post_approved: "post approved"
4404 post_rejected: "post rejected"
4405 create_badge: "create badge"
4406 change_badge: "change badge"
4407 delete_badge: "delete badge"
4408 merge_user: "merge user"
4409 entity_export: "export entity"
4410 change_name: "change name"
4411 topic_timestamps_changed: "topic timestamps changed"
4412 approve_user: "approved user"
4413 web_hook_create: "webhook create"
4414 web_hook_update: "webhook update"
4415 web_hook_destroy: "webhook destroy"
4416 web_hook_deactivate: "webhook deactivate"
4417 embeddable_host_create: "embeddable host create"
4418 embeddable_host_update: "embeddable host update"
4419 embeddable_host_destroy: "embeddable host destroy"
4420 change_theme_setting: "change theme setting"
4421 disable_theme_component: "disable theme component"
4422 enable_theme_component: "enable theme component"
4423 revoke_title: "revoke title"
4424 change_title: "change title"
4425 api_key_create: "api key create"
4426 api_key_update: "api key update"
4427 api_key_destroy: "api key destroy"
4428 override_upload_secure_status: "override upload secure status"
4429 page_published: "page published"
4430 page_unpublished: "page unpublished"
4431 add_email: "add email"
4432 update_email: "update email"
4433 destroy_email: "destroy email"
4434 topic_closed: "topic closed"
4435 topic_opened: "topic opened"
4436 topic_archived: "topic archived"
4437 topic_unarchived: "topic unarchived"
4438 post_staff_note_create: "add staff note"
4439 post_staff_note_destroy: "destroy staff note"
4440 screened_emails:
4441 title: "Screened Emails"
4442 description: "When someone tries to create a new account, the following email addresses will be checked and the registration will be blocked, or some other action performed."
4443 email: "Email Address"
4444 actions:
4445 allow: "Allow"
4446 screened_urls:
4447 title: "Screened URLs"
4448 description: "The URLs listed here were used in posts by users who have been identified as spammers."
4449 url: "URL"
4450 domain: "Domain"
4451 screened_ips:
4452 title: "Screened IPs"
4453 description: 'IP addresses that are being watched. Use "Allow" to allowlist IP addresses.'
4454 delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to remove the rule for %{ip_address}?"
4455 roll_up_confirm: "Are you sure you want to roll up commonly screened IP addresses into subnets?"
4456 rolled_up_some_subnets: "Successfully rolled up IP ban entries to these subnets: %{subnets}."
4457 rolled_up_no_subnet: "There was nothing to roll up."
4458 actions:
4459 block: "Block"
4460 do_nothing: "Allow"
4461 allow_admin: "Allow Admin"
4462 form:
4463 label: "New:"
4464 ip_address: "IP address"
4465 add: "Add"
4466 filter: "Search"
4467 roll_up:
4468 text: "Roll up"
4469 title: "Creates new subnet ban entries if there are at least 'min_ban_entries_for_roll_up' entries."
4470 search_logs:
4471 title: "Search Logs"
4472 term: "Term"
4473 searches: "Searches"
4474 click_through_rate: "CTR"
4475 types:
4476 all_search_types: "All search types"
4477 header: "Header"
4478 full_page: "Full Page"
4479 click_through_only: "All (click through only)"
4480 header_search_results: "Header Search Results"
4481 logster:
4482 title: "Error Logs"
4484 watched_words:
4485 title: "Watched Words"
4486 search: "search"
4487 clear_filter: "Clear"
4488 show_words: "show words"
4489 one_word_per_line: "One word per line"
4490 download: Download
4491 clear_all: Clear All
4492 clear_all_confirm_block: "Are you sure you want to clear all watched words for the Block action?"
4493 clear_all_confirm_censor: "Are you sure you want to clear all watched words for the Censor action?"
4494 clear_all_confirm_flag: "Are you sure you want to clear all watched words for the Flag action?"
4495 clear_all_confirm_require_approval: "Are you sure you want to clear all watched words for the Require Approval action?"
4496 word_count:
4497 one: "%{count} word"
4498 other: "%{count} words"
4499 actions:
4500 block: "Block"
4501 censor: "Censor"
4502 require_approval: "Require Approval"
4503 flag: "Flag"
4504 action_descriptions:
4505 block: "Prevent posts containing these words from being posted. The user will see an error message when they try to submit their post."
4506 censor: "Allow posts containing these words, but replace them with characters that hide the censored words."
4507 require_approval: "Posts containing these words will require approval by staff before they can be seen."
4508 flag: "Allow posts containing these words, but flag them as inappropriate so moderators can review them."
4509 form:
4510 label: "New Word:"
4511 placeholder: "full word or * as wildcard"
4512 placeholder_regexp: "regular expression"
4513 add: "Add"
4514 success: "Success"
4515 exists: "Already exists"
4516 upload: "Add from file"
4517 upload_successful: "Upload successful. Words have been added."
4518 test:
4519 button_label: "Test"
4520 modal_title: "Test '%{action}' Watched Words"
4521 description: "Enter text below to check for matches with watched words"
4522 found_matches: "Found matches:"
4523 no_matches: "No matches found"
4525 impersonate:
4526 title: "Impersonate"
4527 help: "Use this tool to impersonate a user account for debugging purposes. You will have to log out once finished."
4528 not_found: "That user can't be found."
4529 invalid: "Sorry, you may not impersonate that user."
4531 users:
4532 title: "Users"
4533 create: "Add Admin User"
4534 last_emailed: "Last Emailed"
4535 not_found: "Sorry, that username doesn't exist in our system."
4536 id_not_found: "Sorry, that user id doesn't exist in our system."
4537 active: "Activated"
4538 show_emails: "Show Emails"
4539 hide_emails: "Hide Emails"
4540 nav:
4541 new: "New"
4542 active: "Active"
4543 staff: "Staff"
4544 suspended: "Suspended"
4545 silenced: "Silenced"
4546 staged: "Staged"
4547 approved: "Approved?"
4548 titles:
4549 active: "Active Users"
4550 new: "New Users"
4551 pending: "Users Pending Review"
4552 newuser: "Users at Trust Level 0 (New User)"
4553 basic: "Users at Trust Level 1 (Basic User)"
4554 member: "Users at Trust Level 2 (Member)"
4555 regular: "Users at Trust Level 3 (Regular)"
4556 leader: "Users at Trust Level 4 (Leader)"
4557 staff: "Staff"
4558 admins: "Admin Users"
4559 moderators: "Moderators"
4560 silenced: "Silenced Users"
4561 suspended: "Suspended Users"
4562 staged: "Staged Users"
4563 not_verified: "Not verified"
4564 check_email:
4565 title: "Reveal this user's email address"
4566 text: "Show"
4568 user:
4569 suspend_failed: "Something went wrong suspending this user %{error}"
4570 unsuspend_failed: "Something went wrong unsuspending this user %{error}"
4571 suspend_duration: "How long will the user be suspended for?"
4572 suspend_reason_label: "Why are you suspending? This text <b>will be visible to everyone</b> on this user's profile page, and will be shown to the user when they try to log in. Keep it short."
4573 suspend_reason_hidden_label: "Why are you suspending? This text will be shown to the user when they try to log in. Keep it short."
4574 suspend_reason: "Reason"
4575 suspend_reason_title: "Suspension Reason"
4576 suspend_reasons:
4577 not_listening_to_staff: "Would not listen to staff feedback"
4578 consuming_staff_time: "Consumed disproportionate amounts of staff time"
4579 combatative: "Too combatative"
4580 in_wrong_place: "In the wrong place"
4581 no_constructive_purpose: "No constructive purpose to their actions other than creating dissent within the community"
4582 custom: "Custom..."
4583 suspend_message: "Email Message"
4584 suspend_message_placeholder: "Optionally, provide more information about the suspension and it will be emailed to the user."
4585 suspended_by: "Suspended by"
4586 silence_reason: "Reason"
4587 silenced_by: "Silenced By"
4588 silence_modal_title: "Silence User"
4589 silence_duration: "How long will the user be silenced for?"
4590 silence_reason_label: "Why are you silencing this user?"
4591 silence_reason_placeholder: "Silence Reason"
4592 silence_message: "Email Message"
4593 silence_message_placeholder: "(leave blank to send default message)"
4594 suspended_until: "(until %{until})"
4595 cant_suspend: "This user cannot be suspended."
4596 delete_all_posts: "Delete all posts"
4597 delete_posts_progress: "Deleting posts..."
4598 delete_posts_failed: "There was a problem deleting the posts."
4599 penalty_post_actions: "What would you like to do with the associated post?"
4600 penalty_post_delete: "Delete the post"
4601 penalty_post_delete_replies: "Delete the post + any replies"
4602 penalty_post_edit: "Edit the post"
4603 penalty_post_none: "Do nothing"
4604 penalty_count: "Penalty Count"
4605 clear_penalty_history:
4606 title: "Clear Penalty History"
4607 description: "users with penalties cannot reach TL3"
4609 # keys ending with _MF use message format, see https://meta.discourse.org/t/message-format-support-for-localization/7035 for details
4610 delete_all_posts_confirm_MF: "You are about to delete {POSTS, plural, one {# post} other {# posts}} and {TOPICS, plural, one {# topic} other {# topics}}. Are you sure?"
4611 silence: "Silence"
4612 unsilence: "Unsilence"
4613 silenced: "Silenced?"
4614 moderator: "Moderator?"
4615 admin: "Admin?"
4616 suspended: "Suspended?"
4617 staged: "Staged?"
4618 show_admin_profile: "Admin"
4619 show_public_profile: "Show Public Profile"
4620 impersonate: "Impersonate"
4621 action_logs: "Action Logs"
4622 ip_lookup: "IP Lookup"
4623 log_out: "Log Out"
4624 logged_out: "User was logged out on all devices"
4625 revoke_admin: "Revoke Admin"
4626 grant_admin: "Grant Admin"
4627 grant_admin_confirm: "We've sent you an email to verify the new administrator. Please open it and follow the instructions."
4628 revoke_moderation: "Revoke Moderation"
4629 grant_moderation: "Grant Moderation"
4630 unsuspend: "Unsuspend"
4631 suspend: "Suspend"
4632 show_flags_received: "Show Flags Received"
4633 flags_received_by: "Flags Received by %{username}"
4634 flags_received_none: "This user has not received any flags."
4635 reputation: Reputation
4636 permissions: Permissions
4637 activity: Activity
4638 like_count: Likes Given / Received
4639 last_100_days: "in the last 100 days"
4640 private_topics_count: Private Topics
4641 posts_read_count: Posts Read
4642 post_count: Posts Created
4643 second_factor_enabled: Two-Factor Authentication Enabled
4644 topics_entered: Topics Viewed
4645 flags_given_count: Flags Given
4646 flags_received_count: Flags Received
4647 warnings_received_count: Warnings Received
4648 flags_given_received_count: "Flags Given / Received"
4649 approve: "Approve"
4650 approved_by: "approved by"
4651 approve_success: "User approved and email sent with activation instructions."
4652 approve_bulk_success: "Success! All selected users have been approved and notified."
4653 time_read: "Read Time"
4654 anonymize: "Anonymize User"
4655 anonymize_confirm: "Are you SURE you want to anonymize this account? This will change the username and email, and reset all profile information."
4656 anonymize_yes: "Yes, anonymize this account"
4657 anonymize_failed: "There was a problem anonymizing the account."
4658 delete: "Delete User"
4659 merge:
4660 button: "Merge"
4661 prompt:
4662 title: "Transfer & Delete @%{username}"
4663 description: |
4664 <p>Please choose a new owner for <b>@%{username}'s</b> content.</p>
4666 <p>All topics, posts, messages and other content created by <b>@%{username}</b> will be transferred.</p>
4668 target_username_placeholder: "Username of new owner"
4669 transfer_and_delete: "Transfer & Delete @%{username}"
4670 cancel: "Cancel"
4671 confirmation:
4672 title: "Transfer & Delete @%{username}"
4673 description: |
4674 <p>All of <b>@%{username}'s</b> content will be transferred and attributed to <b>@%{targetUsername}</b>. After the content is transferred, <b>@%{username}'s</b> account will be deleted.</p>
4676 <p><b>This can not be undone!</b></p>
4678 <p>To continue type: <code>%{text}</code></p>
4680 text: "transfer @%{username} to @%{targetUsername}"
4681 transfer_and_delete: "Transfer & Delete @%{username}"
4682 cancel: "Cancel"
4684 merging_user: "Merging user..."
4685 merge_failed: "There was an error while merging the users."
4686 delete_forbidden_because_staff: "Admins and moderators can't be deleted."
4687 delete_posts_forbidden_because_staff: "Can't delete all posts of admins and moderators."
4688 delete_forbidden:
4689 one: "Users can't be deleted if they have posts. Delete all posts before trying to delete a user. (Posts older than %{count} day old can't be deleted.)"
4690 other: "Users can't be deleted if they have posts. Delete all posts before trying to delete a user. (Posts older than %{count} days old can't be deleted.)"
4691 cant_delete_all_posts:
4692 one: "Can't delete all posts. Some posts are older than %{count} day old. (The delete_user_max_post_age setting.)"
4693 other: "Can't delete all posts. Some posts are older than %{count} days old. (The delete_user_max_post_age setting.)"
4694 cant_delete_all_too_many_posts:
4695 one: "Can't delete all posts because the user has more than %{count} post. (delete_all_posts_max)"
4696 other: "Can't delete all posts because the user has more than %{count} posts. (delete_all_posts_max)"
4697 delete_confirm: "It is generally preferable to anonymize users rather than deleting them, to avoid removing content from existing discussions.<br><br>Are you SURE you want to delete this user? This is permanent!"
4698 delete_and_block: "Delete and <b>block</b> this email and IP address"
4699 delete_dont_block: "Delete only"
4700 deleting_user: "Deleting user..."
4701 deleted: "The user was deleted."
4702 delete_failed: "There was an error deleting that user. Make sure all posts are deleted before trying to delete the user."
4703 send_activation_email: "Send Activation Email"
4704 activation_email_sent: "An activation email has been sent."
4705 send_activation_email_failed: "There was a problem sending another activation email. %{error}"
4706 activate: "Activate Account"
4707 activate_failed: "There was a problem activating the user."
4708 deactivate_account: "Deactivate Account"
4709 deactivate_failed: "There was a problem deactivating the user."
4710 unsilence_failed: "There was a problem unsilencing the user."
4711 silence_failed: "There was a problem silencing the user."
4712 silence_confirm: "Are you sure you want to silence this user? They will not be able to create any new topics or posts."
4713 silence_accept: "Yes, silence this user"
4714 bounce_score: "Bounce Score"
4715 reset_bounce_score:
4716 label: "Reset"
4717 title: "Reset bounce score back to 0"
4718 visit_profile: "Visit <a href='%{url}'>this user's preferences page</a> to edit their profile"
4720 deactivate_explanation: "A deactivated user must re-validate their email."
4721 suspended_explanation: "A suspended user can't log in."
4722 silence_explanation: "A silenced user can't post or start topics."
4723 staged_explanation: "A staged user can only post via email in specific topics."
4724 bounce_score_explanation:
4725 none: "No bounces were received recently from that email."
4726 some: "Some bounces were received recently from that email."
4727 threshold_reached: "Received too many bounces from that email."
4728 trust_level_change_failed: "There was a problem changing the user's trust level."
4729 suspend_modal_title: "Suspend User"
4730 confirm_cancel_penalty: "Are you sure you want to discard the penalty?"
4731 trust_level_2_users: "Trust Level 2 Users"
4732 trust_level_3_requirements: "Trust Level 3 Requirements"
4733 trust_level_locked_tip: "trust level is locked, system will not promote or demote user"
4734 trust_level_unlocked_tip: "trust level is unlocked, system will may promote or demote user"
4735 lock_trust_level: "Lock Trust Level"
4736 unlock_trust_level: "Unlock Trust Level"
4737 tl3_requirements:
4738 title: "Requirements for Trust Level 3"
4739 table_title:
4740 one: "In the last day:"
4741 other: "In the last %{count} days:"
4742 value_heading: "Value"
4743 requirement_heading: "Requirement"
4744 visits: "Visits"
4745 days: "days"
4746 topics_replied_to: "Topics Replied To"
4747 topics_viewed: "Topics Viewed"
4748 topics_viewed_all_time: "Topics Viewed (all time)"
4749 posts_read: "Posts Read"
4750 posts_read_all_time: "Posts Read (all time)"
4751 flagged_posts: "Flagged Posts"
4752 flagged_by_users: "Users Who Flagged"
4753 likes_given: "Likes Given"
4754 likes_received: "Likes Received"
4755 likes_received_days: "Likes Received: unique days"
4756 likes_received_users: "Likes Received: unique users"
4757 suspended: "Suspended (last 6 months)"
4758 silenced: "Silenced (last 6 months)"
4759 qualifies: "Qualifies for trust level 3."
4760 does_not_qualify: "Doesn't qualify for trust level 3."
4761 will_be_promoted: "Will be promoted soon."
4762 will_be_demoted: "Will be demoted soon."
4763 on_grace_period: "Currently in promotion grace period, will not be demoted."
4764 locked_will_not_be_promoted: "Trust level locked. Will never be promoted."
4765 locked_will_not_be_demoted: "Trust level locked. Will never be demoted."
4766 sso:
4767 title: "Single Sign On"
4768 external_id: "External ID"
4769 external_username: "Username"
4770 external_name: "Name"
4771 external_email: "Email"
4772 external_avatar_url: "Profile Picture URL"
4773 last_payload: "Last Payload"
4774 delete_sso_record: "Delete SSO Record"
4775 confirm_delete: "Are you sure you would like to delete this single sign on (SSO) record?"
4777 user_fields:
4778 title: "User Fields"
4779 help: "Add fields that your users can fill out."
4780 create: "Create User Field"
4781 untitled: "Untitled"
4782 name: "Field Name"
4783 type: "Field Type"
4784 description: "Field Description"
4785 save: "Save"
4786 edit: "Edit"
4787 delete: "Delete"
4788 cancel: "Cancel"
4789 delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete that user field?"
4790 options: "Options"
4791 required:
4792 title: "Required at signup?"
4793 enabled: "required"
4794 disabled: "not required"
4795 editable:
4796 title: "Editable after signup?"
4797 enabled: "editable"
4798 disabled: "not editable"
4799 show_on_profile:
4800 title: "Show on public profile?"
4801 enabled: "shown on profile"
4802 disabled: "not shown on profile"
4803 show_on_user_card:
4804 title: "Show on user card?"
4805 enabled: "shown on user card"
4806 disabled: "not shown on user card"
4808 field_types:
4809 text: "Text Field"
4810 confirm: "Confirmation"
4811 dropdown: "Dropdown"
4813 site_text:
4814 description: "You can customize any of the text on your forum. Please start by searching below:"
4815 search: "Search for the text you'd like to edit"
4816 title: "Text"
4817 edit: "edit"
4818 revert: "Revert Changes"
4819 revert_confirm: "Are you sure you want to revert your changes?"
4820 go_back: "Back to Search"
4821 recommended: "We recommend customizing the following text to suit your needs:"
4822 show_overriden: "Only show overridden"
4823 more_than_50_results: "There are more than 50 results. Please refine your search."
4825 settings: # used by theme and site settings
4826 show_overriden: "Only show overridden"
4827 history: "View change history"
4828 reset: "reset"
4829 none: "none"
4830 site_settings:
4831 title: "Settings"
4832 no_results: "No results found."
4833 more_than_30_results: "There are more than 30 results. Please refine your search or select a category."
4834 clear_filter: "Clear"
4835 add_url: "add URL"
4836 add_host: "add host"
4837 add_group: "add group"
4838 uploaded_image_list:
4839 label: "Edit list"
4840 empty: "There are no pictures yet. Please upload one."
4841 upload:
4842 label: "Upload"
4843 title: "Upload image(s)"
4844 selectable_avatars:
4845 title: "List of avatars users can choose from"
4846 categories:
4847 all_results: "All"
4848 required: "Required"
4849 branding: "Branding"
4850 basic: "Basic Setup"
4851 users: "Users"
4852 posting: "Posting"
4853 email: "Email"
4854 files: "Files"
4855 trust: "Trust Levels"
4856 security: "Security"
4857 onebox: "Onebox"
4858 seo: "SEO"
4859 spam: "Spam"
4860 rate_limits: "Rate Limits"
4861 developer: "Developer"
4862 embedding: "Embedding"
4863 legal: "Legal"
4864 api: "API"
4865 user_api: "User API"
4866 uncategorized: "Other"
4867 backups: "Backups"
4868 login: "Login"
4869 plugins: "Plugins"
4870 user_preferences: "User Preferences"
4871 tags: "Tags"
4872 search: "Search"
4873 groups: "Groups"
4874 dashboard: "Dashboard"
4875 secret_list:
4876 invalid_input: "Input fields cannot be empty or contain vertical bar character."
4877 default_categories:
4878 modal_description: "Would you like to apply this change historically? This will change preferences for %{count} existing users."
4879 modal_yes: "Yes"
4880 modal_no: "No, only apply change going forward"
4881 simple_list:
4882 add_item: "Add item..."
4884 badges:
4885 title: Badges
4886 new_badge: New Badge
4887 new: New
4888 name: Name
4889 badge: Badge
4890 display_name: Display Name
4891 description: Description
4892 long_description: Long Description
4893 badge_type: Badge Type
4894 badge_grouping: Group
4895 badge_groupings:
4896 modal_title: Badge Groupings
4897 granted_by: Granted By
4898 granted_at: Granted At
4899 reason_help: (A link to a post or topic)
4900 save: Save
4901 delete: Delete
4902 delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this badge?
4903 revoke: Revoke
4904 reason: Reason
4905 expand: Expand &hellip;
4906 revoke_confirm: Are you sure you want to revoke this badge?
4907 edit_badges: Edit Badges
4908 grant_badge: Grant Badge
4909 granted_badges: Granted Badges
4910 grant: Grant
4911 no_user_badges: "%{name} has not been granted any badges."
4912 no_badges: There are no badges that can be granted.
4913 none_selected: "Select a badge to get started"
4914 allow_title: Allow badge to be used as a title
4915 multiple_grant: Can be granted multiple times
4916 listable: Show badge on the public badges page
4917 enabled: Enable badge
4918 icon: Icon
4919 image: Image
4920 icon_help: "Enter a Font Awesome icon name (use prefix 'far-' for regular icons and 'fab-' for brand icons)"
4921 image_help: "Enter the URL of the image (overrides icon field if both are set)"
4922 read_only_setting_help: "Customize text"
4923 query: Badge Query (SQL)
4924 target_posts: Query targets posts
4925 auto_revoke: Run revocation query daily
4926 show_posts: Show post granting badge on badge page
4927 trigger: Trigger
4928 trigger_type:
4929 none: "Update daily"
4930 post_action: "When a user acts on post"
4931 post_revision: "When a user edits or creates a post"
4932 trust_level_change: "When a user changes trust level"
4933 user_change: "When a user is edited or created"
4934 post_processed: "After a post is processed"
4935 preview:
4936 link_text: "Preview granted badges"
4937 plan_text: "Preview with query plan"
4938 modal_title: "Badge Query Preview"
4939 sql_error_header: "There was an error with the query."
4940 error_help: "See the following links for help with badge queries."
4941 bad_count_warning:
4942 header: "WARNING!"
4943 text: "There are missing grant samples. This happens when the badge query returns user IDs or post IDs that do not exist. This may cause unexpected results later on - please double-check your query."
4944 no_grant_count: "No badges to be assigned."
4945 grant_count:
4946 one: "<b>%{count}</b> badge to be assigned."
4947 other: "<b>%{count}</b> badges to be assigned."
4948 sample: "Sample:"
4949 grant:
4950 with: <span class="username">%{username}</span>
4951 with_post: <span class="username">%{username}</span> for post in %{link}
4952 with_post_time: <span class="username">%{username}</span> for post in %{link} at <span class="time">%{time}</span>
4953 with_time: <span class="username">%{username}</span> at <span class="time">%{time}</span>
4954 badge_intro:
4955 title: "Select an existing badge or create a new one to get started"
4956 emoji: "woman student emoji"
4957 what_are_badges_title: "What are badges?"
4958 badge_query_examples_title: "Badge query examples"
4959 mass_award:
4960 title: Bulk Award
4961 description: Award the same badge to many users at once.
4962 no_badge_selected: Please select a badge to get started.
4963 perform: "Award Badge to Users"
4964 upload_csv: Upload a CSV with either user emails or usernames
4965 aborted: Please upload a CSV containing either user emails or usernames
4966 success: Your CSV was received and users will receive their badge shortly.
4967 replace_owners: Remove the badge from previous owners
4969 emoji:
4970 title: "Emoji"
4971 help: "Add new emoji that will be available to everyone. (PROTIP: drag & drop multiple files at once)"
4972 add: "Add New Emoji"
4973 uploading: "Uploading..."
4974 name: "Name"
4975 group: "Group"
4976 image: "Image"
4977 alt: "custom emoji preview"
4978 delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete the :%{name}: emoji?"
4980 embedding:
4981 get_started: "If you'd like to embed Discourse on another website, begin by adding its host."
4982 confirm_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete that host?"
4983 sample: "Use the following HTML code into your site to create and embed discourse topics. Replace <b>REPLACE_ME</b> with the canonical URL of the page you are embedding it on."
4984 title: "Embedding"
4985 host: "Allowed Hosts"
4986 class_name: "Class Name"
4987 allowed_paths: "Path Allowlist"
4988 edit: "edit"
4989 category: "Post to Category"
4990 add_host: "Add Host"
4991 settings: "Embedding Settings"
4992 crawling_settings: "Crawler Settings"
4993 crawling_description: "When Discourse creates topics for your posts, if no RSS/ATOM feed is present it will attempt to parse your content out of your HTML. Sometimes it can be challenging to extract your content, so we provide the ability to specify CSS rules to make extraction easier."
4995 embed_by_username: "Username for topic creation"
4996 embed_post_limit: "Maximum number of posts to embed"
4997 embed_title_scrubber: "Regular expression used to scrub the title of posts"
4998 embed_truncate: "Truncate the embedded posts"
4999 embed_unlisted: "Imported topics will be unlisted until there is a reply."
5000 allowed_embed_selectors: "CSS selector for elements that are allowed in embeds"
5001 blocked_embed_selectors: "CSS selector for elements that are removed from embeds"
5002 allowed_embed_classnames: "Allowed CSS class names"
5003 save: "Save Embedding Settings"
5005 permalink:
5006 title: "Permalinks"
5007 description: "Redirections to apply for URLs not known by the forum."
5008 url: "URL"
5009 topic_id: "Topic ID"
5010 topic_title: "Topic"
5011 post_id: "Post ID"
5012 post_title: "Post"
5013 category_id: "Category ID"
5014 category_title: "Category"
5015 tag_name: "Tag name"
5016 external_url: "External or Relative URL"
5017 destination: "Destination"
5018 copy_to_clipboard: "Copy Permalink to Clipboard"
5019 delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this permalink?
5020 form:
5021 label: "New:"
5022 add: "Add"
5023 filter: "Search (URL or External URL)"
5025 reseed:
5026 action:
5027 label: "Replace Text…"
5028 title: "Replace text of categories and topics with translations"
5030 modal:
5031 title: "Replace Text"
5032 subtitle: "Replace text of system generated categories and topics with latest translations"
5033 categories: "Categories"
5034 topics: "Topics"
5035 replace: "Replace"
5037 wizard_js:
5038 wizard:
5039 done: "Done"
5040 finish: "Finish"
5041 back: "Back"
5042 next: "Next"
5043 step: "%{current} of %{total}"
5044 upload: "Upload"
5045 uploading: "Uploading..."
5046 upload_error: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
5047 quit: "Maybe Later"
5049 staff_count:
5050 one: "Your community has %{count} staff (you)."
5051 other: "Your community has %{count} staff, including you."
5053 invites:
5054 add_user: "add"
5055 none_added: "You haven’t invited any staff. Are you sure you want to continue?"
5056 roles:
5057 admin: "Admin"
5058 moderator: "Moderator"
5059 regular: "Regular User"
5061 previews:
5062 topic_title: "Discussion topic"
5063 font_title: "%{font} Font"
5064 share_button: "Share"
5065 reply_button: "Reply"