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[] / / 20131203 / files / sites / all / modules-old / redirect / redirect.api.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * @file
5 * Hooks provided by the Redirect module.
6 */
8 /**
9 * @defgroup redirect_api_hooks Redirect API Hooks
10 * @{
11 * During redirect operations (create, update, view, delete, etc.), there are
12 * several sets of hooks that get invoked to allow modules to modify the
13 * redirect operation:
14 * - All-module hooks: Generic hooks for "redirect" operations. These are
15 * always invoked on all modules.
16 * - Entity hooks: Generic hooks for "entity" operations. These are always
17 * invoked on all modules.
18 *
19 * Here is a list of the redirect and entity hooks that are invoked, and other
20 * steps that take place during redirect operations:
21 * - Creating a new redirect (calling redirect_save() on a new redirect):
22 * - hook_redirect_presave() (all)
23 * - Redirect written to the database
24 * - hook_redirect_insert() (all)
25 * - hook_entity_insert() (all)
26 * - Updating an existing redirect (calling redirect_save() on an existing redirect):
27 * - hook_redirect_presave() (all)
28 * - Redirect written to the database
29 * - hook_redirect_update() (all)
30 * - hook_entity_update() (all)
31 * - Loading a redirect (calling redirect_load(), redirect_load_multiple(), or
32 * entity_load() with $entity_type of 'redirect'):
33 * - Redirect information is read from database.
34 * - hook_entity_load() (all)
35 * - hook_redirect_load() (all)
36 * - Deleting a redirect (calling redirect_delete() or redirect_delete_multiple()):
37 * - Redirect is loaded (see Loading section above)
38 * - Redirect information is deleted from database
39 * - hook_redirect_delete() (all)
40 * - hook_entity_delete() (all)
41 * - Preparing a redirect for editing (note that if it's
42 * an existing redirect, it will already be loaded; see the Loading section
43 * above):
44 * - hook_redirect_prepare() (all)
45 * - Validating a redirect during editing form submit (calling
46 * redirect_form_validate()):
47 * - hook_redirect_validate() (all)
48 * @}
49 */
51 /**
52 * @addtogroup hooks
53 * @{
54 */
56 /**
57 * Act on redirects being loaded from the database.
58 *
59 * This hook is invoked during redirect loading, which is handled by
60 * entity_load(), via classes RedirectController and
61 * DrupalDefaultEntityController. After the redirect information is read from
62 * the database or the entity cache, hook_entity_load() is invoked on all
63 * implementing modules, and then hook_redirect_load() is invoked on all
64 * implementing modules.
65 *
66 * This hook should only be used to add information that is not in the redirect
67 * table, not to replace information that is in that table (which could
68 * interfere with the entity cache). For performance reasons, information for
69 * all available redirects should be loaded in a single query where possible.
70 *
71 * The $types parameter allows for your module to have an early return (for
72 * efficiency) if your module only supports certain redirect types.
73 *
74 * @param $redirects
75 * An array of the redirects being loaded, keyed by rid.
76 * @param $types
77 * An array containing the types of the redirects.
78 *
79 * @ingroup redirect_api_hooks
80 */
81 function hook_redirect_load(array &$redirects, $types) {
83 }
85 /**
86 * Alter the list of redirects matching a certain source.
87 *
88 * @param $redirects
89 * An array of redirect objects.
90 * @param $source
91 * The source request path.
92 * @param $context
93 * An array with the following key/value pairs:
94 * - language: The language code of the source request.
95 * - query: An array of the source request query string.
96 *
97 * @see redirect_load_by_source()
98 * @ingroup redirect_api_hooks
99 */
100 function hook_redirect_load_by_source_alter(array &$redirects, $source, array $context) {
101 foreach ($redirects as $rid => $redirect) {
102 if ($redirect->source !== $source) {
103 // If the redirects to do not exactly match $source (e.g. case
104 // insensitive matches), then remove them from the results.
105 unset($redirects[$rid]);
106 }
107 }
108 }
110 /**
111 * Control access to a redirect.
112 *
113 * Modules may implement this hook if they want to have a say in whether or not
114 * a given user has access to perform a given operation on a redirect.
115 *
116 * The administrative account (user ID #1) always passes any access check,
117 * so this hook is not called in that case. Users with the "administer redirects"
118 * permission may always update and delete redirects through the administrative
119 * interface.
120 *
121 * Note that not all modules will want to influence access on all
122 * redirect types. If your module does not want to actively grant or
123 * block access, return REDIRECT_ACCESS_IGNORE or simply return nothing.
124 * Blindly returning FALSE will break other redirect access modules.
125 *
126 * @param $redirect
127 * The redirect object on which the operation is to be performed, or, if it
128 * does not yet exist, the type of redirect to be created.
129 * @param $op
130 * The operation to be performed. Possible values:
131 * - "create"
132 * - "delete"
133 * - "update"
134 * @param $account
135 * A user object representing the user for whom the operation is to be
136 * performed.
137 *
138 * @return
139 * REDIRECT_ACCESS_ALLOW if the operation is to be allowed;
140 * REDIRECT_ACCESS_DENY if the operation is to be denied;
141 * REDIRECT_ACCESSS_IGNORE to not affect this operation at all.
142 *
143 * @see redirect_access()
144 * @ingroup redirect_api_hooks
145 */
146 function hook_redirect_access($op, $redirect, $account) {
147 $type = is_string($redirect) ? $redirect : $redirect->type;
149 if (in_array($type, array('normal', 'special'))) {
150 if ($op == 'create' && user_access('create ' . $type . ' redirects', $account)) {
152 }
154 if ($op == 'update') {
155 if (user_access('edit any ' . $type . ' content', $account) || (user_access('edit own ' . $type . ' content', $account) && ($account->uid == $redirect->uid))) {
157 }
158 }
160 if ($op == 'delete') {
161 if (user_access('delete any ' . $type . ' content', $account) || (user_access('delete own ' . $type . ' content', $account) && ($account->uid == $redirect->uid))) {
163 }
164 }
165 }
167 // Returning nothing from this function would have the same effect.
169 }
171 /**
172 * Act on a redirect object about to be shown on the add/edit form.
173 *
174 * This hook is invoked from redirect_object_prepare().
175 *
176 * @param $redirect
177 * The redirect that is about to be shown on the add/edit form.
178 *
179 * @ingroup redirect_api_hooks
180 */
181 function hook_redirect_prepare($redirect) {
183 }
185 /**
186 * Perform redirect validation before a redirect is created or updated.
187 *
188 * This hook is invoked from redirect_validate(), after a user has has finished
189 * editing the redirect and is submitting it. It is invoked at the end of all
190 * the standard validation steps.
191 *
192 * To indicate a validation error, use form_set_error().
193 *
194 * Note: Changes made to the $redirect object within your hook implementation
195 * will have no effect. The preferred method to change a redirect's content is
196 * to use hook_redirect_presave() instead. If it is really necessary to change
197 * the redirect at the validate stage, you can use form_set_value().
198 *
199 * @param $redirect
200 * The redirect being validated.
201 * @param $form
202 * The form being used to edit the redirect.
203 * @param $form_state
204 * The form state array.
205 *
206 * @see redirect_validate()
207 * @ingroup redirect_api_hooks
208 */
209 function hook_redirect_validate($redirect, $form, $form_state) {
211 }
213 /**
214 * Act on a redirect being inserted or updated.
215 *
216 * This hook is invoked from redirect_save() before the redirect is saved to
217 * the database.
218 *
219 * @param $redirect
220 * The redirect that is being inserted or updated.
221 *
222 * @see redirect_save()
223 * @ingroup redirect_api_hooks
224 */
225 function hook_redirect_presave($redirect) {
227 }
229 /**
230 * Respond to creation of a new redirect.
231 *
232 * This hook is invoked from redirect_save() after the redirect is inserted
233 * into the redirect table in the database.
234 *
235 * @param $redirect
236 * The redirect that is being created.
237 *
238 * @see redirect_save()
239 * @ingroup redirect_api_hooks
240 */
241 function hook_redirect_insert($redirect) {
243 }
245 /**
246 * Respond to updates to a redirect.
247 *
248 * This hook is invoked from redirect_save() after the redirect is updated in
249 * the redirect table in the database.
250 *
251 * @param $redirect
252 * The redirect that is being updated.
253 *
254 * @see redirect_save()
255 * @ingroup redirect_api_hooks
256 */
257 function hook_redirect_update($redirect) {
259 }
261 /**
262 * Respond to redirect deletion.
263 *
264 * This hook is invoked from redirect_delete_multiple() after the redirect has
265 * been removed from the redirect table in the database.
266 *
267 * @param $redirect
268 * The redirect that is being deleted.
269 *
270 * @see redirect_delete_multiple()
271 * @ingroup redirect_api_hooks
272 */
273 function hook_redirect_delete($redirect) {
275 }
277 /**
278 * Act on a redirect being redirected.
279 *
280 * This hook is invoked from redirect_redirect() before the redirect callback
281 * is invoked.
282 *
283 * @param $redirect
284 * The redirect that is being used for the redirect.
285 *
286 * @see redirect_redirect()
287 * @see drupal_page_is_cacheable()
288 * @ingroup redirect_api_hooks
289 */
290 function hook_redirect_alter($redirect) {
291 }
293 /**
294 * @} End of "addtogroup hooks".
295 */