commiting uncommited changes on live site
[] / / 20131203 / files / sites / all / modules-old / civicrm / tools / drupal / modules / multicurrency / templates / CRM / Event / Form / Registration / 8 / Register.tpl
1 {if $action & 1024}
2 {include file="CRM/Event/Form/Registration/PreviewHeader.tpl"}
3 {/if}
4 {capture assign='reqMark'}<span class="marker" title="{ts}This field is required.{/ts}">*</span>{/capture}
5 <div class="form-item">
6 {if $event.intro_text}
7 <div id="intro_text">
8 <p>{$event.intro_text}</p>
9 </div>
10 {/if}
12 {if $priceSet}
13 <fieldset id="priceset"><legend>{$event.fee_label}</legend>
14 <dl>
15 {if $priceSet.help_pre}
16 <dt>&nbsp;</dt>
17 <dd class="description">{$priceSet.help_pre}</dd>
18 {/if}
19 {foreach from=$priceSet.fields item=element key=field_id}
20 {if ($element.html_type eq 'CheckBox' || $element.html_type == 'Radio') && $element.options_per_line}
21 {assign var="element_name" value=price_$field_id}
22 <dt style="margin-top: .5em;">{$form.$element_name.label}</dt>
23 <dd>
24 {assign var="count" value="1"}
25 <table class="form-layout-compressed">
26 <tr>
27 {foreach name=outer key=key item=item from=$form.$element_name}
28 {if is_numeric($key) }
29 <td class="labels font-light">{$form.$element_name.$key.html}</td>
30 {if $count == $element.options_per_line}
31 {assign var="count" value="1"}
32 </tr>
33 <tr>
34 {else}
35 {assign var="count" value=`$count+1`}
36 {/if}
37 {/if}
38 {/foreach}
39 </tr>
40 </table>
41 </dd>
42 {else}
43 {assign var="name" value=`$`}
44 {assign var="element_name" value="price_"|cat:$field_id}
45 <dt>{$form.$element_name.label}</dt>
46 <dd>&nbsp;{$form.$element_name.html}</dd>
47 {/if}
48 {if $element.help_post}
49 <dt>&nbsp;</dt>
50 <dd class="description">{$element.help_post}</dd>
51 {/if}
52 {/foreach}
53 <div class="form-item">
54 <dt></dt>
55 <dd>{include file="CRM/Event/Form/CalculatePriceset.tpl"}</dd>
56 </div>
57 {if $priceSet.help_post}
58 <dt>&nbsp;</dt>
59 <dd class="description">{$priceSet.help_post}</dd>
60 {/if}
61 </dl>
62 </fieldset>
63 <dl>
64 {if $form.is_pay_later}
65 <dt>&nbsp;</dt>
66 <dd>{$form.is_pay_later.html}&nbsp;{$form.is_pay_later.label}</dd>
67 {/if}
68 </dl>
69 {else}
70 {if $paidEvent}
71 <div class="status">
72 {if $config->defaultCurrency eq 'EUR'}
73 {ts}If you want to pay in pounds, click {/ts}<a href="{crmURL p='civicrm/event/register' q="reset=1&id=`$`&currency=GBP"}"title="{ts}Pay for Camp in pounds.{/ts}"><strong>{ts}here{/ts}</strong></a>
74 {else}
75 {ts}If you want to pay in euros, click {/ts}<a href="{crmURL p='civicrm/event/register' q="reset=1&id=`$`&currency=EUR"}"title="{ts}Pay for Camp in euros.{/ts}"><strong>{ts}here{/ts}</strong></a>
76 {/if}
78 </div>
79 <table class="form-layout-compressed">
80 <tr><td class="label nowrap">{$event.fee_label} <span class="marker">*</span></td>
81 <td>&nbsp;</td>
82 <td>{$form.amount.html}</td>
83 </tr>
84 {if $form.is_pay_later}
85 <tr><td>&nbsp;</td>
86 <td>&nbsp;</td>
87 <td>{$form.is_pay_later.html}&nbsp;{$form.is_pay_later.label}</td>
88 </tr>
89 {/if}
90 </table>
91 {/if}
92 {/if}
94 {assign var=n value=email-$bltID}
95 <table class="form-layout-compressed">
96 <tr><td class="label nowrap">{$form.$n.label}</td><td>{$form.$n.html}</td></tr>
97 </table>
98 {if $form.additional_participants.html}
99 <div id="noOfparticipants_show">
100 <a href="#" class="button" onclick="hide('noOfparticipants_show'); show('noOfparticipants'); document.getElementById('additional_participants').focus(); return false;"><span>&raquo; {ts}Register additional people for this event{/ts}</span></a>
101 </div><div class="spacer"></div>
102 {/if}
103 <div id="noOfparticipants" style="display:none">
104 <div class="form-item">
105 <table class="form-layout">
106 <tr><td><a href="#" onclick="hide('noOfparticipants'); show('noOfparticipants_show'); return false;"><img src="{$config->resourceBase}i/TreeMinus.gif" class="action-icon" alt="{ts}close section{/ts}"/></a></a>
107 <label>{$form.additional_participants.label}</label></td>
108 <td>{$form.additional_participants.html|crmReplace:class:two}<br />
109 <span class="description">{ts}You will be able to enter registration information for each additional person after you complete this page and click Continue.{/ts}</span>
110 </td>
111 </tr>
112 </table>
113 </div>
114 </div>
116 {* User account registration option. Displays if enabled for one of the profiles on this page. *}
117 {include file="CRM/common/CMSUser.tpl"}
119 {include file="CRM/UF/Form/Block.tpl" fields=$customPre}
121 {if $paidEvent}
122 {include file='CRM/Core/BillingBlock.tpl'}
123 {/if}
125 {include file="CRM/UF/Form/Block.tpl" fields=$customPost}
127 {if $isCaptcha}
128 {include file='CRM/common/ReCAPTCHA.tpl'}
129 {/if}
131 <div id="paypalExpress">
132 {* Put PayPal Express button after customPost block since it's the submit button in this case. *}
133 {if $paymentProcessor.payment_processor_type EQ 'PayPal_Express'}
134 {assign var=expressButtonName value='_qf_Register_upload_express'}
135 <fieldset><legend>{ts}Checkout with PayPal{/ts}</legend>
136 <table class="form-layout-compressed">
137 <tr><td class="description">{ts}Click the PayPal button to continue.{/ts}</td></tr>
138 <tr><td>{$form.$expressButtonName.html} <span style="font-size:11px; font-family: Arial, Verdana;">Checkout securely. Pay without sharing your financial information. </span></td></tr>
139 </table>
140 </fieldset>
141 {/if}
142 </div>
144 <div id="crm-submit-buttons">
145 {$form.buttons.html}
146 </div>
148 {if $event.footer_text}
149 <div id="footer_text">
150 <p>{$event.footer_text}</p>
151 </div>
152 {/if}
153 </div>
155 {* Hide Credit Card Block and Billing information if registration is pay later. *}
156 {if $form.is_pay_later and $hidePaymentInformation}
157 {include file="CRM/common/showHideByFieldValue.tpl"
158 trigger_field_id ="is_pay_later"
159 trigger_value =""
160 target_element_id ="payment_information"
161 target_element_type ="table-row"
162 field_type ="radio"
163 invert = 1
164 }
165 {/if}
166 {literal}
167 <script type="text/javascript">
169 function allowParticipant( ) {
170 var additionalParticipant = document.getElementById('additional_participants').value;
171 var validNumber = "";
172 for( i = 0; i< additionalParticipant.length; i++ ) {
173 if ( additionalParticipant.charAt(i) >=1 || additionalParticipant.charAt(i) <=9 ) {
174 validNumber += additionalParticipant.charAt(i);
175 } else {
176 document.getElementById('additional_participants').value = validNumber;
177 }
178 }
179 }
180 {/literal}{if $form.is_pay_later and $paymentProcessor.payment_processor_type EQ 'PayPal_Express'}{literal}
181 showHidePayPalExpressOption();
182 {/literal} {/if}{literal}
183 function showHidePayPalExpressOption()
184 {
185 if (document.getElementsByName("is_pay_later")[0].checked) {
186 show("crm-submit-buttons");
187 hide("paypalExpress");
188 } else {
189 show("paypalExpress");
190 hide("crm-submit-buttons");
191 }
192 }
194 </script>
195 {/literal}