commiting uncommited changes on live site
[] / / 20131203 / files / sites / all / modules-old / civicrm / composer.lock
1 {
2 "_readme": [
3 "This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state",
4 "Read more about it at",
5 "This file is @generated automatically"
6 ],
7 "hash": "fd3f59bfad9a391951d4e773230a4752",
8 "content-hash": "5ac26ca66347ff4485584db892ed4341",
9 "packages": [
10 {
11 "name": "civicrm/civicrm-cxn-rpc",
12 "version": "v0.15.12.04",
13 "source": {
14 "type": "git",
15 "url": "",
16 "reference": "6e3a0f956860908a240758ab8c80a020549a6f03"
17 },
18 "dist": {
19 "type": "zip",
20 "url": "",
21 "reference": "6e3a0f956860908a240758ab8c80a020549a6f03",
22 "shasum": ""
23 },
24 "require": {
25 "phpseclib/phpseclib": "0.3.*",
26 "psr/log": "1.0.0"
27 },
28 "require-dev": {
29 "phpunit/phpunit": "3.7.*"
30 },
31 "type": "library",
32 "autoload": {
33 "psr-4": {
34 "Civi\\Cxn\\Rpc\\": "src/"
35 }
36 },
37 "notification-url": "",
38 "license": [
39 "MIT"
40 ],
41 "authors": [
42 {
43 "name": "Tim Otten",
44 "email": ""
45 }
46 ],
47 "description": "RPC library for CiviConnect",
48 "time": "2015-12-05 04:41:02"
49 },
50 {
51 "name": "dompdf/dompdf",
52 "version": "v0.7.0",
53 "source": {
54 "type": "git",
55 "url": "",
56 "reference": "5c98652b1a5beb7e3cc8ec35419b2828dd63ab14"
57 },
58 "dist": {
59 "type": "zip",
60 "url": "",
61 "reference": "5c98652b1a5beb7e3cc8ec35419b2828dd63ab14",
62 "shasum": ""
63 },
64 "require": {
65 "ext-dom": "*",
66 "ext-gd": "*",
67 "ext-mbstring": "*",
68 "phenx/php-font-lib": "0.4.*",
69 "phenx/php-svg-lib": "0.1.*",
70 "php": ">=5.3.0"
71 },
72 "require-dev": {
73 "phpunit/phpunit": "3.7.*"
74 },
75 "type": "library",
76 "extra": {
77 "branch-alias": {
78 "dev-develop": "0.7-dev"
79 }
80 },
81 "autoload": {
82 "psr-4": {
83 "Dompdf\\": "src/"
84 },
85 "classmap": [
86 "lib/"
87 ]
88 },
89 "notification-url": "",
90 "license": [
91 "LGPL-2.1"
92 ],
93 "authors": [
94 {
95 "name": "Fabien Ménager",
96 "email": ""
97 },
98 {
99 "name": "Brian Sweeney",
100 "email": ""
101 },
102 {
103 "name": "Gabriel Bull",
104 "email": ""
105 }
106 ],
107 "description": "DOMPDF is a CSS 2.1 compliant HTML to PDF converter",
108 "homepage": "",
109 "time": "2016-05-11 00:36:29"
110 },
111 {
112 "name": "phenx/php-font-lib",
113 "version": "0.4",
114 "source": {
115 "type": "git",
116 "url": "",
117 "reference": "b8af0cacdc3cbf1e41a586fcb78f506f4121a088"
118 },
119 "dist": {
120 "type": "zip",
121 "url": "",
122 "reference": "b8af0cacdc3cbf1e41a586fcb78f506f4121a088",
123 "shasum": ""
124 },
125 "type": "library",
126 "autoload": {
127 "psr-0": {
128 "FontLib\\": "src/"
129 }
130 },
131 "notification-url": "",
132 "license": [
133 "LGPL-3.0"
134 ],
135 "authors": [
136 {
137 "name": "Fabien Ménager",
138 "email": ""
139 }
140 ],
141 "description": "A library to read, parse, export and make subsets of different types of font files.",
142 "homepage": "",
143 "time": "2015-05-06 20:02:39"
144 },
145 {
146 "name": "phenx/php-svg-lib",
147 "version": "0.1",
148 "source": {
149 "type": "git",
150 "url": "",
151 "reference": "b419766515b3426c6da74b0e29e93d71c4f17099"
152 },
153 "dist": {
154 "type": "zip",
155 "url": "",
156 "reference": "b419766515b3426c6da74b0e29e93d71c4f17099",
157 "shasum": ""
158 },
159 "type": "library",
160 "autoload": {
161 "psr-0": {
162 "Svg\\": "src/"
163 }
164 },
165 "notification-url": "",
166 "license": [
167 "LGPL-3.0"
168 ],
169 "authors": [
170 {
171 "name": "Fabien Ménager",
172 "email": ""
173 }
174 ],
175 "description": "A library to read, parse and export to PDF SVG files.",
176 "homepage": "",
177 "time": "2015-05-06 18:49:49"
178 },
179 {
180 "name": "phpseclib/phpseclib",
181 "version": "0.3.10",
182 "source": {
183 "type": "git",
184 "url": "",
185 "reference": "d15bba1edcc7c89e09cc74c5d961317a8b947bf4"
186 },
187 "dist": {
188 "type": "zip",
189 "url": "",
190 "reference": "d15bba1edcc7c89e09cc74c5d961317a8b947bf4",
191 "shasum": ""
192 },
193 "require": {
194 "php": ">=5.0.0"
195 },
196 "require-dev": {
197 "phing/phing": "~2.7",
198 "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.0",
199 "sami/sami": "~2.0",
200 "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "~1.5"
201 },
202 "suggest": {
203 "ext-gmp": "Install the GMP (GNU Multiple Precision) extension in order to speed up arbitrary precision integer arithmetic operations.",
204 "ext-mcrypt": "Install the Mcrypt extension in order to speed up a wide variety of cryptographic operations.",
205 "pear-pear/PHP_Compat": "Install PHP_Compat to get phpseclib working on PHP < 4.3.3."
206 },
207 "type": "library",
208 "extra": {
209 "branch-alias": {
210 "dev-master": "0.3-dev"
211 }
212 },
213 "autoload": {
214 "psr-0": {
215 "Crypt": "phpseclib/",
216 "File": "phpseclib/",
217 "Math": "phpseclib/",
218 "Net": "phpseclib/",
219 "System": "phpseclib/"
220 },
221 "files": [
222 "phpseclib/Crypt/Random.php"
223 ]
224 },
225 "notification-url": "",
226 "include-path": [
227 "phpseclib/"
228 ],
229 "license": [
230 "MIT"
231 ],
232 "authors": [
233 {
234 "name": "Jim Wigginton",
235 "email": "",
236 "role": "Lead Developer"
237 },
238 {
239 "name": "Patrick Monnerat",
240 "email": "",
241 "role": "Developer"
242 },
243 {
244 "name": "Andreas Fischer",
245 "email": "",
246 "role": "Developer"
247 },
248 {
249 "name": "Hans-Jürgen Petrich",
250 "email": "",
251 "role": "Developer"
252 }
253 ],
254 "description": "PHP Secure Communications Library - Pure-PHP implementations of RSA, AES, SSH2, SFTP, X.509 etc.",
255 "homepage": "",
256 "keywords": [
257 "BigInteger",
258 "aes",
259 "asn.1",
260 "asn1",
261 "blowfish",
262 "crypto",
263 "cryptography",
264 "encryption",
265 "rsa",
266 "security",
267 "sftp",
268 "signature",
269 "signing",
270 "ssh",
271 "twofish",
272 "x.509",
273 "x509"
274 ],
275 "time": "2015-01-28 21:50:33"
276 },
277 {
278 "name": "psr/log",
279 "version": "1.0.0",
280 "source": {
281 "type": "git",
282 "url": "",
283 "reference": "fe0936ee26643249e916849d48e3a51d5f5e278b"
284 },
285 "dist": {
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287 "url": "",
288 "reference": "fe0936ee26643249e916849d48e3a51d5f5e278b",
289 "shasum": ""
290 },
291 "type": "library",
292 "autoload": {
293 "psr-0": {
294 "Psr\\Log\\": ""
295 }
296 },
297 "notification-url": "",
298 "license": [
299 "MIT"
300 ],
301 "authors": [
302 {
303 "name": "PHP-FIG",
304 "homepage": ""
305 }
306 ],
307 "description": "Common interface for logging libraries",
308 "keywords": [
309 "log",
310 "psr",
311 "psr-3"
312 ],
313 "time": "2012-12-21 11:40:51"
314 },
315 {
316 "name": "symfony/dependency-injection",
317 "version": "v2.3.42",
318 "target-dir": "Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection",
319 "source": {
320 "type": "git",
321 "url": "",
322 "reference": "06265ee128644eb70356bd72ab28c9ded6618d19"
323 },
324 "dist": {
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327 "reference": "06265ee128644eb70356bd72ab28c9ded6618d19",
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331 "php": ">=5.3.3"
332 },
333 "require-dev": {
334 "symfony/config": "~2.2",
335 "symfony/yaml": "~2.1"
336 },
337 "suggest": {
338 "symfony/config": "",
339 "symfony/proxy-manager-bridge": "Generate service proxies to lazy load them",
340 "symfony/yaml": ""
341 },
342 "type": "library",
343 "extra": {
344 "branch-alias": {
345 "dev-master": "2.3-dev"
346 }
347 },
348 "autoload": {
349 "psr-0": {
350 "Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\": ""
351 },
352 "exclude-from-classmap": [
353 "/Tests/"
354 ]
355 },
356 "notification-url": "",
357 "license": [
358 "MIT"
359 ],
360 "authors": [
361 {
362 "name": "Fabien Potencier",
363 "email": ""
364 },
365 {
366 "name": "Symfony Community",
367 "homepage": ""
368 }
369 ],
370 "description": "Symfony DependencyInjection Component",
371 "homepage": "",
372 "time": "2016-05-30 08:31:06"
373 },
374 {
375 "name": "symfony/event-dispatcher",
376 "version": "v2.3.42",
377 "target-dir": "Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher",
378 "source": {
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380 "url": "",
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382 },
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391 },
392 "require-dev": {
393 "symfony/dependency-injection": "~2.0,>=2.0.5"
394 },
395 "suggest": {
396 "symfony/dependency-injection": "",
397 "symfony/http-kernel": ""
398 },
399 "type": "library",
400 "extra": {
401 "branch-alias": {
402 "dev-master": "2.3-dev"
403 }
404 },
405 "autoload": {
406 "psr-0": {
407 "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\": ""
408 },
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410 "/Tests/"
411 ]
412 },
413 "notification-url": "",
414 "license": [
415 "MIT"
416 ],
417 "authors": [
418 {
419 "name": "Fabien Potencier",
420 "email": ""
421 },
422 {
423 "name": "Symfony Community",
424 "homepage": ""
425 }
426 ],
427 "description": "Symfony EventDispatcher Component",
428 "homepage": "",
429 "time": "2016-04-04 09:22:54"
430 },
431 {
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433 "version": "v2.3.42",
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435 "source": {
436 "type": "git",
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443 "reference": "dce4b58434fc1cbd66e3006e539bb53074dfea82",
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452 "dev-master": "2.3-dev"
453 }
454 },
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457 "Symfony\\Component\\Finder\\": ""
458 },
459 "exclude-from-classmap": [
460 "/Tests/"
461 ]
462 },
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464 "license": [
465 "MIT"
466 ],
467 "authors": [
468 {
469 "name": "Fabien Potencier",
470 "email": ""
471 },
472 {
473 "name": "Symfony Community",
474 "homepage": ""
475 }
476 ],
477 "description": "Symfony Finder Component",
478 "homepage": "",
479 "time": "2016-05-13 14:58:35"
480 },
481 {
482 "name": "symfony/process",
483 "version": "v2.3.42",
484 "target-dir": "Symfony/Component/Process",
485 "source": {
486 "type": "git",
487 "url": "",
488 "reference": "89aced1438655ad81fc828c2e2e555e9b88fef3b"
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492 "url": "",
493 "reference": "89aced1438655ad81fc828c2e2e555e9b88fef3b",
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496 "require": {
497 "php": ">=5.3.3"
498 },
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500 "extra": {
501 "branch-alias": {
502 "dev-master": "2.3-dev"
503 }
504 },
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506 "psr-0": {
507 "Symfony\\Component\\Process\\": ""
508 },
509 "exclude-from-classmap": [
510 "/Tests/"
511 ]
512 },
513 "notification-url": "",
514 "license": [
515 "MIT"
516 ],
517 "authors": [
518 {
519 "name": "Fabien Potencier",
520 "email": ""
521 },
522 {
523 "name": "Symfony Community",
524 "homepage": ""
525 }
526 ],
527 "description": "Symfony Process Component",
528 "homepage": "",
529 "time": "2016-03-31 08:39:43"
530 },
531 {
532 "name": "tecnickcom/tcpdf",
533 "version": "6.2.12",
534 "source": {
535 "type": "git",
536 "url": "",
537 "reference": "2f732eaa91b5665274689b1d40b285a7bacdc37f"
538 },
539 "dist": {
540 "type": "zip",
541 "url": "",
542 "reference": "2f732eaa91b5665274689b1d40b285a7bacdc37f",
543 "shasum": ""
544 },
545 "require": {
546 "php": ">=5.3.0"
547 },
548 "type": "library",
549 "autoload": {
550 "classmap": [
551 "fonts",
552 "config",
553 "include",
554 "tcpdf.php",
555 "tcpdf_parser.php",
556 "tcpdf_import.php",
557 "tcpdf_barcodes_1d.php",
558 "tcpdf_barcodes_2d.php",
559 "include/tcpdf_colors.php",
560 "include/tcpdf_filters.php",
561 "include/tcpdf_font_data.php",
562 "include/tcpdf_fonts.php",
563 "include/tcpdf_images.php",
564 "include/tcpdf_static.php",
565 "include/barcodes/datamatrix.php",
566 "include/barcodes/pdf417.php",
567 "include/barcodes/qrcode.php"
568 ]
569 },
570 "notification-url": "",
571 "license": [
572 "LGPLv3"
573 ],
574 "authors": [
575 {
576 "name": "Nicola Asuni",
577 "email": "",
578 "homepage": ""
579 }
580 ],
581 "description": "TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents and barcodes.",
582 "homepage": "",
583 "keywords": [
584 "PDFD32000-2008",
585 "TCPDF",
586 "barcodes",
587 "datamatrix",
588 "pdf",
589 "pdf417",
590 "qrcode"
591 ],
592 "time": "2015-09-12 10:08:34"
593 },
594 {
595 "name": "totten/ca-config",
596 "version": "v13.02.0",
597 "source": {
598 "type": "git",
599 "url": "",
600 "reference": "7a51033f4e18c1ac846a16c6de16050e735b01cf"
601 },
602 "dist": {
603 "type": "zip",
604 "url": "",
605 "reference": "7a51033f4e18c1ac846a16c6de16050e735b01cf",
606 "shasum": ""
607 },
608 "require": {
609 "php": ">=5.2"
610 },
611 "type": "library",
612 "autoload": {
613 "psr-0": {
614 "CA_Config": "src/"
615 }
616 },
617 "notification-url": "",
618 "license": [
619 "BSD-2-Clause"
620 ],
621 "authors": [
622 {
623 "name": "Tim Otten",
624 "email": ""
625 }
626 ],
627 "description": "Default configuration for certificate authorities",
628 "homepage": "",
629 "time": "2013-02-13 03:40:18"
630 }
631 ],
632 "packages-dev": [],
633 "aliases": [],
634 "minimum-stability": "stable",
635 "stability-flags": [],
636 "prefer-stable": false,
637 "prefer-lowest": false,
638 "platform": [],
639 "platform-dev": []
640 }