commiting uncommited changes on live site
[] / / 20131203 / files / sites / all / modules-new / webform / templates / webform-analysis.tpl.php
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * @file
4 * Template for printing out the contents of the "Analysis" tab on a Webform.
5 *
6 * Available variables:
7 * - $node: The node object for this webform.
8 * - $component: If a single components analysis is being printed, this will
9 * contain a Webform component. Otherwise all components are having their
10 * analysis printed on the same page.
11 * - $analysis: A renderable object containing the following children:
12 * - 'exposed_filter': The output of any exposed filter created by the
13 * webform_analysis, webform_analysis_CONTENTTYPE, or webform_analysis_NID
14 * view.
15 * - 'form': A form for selecting which components should be included in the
16 * analysis.
17 * - 'data': An render array of analysis results for each component enabled.
18 */
19 ?>
20 <div class="webform-analysis">
21 <?php print drupal_render($analysis['form']['help']); ?>
23 <?php print drupal_render($analysis['exposed_filter']); ?>
24 <div class="webform-analysis-data">
25 <?php print drupal_render($analysis['data']); ?>
26 </div>
27 <?php print drupal_render($analysis['form']); ?>
28 <?php /* Print out any remaining part of the renderable. */ ?>
29 <?php print drupal_render_children($analysis); ?>
30 </div>