commiting uncommited changes on live site
[] / / 20131203 / files / sites / all / modules-new / views / theme / views-view-grouping.tpl.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * @file
5 * This template is used to print a single grouping in a view.
6 *
7 * It is not actually used in default Views, as this is registered as a theme
8 * function which has better performance. For single overrides, the template is
9 * perfectly okay.
10 *
11 * Variables available:
12 * - $view: The view object
13 * - $grouping: The grouping instruction.
14 * - $grouping_level: Integer indicating the hierarchical level of the grouping.
15 * - $rows: The rows contained in this grouping.
16 * - $title: The title of this grouping.
17 * - $content: The processed content output that will normally be used.
18 */
19 ?>
20 <div class="view-grouping">
21 <div class="view-grouping-header"><?php print $title; ?></div>
22 <div class="view-grouping-content">
23 <?php print $content; ?>
24 </div>
25 </div>