commiting uncommited changes on live site
[] / / 20131203 / files / sites / all / modules-new / civicrm / templates / CRM / Campaign / Page / Petition / SocialNetwork.drupal
1 {literal}
2 <script>
3 if (FB != undefined) { // reprocess the XFBML tags if called in ajax (otherwise, that's done by the init)
4 FB.XFBML.parse(document.getElementById('socialnetwork'));
6 }
7 </script>
8 {/literal}
10 {*
11 You might have a specific page that displays more information that the form.
13 This is an example (taken from that assumes that there is a Drupal node
14 that contains a cck field 'petitionid'.
15 This node is going to be used for the social networks promotion instead of the form.
17 This is an example of how to fetch content from a Drupal node (that contains a cck field 'petitionid')
18 You will want to customise it based on your configuration.
20 How to install ?
21 Create a custom template folder and copy this file into CRM/Campaign/Page/Petition/SocialNetwork.tpl
22 This assumes you are on Drupal, have installed the fb module (,
23 and in general, is very unlikely to work directly. Please consider this as an example,
24 and modify to fit your specific configuration.
25 *}
28 {php}
29 /**
30 * Function to get Petition Drupal Node Path/Alias
31 *
32 * @param int $surveyId
33 * @static
34 */
35 function &getPetitionDrupalNodeData( $surveyId ) {
36 /*
37 Other approach: using the view
38 $view=views_get_view("node_petition"); //replace with the name of your view
39 $view->set_arguments(array($surveyId));
40 $view->build('default'); //use "default" if you want to retrieve the default display of your view, if not, the name of the specific display
41 $view->execute();
42 foreach($view->result as $result) { //$result
43 // Do something with $result here. Each result is an object, so for example you can access the nid using $result->nid
44 }
45 */
46 $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton( );
47 $surveyId = (int)$surveyId;// sql injection protection
48 // if Drupal node uses cck integer field petitionid
49 // there will be a 'content_field_petitionid' table in the Drupal database
50 // that stores field_petitionid_value against nid (node id)
52 $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM content_type_petition WHERE field_petitionid_value = " . $surveyId);
54 global $base_url;
55 $petition = array();
56 $data = db_fetch_array ($result);
58 if (!$data) {
59 return null;
60 }
62 $petition_node = node_load ($data['nid']);
63 $petition_node->url = $base_url . "/" . drupal_get_path_alias("node/".$data['nid']);
64 $petition_node->title = node_page_title(node_load($data['nid']));
66 return array_merge ((array)$petition_node,(array)$data);
67 }
69 global $base_url;
70 $this->assign('base_url', $base_url);
71 $email = $this->get_template_vars('email');
72 $noscript = $this->get_template_vars('noscript');
73 $petition_id = $this->get_template_vars('petition_id');
74 $node = getPetitionDrupalNodeData($petition_id);
75 $this->assign_by_ref('node', $node);
77 {/php}
79 {if $node.nid}
80 {* print additional thank you email text from Drupal petition node if there is a cck text field 'email' *}
81 {if $email}
82 <br />{$node.field_email.0.value}
83 {/if}
85 <!-- Social Networking -->
86 <h2>Help spread the word about "{$node.title}"</h2>
87 Please help us and let your friends, colleagues and followers know about our campaign.
88 <h3>Do you use Facebook or Twitter ?</h3>
90 <div class="socialnetwork">
91 {if $noscript}
92 <p>Share it on Facebook or tweet it on Twitter.</p>
93 <a href="{$node.url}&amp;t={$node.title}">
94 <img src="{$base_url}/sites/all/modules/civicrm/i/fbshare.png" width="70px" height="28px" title="Facebook Share Button">
95 </a>
96 &nbsp;
97 &nbsp;
98 &nbsp;
99 &nbsp;
100 <a href="{$node.url}&amp;text=Sign this, I did: {$node.title}">
101 <img src="{$base_url}/sites/all/modules/civicrm/i/tweet.png" width="55px" height="20px" title="Tweet Button"">
102 </a>
103 {else}
104 <p>Like it on Facebook or tweet it on Twitter.</p>
105 <fb:like href="{$node.url}"></fb:like>
106 <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
107 <a href="{$node.url}&text=Sign this, I did: {$node.title}" class="twitter-share-button" title="tweet about this petition">Tweet</a>
108 {/if}
109 </div>
110 <h3>Do you have a website for your organisation or yourself?</h3>
111 You can write a story about it - don't forget to add the link to <a href="{$node.url}">{$node.url}.</a>
112 {/if}