commiting uncommited changes on live site
[] / / 20131203 / files / modules / field /
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * @file
5 * Functions implementing Field API multilingual support.
6 */
8 /**
9 * @defgroup field_language Field Language API
10 * @{
11 * Handling of multilingual fields.
12 *
13 * Fields natively implement multilingual support, and all fields use the
14 * following structure:
15 * @code
16 * $entity->{$field_name}[$langcode][$delta][$column_name]
17 * @endcode
18 * Every field can hold a single or multiple value for each language belonging
19 * to the available languages set:
20 * - For untranslatable fields this set only contains LANGUAGE_NONE.
21 * - For translatable fields this set can contain any language code. By default
22 * it is the list returned by field_content_languages(), which contains all
23 * installed languages with the addition of LANGUAGE_NONE. This default can be
24 * altered by modules implementing hook_field_available_languages_alter().
25 *
26 * The available languages for a particular field are returned by
27 * field_available_languages(). Whether a field is translatable is determined by
28 * calling field_is_translatable(), which checks the $field['translatable']
29 * property returned by field_info_field(), and whether there is at least one
30 * translation handler available for the field. A translation handler is a
31 * module registering itself via hook_entity_info() to handle field
32 * translations.
33 *
34 * By default, _field_invoke() and _field_invoke_multiple() are processing a
35 * field in all available languages, unless they are given a language
36 * suggestion. Based on that suggestion, _field_language_suggestion() determines
37 * the languages to act on.
38 *
39 * Most field_attach_*() functions act on all available languages, except for
40 * the following:
41 * - field_attach_form() only takes a single language code, specifying which
42 * language the field values will be submitted in.
43 * - field_attach_view() requires the language the entity will be displayed in.
44 * Since it is unknown whether a field translation exists for the requested
45 * language, the translation handler is responsible for performing one of the
46 * following actions:
47 * - Ignore missing translations, i.e. do not show any field values for the
48 * requested language. For example, see locale_field_language_alter().
49 * - Provide a value in a different language as fallback. By default, the
50 * fallback logic is applied separately to each field to ensure that there
51 * is a value for each field to display.
52 * The field language fallback logic relies on the global language fallback
53 * configuration. Therefore, the displayed field values can be in the
54 * requested language, but may be different if no values for the requested
55 * language are available. The default language fallback rules inspect all the
56 * enabled languages ordered by their weight. This behavior can be altered or
57 * even disabled by modules implementing hook_field_language_alter(), making
58 * it possible to choose the first approach. The display language for each
59 * field is returned by field_language().
60 *
61 * See @link field Field API @endlink for information about the other parts of
62 * the Field API.
63 */
65 /**
66 * Implements hook_multilingual_settings_changed().
67 */
68 function field_multilingual_settings_changed() {
69 field_info_cache_clear();
70 }
72 /**
73 * Collects the available languages for the given entity type and field.
74 *
75 * If the given field has language support enabled, an array of available
76 * languages will be returned, otherwise only LANGUAGE_NONE will be returned.
77 * Since the default value for a 'translatable' entity property is FALSE, we
78 * ensure that only entities that are able to handle translations actually get
79 * translatable fields.
80 *
81 * @param $entity_type
82 * The type of the entity the field is attached to, e.g. 'node' or 'user'.
83 * @param $field
84 * A field structure.
85 *
86 * @return
87 * An array of valid language codes.
88 */
89 function field_available_languages($entity_type, $field) {
90 static $drupal_static_fast;
91 if (!isset($drupal_static_fast)) {
92 $drupal_static_fast['field_languages'] = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
93 }
94 $field_languages = &$drupal_static_fast['field_languages'];
95 $field_name = $field['field_name'];
97 if (!isset($field_languages[$entity_type][$field_name])) {
98 // If the field has language support enabled we retrieve an (alterable) list
99 // of enabled languages, otherwise we return just LANGUAGE_NONE.
100 if (field_is_translatable($entity_type, $field)) {
101 $languages = field_content_languages();
102 // Let other modules alter the available languages.
103 $context = array('entity_type' => $entity_type, 'field' => $field);
104 drupal_alter('field_available_languages', $languages, $context);
105 $field_languages[$entity_type][$field_name] = $languages;
106 }
107 else {
108 $field_languages[$entity_type][$field_name] = array(LANGUAGE_NONE);
109 }
110 }
112 return $field_languages[$entity_type][$field_name];
113 }
115 /**
116 * Process the given language suggestion based on the available languages.
117 *
118 * If a non-empty language suggestion is provided it must appear among the
119 * available languages, otherwise it will be ignored.
120 *
121 * @param $available_languages
122 * An array of valid language codes.
123 * @param $language_suggestion
124 * A language code or an array of language codes keyed by field name.
125 * @param $field_name
126 * The name of the field being processed.
127 *
128 * @return
129 * An array of valid language codes.
130 */
131 function _field_language_suggestion($available_languages, $language_suggestion, $field_name) {
132 // Handle possible language suggestions.
133 if (!empty($language_suggestion)) {
134 // We might have an array of language suggestions keyed by field name.
135 if (is_array($language_suggestion) && isset($language_suggestion[$field_name])) {
136 $language_suggestion = $language_suggestion[$field_name];
137 }
139 // If we have a language suggestion and the suggested language is available,
140 // we return only it.
141 if (in_array($language_suggestion, $available_languages)) {
142 $available_languages = array($language_suggestion);
143 }
144 }
146 return $available_languages;
147 }
149 /**
150 * Returns available content languages.
151 *
152 * The languages that may be associated to fields include LANGUAGE_NONE.
153 *
154 * @return
155 * An array of language codes.
156 */
157 function field_content_languages() {
158 return array_keys(language_list() + array(LANGUAGE_NONE => NULL));
159 }
161 /**
162 * Checks whether a field has language support.
163 *
164 * A field has language support enabled if its 'translatable' property is set to
165 * TRUE, and its entity type has at least one translation handler registered.
166 *
167 * @param $entity_type
168 * The type of the entity the field is attached to.
169 * @param $field
170 * A field data structure.
171 *
172 * @return
173 * TRUE if the field can be translated.
174 */
175 function field_is_translatable($entity_type, $field) {
176 return $field['translatable'] && field_has_translation_handler($entity_type);
177 }
179 /**
180 * Checks if a module is registered as a translation handler for a given entity.
181 *
182 * If no handler is passed, simply check if there is any translation handler
183 * enabled for the given entity type.
184 *
185 * @param $entity_type
186 * The type of the entity whose fields are to be translated.
187 * @param $handler
188 * (optional) The name of the handler to be checked. Defaults to NULL.
189 *
190 * @return
191 * TRUE, if the given handler is allowed to manage field translations. If no
192 * handler is passed, TRUE means there is at least one registered translation
193 * handler.
194 */
195 function field_has_translation_handler($entity_type, $handler = NULL) {
196 $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
198 if (isset($handler)) {
199 return !empty($entity_info['translation'][$handler]);
200 }
201 elseif (isset($entity_info['translation'])) {
202 foreach ($entity_info['translation'] as $handler_info) {
203 // The translation handler must use a non-empty data structure.
204 if (!empty($handler_info)) {
205 return TRUE;
206 }
207 }
208 }
210 return FALSE;
211 }
213 /**
214 * Ensures that a given language code is valid.
215 *
216 * Checks whether the given language is one of the enabled languages. Otherwise,
217 * it returns the current, global language; or the site's default language, if
218 * the additional parameter $default is TRUE.
219 *
220 * @param $langcode
221 * The language code to validate.
222 * @param $default
223 * Whether to return the default language code or the current language code in
224 * case $langcode is invalid.
225 * @return
226 * A valid language code.
227 */
228 function field_valid_language($langcode, $default = TRUE) {
229 $enabled_languages = field_content_languages();
230 if (in_array($langcode, $enabled_languages)) {
231 return $langcode;
232 }
233 global $language_content;
234 return $default ? language_default('language') : $language_content->language;
235 }
237 /**
238 * Returns the display language for the fields attached to the given entity.
239 *
240 * The actual language for each given field is determined based on the requested
241 * language and the actual data available in the fields themselves.
242 * If there is no registered translation handler for the given entity type, the
243 * display language to be used is just LANGUAGE_NONE, as no other language code
244 * is allowed by field_available_languages().
245 * If translation handlers are found, we let modules provide alternative display
246 * languages for fields not having the requested language available.
247 * Core language fallback rules are provided by locale_field_language_fallback()
248 * which is called by locale_field_language_alter().
249 *
250 * @param $entity_type
251 * The type of $entity.
252 * @param $entity
253 * The entity to be displayed.
254 * @param $field_name
255 * (optional) The name of the field to be displayed. Defaults to NULL. If
256 * no value is specified, the display languages for every field attached to
257 * the given entity will be returned.
258 * @param $langcode
259 * (optional) The language code $entity has to be displayed in. Defaults to
260 * NULL. If no value is given the current language will be used.
261 *
262 * @return
263 * A language code if a field name is specified, an array of language codes
264 * keyed by field name otherwise.
265 */
266 function field_language($entity_type, $entity, $field_name = NULL, $langcode = NULL) {
267 $display_languages = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
268 list($id, , $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
269 $langcode = field_valid_language($langcode, FALSE);
271 if (!isset($display_languages[$entity_type][$id][$langcode])) {
272 $display_language = array();
274 // By default display language is set to LANGUAGE_NONE if the field
275 // translation is not available. It is up to translation handlers to
276 // implement language fallback rules.
277 foreach (field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle) as $instance) {
278 $display_language[$instance['field_name']] = isset($entity->{$instance['field_name']}[$langcode]) ? $langcode : LANGUAGE_NONE;
279 }
281 if (field_has_translation_handler($entity_type)) {
282 $context = array(
283 'entity_type' => $entity_type,
284 'entity' => $entity,
285 'language' => $langcode,
286 );
287 drupal_alter('field_language', $display_language, $context);
288 }
290 $display_languages[$entity_type][$id][$langcode] = $display_language;
291 }
293 $display_language = $display_languages[$entity_type][$id][$langcode];
295 // Single-field mode.
296 if (isset($field_name)) {
297 return isset($display_language[$field_name]) ? $display_language[$field_name] : FALSE;
298 }
300 return $display_language;
301 }