Fix #712: Comment counter always uses plural
[mediagoblin.git] / mediagoblin / templates / mediagoblin / user_pages / media.html
1 {#
2 # GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting
3 # Copyright (C) 2011 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS.
4 #
5 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
7 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 # (at your option) any later version.
9 #
10 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
14 #
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
16 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 #}
18 {% extends "mediagoblin/base.html" %}
20 {% import "/mediagoblin/utils/wtforms.html" as wtforms_util %}
21 {% from "mediagoblin/utils/pagination.html" import render_pagination %}
23 {% block title %}{{ media.title }} &mdash; {{ super() }}{% endblock %}
25 {% block mediagoblin_head %}
26 <script>
27 $(document).ready(function(){
28 $('#form_comment').hide();
29 $('#button_addcomment').click(function(){
30 $(this).fadeOut('fast');
31 $('#form_comment').slideDown(function(){
32 $('#comment_content').focus();
33 });
34 });
35 });
36 </script>
37 {% endblock mediagoblin_head %}
39 {% block mediagoblin_content %}
40 <div class="grid_11 alpha">
41 <div class="media_image_container">
42 {% block mediagoblin_media %}
43 {% set display_media =
44 media.get_display_media(media.media_files)) %}
45 {# if there's a medium file size, that means the medium size
46 # isn't the original... so link to the original!
47 #}
48 {% if media['media_files'].has_key('medium') %}
49 <a href="{{
50 media['media_files']['original']) }}">
51 <img class="media_image"
52 src="{{ display_media }}"
53 alt="Image for {{ media.title }}" />
54 </a>
55 {% else %}
56 <img class="media_image"
57 src="{{ display_media }}"
58 alt="Image for {{ media.title }}" />
59 {% endif %}
60 {% endblock %}
61 </div>
62 <h2 class="media_title">
63 {{ media.title }}
64 </h2>
65 {% autoescape False %}
66 <p>{{ media.description_html }}</p>
67 {% endautoescape %}
68 <p class="media_specs">
69 {% trans date=media.created.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") -%}
70 Added on {{ date }}.
71 {%- endtrans %}
72 {% if media['uploader'] == request.user._id or
73 request.user['is_admin'] %}
74 {% set edit_url = request.urlgen('mediagoblin.edit.edit_media',
75 user= media.get_uploader.username,
76 media= media._id) %}
77 <a class="button_action" href="{{ edit_url }}">{% trans %}Edit{% endtrans %}</a>
78 {% set delete_url = request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.media_confirm_delete',
79 user= media.get_uploader.username,
80 media= media._id) %}
81 <a class="button_action" href="{{ delete_url }}">{% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}</a>
82 {% endif %}
83 </p>
84 {% if comments %}
85 <h3>
86 {% if comments.count()==1 %}
87 {% trans comment_count=comments.count() -%}{{ comment_count }} comment{%- endtrans %}
88 {% elif comments.count()>1 %}
89 {% trans comment_count=comments.count() -%}{{ comment_count }} comments{%- endtrans %}
90 {% else %}
91 {% trans %}No comments yet.{% endtrans %}
92 {% endif %}
93 <div class="right_align">
94 <a
95 {% if not request.user %}
96 href="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.auth.login') }}"
97 {% endif %}
98 class="button_action" id="button_addcomment" title="Add a comment">
99 {% trans %}Add one{% endtrans %}
100 </a>
101 </div>
102 </h3>
103 {% if request.user %}
104 <form action="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.media_post_comment',
105 user= media.get_uploader.username,
106 media=media._id) }}" method="POST" id="form_comment">
107 <p>
108 {% trans %}Type your comment here. You can use <a href="" target="_blank">Markdown</a> for formatting.{% endtrans %}
109 </p>
110 {{ wtforms_util.render_divs(comment_form) }}
111 <div class="form_submit_buttons">
112 <input type="submit" value="{% trans %}Add this comment{% endtrans %}" class="button_action" />
113 {{ csrf_token }}
114 </div>
115 </form>
116 {% endif %}
117 {% for comment in comments %}
118 {% set comment_author = comment.get_author %}
119 {% if pagination.active_id == comment._id %}
120 <div class="comment_wrapper comment_active" id="comment-{{ comment._id }}">
121 <a name="comment" id="comment"></a>
122 {% else %}
123 <div class="comment_wrapper" id="comment-{{ comment._id }}">
124 {% endif %}
125 <div class="comment_content">
126 {% autoescape False %}
127 {{ comment.content_html }}
128 {% endautoescape %}
129 <img src="{{ request.staticdirect('/images/icon_comment.png') }}" />
130 <a href="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.user_home',
131 user = comment_author.username) }}">
132 {{ comment_author.username }}
133 </a>
134 {% trans %}at{% endtrans %}
135 <a href="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.media_home.view_comment',
136 comment = comment._id,
137 user = media.get_uploader.username,
138 media = media.slug) }}#comment">
139 {{ comment.created.strftime("%I:%M%p %Y-%m-%d") }}
140 </a>
141 </div>
142 </div>
143 {% endfor %}
144 {{ render_pagination(request, pagination,
145 media.url_for_self(request.urlgen)) }}
146 {% endif %}
147 </div>
148 <div class="grid_5 omega">
149 {% trans user_url=request.urlgen(
150 'mediagoblin.user_pages.user_home',
151 user=media.get_uploader.username),
152 username=media.get_uploader.username -%}
153 <p>❖ Browsing media by <a href="{{ user_url }}">{{ username }}</a></p>
154 {%- endtrans %}
155 {% include "mediagoblin/utils/prev_next.html" %}
156 {% if media.attachment_files|count %}
157 <h3>Attachments</h3>
158 <ul>
159 {% for attachment in media.attachment_files %}
160 <li>
161 <a href="{{ }}">
162 {{ }}
163 </a>
164 </li>
165 {% endfor %}
166 </ul>
167 {% endif %}
168 {% if app_config['allow_attachments']
169 and (media.uploader == request.user._id
170 or request.user.is_admin) %}
171 <p>
172 <a href="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.edit.attachments',
173 user=media.get_uploader.username,
174 media=media._id) }}">Add attachment</a>
175 </p>
176 {% endif %}
177 {% if media.tags %}
178 {% include "mediagoblin/utils/tags.html" %}
179 {% endif %}
180 </div>
181 {% endblock %}