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6 <title>Email Self-Defense - una guía para la lucha contra la vigilancia con el cifrado GnuPG</title>
7 <meta name="keywords" content="GnuPG, GPG, openpgp, surveillance, privacy, email, Enigmail" />
8 <meta name="description" content="La vigilancia al correo electrónico viola nuestros derechos fundamentales y pone en riesgo la libertad de expresión. Esta guía te enseñara *auto-defensa de e-mail en 30 minutos* con GnuPG.">
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17 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ GnuPG Header and introduction text ~~~~~~~~~ -->
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21 <h1>Email Self-Defense</h1>
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41 <a href="index.html" class="current">GNU/Linux</a>
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50 <a href=";t=Email encryption for everyone via %40fsf">
51 #EmailSelfDefense
52 </a>
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56 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ FSF Introduction ~~~~~~~~~ -->
57 <div id="fsf-intro">
58 <h3>
59 <a href="">
60 <img alt="Free Software Foundation"
61 src="//">
62 </a>
63 </h3>
64 <div class="fsf-emphasis">
65 <p>Luchamos por los derechos de los usuarios de computadora, y promovemos el desarrollo del software libre. Resistir a la vigilancia masiva es muy importante para nosotros
66 </p>
67 <p>
68 <strong>
69 Queremos promover fuertemente herramientas como esta, personalmente y en línea, para ayudar a tantas personas como sea posible a dar el primer paso hacia el uso de software libre para proteger su privacidad. ¿Puedes hacer una donación o hacerse socio para ayudarnos a lograr esta meta?
70 </strong>
71 </p>
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74 <p><a href=""><img alt="Donate" src="//"></a> <a href=""><img alt="Join now" src="//"></a></p>
76 </div><!-- End #fsf-intro -->
78 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ Guide Introduction ~~~~~~~~~ -->
79 <div class="intro">
80 <p>
81 <a id="infographic" href="infographic.html"><img src="//" alt="View &amp; share our infographic &rarr;" /></a>
82 La vigilancia masiva viola los derechos fundamentales y pone en riesgo la libertad de expresión. Esta guía te eseñara la habilidad básica de auto-defensa contra la vigilancia: cifrado de correo electrónico. Una vez la hayas finalizado, serás capaz de enviar y recibir correos electrónicos que están codificados para asegurarse de que un agente de vigilancia o un ladrón que intercepte tu correo electrónico no pueda leerlo. Todo lo que necesitas es una computadora con conexión a Internet, una cuenta de correo electrónico, y aproximadamente media hora.
83 </p>
84 <p>
85 Incluso si no tienes nada que esconder, usar cifrado ayuda a proteger la privacidad de las personas con las que te comunicas, y hace la vida díficil a los sistemas de vigilancia masiva. Si tienes algo importante que esconder, entonces estás en buena compañia; estas son las mismas herramientas que Edward Snowden uso para compartir sus famosos secretos sobre la NSA.
86 </p>
87 <p>
88 Adicionalmente de utilizar cifrado, hacer frente a la vigilancia se requiere una lucha política para <a href="">la reducción de la cantidad de datos recolectados sobre nosotros</a>, pero esencialmente el primer paso es protegerse a uno mismo y hacer que la vigilancia de tus comunicaciones sea lo más dificil posible. ¡Empecemos!
89 </p>
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96 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ Section 1: Get the pieces ~~~~~~~~~ -->
97 <section class="row" id="section1">
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99 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ section introduction: interspersed text ~~~~~~~~~ -->
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101 <h2><em>#1</em> Consigue las piezas</h2>
102 <p class="notes">
103 Esta guía usa software que esta licenciado libremente; es completamente transparente y que cualquier persona puede copiar, o hacer su propia versión. Esto hace que sea más seguro contra la vigilancia que el software privativo (como Windows). Aprende más sobre software libre en <a href=""></a>.
104 </p>
105 <p>
106 La mayoría de Sistemas Operativos GNU/Linux vienen con GnuPG ya instalado, por lo que no es necesario que lo descargues. De todas maneras antes de configurar GnuPG necesitarás un programa de correo electrónico de escritorio instalado en tu computadora. La mayoría de las distribuciones GNU/Linux tienen una versión libre del programa Thunderbird disponible para instalar. Esta guía va a trabajar con ellos en conjunto con el mismo Thunderbird. Los programas de correo electrónico son otra manera de acceder a las mismas cuentas de correo electrónico a las que accedes usando un navegador (como Gmail), pero proporcionan características adicionales.
107 </p>
108 <p>
109 Si ya tienes alguno de estos, puedes saltar al <a href="#step-1b">Paso 1.b</a>.
110 </p>
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114 <div id="step-1a" class="step">
115 <div class="sidebar">
116 <p><img src="//" alt="Step 1.A: Install Wizard" /></p>
117 </div><!-- /.sidebar -->
118 <div class="main">
119 <h3><em>Paso 1.a</em> Configura tu programa de correo electrónico con tu cuenta de correo(si todavía no está)</h3>
120 <p>Abre tu programa de correo electrónico y sigue al asistente para configurar el programa con tu cuenta de correo electrónico.</p>
122 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ Solución de problemas ~~~~~~~~~ -->
123 <div class="troubleshooting">
124 <h4>Solución de problemas</h4>
125 <dl>
126 <dt>¿Qué es un asistente?</dt>
127 <dd>Un asistente es una secuencia de ventanas que se abren para realizar algo de manera sencilla dentro de una computadora, como por ejemplo instalar un programa. Tú haces click a través, seleccionado opciones a medida que avanzas.</dd>
128 <dt>Mi programa de correo electrónico no puede encontrar mi cuenta, o no esta descargando mi correo</dt>
129 <dd>Antes de buscar en la Web, nosotros recomendamos que preguntes a otras personas que usan el mismo sistema de correo electrónico, para averguar las configuraciones correctas.</dd>
130 <dt class="feedback">¿No encuentras una solución a tu problema?</dt>
131 <dd class="feedback">Por favor háznoslo saber en la <a href="">página de comentarios</a>.</dd>
132 </dl>
133 </div><!-- /.troubleshooting -->
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139 <div id="step-1b" class="step">
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141 <ul class="images">
142 <li><img src="//" alt="Step 1.B: Tools -> Add-ons" /></li>
143 <li><img src="//" alt="Step 1.B: Search Add-ons" /></li>
144 <li><img src="//" alt="Step 1.B: Install Add-ons" /></li>
145 </ul>
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147 <div class="main">
148 <h3><em>Paso 1.b</em> Instala el plugin Enigmail para tu programa de correo electrónico</h3>
149 <p>En el menú de tu programa de correo electrónico, selecciona Complementos(es posible que este en la sección de Herramientas). Asegurate de que Extensiones este seleccionada en la izquierda. ¿Puedes ver Enigmail? si es asi, entonces salta este paso.</p>
150 <p>Caso contrario, busca "Enigmail" usando la barra de busqueda en la esquina superior derecha. You can take it from here. Reinicia tu programa de correo electrónico cuando termines.</p>
151 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ Solución de problemas ~~~~~~~~~ -->
152 <div class="troubleshooting">
153 <h4>Solución de problemas</h4>
154 <dl>
155 <dt>No puede encontrar el menú.</dt>
156 <dd>En muchos programas de correo electrónico nuevos, el menú principal esta representado por una imágen de tres barras horizontales apiladas.</dd>
158 <dt class="feedback">¿No encuentras una solución a tu problema?</dt>
159 <dd class="feedback">Por favor háznoslo saber en la <a href="">página de comentarios</a>.</dd>
160 </dl>
161 </div><!-- /.troubleshooting -->
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163 </div><!-- End #step-1b .step -->
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165 </section><!-- End #section1 -->
167 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ Section 2: Make your keys ~~~~~~~~~ -->
168 <section class="row" id="section2">
169 <div>
170 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ section introduction: interspersed text ~~~~~~~~~ -->
171 <div class="section-intro">
172 <h2><em>#2</em> Haz tus llaves</h2>
173 <p>Para usar el sistema GnuPG, necesitarás una llave pública y una llave privada (juntas conocidas como keypair). Cada una es una cadena larga de números y letras generada aleatoreamente que son únicos para ti. Tu llave pública y privada estan enlazadas entre si mediante una función matemática especial.</p>
174 <p>Tu llave pública no es similar a una llave física, debido a que es almacenada en un directorio en linea llamado keyserver. Las personas la descargan y la usan junto con GnuPG, para cifrar los correos electrónicos que te envian. Puedes pensar en el keyserver como en una guía telefónica, donde las personas que quieren enviarte un correo electrónico cifrado buscan tu llave pública.</p>
175 <p>Tu llave privada es más similar a una llave física, debido a que tu la guardas solo para ti (en tu computadora). Usas GnuPG y tu llave privada para descifrar correos electrónicos cifrados que otras personas te mandan.</p>
176 </div><!-- End .section-intro -->
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179 <div id="step-2a" class="step">
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181 <p><img src="//" alt="Step 2.A: Make a Keypair" /></p>
182 </div><!-- /.sidebar -->
183 <div class="main">
184 <h3><em>Step 2.a</em> Crear un par de llaves</h3>
185 <p>En el menú de tu programa de e-mail, selecciona OpenPGP -> Asistente de configuración. No necesitas leer el texto en la ventana que emerge, a menos que lo quieras, pero es bueno leer el texto en las ultimas pantallas del asistente.</p>
186 <p>En la segunda pantalla titulada "Signing", selecciona "No, quiero crear reglas por destinatario para los e-mails que necesitan ser firmados."</p>
187 <p>Usar las opciones por defecto hasta llegar a la pantalla titulada "Crear llave."</p>
188 <p>En la pantalla titulada "Crear llave", elegir una contraseña segura! Tu contraseña debería ser de al menos 12 caracteres, e incluir al menos una letra minúscula y una mayúscula, y al menos un numero o símbolo de puntuación. No olvides la contraseña, o todo este trabajo sera en vano!.</p>
189 <p class="notes">El programa tomara un pequeño tiempo mientras termina el siguiente paso, la pantalla de "Creación de llave". Mientras esperas, puedes hacer otras cosas con tu computadora, como mirar una película o navegar por la red. Cuanto mas utilices el equipo en este momento, mas rápida será la creación de la llave.</p>
190 <p>Cuando aparezca la pantalla de confirmación de OpenPGP , selecciona "Generar Certificado" y guárdalo en un lugar seguro en tu computadora (recomendamos crear una carpeta llamada "Certificado de Revocación" en tu carpeta home y guardarla ahí).</p>
191 <p>Aprenderás mas acerca de la revocación de certificado en la <a href="#section5">Sección 5</a>. El asistente te pedirá moverlo a un dispositivo externo, pero no es necesario en este momento.</p>
193 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ Solución de problemas ~~~~~~~~~ -->
194 <div class="troubleshooting">
195 <h4>Solución de problemas</h4>
196 <dl>
197 <dt>No puedo encontrar el menú OpenPGP.</dt>
198 <dd>En muchos programas de correo electrónico nuevos, el menú principal esta representado por una por una imágen de tres barras horizontales apiladas. Es probable que OpenPGP este dentro de la sección Herramientas.</dd>
199 <dt>El asistente de configuración dice que no pueden encontrar GnuPG.</dt>
200 <dd>Abre el programa que generalmente usas para instalar software, y busca GnuPG, luego instalalo. A continuación reinicia el asistente de configuración de Engimail llendo a OpenPGP &rarr; Setup Wizard.</dd>
201 <dt class="feedback">¿No encuentras una solución a tu problema?</dt>
202 <dd class="feedback">Por favor háznoslo saber en la <a href="">página de comentarios</a>.</dd>
203 </dl>
204 </div><!-- /.troubleshooting -->
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209 <div id="step-2b" class="step">
210 <div class="main">
211 <h3><em>Step 2.b</em> Upload your public key to a keyserver</h3>
212 <p>In your email program's menu, select OpenPGP &rarr; Key Management.</p>
213 <p>Right click on your key and select Upload Public Keys to Keyserver. Use the default keyserver in the popup.</p>
214 <p class="notes">Now someone who wants to send you an encrypted message can download your public key from the Internet. There are multiple keyservers that you can select from the menu when you upload, but they are all copies of each other, so it doesn't matter which one you use. However, it sometimes takes a few hours for them to match each other when a new key is uploaded.</p>
215 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ Solución de problemas ~~~~~~~~~ -->
216 <div class="troubleshooting">
217 <h4>Solución de problemas</h4>
218 <dl>
219 <dt>The progress bar never finishes</dt>
220 <dd>Close the upload popup, make sure you are on the Internet and try again. If that doesn't work, try again, selecting a different keyserver.</dd>
221 <dt>My key doesnt appear in the list</dt>
222 <dd>Try checking Show Default Keys.</dd>
224 <dt class="feedback">Don't see a solution to your problem?</dt>
225 <dd class="feedback">Please let us know on the <a href="">feedback page</a>.</dd>
227 </dl>
228 </div><!-- /.troubleshooting -->
229 </div><!-- End .main -->
230 </div><!-- End #step-2a .step -->
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232 <div id="terminology" class="step">
233 <div class="main">
234 <h3>GnuPG, OpenPGP, what?</h3>
235 <p>You're using a program called GnuPG, but the menu in your email program is called OpenPGP. Confusing, right? In general, the terms GnuPG, GPG, GNU Privacy Guard, OpenPGP and PGP are used interchangeably, though they all have slightly different meanings.</p>
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237 </div><!-- End #terminology.step-->
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241 </section><!-- End #section2 -->
243 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ Section 3: Try it out ~~~~~~~~~ -->
244 <section class="row" id="section3">
245 <div>
246 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ section introduction: interspersed text ~~~~~~~~~ -->
247 <div class="section-intro">
248 <h2><em>#3</em> Try it out!</h2>
249 <p>Now you'll try a test correspondence with a computer program named Adele, which knows how to use encryption. Except where noted, these are the same steps you'd follow when corresponding with a real, live person.</p>
250 </div><!-- End .section-intro -->
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253 <div id="step-3a" class="step">
254 <div class="sidebar">
255 <p><img src="//" alt="Try it out." /></p>
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257 <div class="main">
258 <h3><em>Step 3.a</em> Send Adele your public key</h3>
259 <p>This is a special step that you won't have to do when corresponding with real people. In your email program's menu, go to OpenPGP &rarr; Key Management. You should see your key in the list that pops up. Right click on your key and select Send Public Keys by Email. This will create a new draft message, as if you had just hit the Write button.</p>
261 <p>Address the message to Put at least one word (whatever you want) in the subject and body of the email, then hit send.</p>
263 <p class="notes">It may take two or three minutes for Adele to respond. In the meantime, you might want to skip ahead and check out the <a href="#section5">Use it Well</a> section of this guide. Once she's responded, head to the next step. From here on, you'll be doing just the same thing as when corresponding with a real person.</p>
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268 <div id="step-3b" class="step">
269 <div class="main">
270 <h3><em>Step 3.b</em> Send a test encrypted email</h3>
271 <p>Write a new email in your email program, addressed to Make the subject "Encryption test" or something similar and write something in the body. Don't send it yet.</p>
272 <p>Click the icon of the key in the bottom right of the composition window (it should turn yellow). This tells Enigmail to encrypt the email with the key you downloaded in the last step.</p>
273 <p class="notes">Next to the key, you'll notice an icon of a pencil. Clicking this tells Enigmail to add a special, uniqe signature to your message, generated using your private key. This is a separate feature from encryption, and you don't have to use it for this guide.</p>
274 <p>Click Send. Enigmail will pop up a window that says "Recipients not valid, not trusted or not found."</p>
276 <p>To encrypt and email to Adele, you need her public key, and so now you'll have Enigmail download it from a keyserver. Click Download Missing Keys and use the default in the pop-up that asks you to choose a keyserver. Once it finds keys, check the first one (Key ID starting with 9), then select ok. Select ok in the next pop-up.</p>
278 <p>Now you are back at the "Recipients not valid, not trusted or not found" screen. Select Adele's key from the list and click Ok. If the message doesn't send automatically, you can hit send now.</p>
279 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ Solución de problemas ~~~~~~~~~ -->
280 <div class="troubleshooting">
281 <h4>Solución de problemas</h4>
282 <dl>
283 <dt>Enigmail can't find Adele's key</dt>
284 <dd>Close the pop-ups that have appeared since you clicked. Make sure you are connected to the Internet and try again. If that doesn't work, repeat the process, choosing a different keyserver when it asks you to pick one.</dd>
285 <dt class="feedback">Don't see a solution to your problem?</dt>
286 <dd class="feedback">Please let us know on the <a href="">feedback page</a>.</dd>
287 </dl>
288 </div><!-- /.troubleshooting -->
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290 </div><!-- End #step-3b .step -->
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293 <div id="step-headers_unencrypted" class="step">
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295 <h3><em>Important:</em> Security tips</h3>
296 <p>Even if you encrypted your email, the subject line is not encrypted, so don't put private information there. The sending and receiving addresses aren't encrypted either, so they could be read by a surveillance system. When you send attachments, Enigmail will give you an option of whether you want to encrypt them.</p>
297 <p>It's also good practice to click the key icon in your email composition window <strong>before</strong> you start to write. Otherwise, your email client could save an unencrypted draft on the mail server, potentially exposing it to snooping.</p>
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303 <div id="step-3c" class="step">
304 <div class="main">
305 <h3><em>Step 3.c</em> Receive a response</h3>
306 <p>When Adele receives your email, she will use her private key to decrypt it, then fetch your public key from a keyserver and use it to encrypt a response to you.</p>
307 <p class="notes">Since you encrypted this email with Adele's public key, Adele's private key is required to decrypt it. Adele is the only one with her private key, so no one except her &mdash; not even you &mdash; can decrypt it.</p>
308 <p class="notes">It may take two or three minutes for Adele to respond. In the meantime, you might want to skip ahead and check out the <a href="#section5">Use it Well</a> section of this guide.</p>
309 <p>When you receive Adele's email and open it, Enigmail will automatically detect that it is encrypted with your public key, and then it will use your private key to decrypt it.</p>
310 <p>Notice the bar that Enigmail shows you above the message, with information about the status of Adele's key.</p>
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312 </div><!-- End #step-3c .step -->
315 <div id="step-3d" class="step">
316 <div class="main">
317 <h3><em>Step 3.d</em> Send a test signed email to a friend</h3>
318 <p>Write a new email in your email program, addressed to a friend. If you want, tell them about this guide!</p>
319 <p>Before sending the email, click the icon of the pencil in the bottom right of the composition window (it should turn yellow). This tells Enigmail to sign the email with you private key.</p>
320 <p>After you click send, Enigmail will ask you for your password. It will do this any time it needs to use your public key.</p>
321 </div>
322 </div>-->
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324 </section><!-- End #section3 -->
327 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ Section 4: Learn the Web of Trust ~~~~~~~~~ -->
328 <section class="row" id="section4">
329 <div>
330 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ section introduction: interspersed text ~~~~~~~~~ -->
331 <div class="section-intro">
332 <h2><em>#4</em> Learn the Web of Trust</h2>
333 <p>Email encryption is a powerful technology, but it has a weakness; it requires a way to verify that a person's public key is actually theirs. Otherwise, there would be no way to stop an attacker from making an email address with your friend's name, creating keys to go with it and impersonating your friend. That's why the free software programmers that developed email encryption created keysigning and the Web of Trust.</p>
335 <p>When you sign someone's key, you are publicly saying that you trust that it does belong to them and not an impostor. People who use your public key can see the number of signatures it has. Once you've used GnuPG for a long time, you may have hundreds of signatures. The Web of Trust is the constellation of all GnuPG users, connected to each other by chains of trust expressed through signatures, into a giant network. The more signatures a key has, and the more signatures its signers' keys have, the more trustworthy that key is.</p>
337 <p>People's public keys are usually identified by their key fingerprint, which is a string of digits like DD878C06E8C2BEDDD4A440D3E573346992AB3FF7 (for Adele's key). You can see the fingerprint for your public key, and other public keys saved on your computer, by going to OpenPGP &rarr; Key Management in your email program's menu, then right clicking on the key and choosing Key Properties. It's good practice to share your fingerprint wherever you share your email address, so that so that people can double-check that they have the correct public key when they download yours from a keyserver.</p>
339 <p class="notes">You may also see public keys referred to by their key ID, which is simply the last 8 digits of the fingerprint, like 92AB3FF7 for Adele. The key ID is visible directly from the Key Management Window. This key ID is like a person's first name (it is a useful shorthand but may not be unique to a given key), whereas the fingerprint actually identifies the key uniquely without the possibility of confusion. If you only have the key ID, you can still look up the key (as well as its fingerprint), like you did in Step 3, but if multiple options appear, you'll need the fingerprint of the person to are trying to communicate to verify which one to use.</p>
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345 <div id="step-4a" class="step">
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347 <p><img src="//" alt="Section 4: Web of Trust" /></p>
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349 <div class="main">
350 <h3><em>Step 4.a</em> Sign a key</h3>
351 <p>In your email program's menu, go to OpenPGP &rarr; Key Management.</p>
352 <p>Right click on Adele's public key and select Sign Key from the context menu.</p>
353 <p>In the window that pops up, select "I will not answer" and click OK.</p>
354 <p>In your email program's menu, go to OpenPGP &rarr; Key Management &rarr; Keyserver &rarr; Upload Public Keys and hit OK.</p>
355 <p class="notes">You've just effectively said "I trust that Adele's public key actually belongs to Adele." This doesn't mean much because Adele isn't a real person, but it's good practice.</p>
358 <!--<div id="pgp-pathfinder">
359 <form enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" action="/mk_path.cgi" method="get">
360 <p><strong>From:</strong> <input type="text" placeholder="xD41A008" name="FROM"></p>
361 <p><strong>To:</strong> <input type="text" placeholder="50BD01x4" name="TO"></p>
362 <p class="buttons"><input type="submit" value="trust paths" name="PATHS"> <input type="reset" value="reset" name=".reset"></p>
363 </form>
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367 </div><!-- End #step-4a .step -->
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369 <div id="step-sign_real_keys" class="step">
370 <div class="main">
371 <h3><em>Important:</em> check people's identification before signing their keys</h3>
372 <p>Before signing a real person's key, always make sure it actually belongs to them, and that they are who they say they are. Ask them to show you their ID (unless you trust them very highly) and their public key fingerprint -- not just the shorter public key ID, which could refer to another key as well. In Enigmail, answer honestly in the window that pops up and asks "How carefully have you verified that the key you are about to sign actually belongs to the person(s) named above?".</p>
373 </div><!-- End .main -->
374 </div><!-- End #step-sign_real_keys .step-->
378 </div>
379 </section><!-- End #section4 -->
381 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ Section 5: Use it well ~~~~~~~~~ -->
382 <section id="section5" class="row">
383 <div>
384 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ section introduction: interspersed text ~~~~~~~~~ -->
385 <div class="section-intro">
386 <h2><em>#5</em> Use it well</h2>
387 <p>Everyone uses GnuPG a little differently, but it's important to follow some basic practices to keep your email secure. Not following them, you risk the privacy of the people you communicate with, as well as your own, and damage the Web of Trust.</p>
388 </div><!-- End .section-intro -->
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391 <div id="step-5a" class="step">
392 <div class="sidebar">
393 <p><img src="//" alt="Section 5: Use it Well" /></p>
394 </div><!-- /.sidebar -->
395 <div class="main">
396 <h3>When should I encrypt?</h3>
398 <p>The more you can encrypt your messages, the better. This is because, if you only encrypt emails occasionally, each encrypted message could raise a red flag for surveillance systems. If all or most of your email is encrypted, people doing surveillance won't know where to start.</p>
400 <p>That's not to say that only encrypting some of your email isn't helpful -- it's a great start and it makes bulk surveillance more difficult.</p>
402 </div><!-- End .main -->
403 </div><!-- End #step-5a .step -->
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406 <div id="step-5b" class="step">
407 <div class="sidebar">
408 <p><img src="//" alt="Section 5: Use it Well" /></p>
409 </div><!-- /.sidebar -->
410 <div class="main">
411 <h3><em>Important:</em> Be wary of invalid keys</h3>
412 <p>GnuPG makes email safer, but it's still important to watch out for invalid keys, which might have fallen into the wrong hands. Email encrypted with invalid keys might be readable by surveillance programs.</p>
413 <p>In your email program, go back to the second email that Adele sent you. Because Adele encrypted it with your public key, it will have a message from OpenPGP at the top, which most likely says "OpenPGP: Part of this message encrypted."</p>
414 <p><b>When using GnuPG, make a habit of glancing at that bar. The program will warn you there if you get an email encrypted with a key that can't be trusted.</b></p>
415 </div><!-- End .main -->
416 </div><!-- End #step-5b .step -->
418 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ a div for each step ~~~~~~~~~ -->
419 <div id="step-5c" class="step">
420 <div class="main">
421 <h3>Copy your revocation certificate to somewhere safe</h3>
422 <p>Remember when you created your keys and saved the revocation certificate that GnuPG made? It's time to copy that certificate onto the safest digital storage that you have -- the ideal thing is a flash drive, disk or hard drive stored in a safe place in your home.</p>
423 <p>If your private key ever gets lost or stolen, you'll need this certificate file.</p>
424 </div><!-- End .main -->
425 </div><!-- End #step-5c .step -->
427 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ a div for each step ~~~~~~~~~ -->
428 <div id="step-lost_key" class="step">
429 <div class="main">
430 <h3><em>Important:</em> act swiftly if someone gets your private key</h3>
431 <p>If you lose your private key or someone else gets ahold of it (say, by stealing or cracking your computer), it's important to revoke it immediately before someone else uses it to read your encrypted email. This guide doesn't cover how to revoke a key, but you can follow the <a href="">instructions on the GnuPG site</a>. After you're done revoking, send an email to everyone with whom you usually use your key to make sure they know.</p>
432 </div><!-- End .main -->
433 </div><!-- End #step-lost_key .step-->
435 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ a div for each step ~~~~~~~~~
436 <div id="step-5d" class="step">
437 <div class="main">
438 <h3>Make your public key part of your online identity</h3>
439 <p> First add your public key fingerprint to your email signature, then compose an email to at least five of your friends, telling them you just set up GnuPG and mentioning your public key fingerprint. Link to this guide and ask them to join you. Don't forget that there's also an awesome <a href="infographic.html">infographic to share.</a></p>
441 <p class="notes">Start writing your public key fingerprint anywhere someone would see your email address: your social media profiles, blog, Website, or business card. (At the Free Software Foundation, we put ours on our <a href="">staff page</a>.) We need to get our culture to the point that we feel like something is missing when we see an email address without a public key fingerprint.</p>
442 </div><!-- End .main
443 </div> End #step-5d .step-->
446 </div>
447 </section><!-- End #section5 -->
451 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ Section 6: Next steps ~~~~~~~~~ -->
452 <section class="row" id="section6">
453 <div id="step-click_here" class="step">
454 <div class="main">
455 <h2><a href="next_steps.html">Click here when you're done</a></h2>
457 </div><!-- End .main -->
458 </div><!-- End #step-click_here .step-->
460 </section><!-- End #section6 -->
462 <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ FAQ ~~~~~~~~~ -->
463 <!-- When un-commenting this section go to main.css and search
464 for /* Guide Sections Background */ then add #faq to the desired color
466 <section class="row" id="faq">
467 <div>
468 <div class="sidebar">
469 <h2>FAQ</h2>
470 </div>
472 <div class="main">
473 <dl>
474 <dt>My key expired</dt>
475 <dd>Answer coming soon.</dd>
477 <dt>Who can read encrypted messages? Who can read signed ones?</dt>
478 <dd>Answer coming soon.</dd>
480 <dt>My email program is opening at times I don't want it to open/is now my default program and I don't want it to be.</dt>
481 <dd>Answer coming soon.</dd>
482 </dl>
483 </div>
484 </div>
485 </section> --><!-- End #faq -->
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493 <p><em>Version 2.0, launched 6/18/2014. <!--LANGUAGE translation by NAME, NAME and NAME.--></em></p>
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495 <p>Download the source packages for <a href="">this guide</a> and for <a href="">the infographic</a>. Fonts used in the guide &amp; infographic: <a href="">Dosis</a> by Pablo Impallari, <a href="">Signika</a> by Anna Giedry&#347; <a href="">Archivo Narrow</a> by Omnibus-Type, <a href="">PXL-2000</a> by Florian Cramer.</p>
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