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[mediagoblin.git] / docs / source / devel / migrations.rst
1.. MediaGoblin Documentation
3 Written in 2011, 2012 by MediaGoblin contributors
5 To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
6 copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
7 the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
8 any warranty.
10 You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain
11 Dedication along with this software. If not, see
12 <>.
18So, about migrations. Every time we change the way the database
19structure works, we need to add a migration so that people running
20older codebases can have their databases updated to the new structure
21when they run `./bin/gmg dbupdate`.
23The first time `./bin/gmg dbupdate` is run by a user, it creates the
24tables at the current state that they're defined in and sets
25the migration number to the current migration... after all, migrations
26only exist to get things to the current state of the db. After that,
27every migration is run with dbupdate.
29There's a few things you need to know:
31- We use `sqlalchemy-migrate
32 <>`_.
33 See `their docs <>`_.
34- `Alembic <>`_ might be a better
35 choice than sqlalchemy-migrate now or in the future, but we
36 originally decided not to use it because it didn't have sqlite
37 support. It's not clear if that's changed.
38- SQLAlchemy has two parts to it, the ORM and the "core" interface.
39 We DO NOT use the ORM when running migrations. Think about it: the
40 ORM is set up with an expectation that the models already reflect a
41 certain pattern. But if a person is moving from their old patern
42 and are running tools to *get to* the current pattern, of course
43 their current database structure doesn't match the state of the ORM!
44- How to write migrations? Maybe there will be a tutorial here in the
45 future... in the meanwhile, look at existing migrations in
46 `mediagoblin/db/` and look in
47 `mediagoblin/tests/` for examples.
48- Common pattern: use `inspect_table` to get the current state
49 of the table before we run alterations on it.
50- Make sure you set the RegisterMigration to be the next migration in
51 order.
52- What happens if you're adding a *totally new* table? In this case,
53 you should copy the table in entirety as it exists into
54 then create the tables based off of that... see
55 add_collection_tables. This is easier than reproducing the SQL by
56 hand.
57- If you're writing a feature branch, you don't need to keep adding
58 migrations every time you change things around if your database
59 structure is in flux. Just alter your migrations so that they're
60 correct for the merge into master.
62That's it for now! Good luck!