[squirrelmail.git] / functions / display_messages.php
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * display_messages.php
5 *
6 * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The SquirrelMail Project Team
7 * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
8 *
9 * This contains all messages, including information, error, and just
10 * about any other message you can think of.
11 *
12 * $Id$
13 */
15 /**
16 * Find out where squirrelmail lives and try to be smart about it.
17 * The only problem would be when squirrelmail lives in directories
18 * called "src", "functions", or "plugins", but people who do that need
19 * to be beaten with a steel pipe anyway.
20 *
21 * @return the base uri of squirrelmail installation.
22 */
23 function sqm_baseuri(){
24 global $base_uri, $PHP_SELF;
25 /**
26 * If it is in the session, just return it.
27 */
28 if (isset($base_uri)){
29 return $base_uri;
30 }
31 $dirs = array("|src/.*|", "|plugins/.*|", "|functions/.*|");
32 $repl = array("", "", "");
33 $base_uri = preg_replace($dirs, $repl, $PHP_SELF);
34 return $base_uri;
35 }
37 function error_username_password_incorrect() {
38 global $frame_top, $color;
39 /* XXX: Should really not start the HTML before this, or close off more
40 cleanly. */
42 if (!isset($frame_top)) {
43 $frame_top = '_top';
44 }
46 echo '<BR>'.
47 '<TABLE COLS=1 WIDTH="75%" BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="' . $color[4] . '" ALIGN=CENTER>'.
48 '<TR BGCOLOR="' . $color[0] . '">'.
49 '<TH>' . _("ERROR") . '</TH>'.
50 '</TR>' .
51 '<TR><TD>'.
52 '<CENTER><BR>' . _("Unknown user or password incorrect.") .
53 '<BR><A HREF="' . sqm_baseuri() . '"login.php" TARGET='.
54 $frame_top.'>' . _("Click here to try again") .
55 '</A>.</CENTER>'.
56 '</TD></TR>'.
57 '</TABLE>'.
58 '</BODY></HTML>';
59 }
61 function error_message($message, $mailbox, $sort, $startMessage, $color) {
62 $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox);
64 echo '<BR>'.
65 "<TABLE COLS=1 WIDTH=\"70%\" BORDER=\"0\" BGCOLOR=\"$color[4]\" ALIGN=CENTER>".
66 '<TR>'.
67 "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$color[0]\">".
68 "<FONT COLOR=\"$color[2]\"><B><CENTER>" . _("ERROR") . '</CENTER></B></FONT>'.
69 '</TD></TR><TR><TD>'.
70 "<CENTER><BR>$message<BR>\n".
71 '<BR>'.
72 "<A HREF=\"" . sqm_baseuri()
73 . "src/right_main.php?sort=$sort&amp;startMessage=$startMessage"
74 . "&amp;mailbox=$urlMailbox\">";
75 printf (_("Click here to return to %s"), $mailbox);
76 echo '</A>.'.
77 '</TD></TR>'.
78 '</TABLE>';
79 }
81 function plain_error_message($message, $color) {
82 echo "<br><TABLE COLS=1 WIDTH=\"70%\" BORDER=\"0\" BGCOLOR=\"$color[4]\" ALIGN=CENTER>".
83 '<TR>'.
84 "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$color[0]\">".
85 "<FONT COLOR=\"$color[2]\"><B><CENTER>" . _("ERROR") . '</CENTER></B></FONT>'.
86 '</TD></TR><TR><TD>'.
87 "<CENTER><BR>$message".
88 '</CENTER>'.
89 '</TD></TR>'.
90 '</TABLE>';
91 }
93 function logout_error( $errString, $errTitle = '' ) {
95 GLOBAL $frame_top, $org_logo, $org_name, $org_logo_width, $org_logo_height,
96 $hide_sm_attributions, $version, $DOCUMENT_ROOT;
97 $base_uri = sqm_baseuri();
98 include_once($DOCUMENT_ROOT . $base_uri . 'functions/page_header.php' );
99 if ( !isset( $org_logo ) ) {
100 // Don't know yet why, but in some accesses $org_logo is not set.
101 include( $DOCUMENT_ROOT . $base_uri . 'config/config.php' );
102 }
103 /* Display width and height like good little people */
104 $width_and_height = '';
105 if (isset($org_logo_width) && is_int($org_logo_width) && $org_logo_width>0) {
106 $width_and_height = " WIDTH=\"$org_logo_width\"";
107 }
108 if (isset($org_logo_height) && is_int($org_logo_height) && $org_logo_height>0) {
109 $width_and_height .= " HEIGHT=\"$org_logo_height\"";
110 }
112 if (!isset($frame_top) || $frame_top == '' ) {
113 $frame_top = '_top';
114 }
116 if ( !isset( $color ) ) {
117 $color = array();
118 $color[0] = '#DCDCDC'; /* light gray TitleBar */
119 $color[1] = '#800000'; /* red */
120 $color[2] = '#CC0000'; /* light red Warning/Error Messages */
121 $color[3] = '#A0B8C8'; /* green-blue Left Bar Background */
122 $color[4] = '#FFFFFF'; /* white Normal Background */
123 $color[5] = '#FFFFCC'; /* light yellow Table Headers */
124 $color[6] = '#000000'; /* black Text on left bar */
125 $color[7] = '#0000CC'; /* blue Links */
126 $color[8] = '#000000'; /* black Normal text */
127 $color[9] = '#ABABAB'; /* mid-gray Darker version of #0 */
128 $color[10] = '#666666'; /* dark gray Darker version of #9 */
129 $color[11] = '#770000'; /* dark red Special Folders color */
130 $color[12] = '#EDEDED';
131 $color[15] = '#002266'; /* (dark blue) Unselectable folders */
132 }
134 if ( $errTitle == '' ) {
135 $errTitle = $errString;
136 }
137 set_up_language($squirrelmail_language, true);
138 displayHtmlHeader( $errTitle );
140 echo "<BODY TEXT=\"$color[8]\" BGCOLOR=\"$color[4]\" LINK=\"$color[7]\" VLINK=\"$color[7]\" ALINK=\"$color[7]\">\n\n" .
141 '<CENTER>'.
142 "<IMG SRC=\"$org_logo\" ALT=\"" . sprintf(_("%s Logo"), $org_name) .
143 "\"$width_and_height><BR>\n".
144 ( $hide_sm_attributions ? '' :
145 '<SMALL>' . sprintf (_("SquirrelMail version %s"), $version) . "<BR>\n".
146 ' ' . _("By the SquirrelMail Development Team") . "<BR></SMALL>\n" ) .
147 "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=\"$color[1]\" width=\"70%\"><tr><td>".
148 "<TABLE COLS=1 WIDTH=\"100%\" BORDER=\"0\" BGCOLOR=\"$color[4]\" ALIGN=CENTER>".
149 "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"$color[0]\">".
150 "<FONT COLOR=\"$color[2]\"><B><CENTER>" . _("ERROR") .
151 '</CENTER></B></FONT></TD></TR>'.
152 '<TR><TD><CENTER>' . $errString . '</CENTER></TD></TR>'.
153 "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"$color[0]\">".
154 "<FONT COLOR=\"$color[2]\"><B><CENTER>".
155 '<a href="' . $base_uri . 'src/login.php" target="' .
156 $frame_top . '">' .
157 _("Go to the login page") . "</a></CENTER></B></FONT>".
158 '</TD></TR>'.
159 '</TABLE></td></tr></table></body></html>';
160 }
162 ?>