Fixed the widths
[fsf-giving-guide.git] / PDF_source / Intro Page.svg
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3 <!-- Generator: Sketch 3.1.1 (8761) - -->
4 <title>Letter</title>
5 <desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
6 <defs></defs>
7 <g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" sketch:type="MSPage">
8 <g id="Letter" sketch:type="MSArtboardGroup">
9 <g id="Intro-2" sketch:type="MSLayerGroup" transform="translate(76.000000, 143.000000)">
10 <text id="Lorem-ipsum-dolor-si" sketch:type="MSTextLayer" font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12.7017297" font-weight="normal" fill="#3E3E3E">
11 <tspan x="0" y="119">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vitae nisl et lacus </tspan>
12 <tspan x="0" y="137">vestibulum scelerisque. Fusce vitae vestibulum mauris, quis eleifend turpis. </tspan>
13 <tspan x="0" y="155">Mauris placerat laoreet nisi, nec pellentesque magna gravida id. Nulla nisi est, </tspan>
14 <tspan x="0" y="173">auctor in arcu eu, sodales condimentum elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, </tspan>
15 <tspan x="0" y="191">consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vel gravida risus, non porttitor nibh. </tspan>
16 <tspan x="0" y="209">Suspendisse mattis maximus mauris, ut ullamcorper turpis commodo non. </tspan>
17 <tspan x="0" y="227">Aenean a condimentum quam, ac finibus erat. Duis iaculis iaculis diam, sit </tspan>
18 <tspan x="0" y="245">amet rutrum nisl lobortis ut. Sed accumsan dolor id lectus pretium, at semper </tspan>
19 <tspan x="0" y="263">tellus dictum. Proin fringilla efficitur justo, et posuere metus aliquam </tspan>
20 <tspan x="0" y="281">vestibulum. Vivamus ullamcorper nulla in urna mollis, a bibendum erat </tspan>
21 <tspan x="0" y="299">tempus. Integer luctus neque non magna aliquam congue. Nullam gravida </tspan>
22 <tspan x="0" y="317">lectus urna, ut vulputate elit lobortis non. </tspan>
23 <tspan x="0" y="347">Nulla euismod odio at congue bibendum. Sed sagittis viverra pharetra. Lorem </tspan>
24 <tspan x="0" y="365">ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam aliquam nisl a ante </tspan>
25 <tspan x="0" y="383">interdum finibus. Vivamus vitae scelerisque tellus. Fusce arcu dui, posuere </tspan>
26 <tspan x="0" y="401">sed nunc scelerisque, efficitur pretium velit. Cras nunc urna, finibus </tspan>
27 <tspan x="0" y="419">accumsan ex at, aliquet scelerisque nisi. Curabitur convallis dictum tellus a </tspan>
28 <tspan x="0" y="437">ultricies. Nunc nunc felis, pharetra ac pharetra ac, pellentesque in ante. </tspan>
29 <tspan x="0" y="455">Nullam mattis nec lorem eget egestas. Cras volutpat. </tspan>
30 </text>
31 <text id="Are-you-giving-your-" sketch:type="MSTextLayer" font-family="Signika" font-size="23.0672173" font-weight="260" fill="#2CAF8F">
32 <tspan x="0" y="22">Are you giving your loved ones holiday gifts </tspan>
33 <tspan x="0" y="51">they can use freely, or gifts which put someone </tspan>
34 <tspan x="0" y="80">else in control?</tspan>
35 </text>
36 </g>
37 <text id="Giving-Guide-2014" sketch:type="MSTextLayer" font-family="Open Sans" font-size="11" font-weight="normal" fill="#2CAF8F">
38 <tspan x="68" y="46">Giving Guide 2014</tspan>
39 </text>
40 <text id="1" sketch:type="MSTextLayer" font-family="Open Sans" font-size="12.0672169" font-weight="260" fill="#000000">
41 <tspan x="303" y="766">1</tspan>
42 </text>
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45 </g>