2014-08-29 SamFIX: on bootup ensure correct shared structure
2014-08-29 SamMerge pull request #88 from fysics/master
2014-08-28 Zane BeckmanCorrected error in readme.
2014-08-28 SamFIX: logrotation for containers that constantly rebuild
2014-08-27 Samversion 1.2.0 is the minimum
2014-08-26 SamMerge pull request #87 from Supermathie/v1run
2014-08-26 Michael Brownbash is easy when you know bash
2014-08-26 SamMerge pull request #81 from gschlager/benchmark
2014-08-26 SamUpdate standalone.yml
2014-08-25 Sambash is hard
2014-08-25 Samspaces matter.
2014-08-25 SamBUGFIX: touch is resetting dates use touch -a
2014-08-25 Sambump to fix anacron
2014-08-25 SamAdd anacron to boot process
2014-08-25 Samremove anacron service, cron runs it
2014-08-25 SamCrash if SMTP is not configured
2014-08-25 SamCorrect rate limiting stuff
2014-08-25 SamFEATURE: restart policy to ensure container comes back...
2014-08-25 Sambump version
2014-08-25 Samstop contorting with buggy awk code
2014-08-25 SamFIX: add anacron to ensure jobs run if restarting conta...
2014-08-25 SamFIX: use chpst to avoid extra process that interferes...
2014-08-22 SamRemove temporary code, add rate limited initial template
2014-08-22 Samnew image
2014-08-22 Samupdate to 1.0.1
2014-08-21 SamMerge pull request #83 from Supermathie/v1run
2014-08-20 Michael BrownBig cleanup of discourse docker environment
2014-08-20 Samfix
2014-08-20 Sam- Update base image
2014-08-18 Jeff AtwoodBring readme up to date
2014-08-07 SamUpdate postgres.template.yml
2014-08-07 SamFEATURE: allow tweaking more pg setup options
2014-08-06 Gerhard SchlagerAdd Dockerfile for running benchmark inside Docker
2014-08-04 SamMerge pull request #74 from jgehrcke/patch-1
2014-08-04 SamMerge pull request #80 from Supermathie/v1run
2014-08-03 Michael BrownAdd more suggestions for troubleshooting.
2014-08-03 Michael BrownAdd suggestion from #38 for setting proxy information...
2014-08-01 SamUpdate standalone.yml
2014-08-01 SamMerge pull request #78 from Supermathie/v1run
2014-07-31 Michael BrownAvoid the Neil error
2014-07-31 SamMerge pull request #77 from Supermathie/v1run
2014-07-31 Michael Brownlauncher: only try to self-update if we're on master...
2014-07-31 Michael BrownHandle copy_env in runit stage 1 and simplify
2014-07-31 SamMerge pull request #76 from Supermathie/v1run
2014-07-31 Michael BrownMove syslog into its own template, not cron
2014-07-31 Michael BrownHandle copy_env nicely, simplify
2014-07-25 SamMerge pull request #75 from Supermathie/master
2014-07-24 Michael BrownEnsure /shared/log/rails is owned by discourse user
2014-07-24 Michael Brownnginx startup: mkdir -p /var/log/nginx
2014-07-22 Jan-Philip... scripts/mailtest: fix socket family check.
2014-07-22 Jeff Atwoodimprove multiple email example in standalone.yml
2014-07-21 Samfix default
2014-07-17 Robin WardMerge pull request #70 from riking/patch-2
2014-07-17 Kane YorkSupporting Discourse projects are MIT license
2014-07-17 Régis HanolMerge pull request #65 from eflynn/patch-1
2014-07-15 SamFIX: have "rebuild" update discourse docker
2014-07-15 SamAdd nginx cache directory
2014-07-14 Régis HanolRevert "add fuzzystrmatch extension"
2014-07-11 Régis Hanoladd fuzzystrmatch extension
2014-07-09 Evan FlynnFix typo on Ubuntu version
2014-07-08 Jeff Atwoodremove ubuntu 13 in favor of ubuntu 14
2014-07-07 SamMerge pull request #52 from cauerego/patch-1
2014-07-07 SamMerge pull request #64 from riking/configurable-upload...
2014-07-05 rikingAdd easy configuration for max file upload size
2014-07-04 Jeff AtwoodMerge pull request #63 from discourse/add-pngout
2014-07-04 Régis HanolFEATURE: add pngout to the base images
2014-07-01 SamUpdate Dockerfile
2014-07-01 SamUpdate Dockerfile
2014-07-01 Samallow to correctly track head if needed
2014-07-01 SamFIX: checkout correct branch in base image.
2014-07-01 SamFIX: correct branch stuff
2014-07-01 SamFIX: ensure we are tracking the branch
2014-07-01 SamFIX: track tests-passed, not master
2014-06-27 SamFEATURE: ./launcher enter <CONTAINER>
2014-06-27 SamBUGFIX: ensure a locale is set correctly
2014-06-27 Samadd phantom to base image
2014-06-20 SamAdd phantomjs to base image, bump up to 0.2.4
2014-06-19 Samchange entrypoint for cleaner updates
2014-06-19 SamFEATURE: test container
2014-06-18 Samvendor bundle business only causes trouble. might as...
2014-06-17 Jeff Atwoodslightly improve YAML error message
2014-06-13 SamWork in progress, a dev image for Sam
2014-06-13 SamUPGRADE: base image to 14.04
2014-06-13 SamFEATURE: list containers when making a typo
2014-06-12 SamMerge branch 'runit-init' of https://github.com/Superma...
2014-06-08 SamBurn version 0.12.0 , it is totally bust.
2014-06-07 Caue Regoremove commented lines of code leading space
2014-06-06 Jeff AtwoodMerge pull request #51 from riking/yamlerror
2014-06-06 rikingPrint message on YML syntax error
2014-05-30 SamMerge pull request #46 from Supermathie/emailtest
2014-05-30 SamMerge pull request #48 from riking/patch-1
2014-05-17 Kane YorkUpdate 'rails' script to load Pry
2014-05-15 Michael BrownUse runit instead of runsvdir in container
2014-05-15 Sam* re-enable SPDY
2014-05-14 Samanother version out today :)
2014-05-13 SamUPDATE to Ruby 2.1.2
2014-05-13 SamRevert "Add how to configure ssh access into the container"
2014-05-13 SamMerge pull request #25 from alexdong/patch-2
2014-05-10 Michael BrownClarify SSL verification warning
2014-05-08 Jeff Atwoodclarify language about SSH key generation