2017-01-13 Thérèse Godefroyfr: add a reference to French Wikipedia article on...
2017-01-13 Thérèse GodefroyUpdate the language lists (sq v4).
2016-11-21 Besnik BletaCleaning an English phrase forgoten in footnote
2016-11-21 Besnik BletaUpdate for .po file; submiting updated pages to v4...
2016-11-20 Besnik BletaA couple of changes for better meaning; translation...
2016-11-20 Besnik BletaUpdating esd-sq.po
2016-10-24 Thérèse Godefroyde: Add a PO file.
2016-10-24 Thérèse Godefroysq: fix the PO
2016-10-23 Thérèse GodefroyMakefile (po4a-updatepo): Add a diff to the fuzzy strings.
2016-10-23 Thérèse GodefroyAdd gnun-add-fuzzy-diff (to be used with po4a-updatepo).
2016-10-23 Thérèse Godefroyfa: update the PO; fix typos 'engimail'; separate long...
2016-10-23 Thérèse Godefroysq: add a PO file
2016-10-20 Zak RogoffAll languages: Changing GPG4Win download link to point...
2016-10-17 Thérèse Godefroytr: Fix the current link in #menu.
2016-10-17 Thérèse Godefroyes,sv: Update the javascript.
2016-10-17 Thérèse Godefroyes,sv,tr: Remove extra <p> after infographic button.
2016-10-17 Thérèse GodefroyUpdate all language lists (es > v3 and sq > v4)
2016-10-14 Thérèse Godefroyfr: uncomment fa in translation list.
2016-10-14 Thérèse GodefroyMerge branch 'fa-dev'
2016-10-07 Thérèse Godefroyfa: regenerate pages (modified version of PO4a)
2016-10-07 Mohammad Mehdi... Fix menu description
2016-10-05 Thérèse Godefroyesd-fa.po: update again to fix a validation error ...
2016-10-05 Thérèse Godefroyfa: update translation lists.
2016-10-05 Thérèse Godefroyen: add cs to all translation lists (alphabetical order...
2016-10-05 Thérèse Godefroyesd-temp.pot: update to original.
2016-10-05 Thérèse Godefroyesd-fa.po: update - one fuzzy string.
2016-10-05 Thérèse GodefroyBump submodule.
2016-10-05 Thérèse Godefroyfa: regenerate pages with new recipe.
2016-10-05 Thérèse GodefroyMakefile.gen, fa: link to main.rtl.css; make the Persia...
2016-10-05 Thérèse Godefroyen: add the Persian language.
2016-10-05 Mohammad Mehdi... Merge branch 'fa-dev' of vcs.fsf.org:enc into fa-dev
2016-10-05 Mohammad Mehdi... Fix some rtl bugs
2016-10-04 Thérèse GodefroyBump submodule.
2016-10-04 Thérèse Godefroyfr: typo.
2016-10-02 IneievRU more fixes and updates
2016-10-02 Thérèse Godefroyfr: add cs and commented-out fa to all translation...
2016-10-02 Thérèse Godefroyen: add cs to all translation lists (alphabetical order...
2016-10-02 Tomas StaryMerge branch 'master' into fa-dev which includes the...
2016-10-02 Tomas Staryadded translated Persian version -- the translation...
2016-10-02 Tomas Staryadded recipe for generation of Persian translation...
2016-10-02 Mohammad Mehdi... Initial translation for Persian completed
2016-08-24 Ineievru: proofread
2016-08-24 Ineievru: Update.
2016-07-23 Mohammad Mehdi... 70 percent translated
2016-07-06 Zak RogoffFixing typos in Spanish and English versions.
2016-07-03 tomnorsv: review: language improvements
2016-06-26 tomnorsv: mailing list form
2016-06-26 tomnorsv: enigmail wording 2
2016-06-25 tomnorsv: enigmail wording
2016-06-25 tomnorsv: review: spelling corrections
2016-06-25 tomnorsv: bump submodule
2016-06-22 tomnorsv: graphics mejl --> e-post
2016-06-12 Tomas Staryadding Czech language placeholder in the other language...
2016-06-02 k054testing
2016-06-01 roottesting
2016-05-28 Mohammad Mehdi... initial commit
2016-05-16 tomnorMerge branch 'master' of vcs.fsf.org:enc
2016-05-12 tomnorsv: review: mejl -> meddelande and e-post
2016-05-12 Tomas Starycs: modified atribution (corrected end of paragraph)
2016-05-12 Tomas Starycs: modified attribution, change in the Makefile.gen
2016-05-12 Tomas Starycs: adds language to the menu, corrects the links for...
2016-05-12 Tomas StaryBump submodule.
2016-05-12 Tomas StaryBump submodule
2016-05-12 Tomas Starycs: generated html files
2016-05-12 Tomas Starycs: attribution, corrections
2016-05-11 tomnorsv: review: ... för mejl -> ... för e-post
2016-05-11 tomnorsv: review: skrämmande -> avskräckande
2016-05-11 tomnorsv: review: av mejl -> av e-post
2016-05-11 tomnorsv: review: \w+a mejl -> \w+a meddelanden
2016-05-11 tomnorsv: review: \w+de mejl -> \w+de meddelanden
2016-05-11 tomnorsv: review: melj -> meddelanden
2016-05-11 tomnorsv: review: mejl\w+ -> e-post\w+
2016-05-11 tomnorsv: review: mejlet -> meddelandet
2016-05-11 tomnorsv: review: mejl-\w+ -> e-post\w+
2016-05-11 tomnorsv: review: mejl -> e-post
2016-05-11 Tomas Starycs: Joe's revision
2016-05-11 Tomas Starycs: complete translation of guide V4 into PO files
2016-05-11 Tomas StaryCzech translation intialized from the esd-temp.pot
2016-05-11 Tomas Starycorrection of Makefiles for the generation of PO templa...
2016-05-10 tomnorsv: review update: Mejl -> E-post
2016-05-10 tomnorsv: review update mejl -> meddelande or e-post
2016-05-07 tomnorupdate zip
2016-05-07 tomnorbump submodule
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: and -> och
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: edward-sv@fsf.org
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: editorial
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: workshop-section1.png
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: step2a-01-make-keypair.png
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: step1b-03-install.png
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: step1b-02-search.png
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: step1b-01-tools-addons.png
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: step1a-install-wizard.png
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: section6-next-steps.png
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: section5-02-use-it-well.png
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: section5-01-use-it-well.png
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: section4-web-of-trust.png
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: section3-try-it-out.png
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: bump submodule
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: infographic-button.png
2016-05-07 tomnorsv: full-infographic.png