2002-09-16 thomppjRemoved someone's debug message.
2002-09-16 stekkelfix for forward as attachment from the messagelist
2002-09-16 stekkelFix for forward as attachment. (Make use of composeMessage)
2002-09-16 stekkelsomehow url vars with &amp are not picked up by PHP
2002-09-16 stekkelredirect fixes
2002-09-16 stekkelfixed warnings
2002-09-14 philippe_mingoXSS fix based on Jason's fix
2002-09-13 philippe_mingo4) XSS in help.php:
2002-09-13 stekkelTime to stop coding for tonight. Making this kind of...
2002-09-13 stekkeluid fix
2002-09-13 kinkRemove redundant spaces around the login.. this prevent...
2002-09-13 stekkeladded unsave tags (commited to stable by Konstantin)
2002-09-13 philippe_mingo5) XSS in addressbook (different):
2002-09-13 philippe_mingo_MAIN_ Exploit:
2002-09-13 philippe_mingo_OTHER_ Holes:
2002-09-12 thomppjPutting back SM_PATH the way it should be and eliminati...
2002-09-12 indiri69Need chdir in plugins when data_dir is relative
2002-09-12 indiri69Remove SM_PATH from prefs file path
2002-09-12 philippe_mingoClaus Jensen & Kent B. Hansen
2002-09-11 kinkRemove unused graphics file.
2002-09-11 stekkelSM_PATH fix
2002-09-10 indiri69Message details seems to work without chdir now.
2002-09-10 indiri69More SM_PATH changes
2002-09-10 indiri69Javascript detection no longer requires SquirrelSpell.
2002-09-10 indiri69SM_PATH fix
2002-09-10 stekkelif I don't do a chdir('..') required files in required...
2002-09-09 thomppjEliminated all eveil chdir statements.
2002-09-09 indiri69Some code cleanups to read_body.php
2002-09-09 kinkMake directories unbrowsable.
2002-09-08 kinkFix HTML-compliance here and there.
2002-09-08 kinkDo not parse Message-ID as emailaddress.
2002-09-08 kinkFix a bunch of plugins to cope with moved load_prefs...
2002-09-08 kinkBetter error messages: for some reason, the strings...
2002-09-07 indiri69array_key_exists() only exists in PHP 4 >= 4.1.0
2002-09-07 indiri69Fixed some string issues.
2002-09-07 indiri69Added require_once for filters.php
2002-09-06 indiri69Fixed validate.php require
2002-09-06 stekkelArgg
2002-09-06 stekkelfix for never ending while loop
2002-09-06 stekkelSMPATH BORKED everything
2002-09-06 stekkelalmost forgot: SMPATH fixes from Paul BORKED spamcop
2002-09-06 stekkelSMPATH fix
2002-09-06 stekkelSMPATH fix
2002-09-06 stekkelSMPATH fix
2002-09-06 stekkelfix for new SMPATH
2002-09-06 philippe_mingoMasato's Fix
2002-09-06 philippe_mingoLocales fix
2002-09-06 philippe_mingoMasato's fix
2002-09-06 stekkelahh, from is an array
2002-09-06 stekkelfix for bcc
2002-09-06 stekkelextra address checking
2002-09-06 stekkelsecond try to fix sendMail. Return true after finalizeS...
2002-09-06 stekkelForgot to return the stream
2002-09-06 thomppjAdded fortune plugin.
2002-09-06 thomppjA terrible pile of things done to the code. Did a littl...
2002-09-06 thomppjConverted all files in functions/ to use SM_PATH. This...
2002-09-06 thomppjMore SM_PATH fixes. This time, everything in class/.
2002-09-06 thomppjPart 1 of switch to use of SM_PATH with require_once.
2002-09-05 thomppjs/Deliver_SentMail/Deliver_SendMail/
2002-09-05 thomppjFixed require_once paths in class/deliver/deliver_FOO...
2002-09-05 stekkelprevious cleanup broke the find_ent_id function
2002-09-05 stekkelFixed stupid bug causing double lines (the same)
2002-09-05 stekkelAdded Message details plugin to CVS
2002-09-05 stekkelremove unnessecarry \r\n
2002-09-05 stekkelfix warning
2002-09-05 stekkelfixed warning
2002-09-05 stekkelextra error checking
2002-09-05 stekkelMake use of the deliver class
2002-09-05 philippe_mingo"Arief S Fitrianto" <arief@gurame.fisika.ui.ac.id>
2002-09-05 stekkelundisclosed recipients fix
2002-09-05 stekkelxtra check for To addresses, if not available don't...
2002-09-04 stekkelAdded function for initializing attachments (for compose)
2002-09-04 stekkelfix for getbcc
2002-09-04 stekkeladded info
2002-09-04 stekkelFirst fixes
2002-09-04 thomppjChanged subfolder summing to only show total for subfol...
2002-09-04 stekkelVery big update to make use of the new Deliver class.
2002-09-04 stekkelIMAP backend for the deliver class
2002-09-04 stekkelSendmail backend for the deliver class
2002-09-04 stekkelSMTP backend for the Deliver class
2002-09-04 stekkelMake the thing actually work :-)
2002-09-04 thomppjReworked subfolder message count and all. Open to sugge...
2002-09-04 stekkelforgot something
2002-09-04 stekkeluntested uid_support fix
2002-09-03 stekkeltesting fase
2002-09-03 itsbruceAttachments now opened with binary flag, for windows...
2002-09-03 stekkelcode cleanup
2002-09-03 philippe_mingo"Tomas Kuliavas" <tokul@users.sourceforge.net>
2002-09-02 stekkeladded file info
2002-09-02 stekkeldevelopment work on the Deliver class.
2002-09-02 jmunroWhen using unseen notify on all folders
2002-08-31 thomppjMade calender plugin conform to SquirrelMail Project...
2002-08-31 kinkRemove NOOP checks
2002-08-31 kinkRemove NOOP checks. This breaks some things without...
2002-08-30 indiri69Formatting changes and added some more html->plain...
2002-08-30 stekkelinit
2002-08-30 stekkelinit deliver class as replacement of smtp.php
2002-08-30 stekkelfix in case we couldn;t retrieve the message from the...
2002-08-30 stekkelcode cleanup
2002-08-30 stekkelfix for getEntity