function foldLine($line, $length, $pre='') {
$line = substr($line,0, -2);
- $length -= 2; /* don not fold between \r and \n */
- $cnt = strlen($line);
- $res = '';
- $fold=false;
- if ($cnt > $length) {
- $fold_string = "\r\n " . $pre;
- if ($fold) {
- $length -=(strlen($fold_string)+2);
- }
- for ($i=0;$i<($cnt-$length);$i++) {
- $fold_pos = 0;
- /* first try to fold at delimiters */
- for ($j=($i+$length); $j>$i; --$j) {
- switch ($line{$j}) {
- case (','):
- case (';'): $fold_pos = $i = $j; break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- if (!$fold_pos) { /* not succeed yet so we try at spaces & = */
- for ($j=($i+$length); $j>$i; $j--) {
- switch ($line{$j}) {
- case (' '):
- case ('='): $fold_pos = $i = $j; break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!$fold_pos) { /* clean folding didn't work */
- $i = $j = $fold_pos = $i+$length;
- }
- $line = substr_replace($line,$line{$fold_pos}.$fold_string,
- $fold_pos,1);
- $cnt += strlen($fold_string);
- if (!$fold) {
- $length -=(strlen($fold_string)+2);
- }
- $fold = true;
- $i = $j + strlen($fold_string)+1;
- }
- }
- /* debugging code
- $debug = $line;
- $debug = str_replace("\r","\\r", $debug);
- $debug = str_replace("\n","\\n", $debug);
- */
- return $line."\r\n";
- }
+ $length -= 2; /* do not fold between \r and \n */
+ $cnt = strlen($line);
+ if ($cnt > $length) { /* try folding */
+ $fold_string = "\r\n " . $pre;
+ $bFirstFold = false;
+ $aFoldLine = array();
+ while (strlen($line) > $length) {
+ $fold = false;
+ /* handle encoded parts */
+ if (preg_match('/(=\?.+\?.+\?.+\?=)/',$line,$regs)) {
+ $fold_tmp = $regs[1];
+ $iPosEnc = strpos($line,$fold_tmp);
+ $iLengthEnc = strlen($fold_tmp);
+ if ($iPosEnc < $length && ($iPosEnc + $iLengthEnc > $length)) {
+ $fold = true;
+ /* fold just before the start of the encoded string */
+ $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iPosEnc);
+ $line = substr($line,$iPosEnc);
+ if (!$bFirstFold) {
+ $bFirstFold = true;
+ $length -= strlen($fold_string);
+ }
+ if ($iLengthEnc > $length) { /* place the encoded
+ string on a separate line and do not fold inside it*/
+ if ($iLengthEnc < (998 - strlen($fold_string))) {
+ $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iLengthEnc);
+ $line = substr($line,$iLengthEnc);
+ } else { /* line is too long, continue with normal folding */
+ $fold = false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { /* the encoded string fits into the foldlength */
+ /*remainder */
+ $iPosEncEnd = $iPosEnc+$iLengthEnc;
+ $sLineRem = substr($line,$iPosEncEnd,$length - $iPosEncEnd);
+ if (!preg_match('/[=,;\s]/',$sLineRem)) {
+ /*impossible to fold clean in the next part -> fold after the enc string */
+ $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iPosEncEnd+1);
+ $line = substr($line,$iPosEncEnd+1);
+ $fold = true;
+ if (!$bFirstFold) {
+ $bFirstFold = true;
+ $length -= strlen($fold_string);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$fold) {
+ $line_tmp = substr($line,0,$length);
+ $iFoldPos = false;
+ /* try to fold at logical places */
+ switch (true)
+ {
+ case ($iFoldPos = strrpos($line_tmp,',')): break;
+ case ($iFoldPos = strrpos($line_tmp,';')): break;
+ case ($iFoldPos = strrpos($line_tmp,' ')): break;
+ case ($iFoldPos = strrpos($line_tmp,'=')): break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ if (!$iFoldPos) { /* clean folding didn't work */
+ $iFoldPos = $length;
+ }
+ $aFoldLine[] = substr($line,0,$iFoldPos+1);
+ $line = substr($line,$iFoldPos+1);
+ if (!$bFirstFold) {
+ $bFirstFold = true;
+ $length -= strlen($fold_string);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*$reconstruct the line */
+ if ($line) {
+ $aFoldLine[] = $line;
+ }
+ $line = implode($fold_string,$aFoldLine);
+ }
+ return $line."\r\n";
+ }
function mimeBoundary () {
static $mimeBoundaryString;