ldap plugin
-.. Warning:
+.. Warning::
This plugin is not compatible with the other authentication plugins.
This plugin allow your GNU Mediagoblin instance to authenticate against an
``EMAIL_SEARCH_FIELD = 'mail'`` under you server configuration in your
MediaGoblin .ini file.
-.. Warning:
+.. Warning::
By default, this plugin provides no encryption when communicating with the
ldap servers. If you would like to use an SSL connection, change
- LDAP_SERVER_URI to use ``ldaps://'' and whichever port you use. Default ldap
+ LDAP_SERVER_URI to use ``ldaps://`` and whichever port you use. Default ldap
port for SSL connections is 636. If you would like to use a TLS connection,
add ``LDAP_START_TLS = 'true'`` under your server configuration in your
MediaGoblin .ini file.