--- /dev/null
+# processing.py -- various audio processing functions
+# Copyright (C) 2008 MUSIC TECHNOLOGY GROUP (MTG)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Authors:
+# Bram de Jong <bram.dejong at domain.com where domain in gmail>
+# 2012, Joar Wandborg <first name at last name dot se>
+from PIL import Image
+import math
+import numpy
+ import scikits.audiolab as audiolab
+except ImportError:
+ print "WARNING: audiolab is not installed so wav2png will not work"
+class AudioProcessingException(Exception):
+ pass
+class SpectrogramImage(object):
+ def __init__(self, image_size, fft_size):
+ self.image_width, self.image_height = image_size
+ self.fft_size = fft_size
+ colors = [
+ (0, 0, 0, 0),
+ (58 / 4, 68 / 4, 65 / 4, 255),
+ (80 / 2, 100 / 2, 153 / 2, 255),
+ (90, 180, 100, 255),
+ (224, 224, 44, 255),
+ (255, 60, 30, 255),
+ (255, 255, 255, 255)
+ ]
+ self.palette = interpolate_colors(colors)
+ # Generate lookup table for y-coordinate from fft-bin
+ self.y_to_bin = []
+ fft_min = 100.0
+ fft_max = 22050.0 # kHz?
+ y_min = math.log10(fft_min)
+ y_max = math.log10(fft_max)
+ for y in range(self.image_height):
+ freq = math.pow(
+ 10.0,
+ y_min + y / (self.image_height - 1.0)
+ * (y_max - y_min))
+ fft_bin = freq / fft_max * (self.fft_size / 2 + 1)
+ if fft_bin < self.fft_size / 2:
+ alpha = fft_bin - int(fft_bin)
+ self.y_to_bin.append((int(fft_bin), alpha * 255))
+ # this is a bit strange, but using image.load()[x,y] = ... is
+ # a lot slower than using image.putadata and then rotating the image
+ # so we store all the pixels in an array and then create the image when saving
+ self.pixels = []
+ def draw_spectrum(self, x, spectrum):
+ # for all frequencies, draw the pixels
+ for index, alpha in self.y_to_bin:
+ self.pixels.append(
+ self.palette[int((255.0 - alpha) * spectrum[index]
+ + alpha * spectrum[index + 1])])
+ # if the FFT is too small to fill up the image, fill with black to the top
+ for y in range(len(self.y_to_bin), self.image_height):
+ self.pixels.append(self.palette[0])
+ def save(self, filename, quality=90):
+ self.image = Image.new(
+ 'RGBA',
+ (self.image_height, self.image_width))
+ self.image.putdata(self.pixels)
+ self.image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90).save(
+ filename,
+ quality=quality)
+class AudioProcessor(object):
+ """
+ The audio processor processes chunks of audio an calculates the spectrac centroid and the peak
+ samples in that chunk of audio.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input_filename, fft_size, window_function=numpy.hanning):
+ max_level = get_max_level(input_filename)
+ self.audio_file = audiolab.Sndfile(input_filename, 'r')
+ self.fft_size = fft_size
+ self.window = window_function(self.fft_size)
+ self.spectrum_range = None
+ self.lower = 100
+ self.higher = 22050
+ self.lower_log = math.log10(self.lower)
+ self.higher_log = math.log10(self.higher)
+ self.clip = lambda val, low, high: min(high, max(low, val))
+ # figure out what the maximum value is for an FFT doing the FFT of a DC signal
+ fft = numpy.fft.rfft(numpy.ones(fft_size) * self.window)
+ max_fft = (numpy.abs(fft)).max()
+ # set the scale to normalized audio and normalized FFT
+ self.scale = 1.0 / max_level / max_fft if max_level > 0 else 1
+ def read(self, start, size, resize_if_less=False):
+ """ read size samples starting at start, if resize_if_less is True and less than size
+ samples are read, resize the array to size and fill with zeros """
+ # number of zeros to add to start and end of the buffer
+ add_to_start = 0
+ add_to_end = 0
+ if start < 0:
+ # the first FFT window starts centered around zero
+ if size + start <= 0:
+ return numpy.zeros(size) if resize_if_less else numpy.array([])
+ else:
+ self.audio_file.seek(0)
+ add_to_start = - start # remember: start is negative!
+ to_read = size + start
+ if to_read > self.audio_file.nframes:
+ add_to_end = to_read - self.audio_file.nframes
+ to_read = self.audio_file.nframes
+ else:
+ self.audio_file.seek(start)
+ to_read = size
+ if start + to_read >= self.audio_file.nframes:
+ to_read = self.audio_file.nframes - start
+ add_to_end = size - to_read
+ try:
+ samples = self.audio_file.read_frames(to_read)
+ except RuntimeError:
+ # this can happen for wave files with broken headers...
+ return numpy.zeros(size) if resize_if_less else numpy.zeros(2)
+ # convert to mono by selecting left channel only
+ if self.audio_file.channels > 1:
+ samples = samples[:,0]
+ if resize_if_less and (add_to_start > 0 or add_to_end > 0):
+ if add_to_start > 0:
+ samples = numpy.concatenate((numpy.zeros(add_to_start), samples), axis=1)
+ if add_to_end > 0:
+ samples = numpy.resize(samples, size)
+ samples[size - add_to_end:] = 0
+ return samples
+ def spectral_centroid(self, seek_point, spec_range=110.0):
+ """ starting at seek_point read fft_size samples, and calculate the spectral centroid """
+ samples = self.read(seek_point - self.fft_size/2, self.fft_size, True)
+ samples *= self.window
+ fft = numpy.fft.rfft(samples)
+ spectrum = self.scale * numpy.abs(fft) # normalized abs(FFT) between 0 and 1
+ length = numpy.float64(spectrum.shape[0])
+ # scale the db spectrum from [- spec_range db ... 0 db] > [0..1]
+ db_spectrum = ((20*(numpy.log10(spectrum + 1e-60))).clip(-spec_range, 0.0) + spec_range)/spec_range
+ energy = spectrum.sum()
+ spectral_centroid = 0
+ if energy > 1e-60:
+ # calculate the spectral centroid
+ if self.spectrum_range == None:
+ self.spectrum_range = numpy.arange(length)
+ spectral_centroid = (spectrum * self.spectrum_range).sum() / (energy * (length - 1)) * self.audio_file.samplerate * 0.5
+ # clip > log10 > scale between 0 and 1
+ spectral_centroid = (math.log10(self.clip(spectral_centroid, self.lower, self.higher)) - self.lower_log) / (self.higher_log - self.lower_log)
+ return (spectral_centroid, db_spectrum)
+ def peaks(self, start_seek, end_seek):
+ """ read all samples between start_seek and end_seek, then find the minimum and maximum peak
+ in that range. Returns that pair in the order they were found. So if min was found first,
+ it returns (min, max) else the other way around. """
+ # larger blocksizes are faster but take more mem...
+ # Aha, Watson, a clue, a tradeof!
+ block_size = 4096
+ max_index = -1
+ max_value = -1
+ min_index = -1
+ min_value = 1
+ if start_seek < 0:
+ start_seek = 0
+ if end_seek > self.audio_file.nframes:
+ end_seek = self.audio_file.nframes
+ if end_seek <= start_seek:
+ samples = self.read(start_seek, 1)
+ return (samples[0], samples[0])
+ if block_size > end_seek - start_seek:
+ block_size = end_seek - start_seek
+ for i in range(start_seek, end_seek, block_size):
+ samples = self.read(i, block_size)
+ local_max_index = numpy.argmax(samples)
+ local_max_value = samples[local_max_index]
+ if local_max_value > max_value:
+ max_value = local_max_value
+ max_index = local_max_index
+ local_min_index = numpy.argmin(samples)
+ local_min_value = samples[local_min_index]
+ if local_min_value < min_value:
+ min_value = local_min_value
+ min_index = local_min_index
+ return (min_value, max_value) if min_index < max_index else (max_value, min_value)
+def create_spectrogram_image(source_filename, output_filename,
+ image_size, fft_size, progress_callback=None):
+ processor = AudioProcessor(source_filename, fft_size, numpy.hamming)
+ samples_per_pixel = processor.audio_file.nframes / float(image_size[0])
+ spectrogram = SpectrogramImage(image_size, fft_size)
+ for x in range(image_size[0]):
+ if progress_callback and x % (image_size[0] / 10) == 0:
+ progress_callback((x * 100) / image_size[0])
+ seek_point = int(x * samples_per_pixel)
+ next_seek_point = int((x + 1) * samples_per_pixel)
+ (spectral_centroid, db_spectrum) = processor.spectral_centroid(seek_point)
+ spectrogram.draw_spectrum(x, db_spectrum)
+ if progress_callback:
+ progress_callback(100)
+ spectrogram.save(output_filename)
+def interpolate_colors(colors, flat=False, num_colors=256):
+ palette = []
+ for i in range(num_colors):
+ # TODO: What does this do?
+ index = (
+ (i *
+ (len(colors) - 1) # 7
+ ) # 0..7..14..21..28...
+ /
+ (num_colors - 1.0) # 255.0
+ )
+ # TODO: What is the meaning of 'alpha' in this context?
+ alpha = index - round(index)
+ channels = list('rgb')
+ values = dict()
+ for k, v in zip(range(len(channels)), channels):
+ if alpha > 0:
+ values[v] = (
+ (1.0 - alpha)
+ *
+ colors[int(index)][k]
+ +
+ alpha * colors[int(index) + 1][k]
+ )
+ else:
+ values[v] = (
+ (1.0 - alpha)
+ *
+ colors[int(index)][k]
+ )
+ if flat:
+ palette.extend(
+ tuple(int(values[i]) for i in channels))
+ else:
+ palette.append(
+ tuple(int(values[i]) for i in channels))
+ return palette
+def get_max_level(filename):
+ max_value = 0
+ buffer_size = 4096
+ audio_file = audiolab.Sndfile(filename, 'r')
+ n_samples_left = audio_file.nframes
+ while n_samples_left:
+ to_read = min(buffer_size, n_samples_left)
+ try:
+ samples = audio_file.read_frames(to_read)
+ except RuntimeError:
+ # this can happen with a broken header
+ break
+ # convert to mono by selecting left channel only
+ if audio_file.channels > 1:
+ samples = samples[:,0]
+ max_value = max(max_value, numpy.abs(samples).max())
+ n_samples_left -= to_read
+ audio_file.close()
+ return max_value
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ sys.argv[4] = int(sys.argv[4])
+ sys.argv[3] = tuple([int(i) for i in sys.argv[3].split('x')])
+ create_spectrogram_image(*sys.argv[1:])