if deletion is None:
deletion = self.deletion_mode
+ # If the item is in any collection then it should be removed, this will
+ # cause issues if it isn't. See #5382.
+ # Import here to prevent cyclic imports.
+ from mediagoblin.db.models import CollectionItem, GenericModelReference
+ # Some of the models don't have an "id" field which means they can't be
+ # used with GMR, these models won't be in collections because they
+ # can't be. We can skip all of this.
+ if hasattr(self, "id"):
+ # First find the GenericModelReference for this object
+ gmr = GenericModelReference.query.filter_by(
+ obj_pk=self.id,
+ model_type=self.__tablename__
+ ).first()
+ # If there is no gmr then we've got lucky, a GMR is a requirement of
+ # being in a collection.
+ if gmr is not None:
+ items = CollectionItem.query.filter_by(
+ object_id=gmr.id
+ )
+ # Delete any CollectionItems found.
+ items.delete()
# Hand off to the correct deletion function.
if deletion == self.HARD_DELETE:
return self.hard_delete(commit=commit)
"model_type": tombstone.__tablename__,
# Now we can go ahead and actually delete the model.
return self.hard_delete(commit=commit)
--- /dev/null
+"""#5382 Removes graveyard items from collections
+Revision ID: 101510e3a713
+Revises: 52bf0ccbedc1
+Create Date: 2016-01-12 10:46:26.486610
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '101510e3a713'
+down_revision = '52bf0ccbedc1'
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from sqlalchemy.sql import and_
+# Create the tables to query
+gmr_table = sa.Table(
+ "core__generic_model_reference",
+ sa.MetaData(),
+ sa.Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
+ sa.Column("obj_pk", sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column("model_type", sa.Unicode)
+graveyard_table = sa.Table(
+ "core__graveyard",
+ sa.MetaData(),
+ sa.Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
+ sa.Column("public_id", sa.Unicode, unique=True),
+ sa.Column("deleted", sa.DateTime, nullable=False),
+ sa.Column("object_type", sa.Unicode, nullable=False),
+ sa.Column("actor_id", sa.Integer)
+collection_items_table = sa.Table(
+ "core__collection_items",
+ sa.MetaData(),
+ sa.Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
+ sa.Column("collection", sa.Integer, nullable=False),
+ sa.Column("note", sa.UnicodeText),
+ sa.Column("added", sa.DateTime, nullable=False),
+ sa.Column("position", sa.Integer),
+ sa.Column("object_id", sa.Integer, index=True)
+def upgrade():
+ """
+ The problem is deletions are occuring and as we expect the
+ GenericModelReference objects are being updated to point to the tombstone
+ object. The issue is that collections now contain deleted items, this
+ causes problems when it comes to rendering them for example.
+ This migration is to remove any Graveyard objects (tombstones) from any
+ Collection.
+ """
+ connection = op.get_bind()
+ for tombstone in connection.execute(graveyard_table.select()):
+ # Get GMR for tombstone
+ gmr = connection.execute(gmr_table.select().where(and_(
+ gmr_table.c.obj_pk == tombstone.id,
+ gmr_table.c.model_type == "core__graveyard"
+ ))).first()
+ # If there is no GMR, we're all good as it's required to be in a
+ # collection
+ if gmr is None:
+ continue
+ # Delete all the CollectionItem objects for this GMR
+ connection.execute(collection_items_table.delete().where(
+ collection_items_table.c.object_id == gmr.id
+ ))
+def downgrade():
+ """
+ Nothing to do here, the migration just deletes objects from collections.
+ There are no schema changes that have occured. This can be reverted without
+ any problems.
+ """
+ pass