# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# TODO list:
# ----------
-# - Display the Gst element 'videotestsrc', in case of failure of the pipeline
+# - Implement a method to switch to webcam feed if Elphel cam feed is lost
+# - Display the Gst element 'videotestsrc', in case of failure of the whole pipeline
# - Add a checkbox to enable/disable options (storing/streaming - storing only - stream only - etc...)
# - Add a function to get the ip address of the camera automatically (see github.com/paulmilliken)
# - Create a module for the network configuration (fan/cpu, ifconfig, stream server,etc)
import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk
+from gi.repository import Gdk
gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
from gi.repository import Gst
from gi.repository import GdkX11
vbox_streaminfo = Gtk.VBox(False, 0)
vbox_cpuinfo = Gtk.VBox(False, 0)
hbox = Gtk.HBox(False, 0)
+ hbox_videoaudio = Gtk.HBox(False, 0)
hbox_time = Gtk.HBox(False, 0)
self.videowidget = Gtk.DrawingArea()
self.videowidget.set_size_request(600, 400)
+ self.vumeter = Gtk.ProgressBar()
+ self.vumeter.set_orientation(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
+ self.vumeter.set_inverted(True)
+## Use CSS to modify the color of ProgressBar
+## color = Gdk.RGBA()
+## Gdk.RGBA.parse(color, 'rgb(240,0,150)')
+## print ("Color: ", color)
+## self.vumeter.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, color)
+## self.vumeter.override_symbolic_color('bg_color', color)
+## self.vumeter.override_symbolic_color('theme_bg_color', color)
self.baseinfo_label = Gtk.Label('Base info: ')
self.baseinfo_entry_label = Gtk.Label('LP_' + formatted_date)
self.speakerinfo_label = Gtk.Label('Speaker name: ')
self.streamtime_label = Gtk.Label('Time elapsed ')
self.streamtime_value = Gtk.Label('00:00:00')
+ hbox_videoaudio.pack_start(self.videowidget, True, True, 0)
+ hbox_videoaudio.pack_start(self.vumeter, True, True, 0)
vbox_labels.pack_start(self.baseinfo_label, True, True, 0)
vbox_labels.pack_start(self.speakerinfo_label, True, True, 0)
vbox_labels.pack_start(self.sessioninfo_label, True, True, 0)
hbox.pack_start(vbox_labels, False, False, 0)
hbox.pack_start(vbox_entries, False, False, 0)
hbox.pack_start(vbox_streaminfo, False, False, 0)
- vbox.pack_start(self.videowidget, True, True, 0)
+ vbox.pack_start(hbox_videoaudio, True, True, 0)
vbox.pack_start(hbox, False, True, 0)
self.pipel = gstconf.New_user_pipeline()
bus = gstconf.get_gstreamer_bus()
- bus.connect("sync-message::element", self.on_sync_message)
+ bus.connect('sync-message::element', self.on_sync_message)
+ bus.connect('message', self.on_level_message)
+ ## Try to use 'sync-message::element' instead of 'message''
def on_sync_message(self, bus, message):
imagesink.set_property('force-aspect-ratio', True)
+ def on_level_message(self, bus, message):
+ s = Gst.Message.get_structure(message)
+ if message.type == Gst.MessageType.ELEMENT:
+ if str(Gst.Structure.get_name(s)) == 'level':
+ pct = self.iec_scale(s.get_value('rms')[0])
+ ##print('Level value: ', pct, '%')
+ self.vumeter.set_fraction(pct)
def on_stream_clicked(self, widget):
labelname = self.stream_button.get_label()
elif labelname == 'ON AIR':
- self.build_filename()
+## self.build_filename()
+## In this state, this function freeze the streaming if the fields are NOT completed
def build_filename(self):
"""Get text in entries, check if empty and apply formatting if needed."""
sep = '_'
-## Use threading module to refresh the time elapsed sinc the begining of the stream??
+ # Returns the meter deflection percentage given a db value
+ def iec_scale(self, db):
+ pct = 0.0
+ if db < -70.0:
+ pct = 0.0
+ elif db < -60.0:
+ pct = (db + 70.0) * 0.25
+ elif db < -50.0:
+ pct = (db + 60.0) * 0.5 + 2.5
+ elif db < -40.0:
+ pct = (db + 50.0) * 0.75 + 7.5
+ elif db < -30.0:
+ pct = (db + 40.0) * 1.5 + 15.0
+ elif db < -20.0:
+ pct = (db + 30.0) * 2.0 + 30.0
+ elif db < 0.0:
+ pct = (db + 20.0) * 2.5 + 50.0
+ else:
+ pct = 100.0
+ return pct / 100
+ ## Use threading module to refresh the time elapsed sinc the begining of the stream??
def time_elapsed(self, widget):
if self.pipel.stream_get_state() == 'PLAYING':