Code to process an stl or obj model.
workbench = mgg.workbench_manager.create_workbench()
queued_filepath = entry.queued_media_file
queued_filename = workbench.localized_file(
greatest = greatest[-1]
def snap(name, camera, width=640, height=640, project="ORTHO"):
- path = create_pub_filepath(entry, name_builder.fill(name))
- render_file = mgg.public_store.get_file(path, "wb")
+ filename = name_builder.fill(name)
+ workbench_path = workbench.joinpath(filename)
shot = {
"model_path": queued_filename,
"model_ext": ext,
"projection": project,
"width": width,
"height": height,
- "out_file": render_file.name,
+ "out_file": workbench_path,
- render_file.close()
- return path
+ # make sure the image rendered to the workbench path
+ assert os.path.exists(workbench_path)
+ # copy it up!
+ with open(workbench_path, 'rb') as rendered_file:
+ public_path = create_pub_filepath(entry, filename)
+ with mgg.public_store.get_file(public_path, "wb") as public_file:
+ public_file.write(rendered_file.read())
+ return public_path
thumb_path = snap(
[greatest*-2, model.average[1], model.average[2]])
- # Save the public file stuffs
+ ## Save the public file stuffs
model_filepath = create_pub_filepath(
entry, name_builder.fill('{basename}{ext}'))
with open(queued_filename, 'rb') as queued_file:
# Remove queued media file from storage and database
entry.queued_media_file = []