<div class="main">
<h3>Get your friends involved</h3>
-<p>Before you close this guide, use <a href="https://fsf.org/share?u=https://u.fsf.org/zb&t=Encrypt with me using Email Self-Defense %40fsf">our sharing page</a> to compose a message to a few friends and ask them to join you in using encrypted email. Remember to include your <a href="#section4">GnuPG public key ID</p> so they can easily download your key.</p>
+<p>Before you close this guide, use <a href="https://fsf.org/share?u=https://u.fsf.org/zb&t=Encrypt with me using Email Self-Defense %40fsf">our sharing page</a> to compose a message to a few friends and ask them to join you in using encrypted email. Remember to include your <a href="#section4">GnuPG public key ID</a> so they can easily download your key.</p>
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