# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting
# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS.
assert not form.username.data == u'ANDREW'
assert form.username.data == u'andrew'
+ # Successful login with short user
+ # ----------------
+ short_user = fixture_add_user(username=u'me', password=u'sho')
+ template.clear_test_template_context()
+ response = test_app.post(
+ '/auth/login/', {
+ 'username': u'me',
+ 'password': 'sho'})
+ context = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/auth/login.html']
+ form = context['login_form']
+ # User should be redirected
+ print('errors are', form.username.errors)
+ response.follow()
+ assert urlparse.urlsplit(response.location)[2] == '/'
+ assert 'mediagoblin/root.html' in template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT
+ # Make sure user is in the session
+ context = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/root.html']
+ session = context['request'].session
+ assert session['user_id'] == six.text_type(short_user.id)
+ # Successful login with long user
+ # ----------------
+ long_user = fixture_add_user(
+ username=u'realllylonguser@reallylongdomain.com.co', password=u'sho')
+ template.clear_test_template_context()
+ response = test_app.post(
+ '/auth/login/', {
+ 'username': u'me',
+ 'password': 'sho'})
+ context = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/auth/login.html']
+ form = context['login_form']
+ # User should be redirected
+ print('errors are', form.username.errors)
+ response.follow()
+ assert urlparse.urlsplit(response.location)[2] == '/'
+ assert 'mediagoblin/root.html' in template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT
+ # Make sure user is in the session
+ context = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/root.html']
+ session = context['request'].session
+ assert session['user_id'] == six.text_type(short_user.id)
def authentication_disabled_app(request):
return get_app(