--- /dev/null
+ Foreword
+About this manual
+This is the GNU MediaGoblin manual. This documentation targets the
+following groups of individuals:
+* people who want to use the software
+* people who want to deploy the software
+* contributors
+This manual is a living document and is in the ``mediagoblin``
+repository in the ``docs/`` directory.
+Who wrote this documentation?
+In no particular order:
+* Chris
+* Will
+* Deb
+* Greg
+* Karen
+* Matt
+* Asheesh
+I found an error in the docs---who do I tell?
+There are a few ways---please pick the one most convenient to you!
+1. Write up a bug report in the bug tracker at http://bugs.foocorp.net/ .
+2. Tell someone on IRC ``#mediagoblin`` on Freenode.
+3. Send an email to Will ``willg at bluesock dot org``.
+When you tell us about your issue, please let us know:
+* where you are looking (in git? url of the web-page?)
+* what the issue is
+* your thoughts on how to resolve it