+++ /dev/null
-# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting
-# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS.
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import sys
-import urlparse
-import os
-from nose.tools import assert_equal, assert_true
-from pkg_resources import resource_filename
-from mediagoblin.tests.tools import get_test_app, \
- fixture_add_user
-from mediagoblin import mg_globals
-from mediagoblin.tools import template
-from mediagoblin.media_types.image import MEDIA_MANAGER as img_MEDIA_MANAGER
-def resource(filename):
- return resource_filename('mediagoblin.tests', 'test_submission/' + filename)
-GOOD_JPG = resource('good.jpg')
-GOOD_PNG = resource('good.png')
-EVIL_FILE = resource('evil')
-EVIL_JPG = resource('evil.jpg')
-EVIL_PNG = resource('evil.png')
-BIG_BLUE = resource('bigblue.png')
-GOOD_TAG_STRING = u'yin,yang'
-BAD_TAG_STRING = unicode('rage,' + 'f' * 26 + 'u' * 26)
-FORM_CONTEXT = ['mediagoblin/submit/start.html', 'submit_form']
-REQUEST_CONTEXT = ['mediagoblin/user_pages/user.html', 'request']
-class TestSubmission:
- def setUp(self):
- self.test_app = get_test_app()
- # TODO: Possibly abstract into a decorator like:
- # @as_authenticated_user('chris')
- test_user = fixture_add_user()
- self.test_user = test_user
- self.login()
- def login(self):
- self.test_app.post(
- '/auth/login/', {
- 'username': u'chris',
- 'password': 'toast'})
- def logout(self):
- self.test_app.get('/auth/logout/')
- def do_post(self, data, *context_keys, **kwargs):
- url = kwargs.pop('url', '/submit/')
- do_follow = kwargs.pop('do_follow', False)
- template.clear_test_template_context()
- response = self.test_app.post(url, data, **kwargs)
- if do_follow:
- response.follow()
- context_data = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT
- for key in context_keys:
- context_data = context_data[key]
- return response, context_data
- def upload_data(self, filename):
- return {'upload_files': [('file', filename)]}
- def check_comments(self, request, media_id, count):
- comments = request.db.MediaComment.find({'media_entry': media_id})
- assert_equal(count, len(list(comments)))
- def test_missing_fields(self):
- # Test blank form
- # ---------------
- response, form = self.do_post({}, *FORM_CONTEXT)
- assert_equal(form.file.errors, [u'You must provide a file.'])
- # Test blank file
- # ---------------
- response, form = self.do_post({'title': u'test title'}, *FORM_CONTEXT)
- assert_equal(form.file.errors, [u'You must provide a file.'])
- def check_url(self, response, path):
- assert_equal(urlparse.urlsplit(response.location)[2], path)
- def check_normal_upload(self, title, filename):
- response, context = self.do_post({'title': title}, do_follow=True,
- **self.upload_data(filename))
- self.check_url(response, '/u/{0}/'.format(self.test_user.username))
- assert_true('mediagoblin/user_pages/user.html' in context)
- # Make sure the media view is at least reachable, logged in...
- url = '/u/{0}/m/{1}/'.format(self.test_user.username,
- title.lower().replace(' ', '-'))
- self.test_app.get(url)
- # ... and logged out too.
- self.logout()
- self.test_app.get(url)
- def test_normal_jpg(self):
- self.check_normal_upload(u'Normal upload 1', GOOD_JPG)
- def test_normal_png(self):
- self.check_normal_upload(u'Normal upload 2', GOOD_PNG)
- def check_media(self, request, find_data, count=None):
- media = request.db.MediaEntry.find(find_data)
- if count is not None:
- assert_equal(media.count(), count)
- if count == 0:
- return
- return media[0]
- def test_tags(self):
- # Good tag string
- # --------
- response, request = self.do_post({'title': u'Balanced Goblin',
- 'tags': GOOD_TAG_STRING},
- *REQUEST_CONTEXT, do_follow=True,
- **self.upload_data(GOOD_JPG))
- media = self.check_media(request, {'title': u'Balanced Goblin'}, 1)
- assert media.tags[0]['name'] == u'yin'
- assert media.tags[0]['slug'] == u'yin'
- assert media.tags[1]['name'] == u'yang'
- assert media.tags[1]['slug'] == u'yang'
- # Test tags that are too long
- # ---------------
- response, form = self.do_post({'title': u'Balanced Goblin',
- 'tags': BAD_TAG_STRING},
- **self.upload_data(GOOD_JPG))
- assert_equal(form.tags.errors, [
- u'Tags must be shorter than 50 characters. ' \
- 'Tags that are too long: ' \
- 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu'])
- def test_delete(self):
- response, request = self.do_post({'title': u'Balanced Goblin'},
- *REQUEST_CONTEXT, do_follow=True,
- **self.upload_data(GOOD_JPG))
- media = self.check_media(request, {'title': u'Balanced Goblin'}, 1)
- media_id = media.id
- # Add a comment, so we can test for its deletion later.
- self.check_comments(request, media_id, 0)
- comment_url = request.urlgen(
- 'mediagoblin.user_pages.media_post_comment',
- user=self.test_user.username, media=media_id)
- response = self.do_post({'comment_content': 'i love this test'},
- url=comment_url, do_follow=True)[0]
- self.check_comments(request, media_id, 1)
- # Do not confirm deletion
- # ---------------------------------------------------
- delete_url = request.urlgen(
- 'mediagoblin.user_pages.media_confirm_delete',
- user=self.test_user.username, media=media_id)
- # Empty data means don't confirm
- response = self.do_post({}, do_follow=True, url=delete_url)[0]
- media = self.check_media(request, {'title': u'Balanced Goblin'}, 1)
- media_id = media.id
- # Confirm deletion
- # ---------------------------------------------------
- response, request = self.do_post({'confirm': 'y'}, *REQUEST_CONTEXT,
- do_follow=True, url=delete_url)
- self.check_media(request, {'id': media_id}, 0)
- self.check_comments(request, media_id, 0)
- def test_evil_file(self):
- # Test non-suppoerted file with non-supported extension
- # -----------------------------------------------------
- response, form = self.do_post({'title': u'Malicious Upload 1'},
- **self.upload_data(EVIL_FILE))
- assert_equal(len(form.file.errors), 1)
- assert 'Sorry, I don\'t support that file type :(' == \
- str(form.file.errors[0])
- def test_get_media_manager(self):
- """Test if the get_media_manger function returns sensible things
- """
- response, request = self.do_post({'title': u'Balanced Goblin'},
- *REQUEST_CONTEXT, do_follow=True,
- **self.upload_data(GOOD_JPG))
- media = self.check_media(request, {'title': u'Balanced Goblin'}, 1)
- assert_equal(media.media_type, u'mediagoblin.media_types.image')
- assert_equal(media.media_manager, img_MEDIA_MANAGER)
- def test_sniffing(self):
- '''
- Test sniffing mechanism to assert that regular uploads work as intended
- '''
- template.clear_test_template_context()
- response = self.test_app.post(
- '/submit/', {
- }, upload_files=[(
- 'file', GOOD_JPG)])
- response.follow()
- context = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/user_pages/user.html']
- request = context['request']
- media = request.db.MediaEntry.find_one({
- assert media.media_type == 'mediagoblin.media_types.image'
- def check_false_image(self, title, filename):
- # NOTE: The following 2 tests will ultimately fail, but they
- # *will* pass the initial form submission step. Instead,
- # they'll be caught as failures during the processing step.
- response, context = self.do_post({'title': title}, do_follow=True,
- **self.upload_data(filename))
- self.check_url(response, '/u/{0}/'.format(self.test_user.username))
- entry = mg_globals.database.MediaEntry.find_one({'title': title})
- assert_equal(entry.state, 'failed')
- assert_equal(entry.fail_error, u'mediagoblin.processing:BadMediaFail')
- def test_evil_jpg(self):
- # Test non-supported file with .jpg extension
- # -------------------------------------------
- self.check_false_image(u'Malicious Upload 2', EVIL_JPG)
- def test_evil_png(self):
- # Test non-supported file with .png extension
- # -------------------------------------------
- self.check_false_image(u'Malicious Upload 3', EVIL_PNG)
- def test_processing(self):
- data = {'title': u'Big Blue'}
- response, request = self.do_post(data, *REQUEST_CONTEXT, do_follow=True,
- **self.upload_data(BIG_BLUE))
- media = self.check_media(request, data, 1)
- last_size = 1024 ** 3 # Needs to be larger than bigblue.png
- for key, basename in (('original', 'bigblue.png'),
- ('medium', 'bigblue.medium.png'),
- ('thumb', 'bigblue.thumbnail.png')):
- # Does the processed image have a good filename?
- filename = resource_filename(
- 'mediagoblin.tests',
- os.path.join('test_user_dev/media/public',
- *media.media_files.get(key, [])))
- assert_true(filename.endswith('_' + basename))
- # Is it smaller than the last processed image we looked at?
- size = os.stat(filename).st_size
- assert_true(last_size > size)
- last_size = size