# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import logging
+import os
- from celery.task import Task
- from mediagoblin.db.util import ObjectId, atomic_update
+ from mediagoblin.db.util import atomic_update
from mediagoblin import mg_globals as mgg
from mediagoblin.tools.translate import lazy_pass_to_ugettext as _
- ################################
- # Media processing initial steps
- ################################
+class FilenameBuilder(object):
+ """Easily slice and dice filenames.
+ Initialize this class with an original file path, then use the fill()
+ method to create new filenames based on the original.
+ """
+ MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 255 # VFAT's maximum filename length
+ def __init__(self, path):
+ """Initialize a builder from an original file path."""
+ self.dirpath, self.basename = os.path.split(path)
+ self.basename, self.ext = os.path.splitext(self.basename)
+ self.ext = self.ext.lower()
+ def fill(self, fmtstr):
+ """Build a new filename based on the original.
+ The fmtstr argument can include the following:
+ {basename} -- the original basename, with the extension removed
+ {ext} -- the original extension, always lowercase
+ If necessary, {basename} will be truncated so the filename does not
+ exceed this class' MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH in length.
+ """
+ basename_len = (self.MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH -
+ len(fmtstr.format(basename='', ext=self.ext)))
+ return fmtstr.format(basename=self.basename[:basename_len],
+ ext=self.ext)
- class ProcessMedia(Task):
- """
- DEPRECATED -- This now resides in the individual media plugins
- Pass this entry off for processing.
- """
- def run(self, media_id):
- """
- Pass the media entry off to the appropriate processing function
- (for now just process_image...)
- """
- entry = mgg.database.MediaEntry.one(
- {'_id': ObjectId(media_id)})
- # Try to process, and handle expected errors.
- try:
- #__import__(entry.media_type)
- manager = get_media_manager(entry.media_type)
- _log.debug('Processing {0}'.format(entry))
- manager['processor'](entry)
- except BaseProcessingFail, exc:
- mark_entry_failed(entry._id, exc)
- return
- except ImportError, exc:
- _log.error(
- 'Entry {0} failed to process due to an import error: {1}'\
- .format(
- entry.title,
- exc))
- mark_entry_failed(entry._id, exc)
- entry.state = u'processed'
- entry.save()
- def on_failure(self, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
- """
- If the processing failed we should mark that in the database.
- Assuming that the exception raised is a subclass of
- BaseProcessingFail, we can use that to get more information
- about the failure and store that for conveying information to
- users about the failure, etc.
- """
- entry_id = args[0]
- mark_entry_failed(entry_id, exc)
def mark_entry_failed(entry_id, exc):
Mark a media entry as having failed in its conversion.
def logout(self):
+ def do_post(self, data, *context_keys, **kwargs):
+ url = kwargs.pop('url', '/submit/')
+ do_follow = kwargs.pop('do_follow', False)
+ template.clear_test_template_context()
+ response = self.test_app.post(url, data, **kwargs)
+ if do_follow:
+ response.follow()
+ context_data = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT
+ for key in context_keys:
+ context_data = context_data[key]
+ return response, context_data
+ def upload_data(self, filename):
+ return {'upload_files': [('file', filename)]}
++ def check_comments(self, request, media, count):
++ comments = request.db.MediaComment.find({'media_entry': media._id})
++ assert_equal(count, len(list(comments)))
def test_missing_fields(self):
# Test blank form
# ---------------
# Test tags that are too long
# ---------------
- template.clear_test_template_context()
- response = self.test_app.post(
- '/submit/', {
- 'title': 'Balanced Goblin',
- 'tags': BAD_TAG_STRING
- }, upload_files=[(
- 'file', GOOD_JPG)])
- # Too long error should be raised
- context = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/submit/start.html']
- form = context['submit_form']
- assert form.tags.errors == [
- u'Tags must be shorter than 50 characters. Tags that are too long'\
- ': ffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu']
+ response, form = self.do_post({'title': 'Balanced Goblin',
+ 'tags': BAD_TAG_STRING},
+ **self.upload_data(GOOD_JPG))
+ assert_equal(form.tags.errors, [
+ u'Tags must be shorter than 50 characters. ' \
+ 'Tags that are too long: ' \
+ 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu'])
def test_delete(self):
- template.clear_test_template_context()
- response = self.test_app.post(
- '/submit/', {
- 'title': 'Balanced Goblin',
- }, upload_files=[(
- 'file', GOOD_JPG)])
- # Post image
- response.follow()
- request = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT[
- 'mediagoblin/user_pages/user.html']['request']
- media = request.db.MediaEntry.find({'title': 'Balanced Goblin'})[0]
- # Does media entry exist?
- assert_true(media)
+ response, request = self.do_post({'title': 'Balanced Goblin'},
+ *REQUEST_CONTEXT, do_follow=True,
+ **self.upload_data(GOOD_JPG))
+ media = self.check_media(request, {'title': 'Balanced Goblin'}, 1)
- get_comments = lambda: list(
- request.db.MediaComment.find({'media_entry': media._id}))
- assert_false(get_comments())
- response = self.test_app.post(
- request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.media_post_comment',
- user=self.test_user.username,
- media=media._id),
- {'comment_content': 'i love this test'})
- response.follow()
- assert_true(get_comments())
+ # Add a comment, so we can test for its deletion later.
++ self.check_comments(request, media, 0)
++ comment_url = request.urlgen(
++ 'mediagoblin.user_pages.media_post_comment',
++ user=self.test_user.username, media=media._id)
++ response = self.do_post({'comment_content': 'i love this test'},
++ url=comment_url, do_follow=True)[0]
++ self.check_comments(request, media, 1)
# Do not confirm deletion
# ---------------------------------------------------
- response = self.test_app.post(
- request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.media_confirm_delete',
- # No work: user=media.uploader().username,
- user=self.test_user.username,
- media=media._id),
- # no value means no confirm
- {})
- response.follow()
- request = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT[
- 'mediagoblin/user_pages/user.html']['request']
- media = request.db.MediaEntry.find({'title': 'Balanced Goblin'})[0]
- # Does media entry still exist?
- assert_true(media)
+ delete_url = request.urlgen(
+ 'mediagoblin.user_pages.media_confirm_delete',
+ user=self.test_user.username, media=media._id)
+ # Empty data means don't confirm
+ response = self.do_post({}, do_follow=True, url=delete_url)[0]
+ media = self.check_media(request, {'title': 'Balanced Goblin'}, 1)
# Confirm deletion
# ---------------------------------------------------
- response = self.test_app.post(
- request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.media_confirm_delete',
- # No work: user=media.uploader().username,
- user=self.test_user.username,
- media=media._id),
- {'confirm': 'y'})
- response.follow()
- request = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT[
- 'mediagoblin/user_pages/user.html']['request']
+ response, request = self.do_post({'confirm': 'y'}, *REQUEST_CONTEXT,
+ do_follow=True, url=delete_url)
+ self.check_media(request, {'_id': media._id}, 0)
++ self.check_comments(request, media, 0)
- # Does media entry still exist?
- assert_false(
- request.db.MediaEntry.find(
- {'_id': media._id}).count())
- # How about the comment?
- assert_false(get_comments())
- def test_malicious_uploads(self):
+ def test_evil_file(self):
# Test non-suppoerted file with non-supported extension
# -----------------------------------------------------
- template.clear_test_template_context()
- response = self.test_app.post(
- '/submit/', {
- 'title': 'Malicious Upload 1'
- }, upload_files=[(
- 'file', EVIL_FILE)])
- context = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/submit/start.html']
- form = context['submit_form']
- assert re.match(r'^Could not extract any file extension from ".*?"$', str(form.file.errors[0]))
- assert len(form.file.errors) == 1
- # NOTE: The following 2 tests will ultimately fail, but they
+ response, form = self.do_post({'title': 'Malicious Upload 1'},
+ **self.upload_data(EVIL_FILE))
+ assert_equal(len(form.file.errors), 1)
+ assert_true(re.match(
+ r'^Could not extract any file extension from ".*?"$',
+ str(form.file.errors[0])))
+ def check_false_image(self, title, filename):
+ # NOTE: These images should ultimately fail, but they
# *will* pass the initial form submission step. Instead,
# they'll be caught as failures during the processing step.
+ response, context = self.do_post({'title': title}, do_follow=True,
+ **self.upload_data(filename))
+ self.check_url(response, '/u/{0}/'.format(self.test_user.username))
+ entry = mg_globals.database.MediaEntry.find_one({'title': title})
+ assert_equal(entry.state, 'failed')
+ assert_equal(entry.fail_error, u'mediagoblin.processing:BadMediaFail')
+ def test_evil_jpg(self):
# Test non-supported file with .jpg extension
# -------------------------------------------
- template.clear_test_template_context()
- response = self.test_app.post(
- '/submit/', {
- 'title': 'Malicious Upload 2'
- }, upload_files=[(
- 'file', EVIL_JPG)])
- response.follow()
- assert_equal(
- urlparse.urlsplit(response.location)[2],
- '/u/chris/')
- entry = mg_globals.database.MediaEntry.find_one(
- {'title': 'Malicious Upload 2'})
- assert_equal(entry.state, 'failed')
- assert_equal(
- entry.fail_error,
- u'mediagoblin.processing:BadMediaFail')
+ self.check_false_image('Malicious Upload 2', EVIL_JPG)
+ def test_evil_png(self):
# Test non-supported file with .png extension
# -------------------------------------------
- template.clear_test_template_context()
- response = self.test_app.post(
- '/submit/', {
- 'title': 'Malicious Upload 3'
- }, upload_files=[(
- 'file', EVIL_PNG)])
- response.follow()
- assert_equal(
- urlparse.urlsplit(response.location)[2],
- '/u/chris/')
- entry = mg_globals.database.MediaEntry.find_one(
- {'title': 'Malicious Upload 3'})
- assert_equal(entry.state, 'failed')
- assert_equal(
- entry.fail_error,
- u'mediagoblin.processing:BadMediaFail')
+ self.check_false_image('Malicious Upload 3', EVIL_PNG)
+ def test_processing(self):
+ data = {'title': 'Big Blue'}
+ response, request = self.do_post(data, *REQUEST_CONTEXT, do_follow=True,
+ **self.upload_data(BIG_BLUE))
+ media = self.check_media(request, data, 1)
+ last_size = 1024 ** 3 # Needs to be larger than bigblue.png
+ for key, basename in (('original', 'bigblue.png'),
+ ('medium', 'bigblue.medium.png'),
+ ('thumb', 'bigblue.thumbnail.png')):
+ # Does the processed image have a good filename?
+ filename = resource_filename(
+ 'mediagoblin.tests',
+ os.path.join('test_user_dev/media/public',
+ *media['media_files'].get(key, [])))
+ assert_true(filename.endswith('_' + basename))
+ # Is it smaller than the last processed image we looked at?
+ size = os.stat(filename).st_size
+ assert_true(last_size > size)
+ last_size = size