+def email_debug_message(request):
+ """
+ If the server is running in email debug mode (which is
+ the current default), give a debug message to the user
+ so that they have an idea where to find their email.
+ """
+ if mg_globals.app_config['email_debug_mode']:
+ # DEBUG message, no need to translate
+ messages.add_message(request, messages.DEBUG,
+ u"This instance is running in email debug mode. "
+ u"The email will be on the console of the server process.")
def register(request):
Your classic registration view!
# send verification email
+ email_debug_message(request)
send_verification_email(user, request)
# redirect the user to their homepage... there will be a
request.user[u'verification_key'] = unicode(uuid.uuid4())
+ email_debug_message(request)
send_verification_email(request.user, request)
fp_form = auth_forms.ForgotPassForm(request.POST)
if request.method == 'POST' and fp_form.validate():
+ # Here, so it doesn't depend on the actual mail being sent
+ # and thus doesn't reveal, wether mail was sent.
+ email_debug_message(request)
# '$or' not available till mongodb 1.5.3
user = request.db.User.find_one(
{'username': request.POST['username']})