shallow fetching and resetting may result in a dirty working tree.
Ensure we have a clean working tree by running the reset and clean after the
Previously, we needed the clean and reset before the PULL, to ensure a clean
pull, but since we are using fetch + checkout (which does not result in a
merge if dirty) we might end up with a dirty repo after the checkout, such
as if a clone remote has a different master branch than core.
cd: $home
hook: code
- - git reset --hard
- - git clean -f
- git remote set-branches --add origin master
- git remote set-branches origin $version
- git fetch --depth 1 origin $version
- git checkout $version
+ - git reset --hard origin $version
+ - git clean -f
- mkdir -p tmp
- chown discourse:www-data tmp
- mkdir -p tmp/pids