Route('mediagoblin.auth.verify_email', '/verify_email/',
Route('mediagoblin.auth.verify_email_notice', '/verification_required/',
- controller='mediagoblin.auth.views:verify_email_notice')]
+ controller='mediagoblin.auth.views:verify_email_notice'),
+ Route('mediagoblin.auth.resend_verification', '/resend_verification/',
+ controller='mediagoblin.auth.views:resend_activation')]
{'request': request}))
+def resend_activation(request):
+ """
+ The reactivation view
+ Resend the activation email.
+ """
+ request.user.generate_new_verification_key()
+ # Copied shamelessly from the register view above.
+ email_template = request.template_env.get_template(
+ 'mediagoblin/auth/verification_email.txt')
+ # TODO: There is no error handling in place
+ send_email(
+ mgoblin_globals.email_sender_address,
+ [request.user['email']],
+ # TODO
+ # Due to the distributed nature of GNU MediaGoblin, we should
+ # find a way to send some additional information about the
+ # specific GNU MediaGoblin instance in the subject line. For
+ # example "GNU MediaGoblin @ Wandborg - [...]".
+ 'GNU MediaGoblin - Verify email',
+ email_template.render(
+ username=request.user['username'],
+ verification_url='http://{host}{uri}?userid={userid}&token={verification_key}'.format(
+ uri=request.urlgen('mediagoblin.auth.verify_email'),
+ userid=unicode(request.user['_id']),
+ verification_key=request.user['verification_key'])))
+ # TODO: For now, we use the successful registration page until we get a
+ # proper messaging system.
+ template = request.template_env.get_template(
+ 'mediagoblin/auth/register_success.html')
+ return exc.HTTPFound(
+ location=request.urlgen('mediagoblin.auth.register_success'))
return auth_lib.bcrypt_check_password(
password, self['pw_hash'])
+ def generate_new_verification_key(self):
+ """
+ Create a new verification key, overwriting the old one.
+ """
+ self['verification_key'] = unicode(uuid.uuid4())
class MediaEntry(Document):
__collection__ = 'media_entries'