This fixes an incorrect usage of the `--without` option.
As per the documentation, it takes groups seperated by a space `--without=GROUP[ GROUP...]`. Specifying the option twice meant we were overriding the first which lead the this bug.
git remote set-branches --add origin tests-passed &&\
chown -R discourse:discourse /var/www/discourse &&\
cd /var/www/discourse &&\
- sudo -u discourse bundle install --deployment \
- --without test --without development --jobs=4 &&\
+ sudo -u discourse bundle install --deployment --jobs 4 --without test development &&\
bundle exec rake maxminddb:get &&\
find /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle -name tmp -type d -exec rm -rf {} +
system("chmod +x #{bin}")
system("use_#{v} && gem update --system && gem install bundler --force")
- system("use_#{v} && cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -u discourse bundle install --deployment --without test --without development")
+ system("use_#{v} && cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -u discourse bundle install --deployment --jobs 4 --without test development")
- apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y libsqlite3-dev
- echo "gem 'sqlite3'" >> Gemfile
- - su discourse -c 'bundle install --no-deployment --without test --without development --path vendor/bundle'
+ - su discourse -c 'bundle install --no-deployment --path vendor/bundle --jobs 4 --without test development'
cd: $home
- echo "gem 'tiny_tds'" >> Gemfile
- - su discourse -c 'bundle install --no-deployment --without test --without development --path vendor/bundle'
+ - su discourse -c 'bundle install --no-deployment --path vendor/bundle --jobs 4 --without test development'
- echo "gem 'mysql2'" >> Gemfile
- apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y libmysqlclient-dev
- - su discourse -c 'bundle install --no-deployment --without test --without development --path vendor/bundle'
+ - su discourse -c 'bundle install --no-deployment --path vendor/bundle --jobs 4 --without test development'
- echo "gem 'mysql2'" >> Gemfile
- echo "gem 'ruby-bbcode-to-md', :github => 'nlalonde/ruby-bbcode-to-md'" >> Gemfile
- - su discourse -c 'bundle install --no-deployment --without test --without development --path vendor/bundle'
+ - su discourse -c 'bundle install --no-deployment --path vendor/bundle --jobs 4 --without test development'
cd: $home
hook: bundle_exec
- - su discourse -c 'bundle install --deployment --verbose --without test --without development --retry 3 --jobs 4'
+ - su discourse -c 'bundle install --deployment --retry 3 --jobs 4 --verbose --without test development'
- exec:
cd: $home
hook: db_migrate