# 'lxml',
- license = 'AGPLv3',
- author = 'Free Software Foundation and contributors',
- author_email = 'cwebber@gnu.org',
entry_points = """\
- [console_scripts]
- gmg = mediagoblin.gmg_commands:main_cli
+ [console_scripts]
+ gmg = mediagoblin.gmg_commands:main_cli
- [paste.app_factory]
- app = mediagoblin.app:paste_app_factory
+ [paste.app_factory]
+ app = mediagoblin.app:paste_app_factory
- [zc.buildout]
- make_user_dev_dirs = mediagoblin.buildout_recipes:MakeUserDevDirs
+ [zc.buildout]
+ make_user_dev_dirs = mediagoblin.buildout_recipes:MakeUserDevDirs
- [babel.extractors]
- jinja2 = jinja2.ext:babel_extract
- """,
+ [babel.extractors]
+ jinja2 = jinja2.ext:babel_extract
+ """,
+ license='AGPLv3',
+ author='Free Software Foundation and contributors',
+ author_email='cwebber@gnu.org',
+ url="http://mediagoblin.org/",
+ download_url="http://mediagoblin.org/download/",
+ long_description=open('README').read(),
+ classifiers=[
+ "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
+ "Environment :: Web Environment",
+ "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License",
+ "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+ "Programming Language :: Python",
+ "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content"
+ ],