{% from "mediagoblin/utils/pagination.html" import render_pagination %}
-{% macro media_grid(request, media_list, col_number=5) %}
- {% set num_items = media_list.count() %}
- {% set col_counter = 0 %}
- {% set row_counter = 0 %}
- {% set item_counter = 0 %}
- {% set num_rows = num_items // col_number %}
- {% if num_items % col_number != 0 %}
- {% set num_rows = num_rows + 1 %}
- {% endif %}
- <div class="thumb_gallery">
- {% for entry in media_list %}
- {% if col_counter == 0 %}
- <div class="thumb_row {% if row_counter == 0 %}thumb_row_first{% endif %}{% if num_rows == row_counter + 1 %}thumb_row_last{% endif %}">
- {% endif %}
- <div class="media_thumbnail thumb_entry {% if col_counter == 0 %}thumb_entry_first{% endif %}{% if col_number == col_counter + 1 or num_items == item_counter + 1 %}thumb_entry_last{% endif %}">
+{% macro media_grid(request, media_entries, col_number=5) %}
+ <table class="thumb_gallery">
+ {% for row in gridify_cursor(media_entries, col_number) %}
+ <tr class="thumb_row
+ {%- if loop.first %} thumb_row_first
+ {%- elif loop.last %} thumb_row_last{% endif %}">
+ {% for entry in row %}
+ <td class="media_thumbnail thumb_entry
+ {%- if loop.first %} thumb_entry_first
+ {%- elif loop.last %} thumb_entry_last{% endif %}">
<a href="{{ entry.url_for_self(request.urlgen) }}">
- <img src="{{ request.app.public_store.file_url(
- entry['media_files']['thumb']) }}" /></a>
- </div>
- {% if col_number == col_counter + 1 or num_items == item_counter + 1 %}
- </div>
- {% set row_counter = row_counter + 1 %}
- {% endif %}
- {% set item_counter = item_counter + 1 %}
- {% set col_counter = col_counter + 1 %}
- {% if col_counter == col_number %}
- {% set col_counter = 0 %}
- {% endif %}
+ <img src="{{ request.app.public_store.file_url(
+ entry['media_files']['thumb']) }}" />
+ </a>
+ </td>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </tr>
{% endfor %}
- </div>
+ </table>
{%- endmacro %}
Render a media gallery with pagination.
# All templates will know how to ...
# ... fetch all waiting messages and remove them from the queue
+ # ... construct a grid of thumbnails or other media
template_env.globals['fetch_messages'] = messages.fetch_messages
+ template_env.globals['gridify_list'] = gridify_list
+ template_env.globals['gridify_cursor'] = gridify_cursor
if exists(locale):
SETUP_JINJA_ENVS[locale] = template_env
return self.get_page_url_explicit(
request.path_info, request.GET, page_no)
+def gridify_list(this_list, num_cols=5):
+ """
+ Generates a list of lists where each sub-list's length depends on
+ the number of columns in the list
+ """
+ grid = []
+ # Figure out how many rows we should have
+ num_rows = int(ceil(float(len(this_list)) / num_cols))
+ for row_num in range(num_rows):
+ slice_min = row_num * num_cols
+ slice_max = (row_num + 1) * num_cols
+ row = this_list[slice_min:slice_max]
+ grid.append(row)
+ return grid
+def gridify_cursor(this_cursor, num_cols=5):
+ """
+ Generates a list of lists where each sub-list's length depends on
+ the number of columns in the list
+ """
+ return gridify_list(list(this_cursor), num_cols)