if [ $app_name == 'app' ] && [ "$NO_CONTAINER" != 'y' ]
- cp $LOG_FILE shared/standalone/log/var-log/$DOCTOR_FILE
- sudo docker exec -w /var/www/discourse -i $app_name cp /var/log/$DOCTOR_FILE public
- log "The output of this program may be available at http://$DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME/$DOCTOR_FILE"
- log "You should inspect that file carefully before sharing the URL."
+ read -p "Would you like to serve a publicly available version of this file? (Y/n)" serve
+ if [ $serve == 'Y' ]
+ then
+ cp $LOG_FILE shared/standalone/log/var-log/$DOCTOR_FILE
+ sudo docker exec -w /var/www/discourse -i $app_name cp /var/log/$DOCTOR_FILE public
+ log "The output of this program may be available at http://$DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME/$DOCTOR_FILE"
+ log "You should inspect that file carefully before sharing the URL."
+ else
+ log "Publicly available log not generated."
+ fi
# The following is not in the web log file since it was copied above, which seems corect