<form action="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.media_post_comment',
user= media.uploader().username,
media=media._id) }}" method="POST">
- {{ wtforms_util.render_field_div(comment_form.comment) }}
+ {{ wtforms_util.render_field_div(comment_form.field_comment) }}
<div class="form_submit_buttons">
<input type="submit" value="Post comment!" class="button" />
{% if comments %}
{% for comment in comments %}
{% set comment_author = comment.author() %}
- <div class="comment_wrapper" id="comment-{{ comment['_id'] }}">
+ {% if pagination.active_id == comment._id %}
+ <div class="comment_wrapper comment_active" id="comment-{{ comment['_id'] }}">
+ <a name="comment" id="comment"></a>
+ {% else %}
+ <div class="comment_wrapper" id="comment-{{ comment['_id'] }}">
+ {% endif %}
<div class="comment_content">
{% autoescape False %}
{{ comment.content_html }}
{{ comment_author['username'] }}</a> at
<div class="comment_datetime">-->
- <a href="#comment-{{ comment['_id'] }}">
+ <a href="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.media_home.view_comment',
+ comment = comment['_id'],
+ user = media.uploader().username,
+ media = media._id) }}#comment">
{{ "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d"|format(comment.created.year,
{% endfor %}
- {{ render_pagination(request, pagination) }}
+ {{ render_pagination(request, pagination,
+ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.media_home',
+ user = media.uploader().username,
+ media = media._id)) }}
{% endif %}
<div class="grid_5 omega">
import wtforms\r
class MediaCommentForm(wtforms.Form):\r
- comment = wtforms.TextAreaField('Comment',\r
- [wtforms.validators.Required()])
\ No newline at end of file
+ field_comment = wtforms.TextAreaField('Comment',\r
+ [wtforms.validators.Required()])\r
Route('mediagoblin.user_pages.media_home', '/{user}/m/{media}/',
+ Route('mediagoblin.user_pages.media_home.view_comment',
+ '/{user}/m/{media}/c/{comment}/',
+ controller="mediagoblin.user_pages.views:media_home"),
Route('mediagoblin.edit.edit_media', "/{user}/m/{media}/edit/",
Route('mediagoblin.user_pages.atom_feed', '/{user}/atom/',
'Homepage' of a MediaEntry()
+ if ObjectId(request.matchdict.get('comment')):
+ pagination = Pagination(
+ page, media.get_comments(), MEDIA_COMMENTS_PER_PAGE,
+ ObjectId(request.matchdict.get('comment')))
+ else:
+ pagination = Pagination(
+ page, media.get_comments(), MEDIA_COMMENTS_PER_PAGE)
- pagination = Pagination(page, media.get_comments(), MEDIA_COMMENTS_PER_PAGE)
comments = pagination()
comment_form = user_forms.MediaCommentForm(request.POST)
comment = request.db.MediaComment()
comment['media_entry'] = ObjectId(request.matchdict['media'])
comment['author'] = request.user['_id']
- comment['content'] = request.POST['comment']
+ comment['content'] = request.POST['field_comment']
comment['content_html'] = cleaned_markdown_conversion(comment['content'])
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from __future__ import division
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
import gettext
import pkg_resources
import sys
import re
import urllib
-from math import ceil
+from math import ceil, floor
import copy
from babel.localedata import exists
from mediagoblin import messages
from mediagoblin.db.util import ObjectId
+from itertools import izip, count
def _activate_testing():
def redirect(request, *args, **kwargs):
"""Returns a HTTPFound(), takes a request and then urlgen params"""
- return exc.HTTPFound(location=request.urlgen(*args, **kwargs))
+ querystring = None
+ if kwargs.get('querystring'):
+ querystring = kwargs.get('querystring')
+ del kwargs['querystring']
+ return exc.HTTPFound(
+ location=''.join([
+ request.urlgen(*args, **kwargs),
+ querystring if querystring else '']))
def setup_user_in_request(request):
get actual data slice through __call__().
- def __init__(self, page, cursor, per_page=PAGINATION_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE):
+ def __init__(self, page, cursor, per_page=PAGINATION_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE,
+ jump_to_id=False):
Initializes Pagination
- page: requested page
- per_page: number of objects per page
- cursor: db cursor
+ - jump_to_id: ObjectId, sets the page to the page containing the object
+ with _id == jump_to_id.
- self.page = page
+ self.page = page
self.per_page = per_page
self.cursor = cursor
self.total_count = self.cursor.count()
+ self.active_id = None
+ if jump_to_id:
+ cursor = copy.copy(self.cursor)
+ for (doc, increment) in izip(cursor, count(0)):
+ if doc['_id'] == jump_to_id:
+ self.page = 1 + int(floor(increment / self.per_page))
+ self.active_id = jump_to_id
+ break
def __call__(self):