--- /dev/null
+.. MediaGoblin Documentation
+ Written in 2013 by MediaGoblin contributors
+ To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
+ copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
+ the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
+ any warranty.
+ You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain
+ Dedication along with this software. If not, see
+ <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
+Accessing Existing Data
+If your plugin wants to access existing data, this is quite
+straight forward. Just import the appropiate models and use
+the full power of SQLAlchemy. Take a look at the (upcoming)
+database section in the Developer's Chapter.
+Creating new Tables
+If your plugin needs some new space to store data, you
+should create a new table. Please do not modify core
+tables. Not doing so might seem inefficient and possibly
+is. It will help keep things sane and easier to upgrade
+versions later.
+So if you create a new plugin and need new tables, create a
+file named ``models.py`` in your plugin directory. You
+might take a look at the core's db.models for some ideas.
+Here's a simple one:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from mediagoblin.db.base import Base
+ from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, Unicode, ForeignKey
+ class MediaSecurity(Base):
+ __tablename__ = "yourplugin__media_security"
+ # The primary key *and* reference to the main media_entry
+ media_entry = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('core__media_entries.id'),
+ primary_key=True)
+ get_media_entry = relationship("MediaEntry",
+ backref=backref("security_rating", cascade="all, delete-orphan"))
+ rating = Column(Unicode)
+ MODELS = [MediaSecurity]
+That's it.
+Some notes:
+* Make sure all your ``__tablename__`` start with your
+ plugin's name so the tables of various plugins can't
+ conflict in the database. (Conflicts in python naming are
+ much easier to fix later).
+* Try to get your database design as good as possible in
+ the first attempt. Changing the database design later,
+ when people already have data using the old design, is
+ possible (see next chapter), but it's not easy.
+Changing the Database Schema Later
+If your plugin is in use and instances use it to store some
+data, changing the database design is a tricky thing.
+1. Make up your mind how the new schema should look like.
+2. Change ``models.py`` to contain the new schema. Keep a
+ copy of the old version around for your personal
+ reference later.
+3. Now make up your mind (possibly using your old and new
+ ``models.py``) what steps in SQL are needed to convert
+ the old schema to the new one.
+ This is called a "migration".
+4. Create a file ``migrations.py`` that will contain all
+ your migrations and add your new migration.
+Take a look at the core's ``db/migrations.py`` for some
+good examples on what you might be able to do. Here's a
+simple one to add one column:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from mediagoblin.db.migration_tools import RegisterMigration, inspect_table
+ from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Column, Integer
+ @RegisterMigration(1, MIGRATIONS)
+ def add_license_preference(db):
+ metadata = MetaData(bind=db.bind)
+ security_table = inspect_table(metadata, 'yourplugin__media_security')
+ col = Column('security_level', Integer)
+ col.create(security_table)
+ db.commit()