;;; ./bootstrap.sh
;;; ./configure --with-python3 --without-virtualenv
;;; make
-;;; python3 -m venv . && bin/python setup.py develop --no-deps
+;;; python3 -m venv --system-site-packages . && bin/python setup.py develop --no-deps
;;; ... wait whaaat, what's that last line! I thought you said this
;;; was a reasonable virtualenv replacement! Well it is and it will
;;; The devtools/update_extlib.sh script won't run on Guix due to missing
;;; "/usr/bin/env", so then run:
-;; node node_modules/.bin/bower install
+;;; node node_modules/.bin/bower install
+;;; ./devtools/update_extlib.sh
;;; bin/gmg dbupdate
;;; bin/gmg adduser --username admin --password a --email admin@example.com
;;; ./lazyserver.sh