# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{% extends "mediagoblin/base.html" %}
+{% import "/mediagoblin/utils/wtforms.html" as wtforms_util %}
{% block mediagoblin_content %}
{# temporarily, an "image gallery" that isn't one really ;) #}
{% if media %}
- <h1>
- {{media.title}}
- </h1>
- <img class="media_image" src="{{ request.app.public_store.file_url(
- media.media_files.main) }}" />
- <p>
- Uploaded on
- {{ "%4d-%02d-%02d"|format(media.created.year,
- media.created.month, media.created.day) }}
- by
- <a href="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.user_home',
- user= media.uploader().username) }}">
- {{- media.uploader().username }}</a>
- </p>
- {% autoescape False %}
- <p>{{ media.description_html }}</p>
- {% endautoescape %}
- {% if media['uploader'] == request.user['_id'] %}
- <p><a href="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.edit.edit_media',
- user= media.uploader().username,
- media= media._id) }}">Edit</a></p>
- {% endif %}
- {% if request.user %}
- <form action="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.media_post_comment',
- user= media.uploader().username,
- media=media._id) }}" method="POST">
- <h3>Post a comment!</h3>
- {{ wtforms_util.render_field_div(comment_form.comment) }}
- <div class="form_submit_buttons">
- <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="button" />
- </div>
- </form>
- {% endif %}
- {#
- {{ wtforms_util.render_textarea_div(submit_form.description) }}
- {{ wtforms_util.render_field_div(submit_form.file) }}
- #}
- {% if comments %}
- <h3>Comments</h3>
- {% for comment in comments %}
- <div class="comment_wrapper" id="comment-{{ comment['_id'] }}">
- <div class="comment_author">By:
- <a href="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.user_home',
- user = comment['author']['username']) }}">
- {{ comment['author']['username'] }}
- </a>
- </div>
- <div class="comment_datetime">
- <a href="#comment-{{ comment['_id'] }}">
- {{ "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d"|format(comment.created.year,
- comment.created.month,
- comment.created.day,
- comment.created.hour,
- comment.created.minute) }}
- </a>
- </div>
- <div class="comment_content">
- {% autoescape False %}
- {{ comment.content_html }}
- {% endautoescape %}
- </div>
- </div>
- {% endfor %}
- {% include "mediagoblin/utils/pagination.html" %}
+ <div class="grid_8 alpha media_image">
- <img src="{{ request.app.public_store.file_url(
- media.media_files.main) }}" />
- <h2>
++ <h1>
+ {{media.title}}
- </h2>
++ </h1>
++ <img class="media_image" src="{{ request.app.public_store.file_url(
++ media.media_files.main) }}" />
+ <p>
+ Uploaded on
+ {{ "%4d-%02d-%02d"|format(media.created.year,
+ media.created.month, media.created.day) }}
+ by
+ <a href="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.user_home',
+ user= media.uploader().username) }}">
+ {{- media.uploader().username }}</a>
- </p>
++ </p>
+ {% autoescape False %}
+ <p>{{ media.description_html }}</p>
+ {% endautoescape %}
+ {% if media['uploader'] == request.user['_id'] %}
+ <p><a href="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.edit.edit_media',
+ user= media.uploader().username,
+ media= media._id) }}">Edit</a></p>
+ {% endif %}
- </div>
++ {% if request.user %}
++ <form action="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.media_post_comment',
++ user= media.uploader().username,
++ media=media._id) }}" method="POST">
++ <h3>Post a comment!</h3>
++ {{ wtforms_util.render_field_div(comment_form.comment) }}
++ <div class="form_submit_buttons">
++ <input type="submit" value="Submit" class="button" />
++ </div>
++ </form>
++ {% endif %}
++ {#
++ {{ wtforms_util.render_textarea_div(submit_form.description) }}
++ {{ wtforms_util.render_field_div(submit_form.file) }}
++ #}
++ {% if comments %}
++ <h3>Comments</h3>
++ {% for comment in comments %}
++ <div class="comment_wrapper" id="comment-{{ comment['_id'] }}">
++ <div class="comment_author">By:
++ <a href="{{ request.urlgen('mediagoblin.user_pages.user_home',
++ user = comment['author']['username']) }}">
++ {{ comment['author']['username'] }}
++ </a>
++ </div>
++ <div class="comment_datetime">
++ <a href="#comment-{{ comment['_id'] }}">
++ {{ "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d"|format(comment.created.year,
++ comment.created.month,
++ comment.created.day,
++ comment.created.hour,
++ comment.created.minute) }}
++ </a>
++ </div>
++ <div class="comment_content">
++ {% autoescape False %}
++ {{ comment.content_html }}
++ {% endautoescape %}
++ </div>
++ </div>
++ {% endfor %}
++ {% include "mediagoblin/utils/pagination.html" %}
++ </div>
+ {% endif %}
+ <div class="grid_4 omega media_sidebar">
+ <p>This is a sidebar! Yay!</p>
+ </div>
{% else %}
<p>Sorry, no such media found.<p/>
{% endif %}