# new tables. While creating the tables from scratch had
# the constraint enabled.
-# So we have three situations that should end up at the same
+# So we have four situations that should end up at the same
# db layout:
# 1. Fresh install.
# And this migration is just skipped silently.
# 4. old install, always on latest git.
# This one has the tables, but lacks the constraint.
-# So this mitration adds the constraint.
+# So this migration adds the constraint.
@RegisterMigration(7, MIGRATIONS)
def fix_CollectionItem_v0_constraint(db_conn):
"""Add the forgotten Constraint on CollectionItem"""
global collectionitem_unique_constraint_done
if collectionitem_unique_constraint_done:
- print "Okay, already done, short circuit"
# Reset it. Maybe the whole thing gets run again
# For a different db?
collectionitem_unique_constraint_done = False