# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from nose.tools import assert_equal
from mediagoblin import mg_globals
-from mediagoblin.tests.tools import setup_fresh_app, fixture_add_user
+from mediagoblin.db.models import User
+from mediagoblin.tests.tools import get_test_app, fixture_add_user
from mediagoblin.tools import template
from mediagoblin.auth.lib import bcrypt_check_password
-def test_change_password(test_app):
- """Test changing password correctly and incorrectly"""
- # set up new user
- test_user = fixture_add_user()
- test_app.post(
- '/auth/login/', {
- 'username': u'chris',
- 'password': 'toast'})
- # test that the password can be changed
- # template.clear_test_template_context()
- test_app.post(
- '/edit/account/', {
- 'old_password': 'toast',
- 'new_password': '123456',
- 'wants_comment_notification': 'y'
- })
- # test_user has to be fetched again in order to have the current values
- test_user = mg_globals.database.User.one({'username': u'chris'})
- assert bcrypt_check_password('123456', test_user.pw_hash)
- # test that the password cannot be changed if the given old_password
- # is wrong
- # template.clear_test_template_context()
- test_app.post(
- '/edit/account/', {
- 'old_password': 'toast',
- 'new_password': '098765',
- })
- test_user = mg_globals.database.User.one({'username': u'chris'})
- assert not bcrypt_check_password('098765', test_user.pw_hash)
-def change_bio_url(test_app):
- """Test changing bio and URL"""
- # set up new user
- test_user = fixture_add_user()
- # test changing the bio and the URL properly
- test_app.post(
- '/edit/profile/', {
- 'bio': u'I love toast!',
- 'url': u'http://dustycloud.org/'})
- test_user = mg_globals.database.User.one({'username': u'chris'})
- assert test_user.bio == u'I love toast!'
- assert test_user.url == u'http://dustycloud.org/'
- # test changing the bio and the URL inproperly
- too_long_bio = 150 * 'T' + 150 * 'o' + 150 * 'a' + 150 * 's' + 150* 't'
- test_app.post(
- '/edit/profile/', {
- # more than 500 characters
- 'bio': too_long_bio,
- 'url': 'this-is-no-url'})
- test_user = mg_globals.database.User.one({'username': u'chris'})
- context = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/edit/edit_profile.html']
- form = context['edit_profile_form']
- assert form.bio.errors == [u'Field must be between 0 and 500 characters long.']
- assert form.url.errors == [u'Improperly formed URL']
- # test changing the url inproperly
+class TestUserEdit(object):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.app = get_test_app(dump_old_app=False)
+ # set up new user
+ self.user_password = u'toast'
+ self.user = fixture_add_user(password = self.user_password)
+ self.login()
+ def login(self):
+ self.app.post(
+ '/auth/login/', {
+ 'username': self.user.username,
+ 'password': self.user_password})
+ def test_change_password(self):
+ """Test changing password correctly and incorrectly"""
+ # test that the password can be changed
+ # template.clear_test_template_context()
+ res = self.app.post(
+ '/edit/account/', {
+ 'old_password': 'toast',
+ 'new_password': '123456',
+ 'wants_comment_notification': 'y'
+ })
+ # Check for redirect on success
+ assert_equal(res.status_int, 302)
+ # test_user has to be fetched again in order to have the current values
+ test_user = User.query.filter_by(username=u'chris').first()
+ assert bcrypt_check_password('123456', test_user.pw_hash)
+ # Update current user passwd
+ self.user_password = '123456'
+ # test that the password cannot be changed if the given
+ # old_password is wrong template.clear_test_template_context()
+ self.app.post(
+ '/edit/account/', {
+ 'old_password': 'toast',
+ 'new_password': '098765',
+ })
+ test_user = User.query.filter_by(username=u'chris').first()
+ assert not bcrypt_check_password('098765', test_user.pw_hash)
+ def test_change_bio_url(self):
+ """Test changing bio and URL"""
+ # Test if legacy profile editing URL redirects correctly
+ res = self.app.post(
+ '/edit/profile/', {
+ 'bio': u'I love toast!',
+ 'url': u'http://dustycloud.org/'}, expect_errors=True)
+ # Should redirect to /u/chris/edit/
+ assert_equal (res.status_int, 302)
+ assert res.headers['Location'].endswith("/u/chris/edit/")
+ res = self.app.post(
+ '/u/chris/edit/', {
+ 'bio': u'I love toast!',
+ 'url': u'http://dustycloud.org/'})
+ test_user = User.query.filter_by(username=u'chris').first()
+ assert_equal(test_user.bio, u'I love toast!')
+ assert_equal(test_user.url, u'http://dustycloud.org/')
+ # change a different user than the logged in (should fail with 403)
+ fixture_add_user(username=u"foo")
+ res = self.app.post(
+ '/u/foo/edit/', {
+ 'bio': u'I love toast!',
+ 'url': u'http://dustycloud.org/'}, expect_errors=True)
+ assert_equal(res.status_int, 403)
+ # test changing the bio and the URL inproperly
+ too_long_bio = 150 * 'T' + 150 * 'o' + 150 * 'a' + 150 * 's' + 150* 't'
+ self.app.post(
+ '/u/chris/edit/', {
+ # more than 500 characters
+ 'bio': too_long_bio,
+ 'url': 'this-is-no-url'})
+ # Check form errors
+ context = template.TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT['mediagoblin/edit/edit_profile.html']
+ form = context['form']
+ assert_equal(form.bio.errors, [u'Field must be between 0 and 500 characters long.'])
+ assert_equal(form.url.errors, [u'This address contains errors'])
+# test changing the url inproperly