- [Linking containers for a multiple container setup](https://meta.discourse.org/t/linking-containers-for-a-multiple-container-setup/20867)
- [Replace rubygems.org with taobao mirror to resolve network error in China](https://meta.discourse.org/t/replace-rubygems-org-with-taobao-mirror-to-resolve-network-error-in-china/21988/1)
+### Developing with Vagrant
+If you are looking to make modifications to this repository, you can easily test
+out your changes before committing, using the magic of
+[Vagrant](http://vagrantup.com). Install Vagrant as per [the default
+instructions](http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/installation/index.html), and
+then run:
+ vagrant up
+This will spawn a new Ubuntu VM, install Docker, and then await your
+instructions. You can then SSH into the VM with `vagrant ssh`, become
+`root` with `sudo -i`, and then you're right to go. Your live git repo is
+already available at `/var/discourse`, so you can just `cd /var/discourse`
+and then start running `launcher`.