# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from mediagoblin.db.models import MediaEntry
+from mediagoblin.gmg_commands import util as commands_util
+from mediagoblin.tools.translate import lazy_pass_to_ugettext as _
def reprocess_parser_setup(subparser):
help="The media_entry id(s) you wish to reprocess.")
-def reprocess(args):
+class MismatchingMediaTypes(Exception):
+ """
+ Error that should be raised if the media_types are not the same
+ """
+def _set_media_type(args):
+ if len(args[0].media_id) == 1:
+ media_type = MediaEntry.query.filter_by(id=args[0].media_id[0])\
+ .first().media_type.split('.')[-1]
+ if not args[0].type:
+ args[0].type = media_type
+ elif args[0].type != media_type:
+ raise MismatchingMediaTypes(_('The type that you set does not'
+ ' match the type of the given'
+ ' media_id.'))
+ elif len(args[0].media_id) > 1:
+ media_types = []
+ for id in args[0].media_id:
+ media_types.append(MediaEntry.query.filter_by(id=id).first()\
+ .media_type.split('.')[-1])
+ for type in media_types:
+ if media_types[0] != type:
+ raise MismatchingMediaTypes((u'You cannot reprocess different'
+ ' media_types at the same time.'))
+ if not args[0].type:
+ args[0].type = media_types[0]
+ elif args[0].type != media_types[0]:
+ raise MismatchingMediaTypes(_('The type that you set does not'
+ ' match the type of the given'
+ ' media_ids.'))
+ elif not args[0].type:
+ raise MismatchingMediaTypes(_('You must provide either a media_id or'
+ ' set the --type flag'))
+def reprocess(args):
+ commands_util.setup_app(args[0])
+ _set_media_type(args)