{'fp_token_expire': {'$exists': False}},
{'$set': {'fp_token_expire': None}},
+def media_type_image_to_multimedia_type_image(database):
+ database['media_entries'].update(
+ {'media_type': 'image'},
+ {'$set': {'media_type': 'mediagoblin.media_types.image'}},
+ multi=True)
import os
import sys
+from mediagoblin.media_types import get_media_types
MANDATORY_CELERY_IMPORTS = ['mediagoblin.process_media']
+MANDATORY_CELERY_IMPORTS = [i for i in get_media_types()]
DEFAULT_SETTINGS_MODULE = 'mediagoblin.init.celery.dummy_settings_module'
--- /dev/null
+# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting
+# Copyright (C) 2011 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import os
+import sys
+class FileTypeNotSupported(Exception):
+ pass
+class InvalidFileType(Exception):
+ pass
+ 'mediagoblin.media_types.image',
+ 'mediagoblin.media_types.video']
+def get_media_types():
+ for media_type in MEDIA_TYPES:
+ yield media_type
+def get_media_managers():
+ for media_type in get_media_types():
+ '''
+ __import__ returns the lowest-level module. If the plugin is located
+ outside the conventional plugin module tree, it will not be loaded
+ properly because of the [...]ugin.media_types.
+ We need this if we want to support a separate site-specific plugin
+ folder.
+ '''
+ try:
+ __import__(media_type)
+ except ImportError as e:
+ raise Exception('ERROR: Could not import {0}: {1}'.format(media_type, e))
+ yield media_type, sys.modules[media_type].MEDIA_MANAGER
+def get_media_manager(_media_type = None):
+ for media_type, manager in get_media_managers():
+ if media_type in _media_type:
+ return manager
+def get_media_type_and_manager(filename):
+ for media_type, manager in get_media_managers():
+ if filename.find('.') > 0:
+ ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()
+ else:
+ raise InvalidFileType(
+ 'Could not find any file extension in "{0}"'.format(
+ filename))
+ if ext[1:] in manager['accepted_extensions']:
+ return media_type, manager
--- /dev/null
+# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting
+# Copyright (C) 2011 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from mediagoblin.media_types.image.processing import process_media
+ "human_readable": "Image",
+ "processor": process_media, # alternately a string,
+ # 'mediagoblin.media_types.image.processing'?
+ "display_template": "mediagoblin/media_displays/image.html",
+ "default_thumb": "images/media_thumbs/image.jpg",
+ "accepted_extensions": ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "tiff"],
+ "accepted_mimetypes": [
+ "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif", "image/tiff"]}
--- /dev/null
+# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting
+# Copyright (C) 2011 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import Image
+from celery.task import Task
+from celery import registry
+from mediagoblin.db.util import ObjectId
+from mediagoblin import mg_globals as mgg
+from mediagoblin.util import lazy_pass_to_ugettext as _
+THUMB_SIZE = 180, 180
+MEDIUM_SIZE = 640, 640
+def create_pub_filepath(entry, filename):
+ return mgg.public_store.get_unique_filepath(
+ ['media_entries',
+ unicode(entry['_id']),
+ filename])
+class BaseProcessingFail(Exception):
+ """
+ Base exception that all other processing failure messages should
+ subclass from.
+ You shouldn't call this itself; instead you should subclass it
+ and provid the exception_path and general_message applicable to
+ this error.
+ """
+ general_message = u''
+ @property
+ def exception_path(self):
+ return u"%s:%s" % (
+ self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)
+ def __init__(self, **metadata):
+ self.metadata = metadata or {}
+class BadMediaFail(BaseProcessingFail):
+ """
+ Error that should be raised when an inappropriate file was given
+ for the media type specified.
+ """
+ general_message = _(u'Invalid file given for media type.')
+# Media processing initial steps
+class ProcessMedia(Task):
+ """
+ Pass this entry off for processing.
+ """
+ def run(self, media_id):
+ """
+ Pass the media entry off to the appropriate processing function
+ (for now just process_image...)
+ """
+ entry = mgg.database.MediaEntry.one(
+ {'_id': ObjectId(media_id)})
+ # Try to process, and handle expected errors.
+ try:
+ process_image(entry)
+ except BaseProcessingFail, exc:
+ mark_entry_failed(entry[u'_id'], exc)
+ return
+ entry['state'] = u'processed'
+ entry.save()
+ def on_failure(self, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
+ """
+ If the processing failed we should mark that in the database.
+ Assuming that the exception raised is a subclass of BaseProcessingFail,
+ we can use that to get more information about the failure and store that
+ for conveying information to users about the failure, etc.
+ """
+ entry_id = args[0]
+ mark_entry_failed(entry_id, exc)
+process_media = registry.tasks[ProcessMedia.name]
+def mark_entry_failed(entry_id, exc):
+ """
+ Mark a media entry as having failed in its conversion.
+ Uses the exception that was raised to mark more information. If the
+ exception is a derivative of BaseProcessingFail then we can store extra
+ information that can be useful for users telling them why their media failed
+ to process.
+ Args:
+ - entry_id: The id of the media entry
+ """
+ # Was this a BaseProcessingFail? In other words, was this a
+ # type of error that we know how to handle?
+ if isinstance(exc, BaseProcessingFail):
+ # Looks like yes, so record information about that failure and any
+ # metadata the user might have supplied.
+ mgg.database['media_entries'].update(
+ {'_id': entry_id},
+ {'$set': {u'state': u'failed',
+ u'fail_error': exc.exception_path,
+ u'fail_metadata': exc.metadata}})
+ else:
+ # Looks like no, so just mark it as failed and don't record a
+ # failure_error (we'll assume it wasn't handled) and don't record
+ # metadata (in fact overwrite it if somehow it had previous info
+ # here)
+ mgg.database['media_entries'].update(
+ {'_id': entry_id},
+ {'$set': {u'state': u'failed',
+ u'fail_error': None,
+ u'fail_metadata': {}}})
+def process_image(entry):
+ """
+ Code to process an image
+ """
+ workbench = mgg.workbench_manager.create_workbench()
+ queued_filepath = entry['queued_media_file']
+ queued_filename = workbench.localized_file(
+ mgg.queue_store, queued_filepath,
+ 'source')
+ try:
+ thumb = Image.open(queued_filename)
+ except IOError:
+ raise BadMediaFail()
+ thumb.thumbnail(THUMB_SIZE, Image.ANTIALIAS)
+ # ensure color mode is compatible with jpg
+ if thumb.mode != "RGB":
+ thumb = thumb.convert("RGB")
+ thumb_filepath = create_pub_filepath(entry, 'thumbnail.jpg')
+ thumb_file = mgg.public_store.get_file(thumb_filepath, 'w')
+ with thumb_file:
+ thumb.save(thumb_file, "JPEG", quality=90)
+ # If the size of the original file exceeds the specified size of a `medium`
+ # file, a `medium.jpg` files is created and later associated with the media
+ # entry.
+ medium = Image.open(queued_filename)
+ medium_processed = False
+ if medium.size[0] > MEDIUM_SIZE[0] or medium.size[1] > MEDIUM_SIZE[1]:
+ medium.thumbnail(MEDIUM_SIZE, Image.ANTIALIAS)
+ if medium.mode != "RGB":
+ medium = medium.convert("RGB")
+ medium_filepath = create_pub_filepath(entry, 'medium.jpg')
+ medium_file = mgg.public_store.get_file(medium_filepath, 'w')
+ with medium_file:
+ medium.save(medium_file, "JPEG", quality=90)
+ medium_processed = True
+ # we have to re-read because unlike PIL, not everything reads
+ # things in string representation :)
+ queued_file = file(queued_filename, 'rb')
+ with queued_file:
+ original_filepath = create_pub_filepath(entry, queued_filepath[-1])
+ with mgg.public_store.get_file(original_filepath, 'wb') as original_file:
+ original_file.write(queued_file.read())
+ mgg.queue_store.delete_file(queued_filepath)
+ entry['queued_media_file'] = []
+ media_files_dict = entry.setdefault('media_files', {})
+ media_files_dict['thumb'] = thumb_filepath
+ media_files_dict['original'] = original_filepath
+ if medium_processed:
+ media_files_dict['medium'] = medium_filepath
+ # clean up workbench
+ workbench.destroy_self()
--- /dev/null
+# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting
+# Copyright (C) 2011 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from mediagoblin.media_types.video.processing import process_media
+ "human_readable": "Video",
+ "processor": process_media, # alternately a string,
+ # 'mediagoblin.media_types.image.processing'?
+ "display_template": "mediagoblin/media_displays/video.html",
+ "default_thumb": "images/media_thumbs/video.jpg",
+ "accepted_extensions": ["mp4", "mov", "webm", "avi", "3gp", "3gpp"]}
--- /dev/null
+# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting
+# Copyright (C) 2011 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import Image
+import tempfile
+from celery.task import Task
+from celery import registry
+from mediagoblin.db.util import ObjectId
+from mediagoblin import mg_globals as mgg
+from mediagoblin.util import lazy_pass_to_ugettext as _
+import gobject
+import gst
+import arista
+from arista.transcoder import TranscoderOptions
+THUMB_SIZE = 180, 180
+MEDIUM_SIZE = 640, 640
+loop = None
+def process_video(entry):
+ """
+ Code to process a video
+ """
+ info = {}
+ workbench = mgg.workbench_manager.create_workbench()
+ queued_filepath = entry['queued_media_file']
+ queued_filename = workbench.localized_file(
+ mgg.queue_store, queued_filepath,
+ 'source')
+ arista.init()
+ devices = arista.presets.get()
+ device = devices[ARISTA_DEVICE_KEY]
+ queue = arista.queue.TranscodeQueue()
+ info['tmp_file'] = tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ info['medium_filepath'] = medium_filepath = create_pub_filepath(entry, 'video.webm')
+ output = tmp_file.name
+ uri = 'file://' + queued_filename
+ preset = device.presets[device.default]
+ opts = TranscoderOptions(uri, preset, output)
+ queue.append(opts)
+ info['entry'] = entry
+ queue.connect("entry-start", entry_start, info)
+# queue.connect("entry-pass-setup", entry_pass_setup, options)
+ queue.connect("entry-error", entry_error, info)
+ queue.connect("entry-complete", entry_complete, info)
+ info['loop'] = loop = gobject.MainLoop()
+ loop.run()
+ # we have to re-read because unlike PIL, not everything reads
+ # things in string representation :)
+ queued_file = file(queued_filename, 'rb')
+ with queued_file:
+ original_filepath = create_pub_filepath(entry, queued_filepath[-1])
+ with mgg.public_store.get_file(original_filepath, 'wb') as original_file:
+ original_file.write(queued_file.read())
+ mgg.queue_store.delete_file(queued_filepath)
+ entry['queued_media_file'] = []
+ media_files_dict = entry.setdefault('media_files', {})
+ media_files_dict['original'] = original_filepath
+ # clean up workbench
+ workbench.destroy_self()
+def create_pub_filepath(entry, filename):
+ return mgg.public_store.get_unique_filepath(
+ ['media_entries',
+ unicode(entry['_id']),
+ filename])
+class BaseProcessingFail(Exception):
+ """
+ Base exception that all other processing failure messages should
+ subclass from.
+ You shouldn't call this itself; instead you should subclass it
+ and provid the exception_path and general_message applicable to
+ this error.
+ """
+ general_message = u''
+ @property
+ def exception_path(self):
+ return u"%s:%s" % (
+ self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)
+ def __init__(self, **metadata):
+ self.metadata = metadata or {}
+class BadMediaFail(BaseProcessingFail):
+ """
+ Error that should be raised when an inappropriate file was given
+ for the media type specified.
+ """
+ general_message = _(u'Invalid file given for media type.')
+# Media processing initial steps
+class ProcessMedia(Task):
+ """
+ Pass this entry off for processing.
+ """
+ def run(self, media_id):
+ """
+ Pass the media entry off to the appropriate processing function
+ (for now just process_image...)
+ """
+ entry = mgg.database.MediaEntry.one(
+ {'_id': ObjectId(media_id)})
+ # Try to process, and handle expected errors.
+ try:
+ process_video(entry)
+ except BaseProcessingFail, exc:
+ mark_entry_failed(entry[u'_id'], exc)
+ return
+ entry['state'] = u'processed'
+ entry.save()
+ def on_failure(self, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
+ """
+ If the processing failed we should mark that in the database.
+ Assuming that the exception raised is a subclass of BaseProcessingFail,
+ we can use that to get more information about the failure and store that
+ for conveying information to users about the failure, etc.
+ """
+ entry_id = args[0]
+ mark_entry_failed(entry_id, exc)
+process_media = registry.tasks[ProcessMedia.name]
+def mark_entry_failed(entry_id, exc):
+ """
+ Mark a media entry as having failed in its conversion.
+ Uses the exception that was raised to mark more information. If the
+ exception is a derivative of BaseProcessingFail then we can store extra
+ information that can be useful for users telling them why their media failed
+ to process.
+ Args:
+ - entry_id: The id of the media entry
+ """
+ # Was this a BaseProcessingFail? In other words, was this a
+ # type of error that we know how to handle?
+ if isinstance(exc, BaseProcessingFail):
+ # Looks like yes, so record information about that failure and any
+ # metadata the user might have supplied.
+ mgg.database['media_entries'].update(
+ {'_id': entry_id},
+ {'$set': {u'state': u'failed',
+ u'fail_error': exc.exception_path,
+ u'fail_metadata': exc.metadata}})
+ else:
+ # Looks like no, so just mark it as failed and don't record a
+ # failure_error (we'll assume it wasn't handled) and don't record
+ # metadata (in fact overwrite it if somehow it had previous info
+ # here)
+ mgg.database['media_entries'].update(
+ {'_id': entry_id},
+ {'$set': {u'state': u'failed',
+ u'fail_error': None,
+ u'fail_metadata': {}}})
+def entry_start(queue, entry, options):
+ print(queue, entry, options)
+def entry_complete(queue, entry, info):
+ entry.transcoder.stop()
+ gobject.idle_add(info['loop'].quit)
+ with info['tmp_file'] as tmp_file:
+ mgg.public_store.get_file(info['medium_filepath'], 'wb').write(
+ tmp_file.read())
+ info['entry']['media_files']['medium'] = info['medium_filepath']
+ print('\n=== DONE! ===\n')
+ print(queue, entry, info)
+def entry_error(queue, entry, options):
+ print(queue, entry, options)
+def signal_handler(signum, frame):
+ """
+ Handle Ctr-C gracefully and shut down the transcoder.
+ """
+ global interrupted
+ print
+ print _("Interrupt caught. Cleaning up... (Ctrl-C to force exit)")
+ interrupted = True
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
+def check_interrupted():
+ """
+ Check whether we have been interrupted by Ctrl-C and stop the
+ transcoder.
+ """
+ if interrupted:
+ try:
+ source = transcoder.pipe.get_by_name("source")
+ source.send_event(gst.event_new_eos())
+ except:
+ # Something pretty bad happened... just exit!
+ gobject.idle_add(loop.quit)
+ return False
+ return True
def delete_file(self, filepath):
# TODO: Also delete unused directories if empty (safely, with
# checks to avoid race conditions).
- self.container.delete_object(
- self._resolve_filepath(filepath))
+ try:
+ self.container.delete_object(
+ self._resolve_filepath(filepath))
+ except cloudfiles.container.ResponseError:
+ pass
+ finally:
+ pass
def file_url(self, filepath):
return '/'.join([
from mediagoblin.util import pass_to_ugettext as _
from mediagoblin.decorators import require_active_login
from mediagoblin.submit import forms as submit_forms, security
-from mediagoblin.process_media import process_media, mark_entry_failed
+from mediagoblin.process_media import mark_entry_failed
from mediagoblin.messages import add_message, SUCCESS
+from mediagoblin.media_types import get_media_type_and_manager
and request.POST['file'].file):
_(u'You must provide a file.'))
- elif not security.check_filetype(request.POST['file']):
- submit_form.file.errors.append(
- _(u"The file doesn't seem to be an image!"))
filename = request.POST['file'].filename
+ media_type, media_manager = get_media_type_and_manager(filename)
# create entry and save in database
entry = request.db.MediaEntry()
entry['_id'] = ObjectId()
+ entry['media_type'] = unicode(media_type)
entry['title'] = (
or unicode(splitext(filename)[0]))
entry['description_html'] = cleaned_markdown_conversion(
- entry['media_type'] = u'image' # heh
entry['uploader'] = request.user['_id']
# Process the user's folksonomy "tags"
# Generate a slug from the title
# Now store generate the queueing related filename
queue_filepath = request.app.queue_store.get_unique_filepath(
# (... don't change entry after this point to avoid race
# conditions with changes to the document via processing code)
- process_media.apply_async(
+ media_manager['processor'].apply_async(
[unicode(entry['_id'])], {},
except BaseException as exc:
--- /dev/null
+{% extends 'mediagoblin/user_pages/media.html' %}
--- /dev/null
+{% extends 'mediagoblin/user_pages/media.html' %}
+{% block mediagoblin_media %}
+ <video width="640" height="" controls>
+ <source src="{{ request.app.public_store.file_url(
+ media['media_files']['medium']) }}"
+ type='video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"' />
+ </video>
+{% endblock %}
{% if media %}
<div class="grid_11 alpha">
<div class="media_image_container">
- {% set display_media = request.app.public_store.file_url(
- media.get_display_media(media.media_files)) %}
- {# if there's a medium file size, that means the medium size
- # isn't the original... so link to the original!
- #}
- {% if media['media_files'].has_key('medium') %}
- <a href="{{ request.app.public_store.file_url(
- media['media_files']['original']) }}">
+ {% block mediagoblin_media %}
+ {% set display_media = request.app.public_store.file_url(
+ media.get_display_media(media.media_files)) %}
+ {# if there's a medium file size, that means the medium size
+ # isn't the original... so link to the original!
+ #}
+ {% if media['media_files'].has_key('medium') %}
+ <a href="{{ request.app.public_store.file_url(
+ media['media_files']['original']) }}">
+ <img class="media_image"
+ src="{{ display_media }}"
+ alt="Image for {{ media.title }}" />
+ </a>
+ {% else %}
<img class="media_image"
src="{{ display_media }}"
alt="Image for {{ media.title }}" />
- </a>
- {% else %}
- <img class="media_image"
- src="{{ display_media }}"
- alt="Image for {{ media.title }}" />
- {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endblock %}
<h2 class="media_title">
from werkzeug.contrib.atom import AtomFeed
+from mediagoblin.media_types import get_media_manager
def user_home(request, page):
comment_form = user_forms.MediaCommentForm(request.POST)
+ media_template_name = get_media_manager(media['media_type'])['display_template']
return render_to_response(
- 'mediagoblin/user_pages/media.html',
+ media_template_name,
{'media': media,
'comments': comments,
'pagination': pagination,