This does Very Good Things for IPv6 addresses (at least on versions of
Docker that aren't [buggy](
You get an IPv6 address which doesn't change on each reboot, and at the same
time you don't get different containers having the same IPv6 address at
different times. Wins all round!
# docker added more hostname rules
+ mac_address="--mac-address $(echo $hostname | md5sum | sed 's/^\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\).*$/02:\1:\2:\3:\4:\5/')"
set -x
$docker_path run $user_args $links $attach_on_run $restart_policy "${env[@]}" -h "$hostname" \
- -e DOCKER_HOST_IP=$docker_ip --name $config -t $ports $volumes $docker_args $run_image $boot_command
+ -e DOCKER_HOST_IP=$docker_ip --name $config -t $ports $volumes $mac_address $docker_args \
+ $run_image $boot_command
exit 0