Look in your system's ``/etc/init.d/`` or ``/etc/rc.d/`` directory for
examples of how to build scripts that will start, stop, and restart
MediaGoblin and Celery. These scripts will vary by
-distribution/operating system. In the future, MediaGoblin will provide
-example scripts as examples.
+distribution/operating system.
+These are scripts provided by the MediaGoblin community:
+ * `GNU MediaGoblin init scripts
+ <https://github.com/jwandborg/mediagoblin-init-scripts>`_
+ by `Joar Wandborg <http://wandborg.se>`_
+Arch Linux
+ * `MediaGoblin - ArchLinux rc.d scripts
+ <http://whird.jpope.org/2012/04/14/mediagoblin-archlinux-rcd-scripts>`_
+ by `Jeremy Pope <http://jpope.org/>`_
+ * `Mediagoblin init script on Archlinux
+ <http://chimo.chromic.org/2012/03/01/mediagoblin-init-script-on-archlinux/>`_
+ by `Chimo <http://chimo.chromic.org/>`_
.. TODO insert init script here
.. TODO are additional concerns ?