Variable $@ cannot be used to get arguments for launcher rerun, because the usage of the shift (line 44) command has removed all entries from $@. Instead $BASH_ARGV can be used, but $BASH_ARGV contains arguments in reversed order.
elif [ $LOCAL = $BASE ]; then
echo "Updating Launcher"
git pull || (echo 'failed to update' && exit 1)
- exec /bin/bash $0 $@
+ for (( i=${#BASH_ARGV[@]}-1,j=0; i>=0,j<${#BASH_ARGV[@]}; i--,j++ ))
+ do
+ args[$j]=${BASH_ARGV[$i]}
+ done
+ exec /bin/bash $0 "${args[@]}" # $@ is empty, because of shift at the beginning. Use BASH_ARGV instead.
elif [ $REMOTE = $BASE ]; then
echo "Your version of Launcher is ahead of origin"