-## Does the current IP match the domain name?
+## Check whether a connection to HOSTNAME ($1) on PORT ($2) is possible
-check_IP_match () {
- echo
- echo Checking your domain name . . .
- sleep 1
- local IFACE=none
- local IFCONFIG=`which ifconfig`
- /sbin/route |grep default > /tmp/route$PPID
- if grep default /tmp/route$PPID > /dev/null
+connect_to_port () {
+ HOST="$1"
+ PORT="$2"
+ VERIFY=`date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 20`
+ echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n $VERIFY" | nc -w 4 -l -p $PORT >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+ if curl --proto =http -s $HOST:$PORT --connect-timeout 3 | grep $VERIFY >/dev/null 2>&1
- local IFACE=`cut -c 73-100 /tmp/route$PPID |head -1`
+ return 0
- echo WARNING: Cannot check your IP number.
+ curl --proto =http -s localhost:$PORT >/dev/null 2>&1
+ return 1
- local IP=`$IFCONFIG $IFACE|grep "inet addr:" |cut -d":" -f 2|cut -d" " -f1|head -1`
- local RESOLVED_IP=`dig +short $1`
- if [[ ! -z $RESOLVED_IP ]]
- then
- if [ "$IP" == "$RESOLVED_IP" ]
- then
- echo $1 resolves to $IP. Looks good!
- echo
- local IP_LOOKS_GOOD=1
- fi
- fi
- if [ $IP_LOOKS_GOOD == 0 ]
+check_IP_match () {
+ HOST="$1"
+ echo
+ echo Checking your domain name . . .
+ if connect_to_port $HOST 443
- echo "-----------------------------------------"
- echo WARNING:: $1 does not appear to resolve to $IP.
- echo ""
- echo LET\'S ENCRYPT cannot work if their servers cannot access your host by name.
- echo Unless you think you know why this naive check failed, DO NOT USE Let\'s Encrypt.
- echo "(A typical reason for failure is an AWS server with an elastic IP.)"
- echo You should probably answer \"n\" at the next prompt and disable Let\'s Encrypt.
- echo "-----------------------------------------"
+ echo "Connection to $HOST succeeded."
+ else
+ echo WARNING:: This server does not appear to be accessible at $HOST:443.
+ echo
+ if connect_to_port $HOST 80
+ then
+ echo A connection to port 80 succeeds, however.
+ echo This suggests that your DNS settings are correct,
+ echo but something is keeping traffic to port 443 from getting to your server.
+ echo Check your networking configuration to see that connections to port 443 are allowed.
+ else
+ echo "A connection to http://$HOST (port 80) also fails."
+ echo
+ echo This suggests that $HOST resolves to the wrong IP address
+ echo or that traffic is not being routed to your server.
+ fi
+ echo
+ echo Google: \"open ports YOUR CLOUD SERVICE\" for information for resolving this problem.
+ echo
+ echo You should probably answer \"n\" at the next prompt and disable Let\'s Encrypt.
+ echo
+ echo This test might not work for all situations,
+ echo so if you can access Discourse at http://$HOST, you might try anyway.
+ sleep 3
- sleep 1
if [ "$avail_mem" -le 2 ]; then
total_swap=`free -g --si | awk ' /Swap:/ {print $2} '`
if [ "$total_swap" -lt 2 ]; then
echo "WARNING: Discourse requires at least 2GB of swap when running with 2GB of RAM"
echo "or less. This system does not appear to have sufficient swap space."
echo "Without sufficient swap space, your site may not work properly, and future"
echo "upgrades of Discourse may not complete successfully."
- read -p "ENTER to create a 2GB swapfile now, or Ctrl+C to exit"
+ echo "Ctrl+C to exit or wait 5 seconds to have a 2GB swapfile created."
+ sleep 5
## derived from
rm $changelog
+ echo $config_file memory parameters updated.
echo -e "\nConfiguration file at $config_file updated successfully!\n"
echo -e "\nUnfortunately, there was an error changing $config_file\n"
+ echo -d "This may happen if you have made unexpected changes."
exit 1
## make a copy of the simple standalone config file
if [ -a $config_file ]
- echo "The configuration file $config_file already exists!"
+ echo "The configuration file $config_file already exists."
echo ". . . reconfiguring . . ."
+ echo
DATE=`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S"`
echo Saving old file as $BACKUP
cp $config_file containers/$BACKUP
+ echo "Stopping existing container in 5 seconds or Control-C to cancel."
+ sleep 5
+ ./launcher stop app
+ check_ports # don't need to check ports if Discourse was already installed
cp $template_path $config_file
## if we reach this point without exiting, OK to proceed
## rebuild won't fail if there's nothing to rebuild and does the restart
+echo "Updates successful. Rebuilding in 5 seconds."
sleep 5 # Just a chance to ^C in case they were too fast on the draw
time ./launcher rebuild $app_name