// TODO: fix DB calls to be more the CiviCRM way
- # Disable on IPv6
- if ( strpos(":", $ip) !== false ){
- return TRUE;
- }
- $ip = ip2long($ip);
$blacklist = array();
$dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('SELECT * FROM `trustcommerce_blacklist`');
while($dao->fetch()) {
- if($ip >= $dao->start && $ip <= $dao->end) {
- error_log('[client '.long2ip($ip).'] [agent '.$agent.'] Blacklisted by IP rule #'.$dao->id);
+ if($ip == $dao->ip) {
+ error_log('[client '.$ip.'] [agent '.$agent.'] Blacklisted by IP rule #'.$dao->id);
return TRUE;
switch($reply['status']) {
case self::AUTH_BLACKLIST:
- return self::error(9001, "Your transaction was declined for address verification reasons. If your address was correct please contact us at donate@fsf.org before attempting to retry your transaction.");
+ return self::error(9009, "Your transaction was declined. Please check the correctness of your credit card information, including CC number, expiration date and CVV code. ");
case self::AUTH_APPROVED: