$ mkdir --mode=2750 user_dev
-This concludes the initial configuration of the MediaGoblin
-environment. In the future, when you update your
-codebase, you should also run::
- sudo su mediagoblin --shell=/bin/bash
- $ cd /srv/mediagoblin.example.org
- $ git submodule update && ./bin/python setup.py develop --upgrade && ./bin/gmg dbupdate
-.. note::
- Note: If you are running an active site, depending on your server
- configuration, you may need to stop it first or the dbupdate command
- may hang (and it's certainly a good idea to restart it after the
- update)
+This concludes the initial configuration of the MediaGoblin
+environment. In the future, you can upgrade MediaGoblin according to
+the ":doc:`upgrading`" documentation.
Configure Mediagoblin
If you're upgrading from a previous release, please read it
carefully, or at least skim over it.
-.. note::
- ALWAYS do backups before upgrading, especially before
- running migrations! That way if something goes wrong, we can fix
- things!
- And be sure to shut down your current MediaGoblin/Celery processes
- before upgrading!
0.11.0 (work in progress)
FastCGI support has now been deprecated and removed from the documentation as
our dependency `flup` does not support Python 3.
-**Upgrade (already on Python 3):**
-0. Update to the latest release. In your ``mediagoblin`` directory, run:
- ``git fetch && git checkout -q v0.10.0``
-1. Remove your existing installation:
- ``rm -rf bin include lib lib64 node_modules``
-2. Upgrade MediaGoblin:
- ``./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make``
-3. Update the database:
- ``./bin/gmg dbupdate``
-4. Restart MediaGoblin
-**Upgrade (upgrading to Python 3):**
-0. Refer to the "Dependences" and "Configure PostgreSQL" sections of
- ":doc:`deploying`" to install the necessary Python 3 dependencies.
-1. Update to the latest release. In your ``mediagoblin`` directory, run:
- ``git fetch && git checkout -q v0.10.0``
-2. Remove your existing installation:
- ``rm -rf bin include lib lib64 node_modules``
-3. Upgrade MediaGoblin:
- ``./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make``
-4. Update the database:
- ``./bin/gmg dbupdate``
-5. Restart MediaGoblin
-**Upgrade (remaining on Python 2 - not recommended):**
-0. Update to the latest release. In your ``mediagoblin`` directory, run:
- ``git fetch && git checkout -q v0.10.0``
-1. Remove your existing installation:
- ``rm -rf bin include lib lib64 node_modules``
-2. Upgrade MediaGoblin:
- ``./bootstrap.sh && ./configure --without-python3 && make``
-3. Update the database:
- ``./bin/gmg dbupdate``
-4. Restart MediaGoblin
-For detailed instructions on installing MediaGoblin, see ":doc:`deploying`". If
-you have any problems, please drop in to the `#mediagoblin IRC chat
+For detailed instructions on installing or upgrading, see ":doc:`deploying`" and
+If you have any problems, please drop in to the `#mediagoblin IRC chat
<https://webchat.freenode.net/#mediagoblin>`_, report an issue on our `issue
tracker <https://issues.mediagoblin.org/>`_ or drop us an email to
`mediagoblin-devel@gnu.org <mailto:mediagoblin-devel@gnu.org>`_.